ArcrsT 20, X9i , Moth..dist Min 1 '.. v,th t'aro- ,,. of Mrs. r ', .lunaluska. - . t iul tn , till' 1"s f ' .-iMiiili. n"s i:-:tim! "lin- Hie house '.foul with a .:,ht flowers. , guests at .,,Hk-ciI them ,i( composed He-tern North ,v Ministers' raclinir L,,s of all Kinds 472 Me i.lhkic CO. Hill unfr ind Office lorMin's Corner EST OHDS . lljrnH II Off" liudilv's Cliiek' jrmii hjol and Spice" Irimilk Skies' illrr Orch. Minutes More' hi Tex'' r Junes War Chant" 1m Worm" II inoks fmidrr" Line" Crosby Is tVonderl'lil" pli-li Things" If Spivak Keel" e Beautiful" llfvwnod my Side of the pft" n I love" Knisht Day" Ifklo i:e" Ueslon Imply Arms" llse liut Me" RADIO ;vice (I Players and ianres Rfpair Work Pile. X. C. Ministers' Wives Give . ' Ur:,r.r. fit T rrlra Bishops YYivo n j-. wives. Receiving were. Mrs. Clay Madison, Hickory; Mrs. George Clemmer, Monroe; Mrs. E. F Billups, Canton; and Mrs. W F. Quillian, of Atlanta. Ga wife of Dr. Quillian, Dean of Lake Juna lUska Pastor's School. Mrs. A. C. Gibbs and Mrs W. F McFarland of Asheville. received in the music room and introduced the guests to the second receiving line composed of the wives of the Bishops as follows; Mrs. Clare Pur cell, of Charlotte. Mrs. Paul B Kern, of Nashville, Tenn.. Mrs Coston J. Harrell, of Birmingham. Ala., Mrs. Edwin D. Mcuzon. of Charlotte, and Mrs. William N Ainsworth, of Atlanta. Ga Mrs. Cecil Heckard of Lake Juna luska and Mrs. F. Tuttle of Ashe ville receivd at the, dining room door. Mrs. Walter B. West of Waynesville presided at the punch bowl. The tea table was covered in a lace cloth centered with an ar rangement of shasta daises. Mrs. O. L. Robinson of Canton and Mrs. Paul Townsend. of Waynesville, assisted in serving in the dining room. Mrs. Elmer T. Clark, of Lake Junaluska said good bye to the guests. Nearly one hun dred guests, representing various conferences of the Southeastern jurisdiction, called during the after noon. Waynesville Chapter OES To Have Picnic The Waynesville Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star will hold its annual picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Campbell, in Clyde, at 6 o'clock Thursday evening Au gust 22nd. All members and their families are cordially invited to at tend. The members are asked to bring their picnic baskets. Mrs. Elmer Hawkins and children of Oak Ridge, Tenn are spending a few days visiting friends and rela tives in Waynesville and Canton. Mrs. William Dale, of Columbia. Tenn. is expected to arrive today to visit her sister, Miss Julia Bowie. Mrs. Dale is the former Miss Caper ton Bowles, of Waynesville. WANT HER TO KNOW YOU'RE PROUD OF HER? Say It With t VUVlUMiTilWUc VH ft SEAVER and LOCKARD Of Asheville TOMETRISTS - lliuiir facnn:n T5..:iJ!-- r in- -.-...v. uuuuiug u ajnuovuic F.xaminrri ... r.l3GCAa i?U4Ai h i r, . uinjiiva A m u EACH WEEK - - - 9:00 TO 5:00 KR. 0. n. JOHN C. LOCKARD, 0 .U. er You Think Of UILDING MATERIALS THINK OF BUILDERS SUPPLY Glass - Paints - Lumber - ilders Supply Ca Engagement announced i l I ll 1 MRS. POLLY LINER HOWELL, whose engagement to Floyd M Huberts, of Canton, has been announced by her parents, Mr and Mrs Sam P. Liner, of Waynesville, Route 1. The marriage will lake place sometime in September, the date to be announced later. The bnde elect is a graduate of Ihe Waynesville Township high school. Mr Roberts, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Roberts, of North Main si reel. Canton, was recently discharged from the armed forces, after serving more than five years, three of which were spent overseas, ye is now employed by the Champion Paper and Fibre company. Winifred Rodgers Becomes Bride Of Donald Herman Krueger August 15th Miss Winifred Osborne Rodgers. