" THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER " PAGE EIGHT Robertson (Continued From I'age One) denl. In I'JO'Z Mr. Hi)l)ci'ls(in w;is awarded the liiiiiiir;ii'.v denier id doctor of science liy Noi l li Carolina Stale college al Italeinli. lor Ins "achievements in science, in indus try, and in promoting social wel fare." Al various times since coining; l Western Noil li Carolina he lias served as chairman of I he ho;yd (if trustees of Western Caiolina Teachers college, presiilent of the North Carolina Koreslry associa tion, president of the ('anion Civi tan chih, chairman of the North Carolina Wood 1 t ilial ion commit tee of the Department of Com merce, chairman of the city-count v deht committee of Ashcville, chair man of the Southern Conference ol Human Kelations in Industry, di reelor of (lie Wachoia liank and Trust company of Winston-Salem, lirt'inher of the advisory lioatd ot the Charlotte branch of the lie const rticl ion finance commit I it. trustee of Ashcville School, pres ident of I he AsIma die I'cn ami I'late cluli, 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 ' I" of the North Carolina Slate I'lainim:'. Itn.inl. trustee of the I'lmersilv ol North Carolina, and a nieuihi r of the North Carolina 1 1 i l; h n Counl'. Drill commission. Mr. Itnhrrlson served ;i- an in dustry i ( 1 J j l i si 1 1 1 ,i I i r mi Hie War I.alior hoard truiii Au- iisl, l!HL', until May, I !M4. He is a !ll!nd deuree l.i ou .nid a ineinher of Hill more l-'iu'e-l Country clu!, lie uas married to Hope Tlinm son al Cincinnati on .lime V, ItlllT Mr. and Mrs Kohcrl son have three children. Ueuhen I! liohi i tson, .lr . 1-oMan Thomson Itohcrl-ou and Hope Itolirrlsiin Norhurn. The make their home al flat Kock. DEATHS MltS. (.lOKCi: DOUGLAS I unci al services will be eonduct rd al Hie Crawford' Funeral home here at L'iiii o'clock Wednesday for Mrs Cciii'iic Douglas, 58, native of I Vnn. - i ania. u nose death occur red in I Hi n die. N. Y. Hev. N. L. Stephens will olfociale and burial will he iii Crcen Hill cemetery. Nephews will serve as pallbear ers Surviving are her mother, Mrs. Kiiiina liliodes ot Did I wood, one on. John I. Doiadas. of Utiea, N. V: t' o il-.iiahlfrs. Miss Virginia Dout'las. ol Clenville, N. Y., and Alls (icore Dean of Schenectady, N. V.; two hrotlicrs, John and .lames liliodes. of Knoxvillc, Tenn. lour sisti i s. Airs, .), W. Holcombe, Mis Charles' Carland, and Mrs. lien I '.u.ile. ol Drllwood, and Mrs. lia.v .Miller, of Ashcville Craw he'd lunerul home will be in eh. live ol the arrantemenst. I li NK JACKSON fun: i; liirth Aiinoiiiiceincnt Mr. and Mrs Louis llreucr ol Charlotfi' announce I hr hn Hi ol a Min Dorsey Carroll, on n u I !l in Charlotte. Mr. and All s. Hi ewi i formerly resided here, where I lie former was manager of the fa. do Store. NOTICE OF SI l! l I. OF SIMMONS BY ITIil K A l ltlX STATF. OF NOltTII CAI!( il.INA COI NTY OF HAYWOOD IN SLT'KHIOI! COl HT C'AKOI.YN A. 1 1 FN DKHSON vs. JAMES D. II FN Df HSON TIIF defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced .main si him in (he Superior Court of Haywood County lor the pur-! pose of securing a divorce on the grounds of two scars separation: the defendant will further take notice that he is required to he and appear at the oilier of the Clerk of the Superior Court not later than twenty days from the lllli day of September, then and there to an swer the complaint therein filed and in case of failure so to do the relief demanded in said complaint will be granted. This the 13th day of Aim. I'j-Mi. C If. LEATHFUWOOD, ' Cleric Superior Court . latii! - Auk 20-27 Sept :M0 rvices will be held this mm inn.: at 11 o Clock at the home in Chd" loi frank Jackson. 