Standard PRINTING Co Adv 220 S First St LOUISVILLE KY Cblished -A-WeeK The Waynesville Mountaineer 49,500 People Tuesday fiday Live within 20 miles of Waynesville their Ideal shopping center. Published Twice-a-Week In The County Seat Of Haj Wood County At The Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park RSI' VKAK 8 Pages WAYNESVILLE, N. ., TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1916 $.'!.()() In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties sion ;ar Smathers in Serious i At Here Smallicrs, Tious condil ion at follow inn injuries and fact' sustained wreck a limit 10:30 k when six others Similiters is in imnlv hospital. in a lirail-un colli- (laiuinid-Huiiciiiiibe t-hrwiie highway hot h cars (l.'.'llnllshcrt in- "I the Slate intc-tiMled the final he learned, ' iii-en made at kndiiii; tin- condi- Uhciv j n. 23, .. If,,,,),, i ' IW" Plymouth to- anri Charlie ',iw- said In have hern Chevrolet towards .- parked (in I .V IWcll passed I"' t(i passen i'i have crashed f S,U!"I el his leaf fl acainsi i, ar -ns ri)n..wi, ried hi "i'a flisrhareo about 1 M-ar aeo. 47. lin.U "Sv; tut about the ai'Bcd h-iver of l,n,(l a shoulder1 falller f ci... kin .i head. rot,,,l,'d cuu on ear. rUh ... l"e n in urv her. "u 10'- r w"e treat.,,, . tail (,,,, ol ;dt e bos on dZ'T was JtfReport UiiiH-er bv f'f D... ' a"d cooler 2Fair and not sviiu ... d bv mpera- FarnV- Slaff Mia. 61 56 55 77 Rainfall 31 .28 .49 Wreds At Cataloochee Reunion Picnic 1" HMIM1I ! II I I i I -I. - i il . .Xm mtommSULim, V li.A., ilil.,lfi uil ! . a partial new ot tno uu wno auenaea me anuai cataloochee reunion at Palmer s Chapel. wn tilled "iih after a formal program of group singing and an address by Monroe inili, . This is one of the largest attended reunions in the state. (Photo by Ingram, n Injured In Of 2 Autos Sat. Decision On OPA Control On Milk, Meat Due Tonight Sometime tonight, the de control board is scheduled to release their decisions on whether price controls will be restored on meats, dairy prod ucts, trains, cotton, jsteed and soy beans. OPA is all set to say what the ceilinrs will be on these items if controls are re-established. Should the decontrol board decide that controls must be restored on meats, dairy prod ucts and the other items on the list, they must also decide on whether subsidies shall be paid again, and at what rate. 10- Three From Haywood Join Regular Army Two Clyde and one Canton youth recently enlisted in the Regular Army, all being assigned to the Air Force, according to an an nouncement from the Army Rc Hie "illy pas-' cruiting station in Asheville. "in-i ums alter Berlin V. Breedlove, son of Mrs. fmcd lace lac-' Ethel Breedlove of Clyde, and Hoy N lilt- knee .-mH J. Henderson son of Rnv Honder- j son, of Route 1, Clyde, enlisted on -". Iirniher of j August 2 and July 27, respectively. lK and bruises! Jnnn c- Gibson, son of Mrs Elyina l"Md. ist , Gibson, 31 Winfield St., Canton, "''ii rmany and ! pnlisted on July 29. Neither had J' and the ! Previous service. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DIRECTORS TO MEET TONIGHT The directors of the Chamber of Commerce will meet tonight at eight, at the offices of Millar and Medford. Matters of importance i will Ut- INI 'llSSffl .t!11 k j: i L. E. Sims, presi- .iiinut (he dent said Miss S. A. Jones, is secretary. Baptists Holding 61st Annual Association Meeting Today, Wednesday Beginning at 10:00 o'clock this morning the 61st annual Haywood Baptist association meeting will be held in the Barbersville church. The first of a series of five pro grams will feature reports on work in church missions. The afternoon meeting today also will be held at the Barbersville Baptist church, and tonight the Program will be given in the Clyde Baptist church. Wednesday morn ing and afternoon sessions will be in the Dutch Cove Baptist church. George Ingle will lead the wor ship that opens the first meeting, and after preliminary business the mission reports will be given by I- A. Rhihehart, Bolden Hartgrove, Mrs. W. T. Crawford and Rev A. E. Peake. The annual sermon will be delivered by Rev. R. A. Kelly. (Projrram On Page Three) Head - On