FRIDAY, f PAGE FOUR (Swfond Section)" THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Pictures Of Park To Be Shown Here On Friday Night. An illustrated lecture with col oured slides bt-i iih used, will lie given at the Court house here l"i i day August 2'.i at H M o'clock. In Arthur Stupka. naturalist "I the Great Smoky Mountain!- National Park For two summers many have en joyed these lectures on I he I'.irk and its natural lite. This year Mr Stupka will have many new and beautiful scenes of mountains, dow ers and animals of the I'aik. lie lias been working on the plant and animal life of the Park lor the past 12 years and has an mtei est im; and outstanding collection of pict ures on all phases of Park Mi . There are. within the Park it self. (()! miles of trout 1 1 cons am' trails. over a hall million aiies of land; 16 peaks more than t nun leel high, more than lL'Wi I Invv erinr plants, some that appear in late January, to the latest bloom Hie witch liael that olleii hold it blossoms into I ei eudiei . i.ii fungi, mosses. In In n. and liw r worts ammo: (he iei t pi.oii life. HO different pi no-, oi nai i e trees, giant ti re ol i lie Imil maple, spruce, hirch. populai . 1 hododrndi on, dogwood a,, ilea and other plant lite in pmlu -ion Koainine. (bin tie- I 'ai I. an Imil dreds of black In ai . vi bile lad. d deer. led and i:ia lev. boluit. raccoon, qun i el . wild tin k i grouse, liard . and There are 5(1 specie . of tur Immi iu : am main, some i!0ll Inuls In in", m tin area The Park st cues and lei I hi e . ai e both ediicat lonal and hi ,blv enlei taining The (deal Sinnl.v hniu tain-. National Pal k lias bad inure visitors since its establishment than an;, other Park in the I inled Stale-, dm ing the open ea on The entertainment I-1 nt.iy in.'.lil is sponsored by the Chamber ol Commerce. Theie aie no .(.Illu sion charges. Capital Letters (Continued Prom Pane Two) roll, and earnings in Slate indust ries for one month this .war. So we really haw a Linn way to go. NO ITS - A 1 N C Slate Km plovec. Association" pinup is being lorined, claim . fi Ml members () K. Huberts. Mars Mill H i 1 1 principal. Is one ol I lie loimilei s. I he ol her: W. It I'm' 'iison ol Hill ii - die, disl I u I engineer with I In- SI ale I ligli vv.iv Depallme'il I'lirpo e to ob tain bm.her .il.u n lor Stale em I die. ccs 1 tn - S,( per ; en i bailees lor ill nn I b . v ei v iiii m s i'. He. e on: leal ol Slab einplo' e, , to ret inlo a union ol tin c pe The linal stii 1 1 ; . t 1 1 ol a I -1 -el in Sllllal loll he. in n .d a I it ' I " 1 1 1 1 a nd an a- nil ion oi I in t ' pe v. on Id be pil hill v. eak in I In. ii- pe. I . Ilea. I ol the il mil Slate De li, n I mi n1 1 .all. ir. In' iirance. IJe'.enile etc aie epecleil to n.eet v. 1 1 ! 1 1 n I v. u nn I. I o , at t enipl to -.el up an .' - I he bo.ii .1 salai y 1 1.. 1 1 .i e 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 i In 1 -n: nail I ed to 1 1. e I it i I. it in i 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' a ' I here v.. add be a .ib. I Ii.. in with no I il 1 1 ' I I bleki Mil" anion:', depal'l - leetil ,. lo Ibe 1 1 1 . i p. i increase to I a: I. I'M j ( in.- dep.. i Inn ill im I last week 1 1 1-1 I i , 1 1 1 s ! I . ,i 1. ii l epl e .enla 'll'.i ..I I I I. I i in . In I i ipiesl a j "i. pi . ii ill i iii i . a i I a i .. ei limb . I i,.,:i. i It ' lis pi i lit :- ! o pel iiiolll II I :oi in . a 1 1. ill ill lb" baae s.i l.irv . ' 'hi I Mr. I ' ' . i ! to be I I'lUesled ! si: pel t!,e. 1 1 , i 1 .1 I - lien i as apainst I Is pie i lit '- 1 1 1 . i s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 and Ii - i nl l i l in ' le w Ii. ii an employee Ml is hi. ii ii ii i a l , i 1 1 1 1 1 1 . a I ei I with l,be pi e cut I I I I I III - Throngs Gathering For Dinner Picnic -tOEf 35 5Ky "i LOST 32 LBS.! WEAR SIZI 14 AGAIN" Oli.p I ;,H II.' . Mki IS n-M-l-.-i Wh,.'I t M. -1-1,1.- u.ih V V I s ,- , uiei I nii'K I S -ni' ."i: I ' 1 1' - I,).. Ii ,, Il I I - ! -' "I -Il . . )l-l ii-ii.-. IliK V 1 1 lire. " I ' ' I Will. I1 l"H 1 1 ' l,i " -t l i H' S' pill II lei' t fsl ,.. W.W S , (null I'l llinlll'l- Inn i. In Iih-hI trts . ,,(, lu, .,.. . jll.lll Hi ! t-.r - Mint. 1 ,,'M, 00 peruinN lout 11 1 I S pout "Is hv em tie in ; few t it Ii the At 1S Vitamin t.yiuly Heducing Flan. ittm.hl:n Altei 1mm - N'-eiPiciip Nil h driK I m pifiii v lt ItlPftl.