l;rsTi-ifi THE WAYNESVTLLE MOUNTAINEER PACE SEVEN (Second SwtlonJ ?f jft Invites Attention To These Many Opportunities Your Tad TES it eft i" T word, ., (.(,nis per bum nw'.-v 1 ,ni he P"Hi-heil , dcsir.d " j chars?- j .- ....I. I 111 jmtni'J'J" '" mri-i't WO.Mi A. ME I: I : v. . "n-:n: AT - 'AX I.N K A Uin r.- I"' ' ,n,rTS A It El i.ViT. 'ah "lllst i lfrs sent li mail- ; Inn ni'ui"-.-.' TO 'I I; A I V A S TEXTILE !:ki-;i;s ".I.- .MIXI.MI'.M APl'LY ENKA EMl'I.OY.MKNT o EE ICE ou U. S. EMPLOYMENT SEUVM'E If "i u jut ui s'c- lo insert a want liTS -'' !H' I' H.'ivuoort ; I ,','na-i's 1 W NTKI): Reliable in ;i n I'm i , , i u i farm, 3 room house anil Ism I .,. '77-M j good opportunity fur ri"hl iii.-n tf ' A I . C. T. Cordon. !;ih-!. ilose-e Kami. IS;i!s;iin. Auc 13 !. ; l ,.::'ilill ! - - - - .-U. FOR SALK- -Small modi i n home. , ideal ' near till" Country Club. The L. N. .. ,.r ii.nr- : 'Davis Company. Aim l ti-Iii V; fur- ! ... . , ,,, . , . H I i.ii Hi m, 1: .:-ion pick up truck. Phono 435-.I. Aug (i-!i-i:i-ii; w in i" ; are if : M:F VII- .,inc ! in 1 1 - i ant- j r-l ' Kiwi !.,rro in I ;ui - j . h! ).", ,n res, k- I..!!;.- Julia 's, s, I till a. ( 1 CINSKNC, WANTED -$13 per dry; $4 pel' lb. green. See write I!. S. Cowan. C.reeiiM aa N. C. ,i im i 1'ilOI.STEHINC, SLlPCOYlaRS Keen at it 35 years. Pick up ane delivery. Stanley, Opposite l''mh I (at cilery. If Kil;P See Mrs. l!ov. ,-!! Mill i ...id. An: - ii-!i-i:t-lti-2ll u SK11 ICK l,,im- I'l'i!. i ,i inn anil & third house ir ll'iail !l makes i,r !'..':..- t, naned: I.V : i ' i 11 ,i ::'els. .1 H.u,;.' i ll 1 v.- Jam, . W I' a" :. .' i 1 Mi -.:: ( . : : I'n '"!" 'I' !,, a,.,-. r-. ' ' h aul M ill Ji !,, ':- I',,,. ,,,,,,, n i::-Ki . KS ;.i;; SU,:: O'Ui ivi civ N '' Ill,, : In : "' ' "f nu nm,. ' " aaj ,,,nV "'" n nn ni- ' ' X I'm m ( ',,,. h IH'Y I 'on -a 'P'i,,; van! ' ' ( it airs, '"'1-. t'luna T,l,.,.. Mj REDS NOT ROCKS MOST POPl'LAR CIIICKfA' HALKIGII. AlthoiiKli ami'iv: Hie newest of the breeds, the Ni Hampshire Red is the most popular elurken in North Carolina, eon ! slilutina 42.3 per cent of Hie hatch- Urn i ' '' !ery supply flocks, arcorrlinc to 1. B: r','"J,"h I ' F"''C of the State Depart iiienl lie t'l.li iM" ,.r of Afiriculturc. ,,;,v'" I Fourie, who is in chnrce of the '!"'i'. pulloriim-tesl ins proaram el tin '"'Kj department's Veterinary division , said that (he latest official infonua -"e,tion places 509.77(1 chickens in a '""Mional Poultry Improvement I'laa '"'n flocks in (his Stale. This ce-ap !" "11 , with 51.056 for Soutli Carolina . v; I (i40.92 in Viryini-i. -MEN! ACE 18-22 N Ka'I'f:i:ii:nte required T,nr:n shift ,;'"' -Minimum APPLY ' kA '' -MI'Lovment OFFICE KMpLOYMENT SERVJCE Library Notes PIANO BARGAINS We have a real nice selection of coml n-ed pianos. Standard makes liih. reconditioned and Kuai a nl ee, I. special prices to churehi"-. schools and clubs. No inlen-l on carryiiif? ehai'Kes, nice hi ni h 'a inalch, sold on easy terin-. I), -liver anywhere. Write letter or card. Madness Piano Co., Kove-i City, North Carolina. An l(!-2l)-:!:!-27 b 'hi, M RG ARKT .lOHNSTON C'ounly Librarian I ). up. nr. friend, and ipiil oui hooks. M sii! .-! ou h , o tlouble: . p ii i i'! 1 1 lend and clear our le II i ni toil and (rouble' I'Oli SAI.lv-Smalley No U'. 1 knife feed and silage culler, line condition, set extra new kniyes, huskiuH rollers, 30 fl. hell, exlra eons, elc. Also some ood ;-,-,:-penter tools. .Iim Toy. lioole l!o 51, Phone 234-M. Am: Hi I'OI! SA1.K - - lieaulil'ul llae -l-ma rock from Swain county, sane,1, i at Kverett McKlroy's, l)ellim'! Road. Also field and crick roil, by load or yard. Phone I'Jil-XW Ana; l;-'' HACKING Sandstone and In irk. any! bins hauled, prompt m :, i alsil wood, all kinds, any lea a; Kveretl McElroy. :n idiom 420-XW. niyht phone 420-XM. LOST Near Kireston" and ka- sie's, one ladies billfold cmiain ." hiK $20 bill and several check payable to Mrs. C. Y. Defoe, Reward. Call Mrs. C W Del oer 101-.I, Georgian Hotel. Au;:. 