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Reeves, of Waynesville became the bride of Donald Herman Krueger, son of Mr. and Mrs Herman A. Krueger. of Morristown. Minn., in a eeremorny which look place on Thursday afternoon, August, 16. at 6:00 o'clock in the evening at the First Methodist Church. The Rev. Paul Townsend. pastor pronounced the vows. For the occasion the altar was arranged in white floor baskets con taining white gladioli mixed witli ferns, and at Intervals against a background of greenery were plac ed candelabra bearing lighted tap ers. Prior fo the ceremony Mrs. W. L. Matney, organist and Mrs. Fred Calhoun, vocalist, gave a program of nuptial music. The latter sang "I love you truly", by Carrie Jacobs Bond and "Because ", by Deharde lot. During the ceremony, Mrs. Matney softly played "To a Wild Rose ". by McDowell and she used the traditional marches for the processional and the recessional. The bride entered the church with her father, who gave her in marriage. She wore a street length model of heavy embroidered pique, with a fitlcd bodice and three quarter length leg o'mufton sleeves. Her accessories were in all white I and she wore a coronet of while flowers in her hair. She carried a white prayer book, to which were attached white orchids, showered with while satin ribbons to which wpre lied white rosebuds. She car- I ried Ihe handkerchief which had been made and worn by the bride groom's mother at her wedding 35 years ago. The bride's only attendant was Miss Frances Nunlcy. of Munic. Ind., w ho was her roommate at col lege for three years. Miss Nunlcy wore a dress of plea green cycle! embroidery, fashioned along simi lar lines as that of Ihe bride. Her accessories were in white and she carried an old fashioned nosegay of flowers in pastel pinks, tied with harmonizing ribbon. Ushers were; J. D. Hyalt. Richard Bradley, and Lester L. Burgin. Jr. Cement THE WAYNESYTLLE MOUNTAINEER ' Cornelius Derrick, of Cullman. Ala, who served with the bride groom in the navy was his best man. The bride's mother wore a dress of nile green gabardine, with brown accessories and her corsage was of talisman roses. The mother ol I hi bridegroom wore a street length gown of powder blue net with a corsage of deep red roses. The bride is a graduate of Ihe Waynesville Town.ship high school and Berea College She was prom inent in scholastic records and act iv -ities at both high school and col lege. She served as president of her junior class at college and was also- presirtent-tif the ifrfcmnMrnfltfbi While at Berea she was listed in "Who's Who in American I 'Diversi ties and colleges " Immediately following her grad uation from College, she volunteer ed in Ihe WAVES, and served lor 14 months, being discharged with the rating of I'hM. second class. She took her boot training at Hunt er College. New York, and horn there was transferred to Great Lakes Naval Hospital. During Ihe last nine months she was in the navy she was stationed at SI Eliza beths llospilal. Washington. 1), ('.. receiving her discharge the Insl week in July. The bridegroom w as at I end i n;; St. Olaf College, ortl Id. Minn when he enlisted in tin- navy ... which lie served lor lln.-e ami one half years, lie took In-- bool anil hospital ti aiding at I'an.igiil Idaho. He serv ed lor 2 1 nun it I is in the Aleutians and had been station Hey, Sis! ... Bet I Can Beat You Down to the Corner! . . . Yes, in school anil out. of enjoy the sunshi ly, perhaps to j.;ef a little not worried because she knows (hat Waynes ville Laundry will have her children's cli.tln-.-j looking like new in no time. We Call and Deliver Waynesville (Incorporated) J.-W. KILLIAN, Owner j Dorothy Smith Betrothed To Walter Hyatt Mr. and Mrs. John Bedford Smith, ul llarlvvond. announce the engagement of tin ir daughter, ' Dorothy Eugenia Smith, to Walter Lewis Hyatt, ol llazelwood. son of Mr and Mrs Walter Vernon Hyatt, of Ela. The wedding will take 1-lace in the early fall. The bride-elect graduated from Robhinsville high school and Hlan ton '- Busnifss fdllege of Asheviile. She -rrvrd Willi the I luted States W At' Corps for three years, two of whit li wi re -prut overseas. She wenl o else. is in l!)4:i and served with one of the tirsl contingents of the WAC Corns that was sent over seas She landed in Casablanca and was transferred to the Ifvlh Air Force Headquarters Division, in Ban. Italy, where she was sta tioned for "0 mouths' Miss Smith returned home from overseas in October. lSMTi. and received her discharge at Fort Bragg She is now connected with the First Na tional Bank of Waynesville. The hiidegrooin-eleet is a grad uate of Waynesville Township high ; school While he was connected j with the Newport News Shipyards, j he enlisted with the I nited States Marine Corps and served with this branch for one and one-half years Mr. Hyatt is now connected