THE WAYNESYTT.T.E MOUNTAINEER PAGE THREE (Tirst Srt!o7 I Haywood Vetetans To Draw Pay For Unused Furlough Time In Services lir DOG u ; ... (.i II-.iv All Their Shot's ;i( lit' " ,v iKii' Art' the Reasons Why: For School, Children sWill Need Sh oes it nil' ; I ! I N I S: 'lie fur Childri n. ( in (Oils. If AII I "S Hllll lias ;,. .,,,,1, sih ii:S AKK TI1K CI1F U'FNT ni ut: i -lioi's Vim re alxxay s sure ul vali . ; yi 1 1 TO SFF OIK jj Girls iJ4 'BYs ARK I()M:Y-SAVINC1 SPECIALS biii.s- siioks -. . sifs s1- !o !;iMk $H .2!) -' ;i;-i I ill'!.-' ( Kl'ol'ds ni' ... ; c alleles in ii mm u hile . . -t ;ii!y nxl'orils (if solid leal her. )J m !!'!! Vit Johnson - fig ( l-.l, .rt!-; - ! ' Ii top shoes with (lolllile 9,V l"!' i- I'.v I ! t it i ii i 1 1 Johnson "MM 1 - Ml Sdllil 'i'"ii Mack $K.nn ':!- i!;il'"ii ;n 1- in a-m-ted style: :'-"": V. il'ieed to . u' Oxi'm-il- and Pumps; new f ANTS' SIIOKS - - - Sizes 1 to 8 m Simla l! as, orted styles '.AFT l"r infants : .Vi 1'inind wear. F- HM! HOYS -.- Sizes 8'.'2 to 3 $1 .49 $ .98 $ H .69 $H .98 IV s' llljVs' ... I'illlVils Jillil',.,1 ... "y-' :.! h. iiicw! to . $J00 $ .98 $.98 iiist the kind of romp 98 blooded American Inns ijg f allies in J,.h..l ol.... e- " mines . . . ror nnaiewr f nt a What You Want to Pay ... Go to Explanation Of Procedure For Getting Payments Is .Made !!'; niinl Forces Leave Act ul 1 signed into law by i -nil lit Ti UiiKin shortly after n . i -s ail 'nunied w ill affect 1 1 I 4 Oim derails in Hay -ml lounly who i.uK'il to take all h Ini lough time during their !' .i Is i. M I X lee H i i - i ills w I hi served as enlist -; i -.'I'.iu ! nu hiding W AC's ! - , ; i luiso lalt r eoninussien siiin' Si'i'l eiahi'i- ii. l'.Cii) are il.K' !ui Hie tiniont;h pax me m s iiiiii.' In an esplanatory luillelin i''.i In .1 II How ell. .Ir . xi'l-i- i ixni' olluer for this eonti- p!i ion r.ii nis will he dis iliuliil to post oliit't's within Ari i. The local postmaster reports i i1 n.uie are on hand now. anil In ii thex ari ixe the information ill 1). published. The post office ill' ne information of the w. and persons with (iieslions mill Hie hill should contact the i x n e oil h i t or xxait nut il Hie pl leal ion loi ins ai'i ix e. Year to l'ilc Claim claims must he mailed in Si pl 1 . 11147. which allows Jonathan Creek News MRS. V. T. RAlM lt Til. more than a xoar to muke the r.p pliration Since it is anticipated that there will he 15.000.000 claims mailed in. 1 1 lore will bo a necessary dela Ik Ioio the bonds pax ni'.; for i the niuiscd I'll i U11114 h time arrixc lo ' the applicant I HowcxiT, this delax-wdl ho nnl.x I technical, for the honds will not j mature mil i I fixe xears from the dale on them. This date will bo delei mined In the time an individ ual was discharged. Iicinu the first (lax ol the quarter follow-ini: dis charge That is. if a poison :t. dis, haired in April. Max. or Juno 1 1144. his bonds would bo dated I .Inlx 1 li)44. and could bo cashed .lulx 1. 11(49 In fillnm out applications, fust estimate xour loneth nt honorable sei x ice. lime m con! uiemei il i!oe not count ' I'muro I he total aaioi: t of furloimh time you were elimhle lo have gotten. ublracl the daxs of fuiloucji xnii were actuallx credited tor. If what daxs xou h.ixe lett is loss than 120. oil will he due payment for the complete time but the law docs not allow pay ments for more than 120 days. To l iRUe Time For example, if you had HI months of aclue sorxieo, you would haxo 2 1 :' times lit. or a total of 4."i days of ftirloutzh lime. If you had used ten days fur!oiit:h while 111 the service, you would have iia daxs To Our Pharmacist, your proscription is Personal Business. He ropects the confidence you have placed in him and fully realizes his responsibility. T 1 That is why he is honor-hound to compound lS it with the utmost care. It Registered Pharmacist Curtis Drug Store payable under this law. However, if you were AWOl. for '.W days, or in confinement for 30 days, your total active service would be re duced to IT njonlhs nnd total leave time reduced to 42 days This would leave a total of H2 days for w hich y nu could be paid. This "2 days would bo paid at the rate of grade held at the time of discharge, plus a 70 cents per day subsistence allowance. Send in Pisrliars'e It is important that the applica tion be accompanied by the dis- har..'o paper ill order to make sure that the claim is being made by a buna fide ex-serviceman or woman This discharge will be returned by mail after it has served its