AIL' THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE THREE T a MESSY JOB? -hinir your car yuur-u hi at lull I Library To Be Closed On Wednesday The 11. iy wood County Public l.ibr;ir will 1h closed all day V . dui'Ml.i. . August 21, in or 'l' r ih., a!! of the stall' may " ' .ti the i-it to the Chero kee l!i-M-rvation of the Chero ki e ledum Heading club. I'll'- vacation reading club li :- bet n running since June ' ' ;! ar.mnd 211 children l ' : mi ''.out the county includ "a' i-ilor in town have bi i n enrolled in the club. 1 .: m.: I ten weeks period ' li bn- and girls have read ' i 2.i;'.'o books. ':i W din at the liesor etpen I hose who have ram ' 'eied 'lir leading and report- ny on ten hooks as required ( lull for eligibility to a i -' ' ' ' - eei i ilieati' ill be pre nted I he latter by the Chief in appropriate ceremonies. Program Of HAYWOOD BAPTIST ASSOCIATION Sixty-First Annual Session h 10:00 10:00 10:1.-, 10:20 10:2- TUESDAY MORNING ( BARBERSVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH t to Order and (!Hniiiir llvniti - - - - - - J. (Jeorjo Hi' 1 I! Kunke has as her guest Mi- - mi llroun of Stalk, Ark. tfw-r-t rrrutt TnimftTnrfliim".u SALE Wayne JLY j A. M. I P.M. j siiie ery This Season V c llae Our Largest, Finest Collection -Offered At Auction Daily l ine Diamond Jewelry . . . Imported Porcelains . . . Watches . . . ( locks . . . Cenuine Paintings . . . Antique I'm; lish Silver . . . Antique Furniture . . . Steiiiiiff Silver . . . Art floods. Our Eleventh Season in Ya ncsville jiiih jij mmn TWO SALES DAILY 10:30 A. M. 8:00 P. M. PP" teds Of Items Too Numerous To Mention Finisl Collection of Lace Dresdesden Figures Fver Offered To The Public l or Sale . . . Valuable (Jiffs FRF.K At Farh Sale. Waynesvllle Art Gallery pales Daily p.m. 8 p.m. Main Street Two Doors From Theatre Two Sales Daily 10:30 a.m. 8 p.m. k Willi I ATIONAL PARK EE IT IN ACTUAL COLOR PHOTOS (Many New. I'nttital S(enes) Illustrated Lecture By The Park Naturalist ARTHUR STUPKA 8:30 O'clock At The ourt hous WAYNESVILLE EMAIN STREET No Admission Charges Sponsored IJy IHE chamber of commerce 1 1 :2n 1 1 :LV) 11 :::() 11 :.!- 12:15 1 ::w 1 : 10 1 :.-,-, 2:2." 2::?0 2::i5 2: 10 2:15 2 :.-() - I. A. JJliiiwhart - Jiohlen Hartjrrovc Mrs. V. T. Crawford - - - A. K. IYake 7:H0 7:10 7: 15 7:50 8:25 8:I!0 ,K::55 8:15 8:10 10:00 10:15 10:20 10:25 10:.'?0 1 1 :05 11:10 11:15 11 :2() 12:00 1:30 1 : 15 1 :5() 1 :55 2:10 :!:10 C Worship . Ceoi-Ko lnpl, Knrollment Organization ami Kccinjrnitions Missions : Slate - - - - Home - - Foreign - - ------ Co-Operative l'rojrram - - - 11 vmn Business and Announcements of Committees Special Music Annual Sermon ------'... K,.y Lunch TUESDAY AFTERNOON (BARBERSVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH) Worship -------- .Jarvis I'n.lerwood Report of Fxeenlive Committee - - - T. 11. Harris Woman's Missionary Union - - Mrs. K. C. llorton Orphanage ---------- Kjh-1 Mosser Hospitals - - - j, I K0j,-,,,.s Ministers Ret irement Plan - - - R. P. MeCracken Temperance and Morals ----- U. (;. Flliott Music Address . (;. dver Flection of Otlicers. Miscellaneous and Adjournment TUESDAY EVENING (CLYDE BAPTIST CHURCH) Worship ------- Baptist History ------ Religious Literature - - - - Address -------- Associat iotiiil II ission:i ry Re)ort Moderator Report - - - - - Brotherhood ------- Address Music Frank Underwood - J. R. Morgan Mrs,. J. R. Morjran L. L. Carpenter Cretchen .lohnson - - C. H. Green - - Roy Crisp Lawson II. Cooke WEDNESDAY MORNING (DUTCH COVE BAPTIST CHURCH ) Worship Manuel C. Wyatt Training Union Cay Chambers O 1 C ,. U . 