PAGE THREE (Seeond SeetionT " THE WAYSWLLE MOUNTAINEER Well As BVork glli JlIUO'11 L 3a Haywood or W'"-' Detroit Study Hints New Car Much Nearer iinr it i li lt ,k-ii in the w n hi .- M lerms of liwl new r; ,,mc surface conditions would mil In terit l labor i-'-i.i' i'ii. It niiiy iwaii a new ami ro;iMn.ibh harmonious era. Vou rani put oiir tumor mi it ;1 mailer of fait there is Mill m.iiio iliscuuraeinn and threati-ntn.; talk from both sides of llu' lahor inanam'ment ience Uul ilimn un derneath one finds much of thr -olid substance of normal relations and normal production Tlii' change lias ronii' about in 1 1... o.-isi iVw weeks. Not mi Ion.' lillSl I'V. po-.ll l I ' it V No ii re i.M)-' ! aijo close observers in ii' wrir ; : ,-mintinS Hit' 'lays un,il Uu' - inti'd j i i!to Workers woulii make need j t i i. i r promise to pull v. orki-rs oft' I ,,bs on strikes aitain miles-, the ( (ist of livinu stopped hooniini; llii' key spot prunia.i. ihrvsli r. wlii'i'i' tin' contract allows , , niii'iinr: ol tin- wane clause on oil das nolico. Till' C'lir. sli-r situal ion hasn't i cached its cri-is vet. hut under- i ....-..ins i' iilciil now Point to nolli- i inn more than a period ol l.ible tliunipini; and inabo snnir nam' I Those an- onl;. trends An t hm . happon in this d namir eon - niiinilN and this iiiiprodiiialde m- liut tin' ti'i'iul is in a dil'i'i ! ion Wlia' changed ono M'l'ins lo know lor It looks lo some, how i' or. as if lahor loaders who Ion-: Haw known that while theoretically tins is a ood tinii' to strike, with peak product ion approai hini!. il uiuld he a hifl risk to try lor anothi r pay inereasr, have convinced other unionists and a Hood seetion ol J lie rank and fill' that the li;:ht should hi' t ui i it'll . not on more pa . hut onl eilllins living costs. Melinw Idle, the reneral pi li e sit uat ion is so uncertain that ear makers don't know' how mueh to rhaiuo in order lo make a profit mi each ear. Theie are serious parts shorla.!.'os; with each maker ha niK difierenl problems. 1 he eltert is to kri'P I1 oilucl ion far 1 rum original srhediiles. Hut still ears are boinn made, and oni' plant, foul, says il has reached il expects to he lis peak, of 3.1)0(1 to 1.1)11(1 ears and trucks a day. for a w hile. (Icnoral Motors and I'hrs slci a'e doillH well, as are most niile I ei dents, ini ludin-i Packard. Na .li. and Studohaker and es)eeiall' Hud son. The new Kaiscr-l-'raer plant a( Willow Kim is making ahout 2(1 ears a day. not mueh by normal standards, hut a token of what may : he expected. Thomas Wolfe's "Angel" Screen Script Written 1:( )i.!.YVt)i 1) - As far as thr i-iiii.l 'oi's tiiii;nii of Thomas j Writes look Homeward. Angel 'leii'ni st., it tomorrow It's done to the h.-t, detail. Arthur lliple . ilmih responsible lor the ailapta !:oii Mas i:iesered the l)eaul and ;m- oil. i-it of the nuM'l Wher : i e; pe-M'ile. he has ri'tanieil W ol le s i iv. 11 Wiinls. To ill the screen medium. I lit' - Ii.! has b.-eii changed somewhat llipltw ten me his fhief concern is P' .el the author's "message and ,iliilo.-oi)h " over in Hie picluri' t ' 1 1 . 1 1 n concessions "hail to he . made." " The iihn opens with the! death of Ben. and the story is told , ihroii'di the Hash-hack " technique isiiowing Hie steadv growth ol ai j ii.n ailer from childhood is nnpos ! sihle on the tici'ii; so the picture i will dial cluctly with Kugciie s . leen-aue cars. with an emphasis ; on his college lilt'. The role of the I philosophy )i olessor. irgil Wele Jdou. has been built up. The girl, j I. aura, returns briclly to Kugene in 'the end The hooks famous lyrics j are to be lead as off-slagi' lines A I tew in i in if ehai alters lia e been created hiplc, who spent several weeks j aiouml Chapel 1 1 ill and Ashcvillc iliimmg backgrounds for the pic ture iiui he as-ociati'd with David tselnick in making I he film. C'cr necoi ial ions bet iieeii the two i men and Kudulph Milliter, who ow lis I ae 1 1 1 1 it rights with Kipliw . ; hae bei a going on Sclnick. who 1 u j i ii 'i 1 out such classics as "(mne I With the ind ' and "l)aid ATHENS GIs MEAN BUSINESS ... 