47, who died Sunday nighl. after a long ill ness Kev T II Harris, pastor of the Cl'.de Baptist Church will of ficiatc. assisted by Rev. K. P. !e( i ai ken. liurial will be in I'leas.uil I iill cemetery. Clyde. Servile: as pallbearers will be , I 'aid vledlord. ( Menu Howell, , ( i eede U . leh. William Howell, Hay Ithimliarl. and Sam Chambers. Ni'-ees will be in charge of the I loW I l's. Air Jackson, a native of Hay wood i on nt y . was employed at Can ilon prior to his illness. He was a memher ol the Clyde Baptist I ( hurcli. j Sun. i nr.' are his widow, Mrs. fleannr Unwell Jackson, one son, Finest Jackson; I wo daughters, j .Myrtle and Iteva Jackson, both of I the home. Ins mother, Mrs. Harriett ! Jackson ol Civile. Craw lord funeral home is in char;;e ol the arrangements. KK HARD GAY Funeral Services were held on Saturday allernoon at 2:30 o'clock al ihc Zion Hill Haptist Church I on New Found, for Richard Gay Mat t hews, two-vcar old son of Mrs. ; Herman Woolen, of Luther who j died Friday morning at the Hay Wood county Hospital. Rev. R. R. I Alehalley officiated, liurial was in I the church cemetery. Surviving ! are the mother and one brother, ' Edward. Crawford funeral home was in charge of the arrangements. Market Report (Continued From Page One) Pliers, arke $2 NOTICE To The HARD OF HEARING Acoust icon Announces FREE CLINIC FRIDAY. Al ;. 2! Hours 1(1 a. m. to ." p. m Hotel I.e Faine Waynesville, N. ('. ' ji'f I . Miss Fay Holliday One of the country's foremost expert., on hard of hearing probiems a 'd wu wears an aid herself, will cnrduU it clinic. She will be glad to discuss y v..r hearing problems with you and will an understanding interest ir tem. Home demonstration by appoirtmert No obli gation. You are invited to come in for a free test of your hearing ar d a demon st-a-tion of the NEW SUPER POWER AC0USTICON UNIPAC A hearing aid that can be worn as an "all in one" or with batteries separate. A Tom Thumb battery no larger than the end of your thumb gives amazing power in this new model. Fittings made from eleven different receivers both bone and air truly hearing lenses. HERE NOW fs the hearing aid you have been waiting for. Acousticon Charlotte Co. gfVS Professional BM. J.M.t II, V. market dull, Ga. hamp- nose t pe, $l-$2. Squash, stcal , (la. and N. C. yel- lype. $4.-$4.5() per bushel, $2-$l!.r0; Acorn type, $1.50 Tomalocs, market steady: Ga. II Ih. haskels ripes, unwrapped, SI.7.VS2. Pol aloes, market about sle.i(l, (la., Tenn., and N. J., 100 Ih sack cobblers, U. S. No. 1, $2 8f Sis. no. Cattle .-!i illi-: Receipts fairly heavy. Market si runner. Demand Rood. I'racticalh all classes 50c to $1.00 hiLihcr than last week's sale. Cows, lal bnlcher I f type $12.50-$14.00; 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 u 1 1 1 pe SI 1 25-$12.50; canners and (utters $7.5()-$l 1.00. Heifers, uood fat type, S15.00-$16.50; med iiuiis S12 75-SI5 .00; common and dairy tpc ?1() 25-$12.75; stockers $l0.2r.-SlH.50. C alves, good fat vcal crs SIH.0O-$l!).RO; mediums $15.00 Sli; tin; culls and dairy type $10.00 S1H.4H: heavy stockers $12.00-$16.00 most 1 y. Rogers (Continued From Page One) it on the calendar, allowing time for discussion. The Kudtjct Hureau representing the administration,1 was not in favor of turning so: much money loose al one time so; fought against it, but when tlici House voted, it passed H79 to nolh-i ing. As I had written it all pa- morning ,the (list anmial Haywood! ments were. to be in cash. I "When the bill went to the Sen-1 a'e they finally passed it. lint amended it to where payments would be in fie-car bond-;. The bill returned to the House, and since there was some doubt about it being signed by the president i if we pushed lor cash payments, it was passed again as the Senate ' had voted." i Congressman lingers has I he pen with which President Truman signed the measure into law. He was present during the signing, al 12:30, August !), in the White House. j He remarked thai the American! Legion, Veterans of foreiLin Wars. I and other veterans groims all sup ported the measure. ( dic'ressiiiaii Rogers, although not a former sol- dier himself, had Ivwi sous in the recent war, one a Navy command er now practicing law, and lhe other a former army major who i is returning to college neither, he points out, eligible under the Furlough law. Some 15,000,(100 veterans are due to benefit from the law, which is, expected to cost the government; approximately 2':: billion dollars W. L. McCracken (Continued from page 11 after serving overseas for .some time; four daughters. Miss Klia bcth McCracken. of Waynesville. Miss Martha McCracken. of S.U vania, Ga. and aynesviMe. Mrs. Tommy Murray, of ft. Monroe, Va. Mrs. Carl llagan. of Slania Ga.; one grandson, Kdwanl llagan of Sylvania, (la: (wo brothers. II C. McCracken, of Crabtrce, and T. M. McCracken. of