THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER n:!i)v. ' PAGJ SIX (Sefniri Seetir-.)" Notice of Tax Sale , i e ' :" . ' , : ol tl'e o'le, tor. . . '..pi, 11: ! 1 il I I), ' i :'i 1 I 1 I" 1 7; t 2 50 Nol ice i- I', ' '" suant to lav . aia' of UlC Boa! (I ' Town .,! W'.-.n "i-' signed .1 U . I'"- i. for t lie Ti ,'. n - -' offer for - ,k for i ,il ii,. i .i Va iii--.mII.-. v ber !Mh. !;, ,,: and rent 1 1 : u . n a 'hi proper! i ok 1 ! . levied aaanti H I lie ow iici - li. ' n which 1 .1 ' - a i : ' en 191 . i.. 1!-. I villi', a- tclln" .1. C. Allen I !.,! Juih'e I i: V. A. K mil. I I.-' C. V. Ili-ll. 1 lul ' i Jack l!i .nil. . 1 '-I It. Iv Hi -adli- .M-i Mrs. N.-l.i lir. tl. ! h . A. E. Ilrown I l i I -. 1 lot Dan Ii. IIi-mhii. I lot Burke Hi ir-. I L i Jolin It C.ii m i . I '-I Mark I.. Call-.-. . 1 PI W. A. Colilr. 1 G. M. Crai:'. 1 !"i C. F. Dav i I I-.' Krnina I );i i . 1 1,3 Roy Dim.-, I Will E. D.-1M-. I in' Jess Dillard ;.ihI M M - son. I ml Mack Edwards. I In Harry Evans. I .,t Neil FeiL-ai-oii. I l..i Wend. II S. I ,a i 1 ', ' h Debt ada l-'i -1" : i i I J. A. Fisher I '..I N. Ii. Franklm. I I--: Unwell I'm . , ' ' 1 - .lames ( i .ii Im i . ! ! 1 Hoy Ga.l.ii . I I. i Robert c.i.i.ii . ; i ' w. c, c.kM' . i :h M. (. C.-.llu".,- . . Kay Gibson. 1 I 1 C 1 1 1 1 1 i I I . I Mrs. G. W. Ci - . -. I '..' Mis. I .aw no-. -i -. . i M. I. Greeoi . ' ' William llamm. t. I I..I Mrs. M,. I ! . . 1 1 -1 ' "ii. ' Mrs. Willi,- 1 1 .-" I V. I .. II. ill. a . 1 V. I. 1 1. in .it , .. . I .1. I). 1 1.. -k. il l hi Miss i-:. in, . n. .M - ! I--1 MISS Jessr Hel . I-. ! Ml Waller Mill. I I"' Dill .1 Howe'l. ! Hani'. .Ii ih ri .im I Himh I), ! John I'. .I n; -. ! Mrs, Mainle .l.nn Mrs. Nannie ,k.ii. - s. a. .i.ini- r-' . i Mrs II 1' i ,-,i,.-i Ralph I.' -.ii.- 1 I ;. Ralph M. i i ,-' I ' II. T. M I i, ' Willie Mi- ! , IHo.mI i . , , Henry M , 1 1, i- I ;,.i Ken Millei. I n Robina Mil' . : Siim II. Mo'.a . i : ., Gertrude ii.. i .' i Fred I!. V - ! .1. II. M ! ka R. C Mi-Pa .!. . I ,1 Opal I-' M. I..-,,,' ; John . 1 1 1 i T. C Nun i 1 . ' Kenneth P.,: i , : ' Hester Pi . - - I, ' .,,' Kennil ('in , ' . 1 i i Etl Ii.,'. I I,- Ifcl.V lle.lll'. .11' D C I'.. Hi, , p. a Hai i It.-,- ,'. I ' O. S Rhvincr. ! !,. Mrs It G. ;, ,.', ..!., c. (;. i ;..! Pi i . . i i i,,i G. H. Ituii. I i-.; J. T. Ilu - -. '. ! !.,' Talmaiha- S'i. , I, i, I . Mrs. Itul - -si ,- , . ' . I ' Ben .1 S'm.hi. 1 i . Mrs. Ilm-h Moan. ! i,.t Senator U ill S ! Li i -. I hal. Catherine Smith. 1 lot Frank I.. Sin'h. 1 i Mrs. .luliii Sum !i. 1 ' a John Snul h P P. 1 1,-t R. Karl Smith. I !..t W. K. SI i ,nm. . I Wayne T. . i 1 1 , 1 i,r John Yand.-nbui i I William Whi-, nh'.in!. ! : ' Jim WiPiin. 1 lot Mrs. Calh.-rii i' Wi'i-tnn. 1 lot Hnch Wriulit. 1 In' Mrs. W. I). Vimi--. I ',,' 'Coloii-di Bud B.ihh. 1 let Thomas li.ikh. 1 ;.,t Hiller Hi in r I -' . 1 !, , Inez Hank- Hr-- :-ii. ! k,: Will Conlex . i '.:! h. 1. Houston Cull, i. .. I .. i William Do.lri. I j,,: Tom Foriii-v- I -1 . 1 Annie n. Cil.h-. 1 !,,t Carrie Cihl. 1 in! Nelson Clriirm. 1 1 . 1 KIsie Haekelt. 1 lot Robert Hode. 1 lot Ada Howell. 1 lot Aliee Houston, 1 lot Richmond Kemp. 1 lul Etta Love. 1 lot Henry L. Love. 1 lot J. C. I'. Love, 1 lot Josephine Love. 1 lot John Melton. 1 lot Will Michael. 1 lot Leona McDowell. 1 lot Leo McDowell, 1 lot Mose Osborne, 1 lot Sanders Osborne. 1 lot Robert Sisk. 1 lot Callie Smith. 1 lot J. H. Stewart. 1 lot Qaither Thompson, 1 lot McDowell Thompson. 1 lot TenaThompson, 1 lot Mag Trotter, 1 lot J. C. White, 1 lot This August 15, 1946. J. W. BOYD, Tax Collector. for Town of Waynesville. ri t t roy- votici: H,i ,n:: 'i::'.it ' executors of , he .- I k . : ' ' ' ! I; a' i . deceased. ;,,',' of !:'.'."-! ('mill';.. North ( '.n .k i tvi. ' ' i : i - ' .; 1 1 y all per- - ha ' i -.' a". mi .t ! he -r .-1 1 , i,l -,ii-l ,!, i i ,l nvlnle! I !l,,:i In t kr a; . i I.,-' Wa.v !l's ,., , ,1-1 Ii ' ' 1 1"' " . "i i,r I), ',,!. ,1., Pi"' I .' : .Ii:1'.. PMT, i, 1l,i ir, I a- !'