1 1 ,...ll Jiu ' " I" . I ; C' s ' Aft- JJf - s v. 1 iWfcMIN X s VKWl'T -W I s. .- i . SOT-- v:ivKvSv.v.. - .' .M S. ' s tilt s' sar m s si.-' i ii HiiIWHwi, ' ' ' - - ,.i - daHMdKi ''-' . " u " , I, a s 31 The ) raseis;i'i- t'ackartl litis The Scenic i i from a This Section led to stop at a road block lean ng m. ' ; juMinu County The CIs had eroded the obst. a.c.m Ka, int , r t ......ifhoro, of pol.lically ousted Sher.1T MansUcld. Hi.t.nuiti. Hand-Made Auto Makes 214 MPH Waistline These Days On Parkway Tours Bus .I'm i. a I.ook lloniewaid ln UIUU1 nol' Roll-Top I ngel is liel inileh on his proline- ' t ion schedule. Hut he has se I jollier pictures already prepared j So 1 1 1 1 11 come first. I Lillian dish has been the actress t most prominent ly nienlioni'd for t lie part ol Kll.a, the mot her 1 1 1 1' 1 1 r 1- onda. ( iregorv Peck. Joseph I Cotton, and Hubert Cunuiungs are among the male stars who've read I the sciipl with the view of plaxing laig. n. Since Cotlen. Peck, and .leinnier .bines are all under con tract to Seluick. it's may guess thai il the deal w ith Kiploy got s through. I'eck will get the Kugene role: Cotlen the part of Ben: and Jones will play Laura. Colten was a friend of Wolfe's in New York. Moths Destructive One female moth and her family can destroy, in a single year, as much wool as it would .take one doz en sheep to produce. -houhl remain so. o, oiler better i.pporlunitios for work, uui'in the 1 iiiiediato future. wine and Dance - - - At The - - - etty Jean Club r " M,:. inn on Highway 10-23 (" "' -t ' -null 5:00 P. M. - 2:00 A. M. - - 9 WKSTFJIN STKAKS SKA FOODS Q CHICK FN CHOPS AT u I. I 'MI'S - - . EXCEPT SL'N'OAY F:( TI U Tn SI'FCIAL TART1FS "! 1 ' Tax Cliai-Rc Between 5 anil 8 Disabled Veterans Asked to Organize In Haywood All men interested in oiRaniing a llavwooi! county chapter of Dis abled American Veterans are re tpiested to contact William llein,'. lioiile a liesv ille. Mr Hem, a veteran of World : War I . totally disabled then, has been active ill D.W tirganizat ions t, hew here, and is intere.Jed ill gel It nig one set u() here. There is a jihaptrr in Asheville. be stales, but I tmiit' located tart her west in tins stale ll i el. rans w ith us much as in ; per ceal disability are eligible to ii n ii the organisation, wlileli was lormed on a national scale after the la I w ai and has been active ill Si cilian': their country during war I line Mr. Hem asks that men eligible to join write linn so that at an ap ujropiiale time a representative from slate headquarli'i s may come here fo issue a charter. WiUi 20 or more members. Haywood county would be authorized a chapter. l.AKAMIi:. Wvo. William t 1-;-ieh and Carl Pardee, two Hilt -hrothi I s who "dreanied up" and c oust r u c 1 e d I Hl-horsepowcr ol shilling .iluminuiii. band-inaile au tomobile, are thinking of building another one. I inl v t ne new one w ould have a turbine power plant The ciiirenl job. now oil display here, looks like a -trange contraption I ruin uu world of the future II can't leallv be classilied as a racing machine all bought il has been u uol I icially clocked at 2M h miles per hour on the llonnev ille. Itah. salt flats." I I rich explained v,.ii li.-i- be added can it be term ed an airplane, although il does lue. e "a sort of stabilizer w hich is needed lor high speeds. With its orginal Hailton 5011 hoi m power, side-bv -side. IM cviin ,er engine, it reached the 215 MP1I speed. The motor now in use i ja "luewed-iip" job, mostly hand made. With its present 140-horse- povver. which is not superi nai ceo. the ear can gel up to ' M'". ( Iver-all. Hie speedster is HP feel long, lias a H)-fool wheelbase ami carries 12-ply, 20-inch liuck-lvpe I ires The body, or skill, was Im nied ol sheet aluminum by using sand b.e's lor forming weights. The tm pedo shaped vehicle weigh- more than a HIM) pounds, gets eighl to 12 miles per gallon of gasoline on the six ev hnilei motor, and gulps a "aMoi' ! , '. I, ,ii milt's with the 2 I i ' he..; j el's W VSlllNCTON. Here on the