f r PAGE EIGHT THE WAYNESVTLLE MOUNTAINEER Farm and Orazing Lasidl -at s aCsLas Farm ESEHKJ hainpe THUR&, august i a TWO O'CLOCK 6 Miles East of Canton - Just off Asheville Road IBM This farm has liicn sul) ickd v.in m.ill tracts and will be sold to the highest bidder. One of the best Mock farms in Western North Carolina. Five-room rock limine, tenant house, one new barn and other outbuilding-. Iv.lf. siding available for industrial de velopment. Also Kood lake.-ites. A mica m me. acres permanent kt;is. E;uh tract contains some ood larniinu laud and permanent tfrass. This farm is estimated lo have two million feet of hardwood timber. Several approaches to farm and every tract. Part of this farm is located in llawood County. EASY TERMS BAND CONCERT CAROLItfl LAND AUCTIOM Co. sei.unc a;i;nts - - - hickory, n. c. If you have farm land to sell, write lis; ('. I,. Shai'pe, .Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seaman, owners Cataloochee (Continued from page 1) in our county, but throughout : North Carolina as one of the out standing business men and financ iers of this state. 1 refer to him parliculurly because I am perhaps 'more familiar with his achieve . incuts than other individual who ' once lived here," said Mr. Redden. ()n occasions too numerous to 'mention, the south of this valley haw ex'.ibiled not only their abili ' Id iiici I a coinieUtiw world but a tpe ol heroism and patriotism for whic li people everywhere are proud Your sdh- and daughters have lought on every sea and in ever.v land. They have plaved their part well. They have defended democracy anil Ireedom for Ameri ca wherever it was attacked. We proudlv pay tribute to their cour age and patriotism. Our efforts must he toward building a better America lor them in which to live," he continued. "We all know why the natives of ibis valley moved away and were toned to establish their homes elsewhere. Ill da.v s gone by people of this region, far-sighted, civie inincled people, hail great dreams about these hills and valleys. Thc i -ii . 1 1 1 I a great national park spreading over more than 500.000 acres and embracing some of the liue.-l siencrv to he found any- v here in America. They saw high ways winding through valleys and around the mountainsides, perniil ling access to the rugged yet heau liiiil areas. They saw lakes filled vi illi native fish and people from every w Here coming lo enjoy tins he, aily and grandeur and this spoil Don't Nrplrct Tlu-ml Nature (Icnincil the kidneys to do a niiirvi loij jt. Their task is to keep the (lowing Mood stream free of an excess of toxie impurilits. The act if living life it, ft is constantly prndueinK waste iiKii h r l lie kidneys must remove from the hlnud if yood heath ia to endure. W hi ii the kidneys fail lo function an Nature intended, there IB retention of waste that may cauno body-wide dis tress. One may suffer n:it!K"K hadkarhe. pt rstst ent heaiiaehe, attacks of dizziness, Ket 1 1 iijj up nights, swelling. putlincHH under the eyes feel tired, nervous, all WO. II OUt . K reipjcnt , scanty or burning passagf'S are Hontedmes further evidence uf kill Dry or bladder dist urhance. The recognized and proper treatment is a ditirel ic ineiJiciiie I. help the kidneys I rid id excess poisonous body waste. I Se Putin' I'Uls. They have had more than forty years of public approval. Art endorsed the country over. Insist on Ihuin'n. Sold at, all drug stores. AuraaS Farmer's Feciera tion ICNIC Maog m T School a. mro. to 4 p, aynesville Free Watermelon and Lemonade PUBLIC INVITED Lunch Counter Sponsored By EAST W AYNESVILLE P. T. A. If you don't plan to bring a picnic lunch basket . . . patronize . the P. T. A. Lunch Counter. of the angler. They saw cabins occupied by thousands