! Ii. i'l ha'' , ,' ' !., -1 i - ,'.. ; ! j ' - in lei,!, 'I in - , : "-late I'll pie I l- m p; mm k p i: p .1 -Pll' . PI Hi. k pip i:ski (Hi( i or sitvi' : i;v !M in km :o I! ,", ( ' a ,-iii, I ," I - ( ' I hat - I 1,1 II III the S i 1 1 1 , ' I i , , I '.'Hit llai Wall- - o Walls 'I'll,- ,1,-P ndae' . ;,-,.t '.' W alls '.. 1 1 1 I a-.e r,.' u . I k.-l ,n i, I li ill ell l il ',-.1 a- all,". " Ii I" "II i ""l on., cd 'ii Hi'' Si.p Ike ml ( ',,1, Ml . , . , nl,l mi; an n'l! I I al , ii ! ml ml k i.-li-lakl Ul lie IP "at k" I I .-on:. , i I" ,1 I il e ol I h, ( : " t ' I ,,l I I. k, He. I I ",,,-MP. .!,,'. a!', I I ,k,l . . Pklll, alal an I., t lii i ,'iiipP ml 1 ! linn. i Hi,- pi ,11,1,1' '.' "! .'! ( oil' I tor Pi" I - 1 1 t .1. i- ml ' , ,-a f Ipi l 'i il III ,1 'id I, .I'll . P' 1 ip i )' ll ). villi; 1 v.T VI I ' , I ' ' II ' ' VP' P ! v (iP 'i v ill' il v,,,'i!) I 'IPI s! i 'I- 1 a ,1 : ' '. 1 1 i : I' p i! I pa lij P ',, ) '. 1 1 WPP. p I : y i''i" ',' N 1 1 P : , , , : I :' i i , i, .; I : ,, ,, , .1 I) M' H IP, 111, a -a; ills . k p l.P". .IP . i . 1 1 1 1 -1 1 . 1 1 1 , ; i. .i II ! i' '' l! ' '.. i ;l IIPsl'l- I; ! I l.'i.i -' i. Adniiie- Il al, , ol i ! :! ol I W. I'1'.P ( ; i si i ,i I, (;Pi;l-',v p in " ip i ' . . 1 1 1 1 M i -. i . 1 1 1 . -1 "1 'a,,,!.., "i ,.iii Cainlnr, hi..- , , ,: : ,--1 I., ! 'il i -, a I ', nk a a,! kin 1 ( 'oiap n- , U a I,, ', ,M, . ' I'l II lee I'l .' ! ,1 II "" I. ,. I, PI HP'P'I' n: -.' i . W. P PP W CIS. 'I'll PI'PIX P. P I ! ' v. ( p : i',r !: i -,i ti i ; ' i; s an,! " in P ', 1 :-! I'l 1 1-!P;. M. 1 , I..! a I- ",n II. p . 1 1 .Pion-e m olina. nl'l'er i - a I i" i 1 nil. lo -,P . P I ',.'...' , 1 1 I M 4:;; p,-i ... , , "i .. " . . i . .I- , i ,., ,1 - ... ...... . i I',,:,, , :. P IP " ! i ' : , : , ,. P ml. ', ,"' , ' o Ik , a , .... i ; a , l p I - a i -! I . i , ' 1 : i ' a I .,.1 i a i C.-!i,..'.T . V, ' -' -' il. ,-,-ii Car- ' olina. 'l'i a ', i 1 , .1 e. . I , a-o" ' ",'! :''il. P"i . ' P. -1 1 a . V P L l'i: l,,- . 'kl-a-., ,- !'. ;:.. P Ml,- '. ,, i '" " , k - ," , ; -I -. P.v J IP Sin.,'!,, ... , or al am '. 1 ."" ! "i- ,it, r k, ,!, k . tile ol ( P" .! ,e 1 " ' i, a' a . i -r ' n-r hail : i .' ,'! all'l 'n Mr I,,!,",, -I: '. Ik-- , I-I 1 im IP 1 "0 1 1" a1 ,' : 1 1 '1 11,1 '"' 'ill aM J 1 ' l 1 ' ; ; 4 J" :t :." 7 no ll.a" i-t :t. . Im. I a II a. and .Pa We t nliai i: hna I 1 1!S T TP M l' I! a Norll 111 1 la . .lis Pn'li ( an (i feet ii and . li .P 4 to 1 1" 4 12C ,1 Wil l,- n .. -lake, i ,a la o. I 1) P H' ".' -',' 'IP i S.. a,. ,.. mi Snip h - ,1,, , a ! ; . , 1 1 1 , , ! Knnl, and 'k'l I, , I - ii:P, . a,' In '.a- I 1 1 I !'--! ' - " - .1 fi-,.1 mi, - M- . .1 an. I n i . i , 1 1 - i 1 k I ),, lead a - lo!-,..- ''nil. h "li :;n I 1 West ."" I! '..,.' I, "! C, i, W'r "ii it.. Soup, ;;:! wt ,vi n rili I'T p w, pi n , south til "' p. w "-" " . So, ip, i : w ""I " . Sol, I : 4a . " M W , . I,) 'i.. Soi t li 4H W. "ii i ; Soul li 44 'PI il W'.-a ;., It.. Soinh P! West "" P . Sou. h iii ','. ...( ;,u p., S,i' , ik w'o-i p.. s,i"i !; :'" r.. ! . "' P . V Pi j' V .,' 4-Z f Nnl'a "," P .! ,-,il l.. ,-h a4 P W , 1 ' IP. 'i:1, 111! 'l. I tP. '.". il! (kl 4a 11. W." I " It . N".P P.I W. .1 an I'l , North 1-"' M II. l:.,. .VI II . -I a .'111 I'l. W'e-t "ill Noi'lh 4a West .al) ft.. Noi-iii ''2 West ..0 p.. North Ji HO II , .'ip lo a -take in 5 CI) 4 2D 2 fill and a mad i ,;:ht of way 70 feet wide h "jinnina ,iM (0p of a hill Kast ol' C. K. Smathers' house at the Western end of th,. Public P IP llnud- line of the Queen tr.iei. is . below his road survey, thence u 1P1, his lire South 'i.'i 14 It Pa-t all P In :i vln,.. ll,o,.,. South M 41i II. West 21 I. to the Hetiinmiu'. ciuitainint! !)!