v S r PAGE FOUR (First SecthAj Shackford Conerstone Laid Monday At Junaluska 1 Methodist Leaders Cite Progress In Educational Program Of Church Shackford Hall, built on the Lake Junalur,ka assembly ground; in 1923 and the locale of yearly lead ership training schools in the rar. since, was the scene Monday of formal cornerstone laying cere monies, with the Rv. !)r John Shackford. pastor of the Chestnut Street Methodist church. Norfolk. Va . taking a major part in I he civ ice llishop Paul B. Kern of Na . h: ville. Bishop V. Eail l.eddc n ol Syracuse, N. Y. and the Rev. Dr. John Q. Schisler of Nashville, al so spoke. Bishop Kern lauded Dr. Shackford as one whose creative genius had for more than 'M years guided and developed the work of Chiislian education lor leaders. Speaking on the .subject, "A cliieveini nls and Coals in itcligious Kdiication," Dr. Shackford iia'ed the growth of the program in the Methodist Kpj cop.il church, South, from its -beginnings in 1 ! 1 7 at Lake Junaluska lie cited lour major achievements. These he listed as I he winning of Hie church to ,i delinile coiinnil nient lo an cdtn .it innal prng.raiu reaching dem n lo I he local church; Kecogint ion ol the necessity lor rcasunahle licciluiit on the part of trai her : a i e-t x.iniin.il inn jnd i e- it. tl 1 tit ion ul tin ( In i . 1 1 . 1 1 1 tait h laught and picailad. and Kccugni- t ul the lai t th.it modern Chri ,- tianil mil t It hi :ht directly to hear upon t lie i . 1 1 and mural issues ill l he pi esenl I line. ' l li' i e arc pnu n I id Ion e ." lie st.fied. "not mil' mi the outside but vi I Inn I hi' i Inn ill il ill . who do not want the status quo of many areas of our American life brought under the searching light of the mind of Christ. They want a gr. pel that offers heaven without I he necessity of changing innliws and their way of living. Chiislian ethi-' cation must not avoid these issues In this impending struggle I see the opportunity lo make .lun.ilii -l..i Leadership Training school a sounding hoard for a ( 'hi i .l i ntei ed courageous gosped a gospel thai refuses to compromise uilh I he: secularism of culture, v. iHi cor porate sins, or the sins ol .i - lem any more than il will coinpr mil with the sins of the mil : , nlual heart." I Miss Jielte Hannah has i el in m il home after spending two iinnilh at Carolina Beach with I el.it n is. i THE WAYNESVTLLE MOUNTAINEER Boyce G. Wyatt Aboard USS Cone Visiting Europe Visiting the Scandinavian and Low Countries of Europe, arid in, mill next for Portugal and I ''ranee, is Boyce (i. Wyatt, 19, sea man lirst c lass. l.'SNH, son of C. W. (iieene ol llazelwood, who is al id Hie destroyerUSS Cone. His ship, with five other U. S. e el . is due to land at Lisbon lnil.n will leave Wednesday for Kuide.iiiv. France, and arrive later il lioiien on Sept. 1. The crew nii oibeis enjoyed numerous shore pal lies and activities during the lit, ,il Oslo. Copenhagen, Stock holm and the port towns of the low ' lllllll I ICS Amstead Jones arrived this week from Miami and is I he guest ol , his sisters, Miss Naimctte ami li j S. A. Jones. He will he imueil 1 on Sunday by his wile who i - -; beu visiting her family in I clph..... Ohio. Lake Junaluska Music Series Presents ALICE HEGWOOD TOMLINSOi in CONCERT Saturday Evening, August 17 8:30 Art Songs - - Operatic Arias - - Heart Songs Negro Spirituals "A Gorgeous, Thrilling Voice" $1.50 Reserved $1.20 Unreserved Tickets on Sale Al Chamber of Commerce REA MEETING Continued From Page One) 1 pie enling the Cecil area, Ira H I ( oebuin of Cruso, W. P. Harris of He.mi dam, A. W. Ferguson of ' Ciahlree, Mrs. C. S. Green of l ine . Cree k, Hoy lit Mcdford of Irniidiilf, C J Moody of Jonathan Creek, T W. Cathey of Pigeon, c V Loudon and H. W. Davis of I'l'l'ii Hominy, who represent lliini iniilie c ounty. ! Wilhin the past two months a new line began serving homes in I rans.v Ivania county. A new sub st ilion was installed in the vicinity ol Busman and Lake Toxoway, tie in;', in lo the Duke company power, and presently is serving 85 mem bers wlh a goal of 500 set for that coiinn. 11 is pianneu to elect a member lo the board of directors this i ;ii lo represent Transylvania. The new line being constructed in .lai lisoii county will serve the C.iiie Fork, John's Creek, Argura and Wolf Mountain townships. Dining the past year the cor pm .il ion s membership has increas ed I iv approximately 500, and there remains as strong a demand for new soi vice as ever. "We have 'MM applications on file from Hay wood county and 100 from Bun combe," slates Mr. Sheffield. Most ol these people want to eon necl wilb lines that run near their re ulencos. However the eonstrue Iniii program is slowed down be i in .e ol the lack of sufficient nia li ii. ils. explains Mr Sheffield. "We mils have one line- crew working now hul il we could gel more ma leu.ds we could add more men." I he HK.