10 I FOR RENT At Urannereresl. at- ' tractive apartment available Sep tember 1st. Phone 455-W , Aim n;-2u i 'a- book' help in recreation -, ,,, 1 1 a i n! .a d.i pa-vi's I bat t a! e n,a ..- 'a-cl lor inloi in.it ion. II na he t rum one of I he camps in .air i ai nP. . a scout . a 4-11 club i , nila i . or .pis! a person interest ed oi spoi I - I low do you water nrnel a tent'.'" 'V. e need a stunt ." "What book a-i I 1 1 el In 15 or '.'(I ount.'sieia around H or '.)'. llow do you build an i, ill liiMr fireplace'.'" la in ah r In meet sue'i demands !- I , , 1 1 n ', in:, books may he found , , i ,,l Vol ion Come in and lie v , e i ii help ou to 'haw ( , V.Im.11 Rook." by Cokeshury: Rook." Cokeshury; "Phun-!-.'. Harbin; "Full's fun." Social Gaines for recre- .1 " ;.,-., "Hook of Camp r.e.iid: "Games." Rancrofl -p.at- and Games." Keite; "Parl ,n,,k ' Paeen: ' Parties." Maxon' i '-; !in Inlay." CJardner.' "in.' and outdoor carnes." i a a a; . ' Modern manic nianuel. !. ...... Contract foridue for b'- inner ." ( 'ulbertson ; "1. e a r n iriil'e last. Harclay: "(James to aako and play at home." Leeniinc; !" I'ahini to chess." Chernov: Pi: a - for everyone." Proshauer; ( a,-, ;,ei Handbook." Wallace. I nn ,-n horseback." Self: "Rass nn::. (iasf)iie; "fishing in the i an a." Murray: "Recreational ,, , ,t , .ni'-. Picnic Rook; "Games Pa,.-, and Men;" Parties and la.ii foi parent days;" "Hands i)a ("anipmi;:" "Parties -. i-'iin lor I hi eesomes;" "Part -e-. ion- a a I mi'.ers and simple Seuai, Dailies;" "Parties A to .;" i '. i a ' piii-. Stunts and Enler I ai am ';, ' I '.n I ies Plus" "Lei's i i.ai a pari ." and' Arts and ( r..i;s." i' FINAL POWWOM VISIT TO Tin: cuntoKF.F. rf.sfrvation Ml reailiiT.: must he completed Satin d.. . Xu.'iis' 17th. All re p,,;i i.- ,k- ou -I he turned in and i - 1 1 k , i ! 'f ! ,; e having finished ;!ic a, .,i-il. na ;a - for t he Cherokee . . a' ,. ,, I.', adi n : Club and are elii;i ., '., - i , :o ( hernkee on Wednes ia - -, ' ' i i -' ' -I . are l eillesl ed to : 1 1; -o ile . lions i 1 1 1 1 1 1 diatc- (,'it p, .arissioii to mi from your ; ,;: i ' ill s !.iae our name at the Library a;;a y h'-tlier or not your Mother o; Fai hi " i an lake a car. ilrina our own lunch. Met I al the Library at 8:30 on An ra id 2M. The la at the Reservation has been planned by Mr. Sam Gilliam. Prin of the School, and it will in ' elude visits to the school, craft shop, the His Cove School, picnic j lunch on the Island and the pre sentation of the Reading Certifi ' cates by Chief Blythc or Vice-Chief , P.radley. If you would like to take a car, i please contact us. phone 547. j Year-Ronnd Affrlcnltnre I Fertile volcanic soil, extensiva i plains easily cultivated and well wa tered by rainfall and by irrigation frnm mountain streams make pos sible the all-year agriculture that 1 has supported Java's brown-skinned i millions. The growth of population has gradually necessitated increas I ing the cultivation of rice for native consumption, reducing the land available for profitable sugar, rub J ber, quinine and other export crops. Notice of Tax Sale ! Notice is hereby given that pur ' suant to law. and under the order of the Hoard ol Aldermen of the Town of Haelwood, the under signed G. C Summerrow. Tax Col lector, for the fowl of Haelwood, "ill otter for sale to (he highest i bidder for cash at the court house j door in Way nes il le, on Monday, September 9th. 1 !-. at ten o'clock A M. and continuing thereafter, until all property is sold to satisfy the taxes levied against the prop er!; of Ihe owners hereinafter de scribed, which (axes wore levied for the year 1945 by the Town of lla;'(dwood as follows: Od.dl lilankenship. 1 lot $ 2.17 Mrs Oma Cacluon, 1 lot 7.25 .less Curtis. 