Clyde Tax Rate Stays $1.85 For Fiscal Year Board Members Tighten Budget As Expenses Rise And Income Decreases Properly taxes in the Town I Clvde will remain at the rale i $1.85 per $100 assessed valuation I during the current fiscal year, it was decided at a recent meeting of Mayor Bill Harris and the board ot aldermen. However, with there being no income from road paving taxes this year, the board is adjusting its budget as closely as possible to meet the expenses. One of the reasons they were able to keep the unpaved roads in the township in repair, explains one of the alder men, was their finding a sum of money that had accumulated with the State treasury from gasoline taxes and getting work done by the "Highway Commission under these funds. Expenses for operating the Town's water supply and trash pick ups are expected to grow, and the Town Board may find it necessary to place a fee on hauling trash at a later date. The aldermen point out that the roads in the township have been placed in good condition this sum mer due to excellent cooperation from the Highway Commission, all ararngements having been made with the district engineer, J. C. Walker of Asheville. 'Vj t saws? A. HUGGINS, state secretary mm M M of the Baptist association. Furlough Pay Measure Author Visits Here Congressman Dwight Rogers of Florida Is Spending Third Summer in Haywood Dwight I.. Rogers, whose address is Ft Lauderdale, Fla , and the House of Representatives, Wash ington, 1) C, is a summer visitor to Waynesville who is enjoy ing his vacation after successfully con cluding the campaign in Congi ess to get passage of the Armed Forces Leave Act, the bill that pays for mer servicemen for their unused furlough time. In an exclusive interview with The Mountaincqr, Congressman Rogers told how the bill, which he drew up and introduced in the House last September, was pushed into enactment. He also made sev eral comments about Waynesville, where he is fully enjoying his stay and has many friendships. With his wile and youngest son. Doyle, the Florida Representative is staying at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Queen, which is proof enough thai he likes square dancing. They plan to remain in Waynesville through August before returning to their home in Florida, and meanwhile the Congressman: is playing golf and taking part in j other local activities. During the Catalooche reunion, Congressman Rogers met Monroe Redden, who will be with him in Washington next January repre senting this district. His colleague-to-be made a favorable impression on the Floridian, who commented that Mr. Redden would make a capable representative During the past year Congress man Rogers has been almost com pletely occupied pushing the Fur lough bill through the national legislature. "I first introduced the bill H. R 4051 September 13, 1945," he related He was its onlv sponsor. that being the rules of the House, and the bill was referred to the Military Affairs committee. The BommitteeNiid not favor tt&' measure then, and refused to take action on it. After it had been pigeon-holed for 30 days. Con gressman Rogers used the diffi cult device of petition to prv it out on the floor. "I worked until ! April getting the required 218 sig- of . natures from other Representatives of I on a petition to discharge com- immee, nut wiicn the Military Al . fairs committee saw that I would have enoiiph n:imcs Ihci- rctwu-liwl js ou( favoraDv "The rules committee then (Continued on Page Eight) put Young Jones Boy Hit By Auto Monday Was Not Seriously Hurt Jimmy Jones, four-year old son of Port Jones, who was injuried Monday afternoon in a Main Street accident, was released from the hospital after treatment for minor bruises. He was attempting to cross Main Street about in front of Smith's Drug store, darted from between two automobiles and into the front of one traveling down the street. The driver was unable to slop in time to keep from hitting the little boy, who was taken home and later to the hospital to determine if he had been seriously injuried. Investigating officers called il an "unavoidable accident," on the part of the driver, a visitor from