FRIDAY THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER r PAGE TWO (First Section J GO TO CHURCH SOMEWHEREEVERY iniicTDATPn SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON By Alfred J. Buescher I'hil. 1:8; I Tim. .:'. . Jesus and Pure Living AT THE CHURCHES ILLWli.n, ! Knh. 5:1-6: nH . 'T-mi: luhv (.itv, ...... " ' - Srrioturr Genesis 1:27: K.vodus 20:14 oivwi ll-cimal sundI Proverbs 4:14-Z8, :"- '" ' , ; n . II. . 1 .S ;' ..I i 'ri GRACE EPISCOPAL CIU KOI (cv. ltobt. C. Tatuiu. rector. Church school at !:W) :i. m. Morning prayers anil senium al 11:00 a. in. Young People's Service League and Crusaders at i:30 . m. Kev. Harold liache, nt ( oroa Via., will preach at I lie I 1 o'clock service. ,.KF. II NAl .1 SKA Ml ( III lt( II I 'IIODIS I , Church school will open a' !l'4"' with Mr. llessie Terrell, the cru cial superintendent, in charm' The pastor, Cecil I.. Ilcckanl. will preach at llic 1 I o'clock hour of worship, Reverend llcikai'd wi!'. use as Ids subject: " "I" he (ireat 'c tory." The clioir will have cliai'.'e of the nuisic. The Methodist Youth Fellow hip will meet at 7:l."i p. m Mr. Ccp. Yal borough will have cli.ei'c oi the ouiiM peo)lc's sliuh and v oi -ship. IIKISTIW SI II ( I The churcii rooms are Ii churcii rooms il on Ihe second Hour ol I he Temple. Morning -er' o held each Siindas moriiiii churcii rooms at 1 I o'clo, suhjecl for next Sutnlav will he "Mind" and the Text will he taken tro.i 14:4. "The Lord ol ho sworn, say i nil. Surels a thoimlil. mi shall it come and as I have purpieed. it stand.' U.eolll! I I, WAYNKSVIM.E PHI SHY I I III W ( III U( II liev. Malcolm Ii. Williamson. Pastor Whitencr I'revost, Superintend cut of Sunday School. Sunday School al 10:00 o'clock Morning Worship 11:00 o'clock. Sermon Subject: "I.KT'S HI', CHRISTIANS". YouiiK Peoples I.eamie al 7:00 P. M. Mid-week Hymn Sim: Wedin-s-day evening at H:00 o'clock Special music will feature Ihe morniiiK service under the direc tion of Charles lsloy. Choir direct or. IIAZKIAVOOD PRESBYTF.KIAN CIU'UCM Rev. S. Ii. Crockett. Pastor Preaching Service 11:00 V M Ilazelwood Subject "Crow not weary in Well doinp". Sunday School iMa, I.awsor, Sumnierrow Supl. Prayer meet iuv: Wcdne-da li no P. M. The pastor preaches Sunday afternoon at hue ( ak servjee at Ilazelwood. i FIRST BAPTIST II t' It IT L. G. Klliott. Pastor Sunday School at !l:4a Karl Mcsser. Su P e v i nt e n d e u I : Hen Phillips, Associate Supei intendeiit The general lesson topic for Sun- day, Aueust 25, is Heart and Life " Mornins worship The pastor's sermon P i 1 1 1 I i jeet Mock "Convinced at Last. " Training Union meets a! lock under the direction ol Mi.s lla M Freeman and Kimnett l!a This is the Trainiim atjene-. C hurel. III t lie. of cur I'.vemne worship at k o i-im i rk. M I his service we will he pri ilened to hear liev. Kobert Tarui. a liussian Missionary, speak utioii th: subject: "Comnuinein or Clui ttanity." Mid-week worship service an I Choir rehearsal Wednesday iii.;!,i al 8 o'clock. We are a friendly chill i h and a friendly people. We cordialh in vite those bavins no church home Io visit with us. ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Schedule of .Masses Waynesville Every Sunday 11:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. Tlryson City Every Sunday Canton 5th Sunday Cherokee 3rd Sunday Fontaria Village 8:00 A.M. Every Sunday 11:00 A.M. Franklin Every Sunday 8:00 A.M. ili!hlands Every Sunday 11:00 A.M. Murphy First Sunday 8:00 A.M. Sylva Fourth Sunday 8:00 A.M. ft We X The Middleman You Get His Profit ,SAVE , With SPUR Crimpr IIavwwtd - and Depot Street i! nn:KK Mr.TiionisT ( in H( ii li s CO. Newell, pastor. M i ii :. ni a I -er ices will b( held I ( i all i ee Mel hodist church ur.l.e jioniiie a 1 1 o'clock. Sat The -ei oeii ( i Ilv Heritage,'' will he piV che.l h the paster. a i ecii ,r S u 1 1 1 1 . ; morning n ii i - he held al the church ,i i i : i . . . riei in n at II o'clock. ,teriiuon -ervicrs will he held ,i ihe Ml ie.ii Methodist church at e 'lll p. Ill, ii., !. will bo a Measuring Party .and reel e,i! ion for ouiil! and old -,: ihe Ice.,, oi Mr and Mrs ,len-i.,-:- le Tai v l-'i Ma. 7 : p. in I;, ; .