2 lots 18 71 Mrs Grady la is, 1 ,,t 4 35 SC. Garwood, 1 lot 8.05 Delia Green, 1 lot 5 80 II. R. Moody , 2 lots 32 (13 Mary S. McC.ill, 1 lot H 70 ' Mrs. ,lohn Scales. I lot 13 78 Roy Swangor. 1 lot 13.05 John Wyatt, 2 lots 17.40 SI 3 1.89 This August 15. 194(1. G C. Sl'MMKHROW, Tax Collector for Town of llaelwood N'OTK'F: SERVING SI MMONS 1!Y PI'RI.ICATION North Carolina, I lay wood County. In the Superior Court Louise liatbbone vs. John '.. Rathbone The defendant yill take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, for the purpose of securing an absolute divorce from the defendant upon the grounds of I wo years separation: and .be Said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County In th Court house in Way nesville. North Caro lina, within thirty days after the 22 day of July, I94(, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff yvill apply to the Court for the relief demand ed in said complaint. This the 22 day of July, 194H. C. H. LKATIIF.RWOOI), Clerk Superior Court. 1557 July 2(i -Aug 2-9-lfi. NOTICE SERVING SCMMONS BY PI'RI.ICATION North Caroima. Hay wood County. In The Superior Court. Ola Rurneir vs. Lewis A. Rurnell The defendant yvill take notice that an action entitled as a hove has been commenced in Hie Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, for the purpose of secur ing an absolute divorce from Ihe defendant upon the grounds of two years separation: and the said de fendant w ill further (ake not ice I hat he is required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of (he Su perior Court of said County in the Courthouse in Waynesville, North Carolina, wilhin thirty days afti r Ihe 251b day of July, 194(i, and answer or demur to Ihe complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court fin' the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 25th day of July. 194G. C. H. LEATHER WOOD, Clerk Superior Court. 15(10 Aug 2-9'.M(i-23 NOTICE SERVING Sl'MMONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Haywood County. In the Superior Court Charlie Stines vs. Virgie Slines The defendant will take notice -that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Haywood County. North Carolina, for the purpose of securing an absolute divorce from the defendant upon the grounds of two years separation; and the said defendant will further take H'-Iire that he is required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said County in the Courthouse in Waynesville, No-th Carolina, within thirty days after the 22 day of July, H)4fi, and an swer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for Ihe relief demanded in said complaint. This tjio 22 day of July, 1940. C. II. LEATHKRW OOD, Clerk Superior Court. 15S6 luly 26 Aug. 2-9-10. NOTICE OF SERVICE OK SUM MONS AND WARRANT OK ATTACHMENT BY PUBLICA TION NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN SUPERIOR COURT MATT RUHR ESS, Plaintiff vs. FLOWERS HOLDING COMPANY. A CORPORATION, Defendant The defendant above named will take notice that a summons in (he above entitled action was issued against said defendant on the 12th day of August, 194fi, by Clerk of (he Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, lor the sum of $4.fil535 due the plaintiff by the defendant for breach of contract by the defendant wit D the plaintiff for profit from sale of defendant's lands by plaintiff un der said contract of sale and com missions and profits thereon. The defendant yvill also takej notice that a warrant of attachment was issued by said Clerk of (be Superior Court at the time of the issuance of said summons and pur suant thereto the Sheriff of Hay wood County, N. C, levied upon the attached (he following prop erly belonging to the defendant, to-wit: Two (racls of land in l'asl fork Township. Haywood County, North Carolina, (he first containing 1220 11 acres, and the second containing 50 acres, and being the identical lands conveyed to The McCreery Land and Investment Company, a corporation of South Carolina, by G. T. Presslcy, Trustee, by Deed dated Seplcmber, 1927, recorded in Book 75, page 379, Olliec of the Register of Deeds for Haywood County, North Carolina, and being also (he identical tracts of land conveyed to Flowers Holding Com pany, a corporal ion, the defendant herein by Ihe McCreery Land and Investment Company, a corpora lion, by deed dated June 27. 