!J r PAGE FOUR (Second Section J THE WAYNESVILLE BIOUNTAINEER Tar Heel Congressmen Will Be Affected In Committee Changes WASHINGTON North Carolina legislators, when they return to Washington next January, will Scarcely recognize Congress as the place in which they have served in the past. They will probably see three tnembers of their delegation lose patronage-laden committee chair manships. Two of (he bereft chair men, however, may find them selves heading totally new com mittees. The reason is the Lafollctto-Mon-roney reorganialion hill, passed in the last flurried days of an election-minded Congress anxious lo get home. The result will he the biggest shuffling in Congressional committee lineups in history. The new law, slicing Senate committees from X to 15 and House committees from 48 to 1!. caused probably Washington's big gest surprise of the year when it ' won passage, despite tlx fact it laid a heavy baud on coveted com mittee chairmanships. The effect of tin law apparently will he to deprive Senator .losiah W. Bailey of Ins chairmanship of the powerful Senate Commerce committee, which handles all rivers and harbors and flood control measures and which lie ha-, headed for eight years, hut mac give him another important chairmanship. Rep. Graham A. Harden of New Bern will lose chairmanship of the House Education committee, but may become chairman of a newly established committee on House administration Fiep. Herbert C Homier of Wash ington will return to find that the House committee on hlcrlions of President, Vice President, and Representatives in Congress, of which he is chairman, has been wiped off the map Technically, committee chairmen are elcted by the members. Hut 1 1 f your child suffers with colic and gas cramps he needs relief quickly. Often a mild laxative is the answer. EE Triena gives thorough relief, when a laxative is needed it's made with famous senna. It's easy to give Triena, too, because it's flavored with de licious prune juice. Children like its taste. Let Triena help you. uon t delay if faulty elimi nation makes your child cross and unhappy. Try dependa ble TRIENA. Give only as directed. 30c, large size only 50c. uaklS ' III J.lt;ltJ:l(l4ifJ, 1 if seniority is not observed in will cat'se a bigger surprise than that which occurred when Congress handing out the chairmanships, it agreed to (he stream-lining measure. New Commerce Head Bailey would be outranked on the enlarged Interstate and For eign Comerce Committee only by Senator Alben W. Barkley if). Ky.t. However, if Barkley declined to permit chairmanship of a major committee lo interfere with his duties as Senate majority leader, Bailey would win the chairman ship. Each Senator may serve on (wo major committees. In addition (o the two new ones already named, Bailey would have the choice of Finance and Civil Service. Senator Clyde It. lloey could re tain his membership in the undis turbed District of Columbia Com mittee and still hold two other committee seals. He could probably choose from 'Agriculture, untouched by Hie new 1 law, Judiciary, because his seal on the Immigration Committer- will : he absorbed by that committee, and Interstate and Foreign Commerce if Bailey does not choose that com- . mittee. I Harden Lose:, I Harden'-, Education ch'airman I '.hip will go over to Hep Mary T. Norton i I).. N .1 i. when her Labor '-. committee is combined with Educa ' lion lo become Education and i-.ioor. ,-s ine pieiuie stanrls now, Harden would be fourth man on the new committee. Hut it may work out that be will I become chairman of the new com I mittee on House Administration i by virtue of bis assignment to the tiny Library committee when he came to Congress as a freshman member ill '.VM. The committee on House Admin istration, which will take over the uuim-s oi iioniiei s committee on elections and supervise all matters pertaining to federal elections, is to be composed of six minor com mittees. Because chairmen of the new committees will be chosen not on (lie basis of seniority in the House but on the basis of seniority on the merged committees, Harden is ap parently in line for the chairman ship, lie has longer service on (he Library committee than any mem ber of the six merged committees except members who are already in line for other attractive chair manships. Bardn now holds seals on seven committees. If he chooses either 11 K ,1 i . 'Miiiiiiiisi laiion or tne com mittee on Expenditures in the Ex ecutive Departments, he mav serve on three committees. Olhrwise, he will he limited to two. In addition to these (wo, he will probably gel a chance to choose between Education and Labor, Civil Service, and an expanded committee on Public Works, set up Mrs. R. L. Allen Named As Publicity Chairman State Group Mrs. Rufus L. Allen has been ap pointed Stale publicity chairman ol the National League of American Pen Women, Inc. for the state of North Carolina, it was learned here this week. "Mrs. Allen is also a member of the National Federation of Press Women, Inc The League reports that Mrs. Allen is compiling the memoirs of Colonel Ninia.i Beall Edmonston, of Western North Caro lioa, grandfather of her late bus band, Dr. Kufus L. Allen EVICTED FAMILY FINDS A HOME