-J, I1llliui, fir jit t i:t m i1mw n. Htiti pU' IU- v iMin.nis U H im I il , l-f,.i IbfttU. Only fj 2 ioi 3D tUvb' Miojily. l'lriiie Smith's Cut Itiitr UriiK Store TI M 1 1 1 .IIS line out ol every loin sel . ,-. espeeled In be short nt le.'iellel ben sclinol bet-jus Sepl. I lib I la I III al .1 holds. ,'IS ii nal ii'lliie: Ibe word of il. ITiuoip d and npi i inlendenls are In in.' toned to lake anslhini: I hey e.ili I l ml Con--eiUelil l , blllnllcds o! so called teachers uhn ha(.' no bu .1 III s in the elasl ooln Will be "I u i.i k Ibis .ai , and I he result of this in i bach i n:; will not he come lull', apparent until li s loo I. ue lo 1 1. ..hi ibe roin: Sils-onc ioiinl supei inlendenls have re pelled !l!i:s vaeaneiiss, and -111 city nulls, 1 ' t ) ai aiu ies nd this Is not the complete -Inn lor many '- I I olln i,il h.iM'ii 1 1 1 - I the C. I' dn. al mil ol their lioubles. are -.uUeiiug in silence. Flavors Soup Mai i'.'old an- rnnui in pnts in I Knglanil as a clmiee kitchen herb, which is iscd bu lla'..iing soups. rrr' ' -v -- - jc"' ' sy ' " - V . . -i . s- . ',. ... e - 4 j -fi itf&mrn &, ,-'4- -rd S I lere is auol her -i'. e Chapel for the annual i.l lb. Vim people who attended the Calaloochce reunion recently al Palmer' . i 1 1 1 le liisr.iin. Skvland Studiol. Present Generation Has Failed To Solve Single Problem, Says Dr. Andrew Blackwood At Rotary Meet b nbii "The present general solved a single vv orld pr Andrew W lilackw Ion Universit , told Ii I'riday. "We still have I In inline, gambling, v ice and greed." be cniil inmsl "The world's gieali.l m 'men' men that are leaders. side ol' the field ol letiee. been mad. al. ol P lol.n Ian piobl ball In H il I I Mil el". In III I lt progress ha men in advancing in i r I bo e o ol her general ions, " be sml I )r ISIarkwnod was i n 1 1 a e s wil h this sect ion, and i i i- - P. i i . a il s oat oral rcsou i ce , I nil i "in 1 ie 1 ed his remarks, with "The i Inel sel of any town, coiinl., tale o nal ion is its girls and hie- Whin il is not easy, il is pn --able I . , i a i good hoys anil girls ihinie.: 1 1 i e1 .' Hack nl' il all, Ihere are I i till t ions that we must put mi i boor u during this period, and I hat i - on Coal Output Hits Peak Despite Lack of Cars j WASHINGTON, Despite a grow ing shorlage of railroad coal ears causing a loss of BOO.OOO tons of coal weekly, mine output is at ree- jonl levels. Die Bureau of Mines d i closed today. The Coal Mines Admiiiistiat ioti, . -pei al in". I he lulu in i nous pi Is mines line the ( loveriuneilf seized them la I Max T. said about 20,1)00 mine cars are considered by railroads to 1 i obsolete or iu need of repairs. Nevertheless combined biluinin and anllnacile output has ex- d 12,1100,000 tons weekly full work week since June 1. ceec cv el church and home." There were ill! visitors, and the pioi'i am was in charge of Dr. Frank S Love. FKEE '-S5&0G ---AT THE FREE Am ctioe ---O F- Letters To The Editor I.ITFK TO Till; I DITOK: Dear Sir; I leel that I must tell you how much 1 have enjoyed seeing the siiuare dances, after an absence of several years. The Chamber of Commerce or whoever is respons ible should know that the visitors would certainly miss seeing (he dancers. Sam Queen is doing so much lo bring this piece of mountain lili before us and to perpetuate it as part of the recreation of Hie lo cality. Please thank Sam .and whoever is responsible for Ibis program Very Sincerely, Mrs. William G. Sanchez Miami lieach, Kla. HERE and THERE Caldwell PropDiv WEDNESDAY. 2:00 O'Clock Located on Mooney Cove Road . . . Follow Highway 284 (Dellwood Road) One and One-Half Miles from Waynesville. Located mi Alnonev Cove h'.ip.l. Knilnu irlivv;iy No. 284 (IMhvooil i;,,;t,l) miles IV.. m .ivue.-villi'.' X. ('. Tufll left oil .Miiniii-v Cove Hn.'n! to I i . . j . it . This property 1 1 ; i s limi stil,-,livi.leil into linine.-ites ;,inl small acmiKf tmcls. There j, mi.- four-mom house, barn and Kood corner with found;, (ion for house. Kus1 service, electricity avaiinl.le. mail route and close to good school and churches. uui' of 'lie lust property near Waynesville We invite you !o drive out, look this property over , . . Pick out what you want and he with us on clay of sale. Participate in the free drawing for $."(). 