- acres. '' SKCOM) I i; ('T .. road bed o -,0 12 lift 2. HO 2.10 A OA lfiRO R,i"' ,h:'' U"''' ,!'lls:'m Gan , ! lo f- K. Smatbci and near road 7 fill ",i',l"n N"- :;:;:'" "r Hi'' Hood Road ' . surwy and running' with said road f) ''s located and -iirvcyed bv S. M. in in ,i"'k('1' ""'"'rl Hryson iine, in- cludinu said road bed and road 5sniriHil of u.av to the intersection of Ann- ...... .niiuiiiiiig .,.0 I acres. 3.47 tup a nnvi' a :,..., 1 ,. , ...t. ,, , janas oe ing the same lands conveyed by George E. Smalhers and wife, Emma Smalhers, to J. D. Hood, Trustee, by deed dated Sept. U, I ' Pi'.",, an, I v. huh said deed is dulv i,l r. . 01 d in I he ollice of Register oi Deeds iii hook or Deed of Trust o !t7. page 2r2, which said deed am! iii mil. reference is hereby ina.'e Pr lull and eomplete de--a-!',ki,n of --aid lands. I PIP!) Til CT: Adjoining lands m C. p. Smalhers, J, 1). Hood I'-li. ri I!imiii and others. HKCIN N1C 011 a mountain Spanish oak ,11 I. in ..I County line ridge, 'Hood's and Iti v son's corner, and runs : . a' h lit 7 IP West HKi I' to a Win', Oak slump, and a stake I!,,.. IP and Hi a son's'and Sinather's ,0,11,1. thence Soiitb H West rtr P In a -lake, lirvson's and Snialh , 1 '.. ",i:aie Hi,. pee South 2 : ! -I I'M P. to a stake on a small rid",-. Iii son's and Smalher's "or-p.-i . I hi ii. e N. 40 ft. K. liO P. I'm like on I he summit ol a ridge, p,'--in-.. Smalher's. and Wigg's , oi ner, thence 21 15 II. W. 2fi7 P ',, a lake, W II , N. 71! 15 IP p. I - I lie low or side of I he road al tii.-mI -taliiin No. 150 near liry--oii's (lap: llieiiic limning parallel 1,1 and .'1,'i II below road as located and Mireed lor J. I). Hood as lu'lou-,: N. 17 West 50 It., N. 11" 11 IP W. 50 IP, N. 5 W. 50 it., V 2 W. 50 il , N. Pi IB It. V . 50 II . . 20 HO II , W. 50., N. 42 W ,0 It , V 41 W. 50 II.. N. 34 '11 11 W. 50 IP, N. 25 W. 50 ft.' n m; 20 11 w. 50 it , .. 15 : ;t. W ,11 P. N 7 2.0 IP li. 50 fP, N. 2 W all II . .' II) P. 50 ft., N. lfi r, il IP ad ft . N. 27" 30 ft. E. 50 p . n :t:i :to n ip 50 ft., N. 25" 10.. 1 ! K. 50 It , N. H" W. 51) 1 1 :to 11 w. 50 ft., n. :n W "in IP, N 41 HO ft. W. 51) k W ."itl II , N. 25 45 It. I '" II . V 15 HO II E. 50 1'P. 7 IIP II W. 50 IP, N. 17 W. 50 p n :: w. 50 11 , n. :s2 no ft. K. 50 I . 17 15 II. E 50 IP, N. 77 11 11 I 50 fl.. N 55 :tll IP E. 50 11. n ..:! ::o 11 IP 50 rp, N 21; i-: i;u '11 , . mi ip 50 ip, n. :2 Ml 11 , P 511 II , N 10 no ft 50 1'P. N IP ::n I'l , P. 50 IP, N. HO E. 50 ii . 42 lib II E. 50 IP, N. 2ti ::u 11 1-: 50 IP. N 15 E. 50 ft., N. :'u 11 i-: 50 rt , n. ti2 :io ip I . ill p.. N 40 :!0 IP E. 50 ft., N. f! :;n 11 P. 50 ft., N. 33" 311 ft. P 511 II . to Ihe lop of the County Pee riP"e al a point 38 fl., below ; Ihe hn'.er edge of road: thence N . no on Ihe lop of said ridge 192 IP in Ihe point of beginning, Con Pnian.: :!.! acres. j THE. HoVE described land be ing Hie same land conveyed bv 1; .1. lirysoii" and wife, May IP I'.i ' -mi. to .1. D. Hood, Trustee, by deed dale Sepl. 14, 1925, and which aiid deed is duly of record in the. ollii " nl Register of Deeds in book ol IP lap of Trust No. 95, page :!U1. which said deed and record, releieiiee is hereby made for full! and eomplele description of said land j I")' PTII TRACT: Adjoining Ihe i.anil nl (ii'iirce Smalhers, Welch. Pa -.1,11 and Haywood Counly, and , I, "i i he. I as follows: P.P. HNNIN'C on a slake and l;.:' .,111 on Ihe summit ol Jones h'.nol, ,,11 the West end of same ami in Ihe llison and Welch line and inns uilh the top of Jones Koab and Ihe main Balsam Moun tain m , I the Jackson and Haywood Coin,;', lines as follows: N'. 71 1 iir n ti", no 11. E. 10 iv. s P 21! IV, S. HO E. 5 P., S. 21 '.') P P. ,'! V.. S. 4,'i E. 11 IV. S. 62 ' .". 