- co-operative was first orgaiiied iii in:t!) as the Cruso Mulual Flcctric corporation, but due lo its growth has changed its name, I wo ears ago. to Haywood Coiinlv Membership Flcctric corp. lis principal lines receive their Evening Speaker i 1 FRIDAY,, The Rev. Dr. Clarence Tucker Craig of Oberlin College, Ohio, noted as one of the translators of the Hcviscd Standard Version of the New Testament which was published this year, is the t) p. in speaker at the Lake Junalu ka au ditorium tonight. lie and L'r Blackwood, homilelics at Princeton, have been since Wednesday each iiid evening, today clos- series. Clarence professor speaking morning ing their stati: mroKTiNc; slaichtik CATTLE KALFIOII,-- Despite the fact thai production of beef cattle in this State is increasing. 0.751 head were imported f i urn other areas for slaughter from January through June. Dr. William Moore, head of the Veterinary Division of the State Agriculture Department, re ports. lie said that LIIOI dairy cattle were biotight into this Stale, and 200 beef cattle, bringing lotal im portations for the first six months of this yeai to 10..'i55, compared with 1,216' lor 1044, and LXliS for 1943. Local V. F. W. Post To Meet In Court House Future meetings of J lay wood Memorial Post No. 6767, Veterans of Foreign Wars will be held at the county Court House, it is announc ed by Robert R. Campbell, post commander, after a decision reach ed at this week's meeting in the Armory. The L'rouo will meet next on ; Monday night, Aug. 19 at the Court House. Mr. Campbell urges all ! members to be present in order to j take their obligation and receive j ! officii membership cards and lapel buttons. All veterans who nave had foreign service are especially invited to attend and fill out mem bership cards. "We wish to extend to Mr. George Brown, county manager, our many thanks for the use of the Court House," states -the post commander. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE The undersigned, having ijuali lied as Administrator of the estate of C. U. Jones, deceased, all per sons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to file same, duly verified, with the un dersigned R. C. Jones, at Clyde. N. C. on or before the 16th day of August, 1947, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please pay same to the undersigned forthwith. This the 16th day of Aug . 1U4G. R. C. JONFS, Administrator Estate of C. B. Jones, Deceased. 15G7 Aug 16-23-30 Sept 6-13-30 runs N. 32 W. 406 feet to a stak. Mark Hannah corner; thenee N 89 W. 82.5 feet to a stake; thence N. 3 W. 99 feet to a stake in old Jonathan Creek Road; thence with center of said road three calls as follows: S. 82" 45' W. 99 fect 87 30' W. 381 feet; N. 85 W.127 feet to a stake, Ben Moody's cor ner; thence with said Moody's line four calls as follows; S. 1 30 y 140 feet to a stake; S. 80 W 125 feet to a stake; N. 48 W. 92 feet to a stake; N. 33 15' W. 62 feet t stake in the center of a bridge over a small branch in said old Jonathan Creek Road; thence with center of said road, S. 59 W. 270 feet to a stake. Finger's corner. th. - s ('1NMV Miss Mary Alice Gainesville. Fla.. le week lor her home several das with Osborne. llamplin, of I dining the liter spending Miss Anne Mrs. Fvelvn Osborne, superin tendent of the Mission Hospital, Ashcville, is spending a month here with her family at their home oil Love Lane. power from the Carolina Power and Light company, with connecl ing substations at Clyde and Candler. NOTICE OK RE-SALE Under and by virtue of an order of lie-sale of Hie Superior Court of Haywood County made in the spe cial proceeding entitled "I). M. Carpenter et als vs. Klherl Moody el als," same being No. 380 upon I he Special Proceeding Docket of said Court, the undersigned Com missioner will, on Thursday, A11 gusl 21), 1046, at 11 o'clock A. M. at the Courthouse door in VVaynes vi I If, N. C, offer for sale to Ihe highest bidder for cash, thai tract or parcel of land, lying and being in Ivy Hill Township, and more particularly described as follows, to-wil: THIRD TRACT: BEGINNING on! a slake in the old Curtis line at the Northeast corner of the one-half j acre tract conveyed by Pink Car-! penler to John Bradley, Book 103,1 page 214, which stake is on the j North hank of ,rinalhan Creek, and I DON'T FALLFOR O Win ...to J-. K Don't let anyone tell you that you ron't rrof c a t i c f Q r- n r r utQirl qualities in children's shoes because ji hii. w at . Awug,VLJUij faiUC dllli dependable service when you out fit your youngsters with hidden value shoes . . . the famous WEATHER-BIRD and Jittttt )iamond H land SHOES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS ft $3.20 Ray's ShoeJD Announcing the Formal Opening - - - OF THE -- - F Wo GROCERY veryone nviled Located in New Rock Building Beside Cabo's Service Station HAZELWOOD Comploto Line Of GROCERIES FEEDS DRY GOODS-NOTIONS Check Our Low Price Before Buying Wo Will Also Feature A Prompt, Courlcoiis And Efficient Service DELICATESSEN NEAT MARKET VEftY SOON!!! OWNED AND OPERATED BY VETERANS Everything Sold On Money Back Guarantee u Wo CIROC SAM FRADY LLOYD WEST, Manager CALVIN FRAP lhenc'"J "f saiH e. stak J r , " "1 J"lln Brae,. calls a. , : "'" 'if stake, v .- ' 3S f: 'in. re Wi"t Ju-t This tin-h 1 III. J FITL'XG aperI FITl 4u I 'iww v"

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