of people during the summer months up and down these valleys and around these lakes, tourists from every where pouring millions of dollars into the pockets of our population They were dreamers, of course, but upon that dream the Congress of the United States and the Legis lature of the State of North Caro lina have enacted laws, millions of dollars have been appropriated, a good beginning has been made. We. the people of this generation, must make those dreams come true. The values will not alone he appealing to the esthetic side of life hut our economy will be improved and stabilized," commented the speak er. ' I hope to come back to Cata loochee Valley one day when those dreams have become realities. It u,ii ie m.-o'nilieeiit it will be i glorious. Then we can have a re j union in celebration of the dreams ! that came true ", said Mr. Kedden ' in closing. Read the Classified .W i tiscmenls ifCH.olJ of ' m m .JL OA.' --'VUT 00 FAT? Get SLIMMER Smiths Cut Rate Drug Store Jiis vitamin candy way IflVe a more BlnHrr irrar.fiil fij. lire No eirrnn Ko la.-itii.: Nortrngs. W nh th simplr- AVI )S Vitamin Candy Reducing Plan you don't cut out any meals, starches, potatoes, meats or butter, you simply cut them don It s easier when you enjoy delicious (vitamin fortilied) A YDS cinriy In-fore meals Absolutely ha r ml .is. wtia wtUi A YDS ViUnlo I 510-day supply of AVDS only R 2S If not rlfflghted with rssuiu, MONEY BACK on nrj first twi. f bona Smith's Cut-Rate Drue Store i vAORM ANTISEPTIC EPTICN 35 DINE AT THE CHICKEN SHAd STEAKS CHICKEN Beer Servi ! ( i: CHICKEN SHA( ueiiwood Road I do PAINTING Inside and Outside Roof Cleaning and Painting Paint Furnished Where Necessary CHARLES E. WATSON Waynesville Rt. 1 Hox 1U Phone 179-J You Will Find Quality Equipment and Quality at North Carolina Equipment RALICIGII, N. C. 3101 llillsboro St. Phone 8836 CHARLOTTE 2 Miles South Rt. 21 Phone 4-4U61 A MU J Construction, Industrial and Logging EquipJ STATE D1STU1UUTORS O International Crawler Tractors Industrial Wheel Type Tractors Industrial and Marine Engines Hucyr us-Erie Hulldozers-Scrapers ( arco I.onKinjj Winches Disston Chain Saws Lowther C-Saws Sawmills, Edjjfer.s, Etc. Kuhler Iif;ht Plants Elgin Sweepers Refuse-Getters Cedar U;ipid :mrl I ....VI . I II 111 1 Euclid Hauling Equ V iMirihucM siuivfk. Jaeyer ( nnMrudiun E(uiiiueiU O Calion Dunip Ihxlies O (iiliuu (iriidtTv-Kiii Four Wheel Drive Trj Q Ktnvre DNriliutors We also handle many other lines of popular eqJ as well as a complete stock of parts andsuJ We Have Both The Cabinet and Radiant Warm Morningi In Stock Now! BUY NOW AND AVOID THE RUSH THIS F A $5.00 Deposit Will Hold One For You RADIANT MODEL $62.55 Cash Price TERMS IE DESISKED! 1 M A t ...The NAMtijL JlODIffiiniDillG L STEEL . STEEL y-. MtFI'" CABINET MODEL $107.95 LINERS CSLINERS ifiif f're Jin U S RlC KT J Amazing,Patented,lnterii CONSTRUCTION vm the penuine...5F Pat. No. 225S527 Nam Registered in U.S. Can. Par, Oft. Rp sure VOU cvt tl W-A-R-M M 'V; r V!i you select a coa wtll MORNING is me ; H ented, interior "'". 1 I ... I hr.ll Ittv J which Dnns au.i. -, uti .i ... .. .u-. nl lir.mr ot ts tne nation, ii i u"; . j i 'r thiiusanus nunareu i'i kind io OPA CASH PRICE Terms If Desired! a ..n,i;n(T fuel saving wona. yssure p mr You'll Like These Features! . Semi-.i"0ffla!''nd of ' feed .Holds 100 lbs. coal .Burns (anthracite, bituminous or Ignite). - cbut0o NO CLINKERS You nerd yr t vear Reauires less attention tnai Heats all day and night u'l'hen home is WARM every MR , cotiH reeardless of the weather 1 atcn principles and materials used tiofJ A A combustion witn tar sup"" sustained heat. Remember the Genuine Warm Mornings Are Sold in Waynesv BY Massie Forinitare Q MA PHONE 33 na'3 T TT;'"w'