Standard PRINTING CO SJ20-230 S First S LOUISVILLE Kv The Waynesville Mountaineer Published Twice-a-Week In The County Seat Of Haywood County At The Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park 49,500 People Live within 20 miles of Waynesville their ideal shopping center. No. 67 16 Pages WAYNESVILLE. N. ( '., FRIDAY, Al Cl'ST 16, 1916 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties blished Week fuesday i n L CU UnflDUIltliiJiiuv iu i JMif Hflarnnnti hSchoolFieldAl2 Johnson, I Hound ! Proiclcnt, j Heads State Fox Hunters ,: ,,or I JMp- . ,,, ,, i, anient i . 'St ,,,,,, l',r, Hunters ; - f4 !-, ,., i, i i i Hie t A y, f L,' H;.U-mh . I u Ml'. X lM, llir (logsj ; in i'' ii'1"'111" ! XPf ffl i.' ,,,, 1 morning, r HI cn- l!ic 10 rlavscs 1,1 I ni. .inniiunc- ! 3 , m recent lyi. j r. ill Sl.ilcsvillc. j and rosettes he juai (led the i i MH',1 In he legist- i r!iiic le in "'(' ' ;;,i,m j i'mir neighboring North Carolina ! in i!,ice entries ,, In fhiisi'S fill' k m r ie.1 in i Mrs. Geo Semmes, kinder one year of , lierby male under Klirirrl I hUrSClflV w - A CHARLES M. JOHNSON, Treas urer of the State of North Carolina and President of the N. C. Fox Hunters association will take part in the Droeram of the Haywood County Hound Bench show which will hegin at 2:00 p. m. Saturday at the High School field. I Death Claims rby female under I i aue male, liest , Best pair. Best j nesi iiiiunu hi IiuuikI in Hay- erkins, t Stops Might ins. well known work is .syndicated Waynesville dur- ho was a guest at pise, and caused amonc Hie guests. Anne I'aslowi was N stunned h,,,. She took lime 'nod from Hewitt owner of the Wav- st her column be- 1IAMMKTT WERE MY NIGHT. H. 0. Ilainiiielt SWsts of Mr ;imi Russ on Monday IT. Hanmw.n i' was TtP First liaiiiisl ' is now pastor of ls' Church, Dur motls rl,,,- ... f,, ,u, urn (u 'wham yesterday iiiugccrcst. Jrke t prt Fi Pnaltrv DOIlltr,. ... .,-,,, remained Farmers r.k w ".ssudiiKe, P.m? as f,ows. "', "wts, 28c-30c neay hens 20c ' the mark(,t a)so 'W suppliPS of "nne. Mrs. , K.McWgr'ade 'P's averaging ftn.,4 - ral1 kinds of cook- FOR ' u?. J bU' f . ""Pment. linnn" 13 Pnce K. ;r "mbos $3.00. r - varimio ...... m; " vane "numum, $2.50- Hble. i 1 Strn j hit ZT 'he ran J T " Graveside rites were conducted at the family plot in Green Hill cemetery here at 4:30 Thursday afternoon for Mrs. George Scmmes, wife of Col. Scmmes, of Jackson ville, Fla. who died at 8:25 Tues day night at her home after a long illness. Rev. Robt. G. Tatum, rec tor of Grace Episcopal Church, was in charge of the burial rites. Funeral services were conducted at the residence in Jacksonville on Wednesday afternoon after which the body was brought to Waynes ville. Mrs. Scmmes was before her marriage, on October, 10.1925, Miss Ann Ray, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Clyde H. Ray. Jr. and had many friends in this section. She was educated in the local schools at St. Mary's College, Raleigh. Col. and Mrs. Semmes had re turned only a few weeks ago from San Francisco, where the former, a veteran of both World War 1 and II, had been attached to the En gineering corps and had been sta tioned for three years at Fort Mason, Calif. She is survived by her husband, two sons. Jack and Gene Howell, of Jacksonville; five sisters, Mrs. Robt. II. Breecc, of Waynesville, Mrs. William Clark, of Jackson ville, Mrs. Felix E. Alley, Jr., of Alexander, Va. and Miss Mary Ray of Waynesville; five brothers, Clarence Ray, of. Baltimore. Md., Frank B. Ray, of Miami, Clyde H. Ray, and John H. Ray, both of Waynesville; two nephews and one niece. Pallbeares were: Jonathan' H. Woody, James R. Thomas, Charles 'ee, of ShTevcport, La'., Hurst Burgin, Lt. Col. Harry Crawford, I Robt. V. Welch, Sam Bushncll, and i Ralph Prevost. I Garrett funeral home was in j charge of the local arrangements. Farmers Federation To Have Picnic Saturday Variety of Entertainers On Program At East Waynesville School Grounds A variety of entertainment is planned for the annual Farmers Federation picnic which will be held from 10 a. m. until 4 p. m. Saturday at the East