Big Spring. Tex.; three sisters, Mrs. Ciiini Tcai:ue, of Prentiss. Tenn. Mrs M . T Moele. of Franklin, and .Mrs. W . A. Clarke, of Canton Wells funeral home of ('anion will be in charge of the arrangements. SPEARHEADING (Continued from Page Six) and spectators. Since there runs a certain amount of expense for clectiicit and umpires and other minor items, the games should furnish enough suspense to draw the naiiig customers. There were several upsets, and a majority the games were ery good in far as ball plasing goes, but the whole most of them could predicted according to tile stand ings of the respective teams. Had there lias been much of a scrap for in -si place as there was second and third, there would not have been I he lap" i ing oi l ol interest near tile ( lose of the season. Hut this in no v.ay means that the league wasn't a success. Am thing as wholesome as softball that gives so many people a chance to play and keep in condition is a distinct benefit to 1 lie ooiiiiii unity. of so on be Seven Hurt 'Continued from page one) later brought to the hospital. Sam Arlington told The Moun taineer Monday tie was taking his aunt and uncle "Mr. and Mrs. Sinathersi to sec their daughter al Spruce Pine for the week-end. l.arry Arlington was accompany ing them as far as Ashcville. The Arlington car had many items of farm produce which were being cairied to Spruce Pine. Ilolh cars were carried to a Can Ion g.nage Mr. Arlington said he ilul not believe his car could be repaired, and the Powell car ap peared to be damaged almost as badlv, he said. llrs. Oliver White, of Richmond, Va , who has been the guest of Mr. ami Mrs. ,1. II. Way, will leave the latter part of this week for F.I Paso, Tex. where she will go to visit her son-in-law and (laughter, l.t. (jg) and Mrs. .1. II. Way, HI. ,fCn.iJof X N ISON OA- ATHLETE'S FOOT P'lTf: 7n pOlS ANTISEPTIC EPTIcNjr Smith's Cut Rale Drug Store PARK THEATRE WAYNKSVII.I.E, NORTH CAROLINA MATIN EH: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 2:1." I M. . . . Saturday. 2:00 and .t:.".!); Sunday 2 and 1 I. M. NIGHT SHOW: 7:00 and 9:00 daily; Sunday 9:00 only. Owl Show 10:.i0 Saturday. ADMISSION: Children Tudor 12 Years, 12c; Adults, All Seats, .Sot TAX: On Children's Pass, 2c; Adult Pass, 6c. II MON DA Y-Tl ' ES DAY Al (i I ST 1 !)-20 Without Reservations StarriiiK Claudetlc Colbert - - - John Wayne Also Short Subjects and News WEDNESDAY AKil ST 21 Rainbow Over Texas Starring; liny Holers - - - Dale Evans Also EoM City ol the Jungle No. 10 II II Till IISDAY-I KIDAY A I U ST 22-2.5 Centennial Summer Starring Jean ('rain and Cornell Wilde Also News and Short Subjects li 0 1 Cloth ON SALE THURSDAY MORNING AT 8:30 LIMIT THREE YARDS TO CUSTOMER In Solid Colors, Slripes, Floral and Check Patterns "Home Of Belter Values" You'll Always Save At Belk-Hudson's 1 xi I i k I 1 : JIM i. I I 'I w .n 5T a STOP! Here First Hurry, hurry, hurry . . . bring the kiddies in today ... for school opens August 28th. You'll find our racks jammed full of clothes for your back-to-school youngsters. Everything to please boys, girls and their moms every type of wearing apparel from underwear to overcoats. For a complete selection shop here today. I I 'I yi.98 (.IRI.S SWEATER Assorted color - cti, .slip over, all wool $1.98 to S3. ( IIII.DREVS SOX At Bflk-llud-unsd 5c Jumper Sku 1(10''; wool, in sr: and red. $8.30 GIRLS' CO All styles just in-ail All Prices ('IIIII)RKVS SHOE? Ily lied (inoM-, Tom Brown Shoe Co, SWEATER For Lamer Girl Slipover and Card; $3.20 to S7.I SKIRTS Season's Xencst S. $3.60 to $7.1 ItOl'S' SWEATED $1.64 to $3, BOYS' SUITS Large assortment of colors, styles and all sizes. $8.45 to $18.95 BOYS' PANTS Sanforized khaki, sturdy . . . made for hard wear. $2.25 BOYS' SPORT COATS Just as sporty as they come so neat so mannish. $15.95 BOYS' SHIRTS All sizes, colors and a va riety of materials. $1.48 BOYS' SLACK SUITS In tan and blue a bargain at Kaglan-slrcvc coat for For boys, age 3 to .". n and blue a bargain the first-grader. Warm Fly - front coat with lonc" as toast. quilted-in lining. jjllpl J.80 to $3.95 $6.80 -$12.60 $5.95 Belk-Hudson 0 $2.80 to $3.95 $6.80 - $12.60 For hovs. ace 3 to 5- J 'Home Of Better Values" 7

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