IN COUNTY JAIL DR. W. KERMIT CHApyJ utNTlST PHONE 363 WAYNESVILLE. N c Brazil Plans Honors For Eisenhower RIO DE JANEIRO. Brazil A busy week of receptions laced Gen Dwight D. Eisenhower as he and his ife rested after their tumul tous welcome at the Santo . Duinonl Airport during which they receiv ed a 21 -gun salute and other honors usually reserved lor chiefs of slate Last Friday the General receiv ed from President Dull a the order of Cruzeiro do Sul 'Cross of the Sunt for "distinguished service to Brazil " Later in the week General Ei .en hower will visit Army barracks, the General Star? School, the Na tional Military Academy and the Congress. President and Mrs Dutra will honor him with a ban quet. Included in the Chief of Stall's pally are Lieut (Jen Mnyt S Van derbiirg anil Maj. Gens. Alexander J) Surles, Howard M. Snyder and Wilton H Persons. Shift Curtains Change (he position of your cur tains occasionally to equalize the ef fects of sunlight. trol. Bonner, also with seven commit tee seats now, two of which are abolished outright in the reorgani zation plan, may choose two of the following: Public Works, Merchant Marine and Fisheries, and Veter ans Affairs. In addition, he may serve on either House Administra tion or un-American activities. MIllKlllOIl I lUOUCIICU The House Ways and Means1 committee, in which originates all; tax legislation, remains untouched under the new law, and Hep. Rob ert L. Doiighton of Laurel Springs will not lose his chairmanship of the committee. Committee seats untouched by the reorganization are those held by Representatives Harold 1) Cooley of Nashville, as ranking man on Agriculture. J! Bayard Clark of Fayelteville on Rules, John II. Kerr of Warretitoii on Appropriations, and A. L. Kulwin kle of Gaslonia on the Interstate and Foreign Commerce committee. Buwinkle may also serve on I In House Administration committee. I Mrs. Tho'di'ie '.lunette and their nine children V i. IW I - jail, the u.,e of which they were offered by Sheriff NVHE agJL T I The family u.-es the cells to continue their family ssVS.- 4pmBWffi I ALL EVICTED FROM THEIR HOME IN APPIETON, WISC, Mr and make themselves comfortable In the Outafiamie County Lyman D. Clark until they can find another place to live. activities. No relief In sight, the Brunettes Drepared for Memories Of Taxpayers Jogged To The Tune Of $170,000,000 io naiidie legislation for highways,: by virtue of his membership on rivers, and harbors, and flood con-1 the Printing committee. THANK YOU for waiting for delivery of your NEW CHEVROLET We are doing our best to see that you gef your new car as quickly as possible We want to thank our customers and pr spective customers for your friendly patience while awaiting your new Chevrolet. We know it is a hardship to wait for needed transportation; but we believe you will understand that we, and Chevrolet, are as eager to deliver cars as you are to obtain them. Unfortunately, production so far this year is far under expectations. Chevrolet Motor Division sums up the situation thus: "Even though our rate of production normally exceeds that of any other manufacturer, we have been able to build, up to July l,only 12.4 per cent as many cars as we had built up to that date in 1941. Production is still far below normal, because of fre quent shortages of essential mate rials and parts. Strike after strike at the plants of our suppliers has seriously impeded our progress toward full production, and the cumulative effect severely hampers every manu facturing and assembly plant. In June we were able to build only 29.2 per cent as many cars as we produced in the same month in 1941." While production is restricted, so in proportion are shipments of cars to us. At production increases, we are assured of getting our proportionate share of the total and as quickly as cars are received, we will speed deliveries to our customers. WASHINGTON -The Treasury estimated that its drive against black marketeers and other tax evaders had Idled fiscal 194G tax collection;, $ 1 7(1. 11(10 by jogging thousands of taxpayers into "sud den recoveries of memory." A record ' conscience payment" of U.DIMUIOOhy "a certain tax payer. Ids associates and his com pany" leil the parade of additional lax (urn-ins. the lluieau of Inter nal Revenue said. Neither the individuals nor the company was identified nor were nlimes given for any of the con science awakened taxpayers who pul in the additional $ 1 70,000,(100 in tiling some 110.000 delimjuolit or amended returns. Treasury policy is to assess civil penalties but not recommend crim inal action against taxpayers who v l n nt an I x-emI in i I delinquencies he- lore investigation is instituted. liclatod tax disclosures, it was said, "came in many sections of I he country with the institution of investigations of individuals in linns operating in such fields as, textiles, furs, ready-to-wear goods, poultry and meats " The fiaud-imcsligating branch of (he Internal Hevenue Bureau reported investigating 2.000 ease:; during I he liscal year ended last June lit). It said 140 persons were newly indicted, and I -I!) out of lS.'i going to (rial were convicted. The Unreal! said lurUier that I04U was the "lirst billion dollar