1 . T T 1 I ouiiuay ocnoois ------- jiarry Miiynes FvatiKelism T. F Krwin Stewardship, Report and Address - - Roy Voting Hymn Business and Announcements Special Music Doctrinal Sermon - - " - - - - L. N. Stephens Lunch WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON (DUTCH COVE BAPTIST CHURCH ) Worship American P.ilile Society - -Colleges and Seminaries -Address ------- Joe Williams - O. Burnett A. J. lltitchins M. A. HtiKKins Report of Committees, Miscellaneous, Adjournment Ad journment A Fine Trip, And We Had Some Fun- Ilumorous Incidents Of Out-of-County Farm Tours Are Recalled Kditor's Nolo: This is the last of three articles written liy V. C. Mcdlord cm the out-of-counly Kami Tour made by llavueed folks down to the North Carolina eoasl and back. Although the schedule ofj farms, dairies, experiment stations ami the like was crowded, the iiroup as a whole en.ioed their! trip and fell the earned valu able informal ion lroin t heir oh servahons Needless to say. on such a journey many small person al incidents occurred w bit h Air 1 tictiioiti mis recortleil as tollows Hv V. ('. Medford There are little buys on Curri tuck, also little saw nulls As wo passed throueh Mrs Leopard shout ed. "Looky yonder' They feed their hoes on saw dust I saw I hem cat inn it." "Yes." replied some one, "they tide 'cm oer on saw-. duM until the sweei tateis anil peanuts t ome in " Charlie MeCracken saw ii won derful how (piick a c.n can turn' over lie and farad. i didn't have! time to do anything not een sa a little praver, said Charlie after Kettinu up from bis spill j Imagine Mrs. Similelon steppin.; j out of an upper berth at M.inteo' Murine Barracks, into thin air I "Bui w hen I eol started," she taitl. "there was nolhim; to dt but nn all I he w ay." On meetim; (wo or three beard- i ed. fanned lookim: men alone thei I'oad. Hob franco roion,,.i,i,,.i I "Look. Hire's some o I be Lost I Colony." "Now lets not be Ion cocky," replied someone "Looks like at limes we mihl be the Lost Colony ourselves before we eel back." As our convex sped alone through the fast countryside the natives would slop by the road-side and look on in wonder w il li nioul h half open. Then :c. 11k I.'. L Leopard's car would eel opposite, she would make as if lo in .ili I hem and eive a loud "hoo-ooli!" IMarrbiKe Licenses Thei'on Wayne Whitfield, of Bun combe county lo Alice Naomi Kohni. of Cross Plains. Tex. Ceno A Hyde, to (ieneva W Cat lo an, hoi b of ('anion. Ceorne Clyde Uluuehai l to Doro thy !ae Sanndcis. hnlli el Hay wood counlv. Wanted! Men jtnd Women W ho Are Hard Of Hearing To make this simple, no risk hear inc with Ourine drops used with simple sytinee. vim are deafened, bothered by rincinn. buz zing head noises due lo hardened or eoanulaled wax (eerumeni, Irv the Ourine Home Method lesl that so many say has enabled them to hear well anain. You must bear licit or alter making this simple test ni' you el your monev hack ni once Ask about Onl ine f.-o- lln.iic today at Smith's Drip: Sloi'e. $0f TracJltknaI Beauty For A Modern Floor o RIENTAL T HROW R UGS For a spot of color to brighten your rooms during the winter . . . nothing compares with the traditional beauty of an. Oriental Throw Rug! Select yours now ... in the color and texture to blend wtih your furnishings . . . from our complete stock of col orful, beautiful, hand-woven Orientals! 2x3 Karaja 30.00 3x5 Sheraz 60.00 2x4 Lillihan 75.00 26"x5 Dergizines 85.00 4x6 Shirvan 125.00 4x7 Sarouk' 175.00 4x7 Hamadan 150.00 3x5 Kerman 225.00 4x7 Bokara 175.00 New . . . Semi-Antique . . . Antique IVEY'S ORIENTAL RUGS FOURTH FLOOR IIOMK Fl'RMSHIMiS We ('.m l S r. We Have Ii All . . . But we have most v ery I bine, to make the home more comfortable. PAY I S A YISIT Your l'llll.CO and HCA VICTOR Dealer Ami Other Allied Lines. ( ACI.K I I KMTl'RK COMPANY On the Stmare Clyde N. C. Dine and Dance - - - At The - - - Betty Jean Club Two Miles Out on Highway U)-2.i Open l'en i hi troni 5 00 IV M. - 2 00 A. M. l'Val urine : O WKSTKRX STKAKS SKA FOODS O CIIICKKN CHOPS Itl'l'i; T M.I. TIMKS - - - KXCKI'T SUNDAY W'K ( ,Ti:t: TO Sl'KCIAL I'ARTIKS No Minimum or I'etleral Ta Charge Hetween S and 8 Slack's: $00 Of Ladies' Presses Suits Millinery Eeach Coals Play Suits Shorts Slacks Bathing Suits Shorts -Halters Men's Straw Hats Swim Trunks Many Of These Items Reduced Below Cost Substantial Savings On Quality Merchandise sale Ends Thursday A II Sales Final All Sales Cash No Approvals. Wmjncsiille. Ginton. Brevnrrtr n.c. 7

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