Waynesville school grounds. String hands, acrobats, ventriloquists, singers, animal imitations and much all round fun will be provided. Free watermelon and lemonade will be furnished to accompany the basket lunches. The F. T. A. also will have a lunch stand on the grounds for those who prefer not to bring their own. J. H. K. McClure, president of the local Federation, will serve as master of ceremonies during the program of entertainment. Two string bands will play for the group, the Federation band and Rusty Waldrop's band from Macon Coun ty. Neal Anne Allen of Canton will perforin some acrobatic stunts, and Alex Houston, ventriloquist, and the Drake sisters from Henderson ville, well known singers who have performed in Hollywood, will con tribute to the program. Two young people will present an act in which they arc dressed as chickens. Yates Bailey will imi tate several animal calls. Several other local entertainers have been invited to participate. The general public is cordially invited. Legion Leaders Prepare to Recruit Members J j No Paving For Highway To Brevard Seen Soon, Says Highway Chiarman Lr4 County Schedules For Immunization Are Announced Immunizations of communicable disease's' are gi've'n'on Friday after noon and Saturday morning In the health department, according to Dr. Mary Michal, assistant health director of the district, who ex plained that on the other days the personnel of the department is out on routine field work. The announcement is made at this time due to the large number of persons throughout the county who visit the department on other days than those designated and do not get the service they had hoped. Dr. Michal further points out that if there are any children who will attend school for the first time this fall, who have not been given the required immunizations by the laws of the state, that the parents bring them in at once so that they will be eligible to enter. Traffic Violations Decline Here; Police Arrest 6 During Week Local police report that they arc not finding it necessary to give as many tickets for traffic viola tions now as they were earlier this summer, due principally to the fact that motorists know that viola tions of all kinds are drawing fines and that the regulations arc being strictly enforced. Arrests during the past week totaled six. One person, charged with larceny after taking some tools from another workman, settled the case out of court. Another charged with assault that occurred at a public dance has yet to be tried. Four arrests for public drunken ness were tried in Mayor's court, and all persons were released upon payment of fine and court costs. At their ineetiiu: last Friday night the American Legion and Auixiliary initiated their 1947 membership drive alter an address liy L. I.. Froneberger, of Aslieville, IHth District commander. Pictured above are the drive leaders anil isitors at the meeting. Sealed, left to right, are Mrs .1. ('. Brown, Mr. Froneberger, Mrs. Hurst Itiugm, and 1'nsl Ccimniandcr D F. Whitman. Staiidine., lei I to light, are Fred Campbell, Hub Tate, Sebe Hrysini, Hal Crawford, Mrs. Bob (iihsnn, Mrs Hal Crawlnril, l.ush Hall, district vice commander from Canton, and Hernard Grant, a visitor from Miami Beach, Fla. i Photo by Sky land Studio). Commissioners Name Farm And Home Agents, Auditor Spare Stamp No. 49 For Sugar Expires August 31 Spare stamp No. It), Rood lor five pounds of Miuar, expires on A us list 31st, aceordnif! to the State OPA office In Kalcich. Sparc stamp No. 9 and No. 10 are each good for live pounds of sugar lor canning. These stamps expire October 3st. We are sorry, but the news bulletin from It.ileich did not say WIIFlti; the sugar could be obtained. Fire Hums Part Of Legion Home Koof A small pait ol the root covering the American laeion Home on Depot .street u.e. Inn lied m a file Monday aflcrni that was caused by papers burning in a fireplace go ing through the chimney and sid ling the wooden shingles alne. Local liieinen quickly put the fire out when called shortly Inline .r p. m , and damage was estimated to have been not mine than $100, AH