ArcrST 20. 194 THE WAYNESVTLLE MOUNTAINEER PA HE SE7EI7 f ft DoivBftes Yoyr Mtteiution To These RJasiy 3 ircies. u a VAD Fes jit pf word' 1.2 cents per a .(If. V be published Lrfe- .. .kniiM he Sent be respon- ow incorrect Lints are f.r r miDit WLfc v "3 " r . 1 mail 10 office before Wednesday to I In want ad sec- L insert a want Hi see Haywood texi io Farmers fct-vilie Koad. II. f phone tf Five r,, of beautiful tiiv unit in town. I1 k hotel "i L 281-W for or ce mi t?9 I.oie I. tour - fur i ni'i .ano iLE-Fincst va- kor eating raw, InS eider, some lome packed in amity from one load. Bulling Saunook. tf Id farm in Mail ing of 48 acres. loks Lake Juna- ms. See Lou ill. N. C. Aug 6-13-20 .RD-See Mrs. well Mill road g 2-6-9-13-16-20 fERVICE furm pderation and third house tRuad. All makes radios repaired; id electric irons. )or guaranteed. 9-13-16-20-23-27 lots on I.ove Mrs James W. nlurmation sec Water St.. City. Aub. 13. 16, 20 Chef 4-hurner 'lent condition. lake Junaluska. Aug. 16-20 FOK SALE: I'acr. and plain Pant. East f'itv C. Asheville !3. IC 20. 23 fUIVOVERS Pick up and Opposite Fish tf utiful flagstone County, samnli.r hi Dollwood I ana creek rock 'Phone 420-XW. ju 16-20 BUY FOR r old things hears old re N. Wp ,..,, Ch(,sts, Chairs, leboarria rw:-l I, ""i siiuiu F. Tables, Mir. "s, Pictures, 111 als Pay cash rss Fire Placo ,thinS you have 'aSS fr nr. ujJer. rs' vs, pn(Si !? scers, l,ut ,ow the time "odshed, attic old 'Wngs into ues." Box 511 LAFF-A-DAY Transactions In Real Estate Copi, 1916, King Fcjlurri Syndicate-. Inc. VX'orlJ tiffin miiwl.'' "Who turned the fire up under the spinach?" , licav crdam Tow uship M I- l'axtor I,. T 1. l'.,ion rt u M O C,.i!in a ( u ti Clover C CI. nk ,1 n I . C Mi i,u I! I u to Charles s n.n !-. . i n W II Cue . t i. x . V V llaury. rt u K"r .1 )i.! ,1 u lo .1 i eal .1 1 1 P Baxter ho lu t; M Inr li. 11 I. Inc. to Y WOMEN WANTED ! AT AMERICAN ENKA TO TRAIN AS TEXTILE WORKERS 61c MINIMUM APPLY ENKA EMPLOYMENT OFFICE OR U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE PIANO BARGAINS We have a real nice selection of good used pianos. Standard makes, fully reconditioned, and guaranteed, special prices to churches, schools and clubs. No interest on carrying charges, nice bench to match, sold on easy terms. Do liver anywhere. Write letter or card, Magness Piano Co., Forest City, North Carolina. Aug 16-20-23-27 HAULING Sandstone and brick, anything hauled, prompt service, also wood, all kinds, any length. Everett McElroy, day phone 420-XW, night phone 420-XM. WANTED TO RENT on yearly basis, furnished house near cen ter of town, 3 or 4 rooms, kitchen and bath. Phone 108, Mrs. Rob inson. Aug 20-23 FOR SALE 1 team mules with harness and wagon, 1 thorough bred Guernsey bull, 1 thorough bred black bull, 1 corn mill. Hardy Liner, Jr., Route, Waynes ville, N. C. Aug 20-23-27-30 $25.00' REWARD for information about w-ho stole cider at Mc Crackeu Orchard the night of Aug. 14th. See Robert Mc Cracken.' Aug 20-23 FOR SALE By owner, 5-room brick- veneer house, with 2-car brick' veneer- garage apartment, with 3 .rooms and bath. All on lot 100' by 150 feet, on Carolina avenuek Hazclwood. See owner at property, or phone 436-J for fUBther detail. Wayne Frank lint owner. . Aug. 20-23-27-30 MEN! AGE 18-22 f EXPERIENCE REQUIRED THIRD SHIFT ' 66c MINIMUM APPLY 'KA employment office or S. EMPT rv,, w i MrJNT SERVICE WANTED TO BUY One or more season tickets to Asheville Civic Music Scries. Mrs. Bradiug, phono 202. Aug 20-23 LEAVING FOR MIAMI, FLA , Aug. 22; can accommodate 2 or 3 pas sengers. Call 9162. Aug 20 LOST Two '36 Ford hub-cap cov ers. Finder see Chamber of Com merce or phone 433. Aug 20 FOR RENT At Branncrcrosl. at