liscal year in the history of taxes and penalties recommended for assessment over and abov nal payments by taxpayers. Ollgl- iiiV Ksfe it' " -waul'1 i Vets Pitch Tents Hit Housing Lack RINGHAMTON, N. Y. Ten homeless war veterans, three wives, and a three-year-old boy were tent ing today on the Broom County Courthouse lawn. Walter Jeffrey, President of the Tenters' Veterans Benefit Organ- j iation. said "hundreds" of area j residents had signed a petition I demanding Congressional action j in the housing shortage. I The veterans, who bought and j borrowed tents for the protest ( bivouac, intend to stay put "until something is done." Mr. Jeffrey I said. One of the restaurants the'v j are patronizing is furnishing free jcotfce and they have been granted j use ol .sanitary facilities in (he ncar-liy county jail. Then- petition was presented to Hepreseiilative Kdwm A Hall 1R1 of New York w ho told the campers llicy would "be foolish to give up a good cause." Bomb To lie Dropped UH Atlantic Between 7-2.'J NOHI-'OLK, Va A TiOO.OOO.IlOO candlepower photoflash bomb, which the Coast Guard wains "is not to be mistaken for an atomic bomb," will be dropped on one or more nights between Augu I 7 and 2:i, between Atlantic and Cliern Point, N. C. ' j The bomb will he dropped from j a photo plane living at about 10,000 feel. The flash of Ijc.hl will ' last approximately onc-liflh of a second. Last Friday night, I lie notice stales, a photo flash boinli was! dropped about ten miles off I lie 1 coast near Cape Lookout, N. C. j It failed lo explode, but was drop-' i Beaverdani Church To Hold Annual ' Decoration Day The annual decoration day serv ices will hi- conducted at the Itcvcrdaiii church and ceincleiy near Canton on Sunday. August. it has been annoiim ed by the irrange- it tee in charge of I lu mi-ill s No set program has been planned bill those who wish ma.', bring lunch and spend the day. renewing old acquaintances. The eoinmillee w ill have Hie ceinclei y I he graves ready for decora! ion. ( leaned and Ilie annual out of the same basket ped in a "safe position " However, if the bomb washes ashore it would be very dangerous to handle, the Coast Guard warns, and it should be disposed of by a qualified ord nance man. The honib contains three pounds of phot ol lash powder. Telephone materials foi catching up on thousands of applications (or tele phones, extending farm telephone service, and more long distance facilities all come from ihe ll'. n g.V. I Ll U.. .. v- uui wur communication dtmono. it and left us way behind in switchboai ds, b and everything telephone service requires. I- I l . 1 rn spue or nampermg stlortages ol iuw maifa copper, steel and the like - we're maUg P'0gJ we won t let up until there's plenty ol jemte, long distance, for town and farm. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH I NCORPORATtD Poland Is To Get Auto Plant From U. S. WARSAW, Poland. Poland has received from the Uniled States an automobile assembly plant valued at $100,000. The plant was shipped from Cheltenham, Lngland. in more man .ia.000 eases weighing more than r,000 tons. Part of it is now being assembled in Solee ski Other parts will be loraioH in Kalis and Clowno in the Lodz Province. Col. Stephen Ba(ori. represent ing the Coiled Nations Relief and Kelialiililalion Administration supervising (lie work. A Bell for Bethania IS r Ow CAK SCKVICe is your best CAR-SAVER. Kstp your prtsvnf r "allvt" unU you git dflivtry of your nw Chtvmlal by bringing H to v$ for tkUlod wrrkm now and at ragiWar Mtrrals. VmmUS CHEVROLET COMPANY lhone 75 Main Street Hadio Telephone Link Due For U. S. -Moscow LONDON Radio telegraphic communication will he working shortly botewen Moscow and the United States, Canada, and South America, Radio Moscow, reports. Normal telephone and radio tele phone links also will be established soon with ni.rlv: ,,,. r j jr cuiupenn capital, the Radio said. Seventeen capitals already TNHIS is a story of two bells. xA2j&l -: - XT- wnuren in jaetn- Ty&PJizy- i-'v.i waaiimuc rujyears a& from coins and treasured trinkets donated by the parishioners. The other bell had traveled hundreds of thousands of miles on a Southern Railway locomotive. After many tyears of service it was bound for the scrap pile. When fire swept the Bethania church in 1942 " the sweet-toned bell made from 'coins and trinkets was destroyed.? Parishioners missed its pleasant call. So, when the church was restored, a search was made for a Dell of the same pure tone. But it couldn't be found:.Then member of the. i . :n - -ys.-ol'nH the cnurcn, frame 1. ivnuei, ici'- uii of some of the locomotive bells of h:s bVn'x ' , wrote a letter to the boutnern - now, a mellow-toned old bell from a !Jt , locomotive hangs in the Deitr 01 ...... csi serrt We like to think of this be.t o. it community . . . still I'belonging ,0' in another way for so many yea' td whole railway "belongs" in tlie s.-me au me communiues u aci v- rJS:, Whether it's transporting freight ot providing a tseii tor xsewuw ,.,.-ii u . inth in every w") .W1U VVt IV dbl V W W4V - .jj riesiJtr'' SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM f i Moscow by telephone.

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