Present Incumbents Reappointed For Another Term i . . ' Wayne Corpenitig, county farm agent was reappointed county farm agent for another year by the county board of commissioners at a recent meeting, acerirding to George A Brown, chairman of the board. Mr. Cdipeiilng who was dis charged from the army after four years service' with the rank ol colonel resinned Ins former pnsi lion as county I arm agent in April of this year. Mr. Corpening came to Haywood county soon after his graduation lioni Stale College ill I9M0 as as sistant county farm agent, and was later made county agent. Miss Mary Margaret Smith, county home demonstration agent was reappointed to serve aunt her year. Miss Smith has served the county for the past ten years. Iiav ing organized the work among 1 1 1 more than 500 club women of the county. Charles Motcalf, county auditor, has been renamed for a two year term by the county commissioners W. I). Robinson of Catawba eoun ( Continued on Page Two) Haywood Baptist To Hold Slst Annual Association On Next Tuesday, Wednesday Highway Crews Smoothing Up Rough Unpaved Roads Highway crews have been work ing on the detour through the Iron Duff section tp Dellwood. Scrapes and other pieces of road machinery have gone over the road and put it in better condition, according to J. C. Walker, district engineer. Mr. Walker also told the Cham ber of Commerce, that crews would soon be put to work on the 7-mile section of unpaved road on High way 276 to Brevard. Rollers and scrapes will level off the rough Places, and present plans are to treat the road for dust. The Chamber of Commerce and other groups here; recently wrote the State Highway and Public Works Commission regarding the road to Brevard, and have been given the assurance that something wil lbe done. Haynes Family Reunion Will Be Held Tomorrow The annual Haynes Family re union will gather at the home of J. H. Haynes near Clyde on Saturday, Aug. 17. The Rev. Richard A. Kelly is announced as principal speaker. All Haynes and friends have a cordial invitation to attend. There will be a short program consisting of a devotional, words of welcome, group singing, solos, duets and quartet numbers. Those who come will bring a basket dinner. The annual meet ing ol the Hay wood Baptist Association will be held at the Barbersville, Clyde and Dutch Cove Baptist churches on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. All phases of activities will bo discussed by a variety of speakers. including I. G. Greer, superintend ent of Mills Home and L L. Car penter, editor of the Biblical Re corder, and leaders in the county association. C. H Green is mod erator and Mrs. Sam Knight is clerk during the meetings. Tuesday morning the service will begin at the Barbersville church at 10 o'clock. Morning worship will be conducted by George Ingle, after which there will be four re ports of missions. 1. A. Rhinehart will discuss state missions, Bolden Hartgrove. home: Mrs. W. T. Craw ford, foreign missions: and Rev. A. E. Peake the cooperative pro gram. Rev. R. A. Kelly will de liver the annual sermon, after which will come the lunch hour. At 1:30 p m. the association will convene again, opening with the worship service conducted by Rev. Jarvis Underwood. Rev. T. H. Par ris will give the report of the executive committee, Mrs. E. C. (Continued on Page Two) Baptist Speaker $ ' ' 'i ! rv Last Call For Entries in County Beauty Contest All Haywood county girls from Hi through 22 years of age. married as well as single, are eligible to compete for the selection of Prettiest ftirl in Haywood county to be judged during a contest which will be held Saturday before Labor Day in Champion Park at ( anion More than $1110 worth of will be given to the 10 gil ls whom the judges will de cide the prettiest. There are only few more days let! to enter. Accord ing to Robert Matthews, chair man ol the committee in ehaige ol the contest, either shapshols or portraits of en tiles should be mailed before the deadline of Tuesday. Aug 20 to The Canton Knlei pi ise, who will turn them over to the judges. Twenty-five en tries will then