Cincinnatti who did all that he could to get the boy to first aid treatment. Hound Show Draws Large Number Of Participants Here Drawing numerous entries from North Carolina and neighboring states, the first Fox Hdund Bench Show ever held in Haywood was termed a distinct success. The show which began at 2 p. m Saturday afternoon on the Tow n ship high school athletic field, was staged in a large, roped-off ring with judging of hounds in 10 dif ferent classifications. Under a beaming sun. the ow ners would bring their dogs into the ring, par-' ade them around the edge of the j circle while the judge, Ross AIex- ander, of Statesville, gave them a j preliminary looking over. : The 10 best of those entering I each class were then placed by j the next issue of The Mountaineer, their owners on the platforms in a I and a picture of the Best dog in line across the center of the ring, the show and the Best dog in Hay Then came the final judging as wood county will be published, , Wrote Vet Pay Bill Congressman Dwight Rogers, of Florida, author of the bill to pay servicemen for their unused fur lough lime, is now spending his vacation in Waynesville after watching President Truman sign the measure into law. i Photo by Ingram, Skyland Sludioi Final Rites For W. L. McCracken This Afternoon Former Teacher In County Schools For Forty Years Dies Following Operation Washington Lafayette McCraek etjHiiywood county school teacher diei at 12:0(J. a? hi.' Monday, at the Biltmore Hospital. Riltniore where he had been a patient since last Tuesday, having been rushed to the hospital for an emergency major operation. He rallied from the operation bill steadily worse his condition grew i lin as accompanist, sang in the aft after Thursday N'i nooii The Haywood county quar Last rites will be conducted this afternoon at 3:00 o'clock at the First Methodist Church with liev. Paul T'ownsend. pastor oflieiating Hurial will be in Green Hill cemel- ; cry. i Nephews will serve a: active pall- bearers. j The members of toe :,;ens Adult j Class, of the Sunday School of the ! First Methodist Church of which j Mr. McCracken had been a mem I her will serve as honorary pall bearers. Mr. McCracken, native of llay- i wood county, who has a wide family I connection, was the son of J M. and Elizabeth Penland McCracken He had taught for forty years in the schools ot Haywood county, and had seen the school systems i of this section grow from the one room school house to the present consolidated system. He was re tired from active duty as a teac her two years ago. Mr. McCracken was also engaged in farming in the county. He was a member of the First Methodist Church here and had been active in the church affairs for many years. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Hattie Kirkpalriek McCracken. one son. Harry McCracken. recently discharged from the armed forces, i (Continued On Page Eighli Saturday Mr. Alexander examined them for different points, switching the dogs back and forth on the platforms as he changed their rating After the I final decision. President J. W. Kil lian of the Haywood County Fox Hunters association, sponsor of the show, announced to the audience the winners. Charles M. Johnson, state as sociation president, who was sched uled to be present, telegraphed Mr. Killian Saturday morning that he was unable to attend. Trophies for the winners and ro settes will be mailed to their own ers. The trophies will be engravd prior to the mailing. All winners will be announced in Hundreds At Farmers Federation Picnic Here Gala Affair Held At East Waynesville School Here Saturday Hundreds attended the annual Farmers Federation picnic at the East Waynesville School Saturday, with some estimating the attend- I anee as high as 1 ROD James C, K McClure, president, and James McClure Clarke, field secretary, conducted the indoor festivities At the lunch hour Max M. Roberts, educational director, directed games and contests out doors. Harry W. Love, head of the tobac co division, told the farmers that tobacco this year is not too good, but that grading schools will be held this fall to assist farmers in preparing their crops so that they