1 P.. N. 77 30 f. E. 4.4 1' . s P; ) 11 . E. 7.2 P., S. (il) no ft 1: Pi l . S. !5 E. 10 P., S. 75 P . I.' 17 IV. . (!' E 9 IV. S 7!i lid II E. 24 IV. N. 87" 30 fl. P. 17 IV. N, 11(1" E. 9 IV, S. 79' 30 li P. 24 P , N. 87" no ft. E. 17 P., s T'l 2.0 ft. IP 20 IV. S. 58" 15 ft. IP 21 IV. S. 73' 30 ft. 1C. 42 P.. S. 52 I no IV to a llii'ch at Rig Slump (lap. S, 37 E. 115 P., S. 50" K. 18 P S tlii nil fl. E. 22 TV. S. 59 P. 1 1 P . S 12 30 ft. E. 47 IP, S. 4 no it W. 15 IV, S. 34 ' E. 20 P.. 1 s no it. w. 14 iv. s. 53" no ft. I' 32 I' . S 28" nt) ft. E. 22 IV. S PI 2,0 fl. W. 25 P.. S. 1" 15 ft W 29 I' . S 9" E. 28 P., S. 89 It II P. 3') IV, S. 75" 22 ft. E. 38 IV, 5 (15 22 It. E. 8 IV, to a Spanish Oak in County line, also Bryson's corner: thence with said Bryson's. !iii" S. 43 7 ft. W. 103 IV. to a W litle Oak Stump: thence . 3 P 45 ll E 22 4 IV to a stone corner:: I hence N. 88' 14 ft W . 82 TV, to a s'ake iii the R. V. Welch line:; thence wilh Ihe R. V. Welch line N 38 30 ft. W. 536 P. to the bo-1 u inning. Containing 368 acres more j or less i THE ABOVE described land be-! , im' the sinic land conveyed by John M. Queen and wife Ethel Queen, to J. D. Hood, Trustee, by j (h ad dated August 26, 1925 and which said deed is duly of record , in the nfPce of Register of Deeds in hook of Deed of Trust No. 95,1 page 223. which said deed and record, reference is hereby made: for full and complete description! of said land. FIFTH TRACT: Beginning on top of Jones Knob in the Allison and corner of Welch Grant No. 588 and runs with said line. S 58" W. 310 P., to a stake in Cogdill line: thence N. 86 33 ft. W. with si d line 102 P., to a stake. Cog dill's corner; thence S. 3 33 ft. W. 42 P. to a stake in the Davis lines of Grant No. 586: thence with that line N. 86 30 ft. W. 247 P. to a Balsam on North side of main ton of Balsam Mountain; thence N. 16 E. 129 P. to a large Birch; thence X. 15 W. 54 P., to a small Balsam on top of Green Mt., thence N. 17 15 ft E. 285 P. to a stake in line ; of Grant No. 574: thence with said line 88 E. 15 P. to a stake, corner of said Grant: thence S. 39 30 ft. E. 64 P. to a Spruce crossing Hay wood and Jackson line in Porter Dye Gap; thence S. 63 30 ft. E, 508 P. to the beginning Contain ing 958 acres. THE ABOVE described Jand be- jit! ihe nine land conveyed bv .1 W Pi-muson and wife, Hester I. I'eii'uson, to J. D. Hood, Trus tee, hv deed dated July 1, 1926. and which said deed is duly of rec ord in the office of Register of Deeds in hook of Deed of Trust No. 100, page 257, which said deed and record, reference is hereby made for t u ! I and complete de scription of land. SIXTH TRACT: Adjoining the lands nl Kate T. Davis, Janes Fer guson and .1 1). Hood Trustee, and ot hi I's as follows: I I liST TH ACT: Beginning at a double Chestnul on top of Cut li'iihie and runs up that ridge NP HI :. 211 IV. X 33 30 ft. E. 415 IV, V 8 IP 34 4 IV N. 20 E. 30 I'.. N. Pi IP kid I' , N. 2 30 ft. E. 41 IV, N 30 K 56 IV, N. Hi 30 ft. IP 47 'i IV, N. 14 21 IV, N. 18 30 ft. E. 63 I' , to a Ma I sain on top of .tones Knob: thence S. 57 50 W. 324 I' , to a -.take in the line of Bryson's tract: thence with said line S 87 IP 118 IV, to the North- ' east corner of Ihe Bryson tract; thence with said line S 87 E 118 I'. lo the Northeast corner of Bryson trad. I hence S. 3 ' W. 211)' IV, to a slake in Ihe South bound ary line of the Davis tract; thence, S 87 12 It E. ID IV to the begin ning. Containing 208 acres. SECOND TRACT: Beginning for same at a Balsam tree on the line of Ihe repie-eiihil ives of David Allison mi the too of Jones Knob ah. ml 872 IV from the Railroad said point ol beginning being known as Hie beginning corner of the Davis lands and running thence S on the first line of Ihe Davis land'. 