be called to enter the contest Aug 31. and the 10 winners will be honor ed during the Labor Day pro gram. Floats Sought For Parade In Canton's Labor Day Parade Howard Clapp. chairman of the Labor Day committee tor the Waynesville area, announced yes terday that all firms or individuals from this section interested in en tering floats in the Canton Labor Day parade should contact the Chamber ol Commerce on or bo lore Monday, the 19th. The committee are working out details for this section of the coun ty to cooperate with the Canton Stassen Is Speaker At Lake Monday PM Congressman From Arkansas Scheduled To Sjieak Sunday At Luke Junaluska Former Governor Harold K. Stassen oi Minnesota is scheduled to speak I rom I lie Lake Junaluska assembly platform at 3 p. in Mon day afternoon, anil on Sunday the pulpit will be tilled by Congress man Brooks Hays I rom Arkansas, an active worker in the Baptist church. Mr. Stassen, a nationally known churchman and considered for sev eral years as presidential timber by the Republicans was on active duty as Naval commander during the recent conflict, lie will share the Monday program with Bishop Paul B. Kern of Nashville as the highlight of next week's Junaluska schedule. The Bible Conference Week yvill open Sunday night with the Rev. Dr. Harris Franklin Rail, author and professor of theology at Gar rett Theological institute, Kvnnston, 111,, delivering the opening sermon. He is programmed to address the group each evening through Friday, and Bishop Kern will be the morn ing speaker. Dr. Andrew Blackwood, profes sor of honiilelics at Princeton uni versity, began a series of four ad dresses Wednesday morning of this week, citing the importance of local pastors mid pointing out the need for a religious revival in the present time. Farm Groups To Inspect Farm Here A large group of Swain County tanners are due to inspect the State Test 1 ai in here Monday. The farmers ale scheduled to cat lunch at the Fish Hatchery, and start their lour of the farm at one o'clock On Tuesday a group of Waynes ville veterans, inleiested iu farm management, are scheduled to make a lour ol I he larm. Two Librarians Visit Haywood County Library this Week Two 1 1 i t ;i r i ,ii is visiled the eon lily library here (lining the week and observed the wink and the reading club being dneeled by Miss Mar garet Johnston, county librarian. They were Mrs. Bruce lleffer, of the Gaston County Library; and Mrs Lois Green, of the Alabama Public Servile Library division with hcadqiiai lei s in Birmingham. New F. & W. (iroccry Opens In Hazel wood The F. and . Grocery an-j nounces its lormal opening today on the highway in llaclwood. The j store is in a new rock building j next to Cade's Service Station. j Sam and Calvin I'rady and Lloyd i West, all veteians, are joint nwn , ers of the new business. They an nounce a complete line of grocer ies, feeds, dry goods, and plan to in stall a meal market at an early i date All sales will be made on a 1 money-back guarantee. Seven-Mile Stretch Of Road Up Pigeon Not In Immediate Road Projects Present indications are that the 7-mile unpaved section of Highway No. 276 to Brevard will remain un paved for sometime, according to a letter to this newspaper from A. II. Graham, chairman of the State Highway and Public Works Commission. Mr. Graham's letter was in answer to a question on the subject by the editor. Mr. Graham said: "We do not have in our immediate program the surface treating of the section of road between Brevard and Waynesville, but of course, realize the importance of this road and will reach same as soon as im proved economic conditions will permit." The commission has agreed to put the section of road in as good condition as possible for the Slate Press motorcade which will come from Brevard to Waynesville on September 13lh. The 7-mile section is the only remaining unpaved section be tween here and Brevard, a distance of 39 miles. The two towns and counties worked for years to get the road constructed, and the pav ing on this side has been "a prom ise" since about 1935. During the WPA era, crushed stone