may get the best prices possible. Wayne Corpening, county agent. urged an increase in the alfalfa of Haywood county. Other brief talks were made by Ernest Walker, field supervisor; Jule Noland, Waynes ville warehouse manager; Claude B. Hosaflock. Haywood county freezer locker manager; and Claude Sta nley. Canton manager. The invo cation was given by the Rev. C. O. Newell, pastor of Clyde Metho dist church. The Rev Duinont Clarke, direct or of the religious department, told of progress in his work with the Lords Acre movement; Charles Tillinghast, head of a new bulb de partment, declared money can be made on bulbs in Haywood county, and Frank Rogers, principal of the school, welcomed the guests. Mr. and Mrs. R. S, Palmer, of Cataloochee, won the prize for be ing the longest-married couple present: 50 years. Mr. and Mrs. Grayson Wilson, Waynesville, had the biggest fanrfly present. R. F. Davis, a member of the Haywood federation committee, won the bald-headed contest. The Francis Cove choir, led by Wiley Franklin, with Hetty Frank- let. composed of Frank Reed, Cor bert Reed. Raymond Blanton. and Dorothy Williams, with Cleo Owon by accompanist, sang. The Blue Ridge Hillbillies sang. The group is composed of "Snow ball," Carl and J. P. Sauceman, Bennie Simms, Willie Carver, and Slim Wall, Sam Queen, leader of the Soco Gap dance team, danced. A trio composed of Maxine Clarke, Dorothy Mclntire, and Betty Brook shire, of Canton, sang. Johnny Rhymer, Gait her Robin son, and Slim Moody and his Mountain Playboys, including El mer Lowe, sang. Mrs. Johnny Rhy mer sang as soloist. The Drake Sis ters of Hendersonville sang, with Bunny Drake as soloist. More music was by the Burke county Ramblers, including James Duckworth, Irwin Duckworth, John Segal, Garland Segal, and John Gallion. Alex Houston, Hendersonville, did his ventriloquist act, and Yates Bailey, Canton did animal imita tions. Mrs. A. J. Derbyshire, of Long Island, the former Miss Ruth; Ainsley, of Waynesville and Mrs.' Lyle Ormsbee, of Chicago, the former Miss Mary Ella Ainsley, al-' so of Waynesville are the guests of, their aunt, Mrs. DeLacy this week. I Clifford E. Brown Is Named As Secretary For Congressman M. Redden Clifford E. Brown, of Clyde, has been named as one of three secre taries of Monroe Redden, Demo cratic nominee for congress, The Mountaineer learned yesterday from Mr. Redden. "I will have three secretaries, Mr. Redden said. "Two will be in the Washington, office, and the third will remain in the district. Mr. Brown will be in the Washing ton office," Mr. Redden continued. The other two secretaries have not been named. Mr. Redden and Mr. Brown were in Washington last week looking over the housing situation. Mr. Brown was campaign man ager in Haywood for Mr Redden in the May primary, and is chair man of the Haywood Democratic Executive Committee. , Harold Stassen Is Heard At Lake; Big Crowd Hear Hays Heads Champion KKl'RF.N It ROBERTSON has Just been elected president of The Champion Paper and Fibre com pany, succeeding Logan G. Thom son, who died suddenly . Robertson President Of Champion Succeeds Logan (5. Thomson As President of Champion Paper and Fibre Co. Reuben B. Robertson, executive vice president of the Champion Paper and Fibre company of Can ton, has been elected to the pres idency of I he company succeeding Logan G. Thomson, who died re cently in California, it has been announced. Dwight .) TIioiiimiii succeeds his father on the board of directors of the company, and Reuben B. Rob- orison, Jr., who lias been serving as a vice president ot I lie company I at llamillon, succeeds his lather as i executive vice president, according to the announcement . A native ot Ohio, Mr. Robertson was born in Cincinnati, June 11, 187!t, the son ol Charles D. and Cynthia B. Roherlsnn. He was educated in Hie public schools of Cincinnati, graduating from Wal nut Hills high school there in 1890. Four years later he was graduated from Yale university with an A.B. degree, and began the study of law at the Cincinnati Law school. In 1903 he was admitted to the Ohio bar and practiced law with his father in the linn of Robertson and Buckwalter until 