tractive apartment available Sep tember 1st. Phone 455-W. Aug lfi-20 WANTED An experienced conk, an experienced waitress and two women for kitchen help. Apply Waynevilla Tea Room, Asheville road. Aug 20 C. C Willi, , rt ll Clyde Tow iiship Boll-A - rllllih Pari is Bull- A ( III III . Morgan Hon- - ill in i Sexton. Fast lock Township .1. It. Bowl loll I. Ulaim k lines Creek Township Art lllir dri ll, rl ux lo W ill S Price, rl u Urn I'll iiMiion- H u lu W It Murray .1 V Sliulri. rt u In I) Mat his. rl u Ivy Hill l ow uship K P l.nui' rl u I o ri I in Sri el K I ' l.irae, rt u In Chal hr .1 Clement . rt u .1 II Wooih el ll lo I) .1 Nolan, I W. I!. Mu i i ay to ( li.ii li :. 1 1 . i nes rl lix. Pigeon Township lied I . l.oii.'. rt al lo Mark It Moi ; : : 1 1 1 . rl ii. S M lioliinson, rt nx lo .1. II, Sini'lrlon. rt nx llan Creek lounship .1 T 1 1 .i li 1 1 lo Clvde anil Nora Morrow Pigeon 1'ownship Tims. I.. Miriial. rt lis. rt al to W illiiirn Mrs- , r Wayiiesyille Tow nship ( 'r lest inr ( in r lo Lucille Nolaiul. el al James II. t 'ai e lo M 1 1 1 1 1 1(. C 'ox Mairiierite Cl.u.. Carver, rl vil li) Dallas Klira ( I nk. rl ux G rover C I 'l.a k rl ux lo M. (). ( !a I lou.i) . rl u x , I)a id I miri wood. ,lr i l ux lo I .em Sliepa' il M. .1. ller.i . el ux to llobert G. Henry, el ux I). liinr. Nol.u.d lo l.urile Noland. i t al l.ei-i Slii-p.,: ,' i t ,: lu Willnirn Lee liolimsun rl u .1. II. Woody, rl ux lo li Y. Welch. Kliahelli lleiiM. L.xrx. lo Celes tine Cuny Eliabelli llriuy. Kxr lo W Y Klliolt Kliabrl!i 1 1 .-t.i - Iai x. to .1 li Leopard, el ux Kliabel li I i, li; I :i I 'i ( 'ele sline Ciuiy .losrpliuu- S I hoiiia-- el al lo Lillie Cullin-. ICliabetll Henry Iain lu Clyde Biggins, el ux. .lames li. Mouih el ux lo liay monil Sw ay iirun Elizabeth Henry Exrx. to Wade ; McDaniels. . Moody, et ux to Evelyn Moody. j C. C. Clark, et ux to Clyde Put- : nam. et ux i ' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE The undersigned, having quali field as Administrator with the will annexed, of the estate of Celia Noland, deceased, all persons hav ing claims against said estate are hereby notified to file same, duly verified, with the undersigned on or before August lith, 1947, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery thereon; and all persons indebted to said estate will pay same to the undersigned forthwith. This August 6, 1946. IT'RMAN NOLAND, Administrator, With the Will Annexed, of the Estate of Celia Noland, Deceased, lati.'l Aug (!-13-20-27- Sept 3-10 NOTICE SERVING SI MMONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Haywood County. In The Superior Court. Lola Green vs. Milburn Green. The defendant will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, for the purpose of securing an absolute divorce from the defendant upon tho grounds of adultery; and the said defend ant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the OMico of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County in the Court House in Waynesville, North Caro lina within thirty days after the 22nd day of July, 1946, and answer or demur lo the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demand ed in said complaint. This the 25 day of July, 1946. C. H. LEATHER WOOD, Clerk Superior Court. 1.ri.r9 -July 30 Aug. S -12-19 vorce has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood Coun ty, North Carolina, for the purpose of securing an absolute divorce from the defendant upon the erounds of two years separation. The defendant will further t.'