waistline of the 7111 Ii con- j gross. I Mr. (Icorge Calver. whose job isj to keep the nation's law make awav from that second helping ol j potatoes, says the congressman ol I today is more shapely that hi predecessor. Calver says represen tatives and senators have been keeping an eve on a balanced diet as well as a balanced budget. Thirteen members of congress died in the last seven years less than past congressional rales. Cal ver says it's because they've learn ed lo take care of themselves. The congressional docliir is glad lo see congress lake a vacation. "1 will do them all a world of good." he said. "They need lo re lax ailer seven years ofc tension." Trips low B Comfortable Efficient Driver ieimj lade io Gallinburg 1IF15 HI I F Owner and l)ricr Of The lSus Phone Al'ler .'.:)0 P. M. Call 1 1 Temporary Headquarters At Chamber of Commerce Office Boiled Potatoes Eating boiled potatoes, skins nnd all, gives extra returns in food value because of the good measure of vi tamins and minerals In the skin am directly beneath it. Parties Made Up For Any Scenic Trip Connecticut Takes Alcoholism Clinics cincAcn P m has bet onii ni ss in ( oiinei Three other shoe. New .lei The cure . ol I ii i.i I SI lent .tate-. i" -ev . a in I ile hu i Ibmi'i Mahauia or Ileal 1 1 ( il u- Nation's Food Bill docs Up 13 Per Cent in July WASHINGTON, Food prices throughout the nation went up Kl per tent during the 30-day period ending .Inly 15. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports thai a 30 per cent increase j meat prices and a 2D tier cent rise in dairy products were pri marily responsible. Other living essentials besides food went ui 1'ss than one per making the average rise a . eent. the largest for any com ihle period since 1941. cent . pel-pan have earmarked luni men! ol alcoholic, a t In iiirihout the eoiiuti'v have , ,iab iished committees for etlueat ion on alcoholism. This was reported by the (.uu , ,1 nt Stale fiovel'umi !.' - v hu h said surveys showed Vail null ah o holies in the nation in addition u 25" 000 ' chronic " exce-sn e th i';' el s The Connecticut Coiniiii - ion m Aleoliolism has taken over tin Yale Plan clinics for treatment ol alcoholics and the Council desri ih ed this move as "a majo ward broader public i-pnn ellorts lo cope with I'll' fail thai one male adult out of everv 17 in the I niled Slates is an ahoholie or chronic ei es.ive drinker -Ii I rslii h Marriage l icenses i il,,,-,, hi II Kr'ui'gi'i' of Mori is ,,,,'u, to Wimlred Osborne HOW HAVE Unseed Meal 'atchFeed Purpose Mash Q Dairy Feed Oats Q Seed Rye AWKIts . . . SEE lTS AUOI T QUANTITY PKICES. Fmers Exchange Asheville Road Indiana Company Will Mine Deep River Field i! i i- inii ..Tli" Oeen H i a I Held, which has been linmiiied mine disaster in r.ij.. ap- parenlly will undergo large scale development soon. The Stale Hoard of Conservation Dev elopment sav s the Waller Bledsoe Co, of Torre Haute. one of the eountrv s largest producers, has acquired most of the field and will begin opci.i tions some time next week. Mining engineers estimate there least 46.000,00" tons ol eoai the field, which is located m Chatham, Moore and Lee counties. You get a better job and save money because: i .nice and A Ind. coal is at in Cuba Demands Seat At Peace Conference PVRIS Cuba has asked for a seat in the 21-nalion European Peace Conference on the grounds that countries which signed the United Nations pact in January 1942. cannot make separate treaties with the enemy, and that any na tion which declared war on the I Axis should be represented. Our mechanics are Factory-Trained and have years of Ford "know-how." 2. We use Ford-Approved Service Methods. 3. We use Genuine Ford Parts-they fit. right, work right, last longer. 4. We use Ford Equipment-specially designed lo service Ford cars ... at low cost. Drive in for a check-up and catch little troubles before they grow BIG I Quick service. Let Us Give You A Free Estimate L Davis-Liner there's a IN YOUR FUTURE Motor Sal Phone 52 Asheville RoacL

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