1930. recorded August 21, 1930, in Rook 90, page 289, office of the Regis ter of Deeds for Haywood County . North Carolina, lo which said deeds and records reference is hereby made for a full and complete de scription of said lands and said descriptions are incorporated here in by reference as fully as if sel out herein Which said warrant of attach ment is returnable before (he Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County, N. C, at the time and place named for the re turn of the summons. The defendant will further lake nolice that il is required lo he and appear at the office of the Clerk of (he Superior Court of Haywood Counly, North Carolina, at the courthouse in Waynesville, N. C . on or before the 13th day of Sep tember, I94C, or within 30 days thereafter, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff, or the relief demanded in the com plaint will be granted. This the 1 21 h day of Aug I94(i GERTRUDE P. CLARK, Asst. Clerk Superior Court. 1504 Aug. 10-23-30 Sept 0 Read the Classified Advertisements HENRY NOTICE TO illl mmEM As y.ui Know, not only the cost ,,)' p ;e ... ,j ,,, , ,, , ,,.,!, m id,. last lew necks. The same applies In e 11 , I h i i a I I::, 1 1 . onm, 1 . - . 1 1 Ii I ho ninniii": ol' our liuscs. Ilioir upkeep :i;nl pu-iiiii. m .n .-. a u m, 1,. . pi a ampins, i ll'., etc. We trieil very lla I'll lo 1 1 1' I', set the in, iva-c I e v:iv' a !.. 1, , , j, ,. ),, the pulilie thus increasim; Ihe niiinlior of our ;, s-en,-, ', , v ,- , am,- to a point where v have either to curtail our .;;m ,.. 1,, -I, .!:;: ,-, -,. the fares. We t h, ill: lit il I iet ter to 1 house I he la I 1 1 r v .i . , a i! p, ,t 1 !, , ,1 1,(1, ,re All.'Mist !.". The new lares w ill Le ,o ;, ,1 in paper - ,,n t ,:r, . T01 lay. we want to appeal to our pal run,- to nii.iei 1 a in I 1 !. . jy anil to cooperale in usinp; out' Imses as l,of,ii a. Yoil know you save much more lor your l..;iul 11 -up- ,a,r i". 1. , Cordially yours, TWIN CITY BUS COMPANY W. T. LEI). .IK. I Schedule Of Fare i o Twin-City BlIS service (Effective August 13) dim I'ouud ' en IfANLE OF THIP .y ! ,iii ck. ls Williin Hie City Limits (as hcloio) Hv :i .qo Hospital r,r ; 21) Waynes illt'-Uaylown 1 ,r -j"n- 1.-0 a ncs illi'-Hacluoixl (l)alon I'lihlier. W i lli i.) I :p Id Muse's Store on Allen's Creek IV :: v 1.20 Waynesy illc Alm Muse's Sloi " en A Han" ' reel, o. : 1.7(1 A lion's Creek from Muse's Store ll.ivlon l.'.i.'i'i Wolloo and olhor nianiil'acl in in:: plant- IV ;'.V l.K) Allen's Crook from Muse's Store: Day Ion K'un' i. Wolloo, and olhor manufacturi'mr plants . . on pavement IV j.O off pavement 1 V :' V 1..!,", aliovo bridge (off paveinenl) :u- :v L."i0 Rooky liraneh to Wa vnesx illc J.V I ., I. Si) Wa nes illo-.Iunaluska or Mrfoney Coo) Vaynos illc-Ralclil f Cove ) l' V I V 2.20 I'or other information please call Teh plume No. (i'l or :o W. I'uy from Pus Drivers or Pus Station Nei in l.e! :ph,. Holt CARL C. ANDERSON DON ALD DUCK IJY WALT DISNEY HI UMCA DONALD MOE FROAA YOUR KX-l SHOPPING TRIP Y to et3 S T f- . v r rs n a l I Nl wnvv X 'LATCW O.Il 1 I VVANTAl BUT BROKE ONLY i.)::7. K QISJP WINDOW ! m. ivir i yi x - - - OF VADID J I WAS OVER T'OAV !, AT BUTCH 'S BUT WE HAD Ionuv ONE rsht! .sfl Copr IMMk Will 61WW7 ProdurtnJ World KtfWS W'WeJ I WAS GOOD! I STAVED HOME AND DUG FOR PIRATE treasure! : "nj TH' CSJE X7 . i i 'r J . NVi.J J V-a-I': -..V- - -J f 'f A sS3P FN

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