1907. He joined Hie Champion Fibre company in 1907 and was assigned to the Sunburst operation here in Haywood county, lie held various other jobs with the company until 1912, when be was made general manager ol the Canton plant. He became pn-Mih lit of (lie company and held that position until 1935, when il merged Willi Champion Paper and Fibre company and he was appointed executive vice presi- (Continued on page 8i As, ' v4V f ' ft 'i . f jT LSLl CLIFFORD F. HROWN Congressman Hays Cites Need to Observe Christianity In Government Harold E. Stassen, former gov ernor of Minnesota and a possible Republican nominee to the presi dency, began an address at 3:00 o'clock Monday afternoon on the Lake Junaluska Assembly platform, as The Mountaineer was going to press. Mr. Stassen has scheduled a short number of talks in this area in his capacity as President of the International Council of Religious Fiducation, an interde nominational organization. His talk will be in keeping with the regular program of the religious assembly, and Mr. Stassen so far has avoided comments on political or other controversial subjects. Another speaker of national im portance was heard Sunday, when Congressman Brooks Hays of Ar kansas, addressed a large audience in the Junaluska auditorium. He cited the need for observing Christian principles in settling governmental problems. Religion has a place in these issues, he stated, that can not be overlooked if the traditional belief in freedom and man's capacity for self govern ment shall be upheld. He also dis cussed the need for all people to subordinate any selfish aims for the good of the greatest number 'We must assume responsibility in world affairs for decisions that deal with people. It is ours to find the answer and accept the respon sibility ... We cannot retreat from imi lucuis ana our unnslian con victions." The congressman was introduced by Dr. F. S. Love, superintendent. On the platform with him were Bishops Paul Martin of Little Rock, Ark.; Paul B. Kern of Nashville, and Coston J. Harrell of Birming ham; and CnrKETcssman Dwight Itogers of Florida. Saturday night the Junaluska musical progiam under Waller Herbert was concluded by the con cert of Alice Dogwood Tomlinson, contralto. Beginning with the fa miliar Largo of Handel and end ing with a group of Negro Spirit uals, Miss Tomlinson's program traversed the realm of song from the classics to modern. Herman Allison at the piano showed him self to be a capable accompanist as well as brilliant, pianist. Market Reports Eggs and Poultry Eggs remained steady at the Farmers Exchange with prices running 45c a dozen. In Asheville the market also is steady, with supplies light. A large brings 43 45, a medium 39c-40c: II large, 39c-40c: grade C 32c: current re ceipts averaging 3tic per dozen. As reported from the Asheville live poultry market, market dull with supplies heavy with prices running as follows: hens, heavy 22 -24i , light 20c; broilers and fryers 30c. Apples The Farmers Exchange quote'; S2 25 to $2.75 for all kinds of cook ing apples and there is still a strong demand for them. At Hendersonville receipts were moderate, bu. golden delicious $250-$2 75; Red delicious, S3. 80 the ceiling; Wolf-rivers and Hoov ers, $2.75-$3.00. The Atlanta mar ket is dull with bushel baskets. N. C. and Va. Delicious. S4-S4 5o Ga. and N. C. various varieties. $2.50-$3.00. Vegetables The demand is still strong for snap beans and squash at the Farm ers Exchange, best nualitv han. getting $1.50 and No. 1 squash $2.00. Cucumbers $2 00 bushel. At Hendersonville. receipts mod erate: bushel black valentine ten der greens, and poles. $2.50-to ceiling; limas, $4-$4.50; pepper re ceipt's moderate, bush, bull nose type, $2.50. Atlanta: Snap beans market is stronger and truck receipts mod erate. Bushel Ga. green round tvpe, $2.50-$3; Poles $3.50-$3 .75, Cab bage, market dull, Ga.. N. C. and Va., 50 lb. sacks, domestic round type, $1.50; poor quality, $1-$1.25. Onions, market steady, Texas and Oklahoma, 50 lb. sacks, yellow tvpe $1.75-$2; white type, $2.25-$2.50. v (Continued on Page Eight) v!r f V I

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