-n ires w ill heem at Finoher'- Chapel Sunday evening n 7 'io p in I II:'- I Ml I IIODIST ( III KCII ! "I U' !'' OI rwcenil I'aslor N( I'Mf'M S at opens with w each dcnaitincu Cla-ses heuill ol 1 at al or los Superintend- in: Worship Service M i i i k S i inon bv I he t The homance in ! '. lee at It 1)0 o'clock. .1 miiin ( 'lioir : e i lor on the mh- hi 11 'he p-'-l . . he, nicel . al 7 nn v'o'Cll Chapel Wi ll ic. It is unienl in hr'-un promptly o:i,l Scrlce will he ' Ill.chofl. State College Hints I! a- boon said that you can tell v III 'In keepei MCI.,1.! ,' :i woman is a Kood house by the way she liant's her o:i Ihe line. What do you ! hnik Wr '.c all heard women complain i I oMi I one to tunc on t lie boredom .mi! .ii ..liter;, o! housework. Thitltis ..Hi 1 1 .ee:n ;i n i ill eri'sl i:m and take loo much time because (he work is loir- in a -.hpshod manner. Ss!,-i,i and efficiency pay off. noeiai'ii wha' I he job may be. and s ; 1 1 1 '. a i -1 1 . i , i conies from a job well It is .-hildicn important to instill w ho x that he:-!. and i re at an impression iii job is worth do This is important i.-ireiih niil-l be e o : heir children one n ,n 1 st chicken, one of a oi lie food t reals, has cr I Inn I ine flavor and protein and calories, an !i h poultrv spee- ''.ureal! of Animal In--. Ucpanment of ri .w , i hat I he breast ol an excellent source ol u,1;,, ,,-t, nil ant i-pcllaura ',-1 , show that Ihe ,n of this vitamin is hi'-h in the flesh ol I fryers. Ii:! '. and those ol oth indicate I hat chick- ni' a i n- more niacin than n, a eic meat thus lar ompa: es favorably w 0 h and beef liver which eooeaa'od as amour; 1 he ces of tins vitamin .0 a eel Tcuec for ila.-l. at iii r he interest -' the dark meal is itaimus, riboflavin iml I hat 1 he w h lie -i olace in niacin ( hn miei ciall;. canned tomatoes hei n -i-aicc on m'ocers' !,'. lor -i, me time, and the , ol next reason's coimnercia'; , k i- ni'certain Homemakcrs ,u'd can only inflect, ripe to- ma to Speecl them lrom garden ll liming, choose tnma- , - mown neat by and still gardens'-!' I, a boiling water bath canner 'ackuig. a practical canner may contrived fiom a wash boiler or he.- huge, clean, deep vessel with ,od iid villi perforations. Place rack in il to hold the jars so Ih: they will not touch bottom. Make a latitce rack of wood, if necessary Water must boil all around, under, and over every jar. Prepare tomatoes this way: S'ald for easv peeling. Remove stem ends, peel, quatrer. Bring toinatoi s to a rolling boil, stirring as tomatoes heat in their juice. Pack clean, hot jars with hot to nialoes and add a teaspoon salt to each ouart Cover with hot juice to within one-half inch of jar top. Adjust jar lid, according to its type. Head directions that come I with tops. Process or heat in the boiling I water hath canner this way. Heat pint or quart jars of tomatoes in the balli of boiling water for 10 : minutes. For dependable, detailed directions on home canning of all I kinds nf fruits and vegetables, j write the Agrieutlural Editor, State College, Raleigh, for a copy of CANNING FRUITS AND VEGE TABLES, Circular No. 271. Starchy Cereals Cereal grains consist principally of starch, which Is used to produce energy and to form fat In the body. k w&f MmFWk Kfw r hAMt xvn - So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them." we read in the book of Genesis. Jesus and HIGHLIGHTS ON THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON By NEWMAN CAMPBELL (The International Uniform Lesson on the above topic for Aug. 25 is Genesis 1.27, Exodus 20 14. Proverbs-4 14-23; 6:20-23; 20 11, Matthew 5:8, 27-30; Luke 2 52. I Corinthians 3:16, Ephe- sians 5 1-6; Philippians 4 8; 1 Timothy 5 22. the Memory Verse being Philippians 4 8. "Whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good re port, think on these things ") "SO GOD created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him, male and female created He them " Created in Cods image and how far below Him have we fallen to what we should be' Think of all the un speakable cruelties