.k, notice that he is required to be and appear at the office of Hie Clerk of the Superior Court, in Waynes ville, North Carolina, within 20 days after the 4th day of Septem ber, 1946, and answer or demur to the complaint filed herein, or the plaintiff will demand the re lief prayed for in the complaint. This the 1st day of Aimust, UMti. C. H. LEATHEKWOOD, Clerk of the Superior Court. 1561 -Aug 6-13-20-27 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE The undersigned, having quali fied as Executor of the estate of .1 W. Noland, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notifit-d to file same, duly verified, with the undersigned on or before August 6th, 1947 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery thereon; and all per sons indebted to said eslale will pay same to the undersigned forth with. This August fi, 1946. l'UBMAN NOLAND, Executor of Estate of .1. W. Noland, Deceased. 1562 Aug 6-13-20-27 Sept 3-10 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION North Carolina Haywood County In The Superior Courl Marie Carver Ashe, Plaintiff vs. Marvin Ashe, Defendant The defendant above named will lake notice that an action for di- JlVi4) BUckhuds, Too, Went Fast , 1 . IWT ' i hftimlf-M. iiinlu-Htxrt liiutil f-MIK-4 yru KLIEBIX Ihm drwi mi plmulaa y Jj overnight u It n,-l loloiwn ami irninw S jT ualy hlHrkheniU. l luwe who liilloiwsl lim ine oiiwtoinm mnu aiiiumi niuaiaa viwb ivtirinB wrn aurmixsl wlien t)iV lound their fMtnu.leei.iMj hlai-LliFila hail itiu!ieami. Theee eecre eitthiiiAtii-wlly pmiie? Hleerei eiufl rlelm tliey ere no limeer emt.ttMiiMeiJ end ere noee lieptiy with thru tieer i-imipl'-.iuue Uee Kleerea. If one aiHklh-Mlion dure not von Krt ilonhle eeeje eeeuey b . Aek lor HIeore Uxiey. euro. Smith's Cut-Rate Drue Store '.X --' " f .' . "" fSm REALTY FOR SALE 4 well located lots 50x20!) ft., olina Insurance and Realty Co., 6-rnom house, water and lights, lot 100x150, $4,500. Good 86 acre farm, 25 acres bottom land, new house, barn and silo on paved Gov't. Highway. The low price might surprise yon. Timber, springs and larger stream. 6-room house, 6 acres land, close in. ( See us for automobile and fire insurance. Play safe in time. Car olina Insurance and Really Co Smathers Bldg., across from P. O See or phone H. G. Stone, phone 331, R. N. Johnson, H. L. Liner, i Sr., H. G. Stone. Aug 20 ! FOR SALE Log cabin, furnished.) 2 bedrooms, 2'j baths, full gas; kitchen, 18 mile back of I'ish j Hatchery. N. C. Joy. Aug 20 j GINSENG WANTED $13 per lb. dry; $4 per lb. green. See or write R. S. Cowan, Greenscreek. 1 N. C. Aug 20-23 MR. TOBACCO FARMER: Have you insured your jrrowinp; crops against Hail (laniajri''.' Consult us without obligation. THE L. N. DAVIS Co. PHONE 77 MAIN STREET AT Use The Class! Bea Advertisements U m s 11 A m M 1 mr s- tit n n.jj m m mm g ja TWO BIG LAND MSIliM SiLES m k 1:30 and 3:30 R M. Al I ::!() we will sell I hr .Mauley l-ivans J'arni located oil Unison Cove road which has bent sub-divided inlo si-m '.,! lots and tracts, has two residences ;ri j several outbuildings. J Free Cash - - Easy T ' Selling Carolina Lane Hickory, Not-! ( : !; ()SC.I I'lTTS. I.OC.-d Ifoe.., -. i,';,i (Hli.i IF YOU HAVE LAND JO r V.T. CL.ri)K ( HI ,' i! (!..!. i HENRY FOR SALE Miscellaneous furni ture, stoves, beds, etc. See Mrs. Ormsbee, rear apartment. The Georgian. Aug 20-23 FOR SALE Steel window frame. 4-10x5-2, 12 panes, good condi tion. Price $18.00. Mountaineer Pottery Shop, Clyde, N. C. Aug 20 APPLICATION FOR DRIVERS LICENSE can be made on Tuesdays and Fridays at the Hay wood County Court House on the third floor. r DONALD DI CK THIS IS THE - Hi:MihrVlf7 o Or- -- 1 AV Jr R 1 ( hurch !. . This in 1 he ' i - line II ;; - rhool 1 iri c out 1IS1C A NDEKSON P.Y WALT DISNEY' 1 - "til J; 1,,-r.,--.! h- K."f- 1. it,;..-, S,o l

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