41 IP with i variation of 4 for Hie -die 550 IV, to a slake in Ihe line of the Allison survev : thence with the second Iii). of Ihe Davis lands N. 87 W. Willi a 3 v 'aria! ion for I he needle with Brown and ( 'raw lord line 480 IV, which iioiiil is al oi' near the West edge of Ihe flower garden on lirv son's Tract, which point is also at the too of Cut ( I'f Ml . Ihence with Ihe Ion of Cut I 111' MP, in a North eastern direction and idling the (up thereof wilh ils meanders as fol lows: N lit E 14 I Y 36 E. 42 IV, N 8 E. 2!) IV, N. 2 E. 7 IV. N. 19 E 23 P., NP 13 15 II. E 25 I''. N 36 E. 16 IV passed the Noi I herinosl line of the flower, garden on lirvson's tract; ihence continuing along the top of Cut Off Mt. 34 r 10 IV 20 P 14 IV IV. N to th X. 2:1 P HP. X. 12' E. 32 P . Y 33 IP 14 1' . X 14 K. 8 P . X. 7 E. 12 P. V 2 E. 16 P . Y 63 beginning. Cm X Y N. N ! P. 5822 acres, excluding, inttevei. about 82 2 acres, which Pe ukkia the limits of the Hrv-nn Tra' ' THE AHOE ite-irih. d land being the s,-,me land- cmivi v,-d , , Kate T. U.av P and V 'i "" " ' Davis. Trust..', to .1 D Pn , i Trustee, by deed d tied S, m, PP 11)25. and w Inch said .I ' d k iki on refill d in I he ollice ol Pi i '. v iater of Deeds in book el !.: a' Trust No. 95, page 24 P whi.'i said deed and record, r. Sen tic. I hereby made fur lull m i-o'iiplet description of said In in ! - SEVENTH I'll CT: No v I'loximately sixteen hanni' I IP""' acres of land purchas. ,1 Ip the .'. fendanls in this acli.ui. nam K P T Davis, el al, which -aid 1,'iiP adioin the hinds herein!)"! ere de scribed, which were sold hv Pi" said Kate T. Davis, it d. to I 1) Hood, trustee, and which said land au' known as Ihe Kate T Da', i Mounlain hinds, an. I being al! I In1 Kill i' T Davis tract of Land h i'l ( and being on the waler-lail of Scolts Creek in Jackson Cnuntv. adjoining Ihe hinds of the -ol Inhii Cogdill. deceased Being all that portion of th I rail nf land which lie- in !' li Township, llavwnnd ( ('., a described in thai de executed by I. W. P. and vile. Hosier I. Ecrgit I), hood, which de. .1 is .!,-.- ! Julv 1st, 1026, and diih .,! i-ci.! ollice of Ihe Ileal t , I Deeds of .lack-am Counlv N ' . ill Book of Deeds No I'm: p. 257, and that portion of which said land heroin alia, bed ai d 1 ,: " I ics in I la v w nod Count ' : nior particularly described In n, cle an.! hounds us follow -: diini!si ' Ihe lands of .1 C Welch, and others on Ihe Norlli: .lulu l Queen on the West, and 'hen. a runs wilh the dividing hue I . -tweeii Haywood and .lack-on t'uim t les to Jones Knulib. and I In re a lei'sccls Willi the said .1 ( ' Welch line, and conPains approxima'i I Emir Hundred acres This the 12lh day ol Aug.. 1046 li. V. W ELCH, Sheriff of Haywood Counly. 1565 Aug 16-23-30-Sepl. 6. Illv . 1. Notice Of Tax Sale Notice is hereby tfiven that pursuant to law. and under order ol' the Hoard of County Commissioners. Haywood Coun ly. the undersigned, J. K. Ferguson, Tax Collector and Super visor, fur Haywood County, will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Waynesville, on September 2, l!)Hi. at ten o'clock, A. M., and coiitinninjjr there after until fill property is sold to satisfy the taxes levied against the property of the property owners as hereinafter described, which taxes were levied for the year l!l County of Haywood, hereinafter designated in the the owners as follows : v. e H'-nwn li'.-i- 1 'ot . Y llritwn. 1 lot .1 ihn ii' ov. n. 21 lot Pav ford lirown. 6 "' -'aiii iPnwn. 3-6 acre aivs,.: iirowiin". 1 lot P .n H l.rv or . 1 lot 1 1.--,-. , .- Ilu -iiiii'.nan. ! a' ' ' P!i a i- IS a'hanuan, 5 ai j Pmke Pens. 1 hit ?,! o VPs .1. I'l, l. 'M 1 lot P K. Hi, tier. Jr. 1 hi! Si!,,-. CaMve'l I !.,l Paul Can. p. ' : acre K',!e Cii.i.plvll. I I .1 apaiu-.-i'. C. Cam; :.a! I P: j.Yv ) S. ( '.,11(11. r ! lot Mrs IPiirv J. Carpi-klei', Mr- Nnci M Ca;'-U"!P 1 lot Puih Cl amper- 1 iol P, v . .1. S ( hat, ilk l P-P. 1 let Sa.'a Charm. in. 1 l"t !-; M. Cieilliiig 1 lot Powaid Clark. 4 arias pss la eiai k. -i acres Mis. Mallie Clack. V ;u i .-s !' P. Clena nt. 1 acre W A. Cubic. 1 I il (Pis Cochran. 1 lot Mrs. hna Cochran. "I i" i c-Ml-: l-'lialiel h Coh' 1 lo' i! W. Collins. 2 I 'is ! i.v Calv. .id ! !.,i W W. C.e.'iMI. ! lot Panac- Conrad. 2 ;i"i' -1,'e". i Pan. id Cook. 1 lot Pall ( 'oi bin. 7 ' j. an e .. .1, (-' ( r ,v. lords IP, . ! h,! Pa"ie (':,.- ii a., 2 !.,! -. 'Pa ..i'l P. C: alio.- I i .1 ( i i'-li. 1 h.l .le CiliP . li a. -it ; C E Da', is. 1 lol Emma Die i I l"l Pin' ll Da'- : .. 