practiced by man on man: the hatreds, jealous ies, intolerance that are abroad In the world. Man isn't entirely lost, however, because, on (Tie other hand, we can think of the love, sacrifices, bravery of many, many people! "Thou shalt not commit adul tery " That is the commandment we are studying today in our les son on "Jesus and Pure Living " In a world gone wild with wars and rumors of wars, with hus bands far away from their fam ilies, and coming back "lo unac customed circumstances; it is no wonder there is confusion and un happmesa. There should not be unfaithfulness, however, if peo ple were what they should be Men and women too have proved that they can be faithful under dire temptation, but many have succumbed to this sin. Loyalty i ml responsibility are two virtues which should be impressed deeply en the growing generation, to take them safely through perilous times Even little children can be laigi-.t to be loyal and true to tiair families, their playmates, innr schoolmates and teachers Things like this, taught m early childhood, are likely to be re membered and to influence people tioi'iighoiit life Aold KM In Proverbs 4 14, 'we read: 'l,-.,tir not into the path of the v i krd. and go not in the way or men Avoid it, pass not by luin from it. and pass away. they sleep not. except they r done mischief; and their ; is taken away, unless they !.'., some to fall. For they eat bread of wickedness, and :,k the wine of violence. But path of the just is as the shining light, that shincth more an I more unto the perfect day." In Chapter 6 it is written: "My s-.n, keep thy father's tommand minV and forsake not the law of thy mother: Bind them continual ly up'.'n thine heart, and tie them Distributed by King he (5ol6ett (Text 's The statue of Laocoon., "Whatsoever things or pure, whatsoever things are lovely; WhaU soever things are of good report . . think on these things." Phil. 4:9. "Enter not into the path of the wicked, and rii not m the way of evil men For tiny nit the bread of wickedness, and drink the wine of violence " Pure Living about thy neck. When thou goest it shall lead thee; when thou deepest it shall keep thee; and when thou wakest, it shall talk with thee. For the commandment is the lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life" ."Even a child is known by his doings, w hether his work be pure, and whether it be right," says an other Proverb. Every child is en titled to instruction in pure liv ing, with a background of exam ple to make it forceful. The sad dest sight is to see a child or family of children in a divided household where purity and loy alty have no part. In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus said, "Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God." Jesus also said that even evil thoughts were ns bad as actual deeds. Jesus, the one in the world who had no sin in Him. grew up In His own home, increasing in wis dom and stature with the years, and was favored by God and man Man Owl's Temple St. Paul, writing to his friends in Corinth, which was considered one of the wickedest cities of that .time, wrote them, "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God. and that the Spirit of God dwell eth in you?" Not only the mem bers of the early church in Cor inth, but all persons of all ages, should be reminded of this and taught that if they believe that, they will keep their bodies and minds pure to be worthy of their Maker. In another letter, this time to the Ephesians, Paul exhorts them to be followers of God. to be unit ed in holiness and love, putting ali impureness away from them. "Neither foolishness, nor foolish talking." VVe all know persons, sometimes boys and even girls, who like to tell off-color stories and jokes, thinking it is what we call "smart" to do so. Do they think of their bodies, including their tongues, 8s "temples of God ? would they jest thus if they did? Our Memory Verse today is part of Paul's letter to the Philip pians. which is much recited in sermons, but should be memorized by large and small, for Its beauti ful language and the influence it would