pur pose. If you served in both the rie.x and Nax y. mail in hut h dis charge certificates, but mail them both lo only the place where you were last discharged. Do not pro son! the claims in person. Payments mill be made diroeth lo the applicant by the Finance Of ficer at his separation cciilcr. Fax incuts will be in cash only if the total sum claimed is less than STill. if the claimant was discharged pi nil' lo .Ian I. HMIt, and in the cases where former personnel died after discharge. All other claims (ill be paid in 0, S. bonds to the closesl $2.rv These bonds can nol be cashed for five years nor can they bo transferred to another per son. I heir only immediate use be ing thai they may ho used for pay ments of government insurance They will betir 2' j per cent yearly interest. Contract Let For Vet Hospital At Salisbury WASHINGTON. lieprescnla live Houghton's office announced lasl week the Army Fngineers had let the contract for planning and designing (he f)4ll-bed Veterans Ad ministration nciiiopy schial lie hos pital at Salisbury to Walter Hook C Ii a r I o ( t e. in conjunction willi Dietrich and Olson, Halcigh They w ill retain as a consultant ('haile: F Ncergoai'd. New York. II is hoped that bids lor const rut lion can he called for within eiglil months Dougblon's office said, and il is possible that when consl rucl inn begins, some local Salisbury aiclii led will be on the job lo assist the ai'chilecls who have the conlracl. Wide Use for Ramie Todny, ramie, which resembles fine silk, is found In airplane and parachute cloth, tents, typewriter ribbons, currency papers, under wear, hosiery, raincoats, surgical dressings and upholstery fabrics. Home Club Meets The Jonathan Crock Homo De monstration club held their acaial picnic supper at the home of Mrs Flora lloyd this week x(ith a huge number of members and their bus hands attending Tobacco Cut Farmers in the ('rook soil ion haxe stalled lulling their tobacco. Il the weather continues favorable Hie tobacco . i ops in tins section give promise "I being pro I liable. Oono K. Unwell Disehaixcil Corporal Cone K Howell, sun of Mr. and Mrs. O . Unwell has been ; i honorably disi bared from the 1 S. Marines at Camp l.eiuone. lie served for 27 luonlli overseas his duty out of the slates taking him to Saipau. ( k maw a a ml Japan. .lack Allisnii Discharged j Jack llison. Seaman lira class.; xv ho has boon serving in the I S i Naxy. as recently honoi ably ills charged at the separation! center. Charlesliui. Ho has servo. I lor one y ear in I be Naxy. Mi' and Mrs. Frank Kennedy had as their gnosis during the pasl week, the Inrinoi s brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs Paul Kennedy, ol Kniixxillo, Tenn Mr. and Mrs i lluir Moody and childi i n of ( 'hie, icn. have been t lie guests of Mr ami Mrs (' M Moody. I. iv id I '.il Ion. and son ol I'n kens S, ( '. spell! I he pasl w eok Willi ! be Pinner's brother. Merrill r.iilou While here they spent several days fishing on ('alalooohoe Ml and Mrs. Ii. M lialhgeh and daughter Anne, have n I in mil to t heir home in Kaleigh alter v isil nig Mi s. hgob's lamilv John K. Kennedy of Allanla. spool last week end Willi his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kennedy Ships Stretch A aOH-font American tanker grows D foot in length while taking on her cargo of oil. This expansion is caused by the heat of the petro leum, which is sometimes warmed to temperatures of 123 degrees to facilitate pumping. llii th Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Nsbiuy ( 'nrdon. of Sylva. announce the bulb of a daughter l.uanne. on July . '.U Mrs Cordon was before her marriage the former Miss Mildred Hrenille. of U ax iiesx i I le ALL UMMER Reduced As Much As uy Nov and Save on nationally Adverfised Shoes Rhythm Step Buster Brown Air Step Vitality ll The TOGGERY Drs. SEAVER and LOCKARD Of Asheville OPTOMETRISTS First Floor . , . Masonic Hoilding . . . Waynesvllle Eyes Examined - - - Classes Fitted FRIDAY I' ('ll WEF.K 9:00 TO 5:00 II. M. SKAVKU. O. I). JOHN C. LOCKARD, O .D. Slack's il-fl " .s ii" 0T T" ? W 0 h ' 3 pimniv;,;,. "X ' r . . t k1 of urx Carlttx Jflannd Si 1 1 il ! soft in line and I'ahnY . . . a .luninr-1 leli How-Tic Meanly in Cai-ltex 10(1', all wool flannel luxuriously lined with Ponalone, a I'umlcl actate rayon satin. In 'ii'nxxu. gold. mint. .urcy. or black; ior and misses' sizes. S49.50 Wnjriciillf. ronton. Bicvnrd n.t. 4 W. HUGH MASSIE, Owner p8 C Si I 1

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