00 bill and buy a I your own price. TERMS: Third cash . . . Balance in six and twelve months. Sale Conducted by C. F. Williams & Alston Clark Land Auction Co. 118'' W. Washington Street 1 ' ' Phone 495., High Point, N. C. (Continued Prom Paye Two) life since then crowded Willi re cognitions of his ability. While disappointed, w. re spected 1 1 i tn for his silence on polities and current issues lie showed not only his fine sense of values, hut also a very definite political astuteness. He was not on a political mis sion. He was not concerned with votes Monday afternoon at Lake Junaliiska. He was a sincere chilli discuss ini; the postwar challenge to the churches of the world and he diaenotiscd the crying needs of civilization. He brought a message of world peace and how it might lie achieved, which held an im pressive sermon for all who heard him. Is your child irritable, fret ful tugging at your skirts?, This crossness is often the sign a laxative it needed. FT Most children have times when faulty elimination makes them tired, sluggish, with a coated tongue. When this happens, remember the quick relief Triena brings. Made with famous senna, it's; effect 1 VP Dptitln 1 KltNA won't upset your child. it tastes good because it's flavored with Dure nrune juice. 30c, large size sue. use as directed on label. nil u.i" j,,.. . un lillllVI jlil'l'B.ei'llllKINII SAVE With SPUR Your Protect ion Against Higher Gasoline Prices Corner Haywood and Depot Street Norman Pless Is With Blanton's Business College Norman Pless, well known Hay wood man, is now with Blanton's Business College, Asheville, as field aKi-nt. He will be here Wednes day, at the LeJ'aine Hotel to inter view veterans and graduates for business training. Mr. Pless will discuss the G. I. Hill of Right privileges, room, hoard, apartments, miscellaneous costs, veteran allotments, eligibil ity, various courses offered, jobs anil pay offered after completing the courses, and other information. Mr. Pless is a graduate of Blan ton's where tie enrolled soon after completing his high school work at Bethel school. Before he vol unteered for service lie was em ployed at the First National hank at Waynesville. After receiving his medical discharge from the navy, he was connected with the First National Bank and Trust company at Asheville, and later received an appointment as assist ant hank examiner, being one of the youngest men to hold such a position iu the I'niled Slates. He resigned his commission lo further his education in banking at the University of Ninth Carolina. Uuc to the crowded conditions ol schools and colleges throughout Ibe country, where many are be ing turned away, Blanton's has ac quired new quarters to meet the demand of men students desiring an education. HOME Fruvie.r We Can't Sav W u.... ,. '. ' "'-"iS everything to make thc. '' ha(, A VISIT Your PHILCO and i((' ..... And Other All!. . U '"ii caglemihmTLRK(:;;m On the Square m Ay ChJ Drs. SEAVER and L0CKA vi i-i.siit'Vl (i OPTOMETRisT, First Floor . . . Mai ''it'll' BuiMii, 6" avr,.J Vba. I." - FRIDAY EACH WKEK - - 9 H. M. SEAVER, O. D. JOH"! Stalin Lives In Class Premier Stalin has a palatial home a few miles from the Krem lin, built beside the river by a wealthy mine owner, and surround ed by a brick wall. In his spacious office In the Kremlin hang portraits of Marx and Lenin, as well as of himself. Here he may have lunch; dinner is more formal, served in his small Kremlin apartment. Dine and Dance - - - At The ... Betty Jean Club Two Miles Out on Higlma-. Open Every Night from 5 (in p m . featuring:--- WKSTKK.V stf SKA Ft Kills CHICKKX CHOI'S Bfcfcrt AT ALL TIMES - - - EXCKI'T SIX WE CATER TO SPECIAL I 'ARTIE, No Minimum or Federal Tax CharKl- IiriJwri: This is the house that Jack built. This is the wife that keep hou?e in the house that Jack built. This is the washer that does the wash that helps the wife keep house in the house that Jack built. This is the iron that irons the wash the washer washed, that helns the wife keep house in the house that Jack built. This is the wire that carries the power that heats the iron, and turns the wash" tM- the wash, that helps the wife keep house in the house that Jack built. I ... . .. . f Wfric IivinP jlhis is trie story or better living - in lack's house. The tale could eo on endlessly, for clectn r .. . . . . .... 1 : rr are butt11 avivaii. ur many talents, ot which washing ana uvu - The electric power that helps Jack's wife is ready, dependable, available in any quantity at any ti'"c' n doesn't need much jack to pay the bill This is the company that strings the wires and makes the j that gives the Jacks and countles families like theffl comforts and convenience of electric living. (CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT fno "THE SUMMC ELECTHIC HOOH" Ilk Ann JomhM. M a ' C!S ond Robtrt Armbru,fr,i Orchnlrm. trtry Sunday uHtrmo. fp

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