'i ill'l,' P.-. Ci id' Davi. I ', t .lul, il - E. Dav i, 2 a r, . M", I. I'. D.o.s, ! In! N M D.iv 1 :. 2 in !,-. Ho Diivis. 1 lot V.'iil IP Davi-. 1 iol ( . C I icNei', gin .1. .i . a . . W Ik P. -it ,. ... 1 I.,' 'lis IPicl Dins. '' !,,'.. AP .:, ( 'le l. "V 1 ii' k , a ;i,T k'ev. IP O. i)".v i; an 1 1 a; i : ioriice I Pea-.. ; I, 2 m: David li ! I k IP . Dunham. 1 !nl h. Hie Ector. 1 lot Dr. .1 W. Pal.,;,, mi on I i Harry W. Evan-;. 1 hk 1 i ill) Kcmi nil P a . 1 ! , it Ned I'cl '.aisoll. il In! Wend,.' S Per: ;. . 2 a-"; A. Ei-Ir. 1 In' HeV (lleipi El;, tin ! lot Ih V. W. (' Pllalll.all 'J .hie Pi'iincis, 27 aai, Mrs. liliinche Erauhh, ! low el I I 'l'eem . n. I '. M. Erccn-i'i. 1 !! .lames (iad.iis. 12 a. i by the name of C AT AI.DOCIII.I' Mrs less Croonis. 5!) WiHi'im A Phillips. 15 (leu Vard. 1 5 ,'icres Ian re . I O. White, 41 1 g I'OWNSHIP iicres $ (iOn iicres 234 2,n;i acres 3.11 8.06 25.76 ( R AliTRl'l. TOWNSHIP W. M rrincton. 35 H-10 acres SI 1 51 Cromer C Chaiuhers. 25 acres 6 76 Law rcit.-e Ev ains. lil acres Mrs Elbe! Cossclt. 32(i iicres. Hal, Jessie C ll.ivncs. 14 4-lh iicres Frank Hannah. 38' j acres Fred 11. Hannah. 101 acres Charlie L. Hill. Jr.. US 68-100 acres John D Kinsland. 20 acres .1. Dave Liner. 71 acres (Ir.'idv 11 Walker, 45 acres Mrs I VI a Morgan. 34 acres 1! (1. MoCrary. 75 acres Mollic N'.iland. 1 acre (lenei'iil I'ulman. 21 acres Joe E. Ray. 125 acres Mrs. Maggie Ray. 64 acres L. .1. Wood. 401 i acres 1 4-I'll I acre iocs 15 35 18 5!) 18.81 15.611 10.08 47 1 ,'i 8 . Pi 5 07 30.81 9 62 9 82 5.06 783 9 79 1802 27.91 8 74 7.37 riXF.S CRKI-K TOWNSHIP R. Fletcher Hrovvn. 5 acres S 7.32 NP W. Chambers. 35 3-10 acres C. C Clark. 40 acres J B D.iv is. 1.5 acres Chill ies II. Duckett. 33 acres LP II. Ferguson. 107 acres C. L Finrher. 84 acres W. S. Creen. 28 1-3 acres Haywood Electric Power Co. 45 iicres Dee Led ford. 10 Roy Messer. 155 Harry F. Noland, I'enland. Ropers 490 acres. Bal Airs Mary Price. 20 acres Virgie Rathbone. 1 acre Jack Redmond, 196 acres . ... R. L. Russell, 32 acres George Trantham. 32 acres Horace Trantham. 35 acres Grady Walker. 240 acres II. Ii . W. R & II 11. I son Estate. 2(,3 acres Chillies Caddis. 22 aires M. O. Galloway. 153 acr. Dr. S. P. Gay. 32 iicres Mrs. Alice Gentry. 23 acr. I.. H. GeorKC 7 "'4 -1 CD ,a Dan Gibson. 616 ai res Mark Hannah. 64 acr, Rosevelt Henry. 17 acres C. D llosallock. HP - a- n Giurell Howell. 1 acres Mrs. Jerry Howell, 20 8.'! i Jennice JelTerson. 10L 19 23'';u'k Jones. 5 iicres 2() 21) I Harry I.. Linden. 2 1 ai r. II, B. Milncr ,t 1-lial)elh Carver, fi lots Cora Moody. 16 acres Helen Moody, lii acres Ned Moody. 4 lots Sarah Moody. Est.. 5 acres Sarah A. Moodv. 7 acres Amos Myers. 1 lot Alonzo McGiihii. 50 acres D. E. Parker. 5 acres W. B. Plemmons. 143 acia Hiram Rathbone. Est . 17 acres Oliver Rathbone Seldon Rathboni Aletha Rich. 10 James B. Rich. Yorville Rollers. acres, Bal. Joe Russell, 42 iicres J. V. Setcr. 1 acre Rufus Shehan. 3 acres Ed Sims. 12 45-100 acr Minnie Woody. 9 acre u- acres acres , 10 acres & Ray,. 7.02 7.01 47.07 23 60 26.77 2.56 2.24 2691 2939 22.21 11.25 90.96 IRON Dl'FF TOWNSHIP Mrs. Jack Caldwell. 3 acres $ .52 Guy Chambers. 60 acres ... 20.72 Hardy Franklin. 19 acrOs .... 10.67 Silas Jolly, 25 acres 4.49 J. A. Robinson, 14 acres 3.64 IVY HILL TOWNSHIP Anderson & Love, 50 acres $ 6.50 Edith L. Begni, 3 acres .... 14.95 J. D. & Clarence Caldwell, 36 acres 12.4,8 Johnnie Carpenter, 42 acres 12.19 Dewey Carver, 206 acres 44.00 John Carver, 130 acres 15.60 Mattio Carver, 1 lot 1.30 Lucille Cook, 27 acres 3.83 Howell Crawford, 25 acres 3.90 Florence Davis, 22 acres 3.29 I 22 ,'i 1 1 7 47 12 54 2 60 2.40 25 25 3 31 1 1 !'.6 7 -"I 1 30 6.81 12 61! 9 81 Roht Gaddis. j lot W C G'.iddv. !-',! . 1 lot Mi s ( ; i'a, G allow ; . i M. ( ) (Pillow a. . :.i'-i '- i acres. 5 I, .Is Mrs N.-lain Callow., A. A Gamble Re...!; Co . 1 lol Kin E Garnet 2 lai IP,! Dr. S I' Gay . '.' ia... P ,! '. Icti, I ill Board ! i.i : I !el 'N IP Genlrv . 