exert. "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are Just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think cn these things." Those words need no explanation or addition. They should help everyone who reads them to purer living. Features Syndicate, Inc. -My son. keep they father s command ments, and forsake not the law of thy mothe thee, r When thou goest. it snail I'-an when thou steepest it shall keep thee." The Everyday liy HERBERT SPAUGH, D. D. REV. If you want to was afraid that il had been a long have a good time j time. Irv saving some-. i ,Cently attended a national eon Lliing nice to an- volition ol civic clubs. The closing 'other person or ; ..ession was quite evidently the show ing apprecia-j in()S( onjoyablo. U was devoted lion lo your as- l() uu, presentation of awards and sociates. Y o u might commence on wife, husband, father, molher. some employee or But let me offer you haven't been doing this, eom- even the boss, one warning if in the habit of mence gradually or vou may be in the position of a husband who was attending an institute 1 was once conducting on family relations. In the first' session I advised wives and husbands to show appreciation for the other, suggesting that gilts and compliments were as much appreci ated after marriage as before. In thp next session there was question period. This husband an nounced that he had followed my advice and had taken a box ol can dy home to his wife. She received the gift With the question. "Now, what Have you been up to?" He said that he had a hard time ex plaining, and that he did not think much of my advice. I asked lutnilion. men use n. i ou win ue no how long it had been since he had lighlfully surprised how the fric taken such a gilt lo his wife, lie! lion of personal relations will he ou;h iw. nnniri'i remember hul he 1 Our mmmmia I IHIIIIWI j P Syraiier Cresset t Buy price. Counselor citations for outstanding service of various clubs and individual members. The atmosphere was one I cheerful expectancy and entine-i- asm. The various awards were greeted with much applause. There was little of monetary value in these awards, but there was sincere appreciation. Everybody was hav ing a fine time. The oil of appreciation is one of humanity's best lubricants. Yet it is used far too little. The pages of our newspapers arc filled with accounts of human, domestic, in dustrial, civil and international strife. Men and women hurl ac cusations against one another. I can,'t help wondering what would happen if we would show the same zeal in expressing ap preciation for the virtues of others that we do in denouncing their faults. Why not try carryihg along vv il h you an oil-can filled with apprecia- overcome, and daily situations wi wice yearly Dresses FOR Dress one ffet anotnei COME IN rheTO And it us told of II:..- l...y J-siw Ilia "increased in wisl'in and .statute, in favor with Go,!ind man." MEMORY VEKSE -I'hil. 4.S. dill I Rev. Kohl. Harris !To Sneak Al Uuhlrind Kev Asho i er at Sunda to an ; Ciasw of V.'i ihe guest I ( ii.ipi i. he II Dipisl Noni lulling CommiHee Named The I liapl i. ! Sunday Klliotl Wednesi! in a : In conici , u The c Kev. f'r !' n 1 1 ' 1 1 ''. Mrs .h, Sound, r I he chun ii !! I'.ur d a: Creek Church To Have Annual Dec-oral ion Day on The annual Decora! ion Day be held at Ihe Fines Creek Chun oh Sunday afternoon. August. " All 1 1 mse w ho have friends or lives buried are invited event . H TODAY in t he church ceincteiA ,.!, , ...... c,,u-j to all end the annual , ,,,, ,. ,.MVP. ...... j .'HP, ,'l sipir I ,VI . run '-moot hl . ' '' 1 " - liililor's Note: The third prin'.ii- . lh. n V: A-iwt of Or Spaiu'li'.. new boo';. 'Tie ' .; v - :r3" Pal h'A -;: I i ( ii.. - cut iceui I , : ,, T!.i IL, ,lf oil' the ere ;. ;,..l onh " can I,h (.i'lii'li1 hi' ' rd. ,M : ,! lo T-i:: 1-. . '!.''! ' ' i"'' i! n v i . :-:-:!.o!'. i r.... . " II : Cl;;i. Im e. . I lido- " ! 'io e . -"j s at regul Mil ,e, I'M ( J '!' IIARDTI IN I INK HI l llMOVs )y p! ' II:,- : I ..,r 25th p- -J it, l:,.- ':', hi ill J ;hst ,,: ' i ,'ffml

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