was placed on the road, and the curves widened, but no paving or surface treating has been done. As far as is known, Brevard and Waynesville arc the only coun ty seats in the state that are not connected by a paved highway. Civic leaders discussing the mat ter here this week pointed out that the "excuse" of lack of manpower or machinery to do the job was not a consistent reason, since many new projects have been started since 1935- in fact .some started right in this vicinity .since Janu ary, J94G. Haywood REA Announces Yearly Meeting August 31 L. L. CARPENTER, editor of the Biblical Recorder, religious maga zine published at Raleigh, will de liver an address Tuesday evening at the Clyde Baptist church during the annual meeting of the Hay wood Baptist association. The pro gram will begin at 7:30 p. m. The seventh annual meeting of ! the Haywood County Membership Electric corporation will be held Saturday, Aug. 31, at the Court House here. J R. Sheffield, manager of the co-operative, urges all members to attend the meeting, and an nounces that a variety of prizes (Will be given away by drawing that have been donated by Waynesville merchants. Lamps, electric irons, ladies hose, and many other at tractive items all will be given away. Since its first organization in 1939, the REA organization serving Haywood has been steadily grow ing until now lines extend into Buncombe and Transylvania coun ties and more than 1,600 homes Rites For Canton Man Injured in Car Wreck Held Today Funeral services will be held at 3:30 p. in. today for Mease P. Best. 3ti. at the Beavcrdain Baptist church. The Rev Liu ins Royei -. and Rev. Gvnrge Culhrelli will of ficiate, and the ('anion American Legion post will be in charge of the burial riles. Mr. Mease was a brick ma, on em ployed with the Champion Fibre company, lie and three other men were injured late Sunday night when the automobile, iu which they were riding struck Hie comer of a concrete bridge on the Beaver dam road about five mile, north east of ''anion, overturning several times. Mr. Best suffered a broken neck in the accident and was taken to the Haywood Comity hospital, where he died Tuesday morning. Jams Carver, another occupant of the car, received a Iraelured no :;p and head injuries, and wa . taken to the Aston Park hospital in Aslie ville for treatment, .die We ;t driver of the ear, also sustained a fracture of the nose and head lac erations, but was dismissed after first aid treatment at the paper company aid station. The fourth occupant, Bobby Norn -lis. escaped with minor injuries. Following his death, K. body of Mr. Best was taken to Ihe home of his mother, Mrs. Arcic Allen Best, where it will remain until the funeral. Survivors, other than hii mother, are three brothers: Fred and Carl Best of Canton, and Dwight Best of Cashmere. Wash.; and five sisters. Mrs. W. M Craig. Mrs. Guy Moore, Mrs. .lack Robin son, Miss Majorie Best, all of Can ton; and Mrs. T. C. Piessley. a resident of hte state of Washington. are connected to electricity. A new 30-mile line is currently be ing constructed in Jackson coun ty, and preliminary surveys have been completed to extend into Macon county at a later date. The annual meeting of members, held the last Saturday in August, is held to submit reports of the past year's activities, to elect a board of 11 directors to serve for a year, and to transact any other business. "We hope that as many members as possible will attend the meeting," states Mr. Sheffield. Currently serving on the board of directors are Carter Osborne of Clyde, president of the hoard will preside at the 1946 meeting,! L. N. Davis of Waynesville, re- j Continued on Page Four) Weather Report (Furnished The Mountaineer by the U. S. Weather Bureau': Thursday, August 15 Mostly cloudy; possibility of light rains iii the mountains; not much change in temperature. Friday, Aug. Hi Partly cloudy and somewhat warmer (Official Waynesville temperature as recorded by the staff of the State Test Farm: Date Max. Min. Rainfall Aug. 12 75 53 13 70 47 .14 76 58 I

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