2 ai ,, - C A Gi oia'c il (' !) ! i I a, a 1 hi'. Hal Miss Elo-aiieth (, l,' , acre- 1 lot Fay G:b-o:a 1 i,.i Fred Gihsnn. n aiii' R. D. Ciiiner " U .) P' - Crackeii 1 1,, Pa! Mr- I Ici'in:' n ( loodv. in. 1 '' !!. C. Garbce! ! lot W . Grahl. P-' . 2 hu John Gra -t v . 2 ia , i : PI. iv d Gt .'islv . 3 an Mrs. Bob Green. 1 lat Delhi Gre. n. 1 lo! Mrs. G. W. On en, 2 !,; . Mrs. I .:n.' l'i nee Civet ' Leonard II. Green, a aci , X L. Gregory. IP! . 1 ml 1.. A. Hall. 1 lot Iteht. Hall. Jr.. 1 lot Wiihiun Hauicr. 1 lot 2 60 , Rev. .!. IP Lanc.vter. 1 lot 2.60 ", i - 1 1 P. Lance. 4 lots. IP,.' o j : ai-t i n 1 ;inn in , 1 Ph. 3.90 '.'.:p, r Liin.iiiia. 22 ai rr ; 0 15 Mrs. p., Pi. p -kPn. ; ( 2 t!(i i i.emas O. Ix.tiJ'.'on. 1 !,,' 2.2' 2a'ia-s W. I a-a! iiei" . end . 20 7.(6 i.nes !) Pa .1 M tl -t on I a -a! ' k-rw ond. i i,,t 3 l i Pa'n'i Lci lhet -wood. 1 lot :- he! ! i ! ! Lent hei ".veo.l. ! !,,! 6 5" : IP I -cdi ul d 1 a: - 11 o: - h. , Pe P; w :-.. ' ' a. : -1 kki I, VP Lev. i-. I lot 3 25 Pec. P P Low, 1 lot l'.al 2ii 78 S. S laa e. i lot Pi;, Ma::'.!-.:. 1 h.l 11 48 !.. II. :.i ili.M. I lot 5 85 Her!'" AlaiPi- ! 1,1 !al Maihis. 12 acres 4 81! Mrs I'. IP Mav. i lot 3 illl I. M. P,' :',,!'. .'7 ''-10 iin c- 1 50 Pnloi Moiar-I. 1 lot i-a k M. h., :'ev . I lot '! :!0 Mi i. l'lia p. ilea, r h ha::,". . 7 20 1 !"i a 20 Ralph M -n . r, I Id 3 l) '! h. ii i)!, in Me a cr. i lo! 14 30 Willie Messer 1 nil 9.42 Flovd Mi ',-r. 1 h.l 2. (i'l Henry Milh-r. 2 lol ;. Bal. 3!)n Ken Miller. 1 lot 6 50 Miss Itol in.-i Mdler. 1 lot s 6 50 Elbert T Mills. 2 lot 1 ;.i Mr. .Pine Mills 7 acres 2 60 Bob 1 ! inl. a ' acres 9 12 Rufus M i '.. I lot 3 90 Ccri: lid" Milchcll. I lot 1 1 -12; Mi - Phn a ii.-" Moody. 1 " i I all ilia c. 5 89 Pled II. Mood;,', i lol ! 95 i 1 .I '-v Moodv . 2. 1 -3 acres p;,'.l i! I'. Mo.r'v. I lots I J I 70 .P.iiics M.e.-.l;. . I !l 1 . .P i. Moo P . 1 !,,! 1:177 Ml -.. :l;u v E M. ady 3 iicrc , p: 25 .1 P. Moon, v . 1 lot 1 ",n W li M"oic, ! lot 1 ' i "I Pa, e el I Pol ill 3 an t s 2 n, Mhcr! I'.'u . 1 lo! 2 i P ( .ol iie'i Mtise. I lot I n I'l nl .'.Pa. c. I 1 -.: at re-; 21 ',., II. C Pcii' ide. 1 lot 1 7 i:i! Mrs Mai-; .'act PIP I lol 1 1 05 .MrPariav ,P Po Me-, 1 lot 1 :- Rev W dh : Ma. 'lainc. 1 lot 2 1 1 ' Mi- .l.i! :.; '.!. ( 1 i e. 5' iicres 1 II '' i .1 -Mi-i ', ; i k, II. P-P. 1 iol , .; P "i- ,M n P ' P-PuPee-. 1 lo! - Ik! I i ... Maaii Mi t in i. ll. 1 lot 12 2n Karl S. Mi Kn.iicy. 1 lol 2.60 Mrs, I).-..-, 1 lol 1 ' .. IP D N. ".Men ,P- R. C. (iood. iPPio 1 lot i! 1 :,l Cla.'.Pai Niche!-,. 4' iicres Pi no l-'rcil Nichols, 1 lot pi 30 !1 rt le ,i on. 1 lot 51 10 Claude Norni.ri a." " i iicres : . al lion,.'!' No: '.i.aM. 22 acres 1 3. im John X'nn i .. 1 Pii 2 ;:i .1 VP N. a v.'iiod. I lo' i'c- 21 "in A I!, (dwell, 1 lot a 27 .1 1 m I 'a ac. 1 iici'c io! 6 ( 'hariie I'ai iN-ai . 1 lot h - , .'ohn 1'iirki I'. 1 lol 4 i5 Kecnei ll Parker. 1 lot 2 ; Win. 1 1. I ;,. ke: . 2 lots' 3,0 32 ' l Pn-old P. Patrick. 1 lot H 9 5 M. 1'eai '.man. 1 lot '. 55 Have P. nl .sml. 1 lot le! 3 26 Mr- C aaa.- Phillips. 1 p,l in V V l'h::!,".. -'': acres 42k 1,3 I-' S. 1 '1 , 1 1 1 1 -. I lot 1 lol 5.90 Mi's. A'.aa ,e I'dkiiiulon. 2 i, . ncro 2 30 Dr. W. V Pinsou. 1 lol la Ilesii i' Fres-le. . I lo! Pi .! S l'i i. e. 9 i;-lii acres Pull P; .CP ,.'. a; "cs in P E ( 1 tin,,, I k'b.aum. I i,,; ( 'a;a ie Brook - li'.ieen, 2' a 65 2. iicres 5 iicres acres 11'.' acres Hi-loo 11 ' 3 1 HS .94 4.31 10.23 40 25 2.47 10 53 1 5 60 4 10 Mr-;. Willie li;mii'on Mark Hannah. 1 ml V. L. Hat-kins. 1 l.ii 1.30 V. L. llaikin-. '.,l'e. 1 lol 1.30 Oscar Hi'ih ick. 1 in! 15 35 Harry W. Heinhry, P! .aires 4.5.12 Miss Jessie Ilerren 1 lol 2 60 lames Allen Ilva'.P 2 h i- 7,30 Claude Hill. 2 acres Howard Hill. 2 acres 5 52 He Icr Queen. 1 lol i '. 11 h ;. Pailfei : ' 1 ' a iicres 19 05 Mr- .1 3, IP.iidolnii. I iol 2 " ' ' I Pav I 1, . 