with Ihe lhalt Brothers Plumbing and ilmg Company of Waynesville. ed at St Elizabeths Hospital for one year at the tune of his dis charge from Ihe navy with the rat ing of PhM. first class earlv in July Following Ihe ceremony Un couple left for a short wedding trip all cr w hich i hey plan to return to Waynesville lor a visi' with the bride's parents Later they will go to Morrislown. Minn, to isil the bridegroom's parents. On Septem ber. 1st. ihev will go to Norlhfield. Mmn. where Hie bridegroom will re-enter SI ( Hal' College nad con tinue Ills work for his degree. For traveling the bride wore a mustard colored gabardine suit with black accessories and a cor sage of while orchids detached tioin her bridal arrangement Among Ihe out ot town guests at tending Ihe wedding in addition lo the attendants named were; Mrs F. K. liodgers. of ( 'hai lest on. S C. grandmother of the bride. Ed w m l( Kodgers. also ol ( 'hai lesion, brother ol Ihe bride, Mrs Herman A Krueger. ol Morrislown. Minn, mother of the bridegroom and Mrs. T. M Mashhurn. of ( ii eensboro. aunt ol the bride. l.clinv ing lus I vis. of Suiuler S v isit parents,. Mr. and Mrs. John I. Davis here Mis lv.,,t ,,i Iheir young daughter, with Ihe lorineis mother, Mrs. Olive- Sluhhs are guests al The Colonial, at Lake Junaluska. SKI III S IOPS Itl NNINti I I S l DOCS ('iiaranteed Remedy or money refunded. I or sale by your DrUK Store. LANDSCAPE SERVICE Fruit Trees Cor Sale. j G. Frank Sauter YVhiHicr, N. C school to play ami to ami, though not willing ilirly. Kill Mi icr s Laundry I' i i Visits Home Hi" . JT MISS EDNA MAE BL'RHESS. daughter of Mr. and Mrs B. II Burress, of llaz.elwood, who ha spent two and one-l'.all months with her parents left during the week for Le Ciiande, Ore. when she has been teaching m the I'm Hal Oradc school for Hie past three years. She also visited her sister. Mrs. Frances Burress Williams, who resides in Wilmington. Dela ware, while in the East. Miss Bui less graduated from the local high school and allended Eastern On gon college, where she majored in educat ion. Richard Queen Gives Supper For Asheville Friends James Kichard Queen was host lo the members of the Municipal Square Dance Team of Asheville last Wednesday evening Willi an out door picnic at the home ol hi parents, Mr and Mrs Sam Oiu en on Dellvvoiid Road Following the picnic Hie bosl and Ills guests i n joyed an evening of saure danc ing at t he aWy nesville Armory. Among those attending the allair were. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Wen. Mr and Mrs. Charles W Deiind Mi-Mr. and Mrs. Elliot son Mont gonierv . Mr and Mrs (h-oiie .1 Evans. Mr. and Mrs l.eon.nd I I .lobes. Mr and Mrs. Hohei I Sv ice ! god. Mr and Mr I Ictus McDonald. Mr and Mrs. W. F. Woleoll. Jr.. Mr and Mrs Charles A Roberls, Mi ami Mrs. F. R. llalchelor. Mr. anil Mrs Cannie E. Brown. Jr.. Mr anil Mrs Jack Alexander. Mr. and Mrs Harold Enloe. and Mr and Mrs Robert M. Wells, all of Asheville. Congressman and Mrs. I. lingers and son Doyle, ol Fori Lauderdale, Fla. the Miss Mamie and Miss Erina Stearns, ol ohm. Mr and Mrs C. E. Brown. .Ir ot Clyde, Miss Lois Pryor and Miss I I .on iso St ill wel I, hot h ol ( 'u I low her. MO The i i THE ALPHA AND THE GOD'S OF A Free Jjooklet To The Big EXPERT PIANO TUNER Here All This and Next Week Call 493-W Now For Services Work Done l!y a Illin.i Man In ( impel a I ion Willi I!. ('. Collins DINE AT THE CHICKEN SHACK STKAKS 0 CHOI'S CHICKEN IN THE ROUCH Q l'.cer Served Only Willi Meals CHICKEN SHACK Dellwood Road razing ISEMSBiag.-WI I '1'h' man -THAT NEVtf? ) CERTAINLY COULDN'T" A BEEN VERV INDUSTRIOUS V. H " ( .i '.I. r. ) Lini m il V ED IT EESTT One Block North -"TONIGHT-- 7:30 Tuesday, lug. 20 TOPIC: Four Horsemen 01 m;v. hevfeation THURSDAY REV. 1 :S SATURDAY 3:00 P. M. FALSE PROPHETS SUNDAY, AUGUST 25 TWO WITNESSE KKV. II. WHO ARE THEY? All Who Attend Tonight, Tuesday. August 20. Tent New Location PAGE FIVE. You'll make no mistake if you lii in.o your car to (In- SI. ME TIKE & I'.AT TEUY COMPANY lo he McrviVril. V have Hit licsl -iiiimit'iil in this area. I ri in . . . we're 1 sun- to please. I mm m . ED SIMS, Owner OMEGA nam a "r ww m i HARRY LINER, JR., Mgr. 82-83 Doyd Avenue Water Street Phone 205 7'

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