1 " ;-"i.' Hi .PP- Pi. 25 lot.,. Bal. 1 Pa rv Pee: e, 1 lot 06 Mrs Minnie Recce, 1 lot o! 1 95 Lena Heed. 1 lot 7 '. 5 Mr: V. W. Re. d. 1 lo! 27. ."it ll Inn, -har' ,- ,'e'i, r. 1 lot 3 12 Mi s. F I. in neld... 2 lots ! PIP! 1 ). S Rhv r. 1 lot 5 20 litis' on I'ich. 1 ' j iicres 3 25 James Rich. 1 let ! 50 Pi v on lia-ct'. 4 ;icrc 1,1 2-i 44 Mr- 1, (; ;. , , s j ait 2 60 , .! E Ro c. 2 .11 es. 6 lots. 6 50 Bal 1! 0-1 Holier! Lull'. 1 ha 1010 J. T. Pu-s, !i. :, a, is. Bal. 1 33 Sali-biuy Pa, p. Trust Co.. Kohl. Hill. 1 lot. B il. 2 13 Inez IPi'lue. 2 3-10 iicres 1 POf! lels 9 10, 1 lot 3.9.) I Miss Bertha S.inder.s. 1 lol. 114 Mrs. Delia Sanders. 1 lot Miss Mary Evans Sanders. 1 lot. Bal. Joe Scales. 17 iicres Dr. John States. 1 lot IPO0 ! John T. Saaies. Est . 1 lot 2 60 Mrs. Raymond Scales. Guard. I lot r.elsie SahulhofTer. 1 lot Rev. Waller Halcomb. 1 lot 6 50 i l-P.rl Sn ua'u:,. 1 lot lots TOWNSHIP Mrs. G. G. Adams. 1 lot 1 30 Mrs. J. R. Adams. 1 lot 1 an Mrs. David F. Adcock. 1 lot 22 10 B. C. Adricn & Linchuri;er. 1 lot .1. C. Allen. Est., 1 lot John C. Allen. 1 lot Louis Allen. 1 lot Kenneth Anderson. 6 W. T. Andrews. 1 lot Frank Arwell. 1 lot W. J. Ashworth, 1 lot E. S. Askew. Adtn . 1 lot Rev. E. L. Bain, 1 lot Mrs. Ruth Baker. 1 lot W. A. Band. 1 lot D. R. Barber, 3 lots A. B. Beasley. 1 lot .Mm Beck. 1 lot C. V. Bell, 2 lots Mrs. Louise Bevil. 1 Mrs. G. A. Bibee, 1 J. V. Blades. 1 lot W. B. Blades. 3 lots G. E. Blankcnship. 1 lot Rev. C. E. Boyd. 1 lot S. C. Boyles, 1 lot Clinton Bracket, -Vi acres 19 lots B. E. Bradley, ,1 lot Mrs. A. E. Bradshaw, 1 lot Jerome Bridges, 1 lot !Pt . 15 lot lot 2 60 7.60 1 .30 2 93 16 90 2 60 2 60 j 10 40 -2 60 ! 2 60 10.40 130 5.20 ' 1 30 ! 2 60 98.21 1.30 i 3.25 j 2.60 ; 4.50 ' 27.30 , 1.30 i 1.30 11.25 1.05 1.30 4.55 L. li Hiieoer. 2 1 Alden llov.eiP Jr.. 1 1, Mrs. Hilda Howell. 1 i. T'loa-iashic ilev.ei! acres. 1 lot liulchms & llalcomi). 1 Irhy Hudson. 1 lot, Mao HulI'man. 1 iol John Hyatt. 5 acres W, A. Hyatt. 23' j acres W. C. Hyatt. 15 aires Mrs. s. 11. Islcr. 5 acres Fred Jackson. 141 acres Gahbie Jackson. 1 lot Hush Jiiyues. 5 acres Harris Johnson. 1 lot T. II. Johnson. 1 lot Dr. Bob Jones. 1 lol John P. Jones, 1 .,t 3 lots Mrs. Nannie Jones. Est.. 1 lot 24.38 S. A. Jones. Est.. 3 lots 13.00 S. B. Jones. 1 loi 3 60 V. Jones, 1 lot 3 93 Jim Jordan, 1 lot 3.90 A. K. Kellman.1 1 acre 3.25 J- B. Killyore. 1 lot 9.10 D. M. Killian. Jr.. 4 lots ... 23.40 H. M. Killian. Est.. 9 acres 11.70 JW. Killian. 2 lots 50.69 Miss Rosic Louise King, 1 lot 2 60 Sam Knight, 1 lot n.05 Mrs. G. L. Kohloss. 1 lot 2 60 Rev. A. G. Lackey, 1 lot ... 260 Lamar & Whitmore Pub c . 1 lot 9.10 12 40 ! !-',,ii;Pe Wriciu S.3I 1 lot Ba! 6.50 ; All s. .1. W. Shack. ilord. 1- lol 6 50 I Ml s Ruby Shcl ! ill. 1 lot j Geo Sisk. 1 lot 15 20 i 19 ilk Sisk. 1 lol li. J. Sloan. Est . 1 lot Ben J. Sloan. 4 acres M:s. I'.i' 1 Smalhers. 1 lot Mrs. Harnett Smalhers. 3 acres . Mrs. W. H. Smalhers. I.Tj acres Catherine Smith 1 lot Mrs. Isabella C. Smith. 1 lot Mrs. John Smith. 1 lot John Smith. Est.. 1 lot Mrs. R. Fail Smith. 1 lot T. C. Smith & Co, 1 lot 7.eb Smith, 3 acres W. G. Smylhe. 1 lot Ellis Sorrel Is. P , acres Geo. Sorrells. : " 1 acres Sam S. Sorrells. lni acres Joseph Spitzcr, Gordon Hotel. 2 lots. Bal. W. H. Stackiiouse. 1 lot R. L. S;evenson. 1 lol Jake Stepp, 4'2 acres Mrs. Geo. Stewart. 1 lot Geo. R. Stewart, Jr.. 1 lot W. C. Stillwcll. 2 lots Mrs. Lizzie B. Stenson. 1 lot Lee Stenson. 1 lot a N. W. Stokes, 1 lot R. L. Summerow, 1 lot Jess Sutton, 1 9-10 acres .... 3 90 9 10 3 90 2.60 9 30 10 40 2.60 20.40 5.20 25.36 5.20 11.05 1.95 12.07 101.98 1 1 : 13 27 'IR1I pi , 37 " 2 k1 I ' I!' 3', 21 4; 17 4! 1,3 2ii I a - 11 4a 1 I"' o li an " 4 : -3 , ; 27 2" , .... I. 19 VIMI! lUKll iirtB 45 14 '. 1 5 2 P 2 li" 4 P 1 !'" 5 Ok 3.6" 1 5" 4 " 7 7 1.3 1 5.2 10.2 1. P 0 a , ' 1 !'" .- ?:a v l-on-! FEB J. E- 16'" ' for IW 6.W '

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