" PAGE SEVEN (First SeritonJ 1916 THE WAYNESTTLLE MOUNTAINEER Talk ins 'Over Is Crown f WjT" 63 A M 111 r UJ! s All-Siars I Boosters Monday clvecSrii Hazelwood Meets Mar Curtis Edce tel omun new ad rons,'fsl Remaining Loop squad roster includes: Sam Lane, Elmer Dudley. W Bronson Robinson from the neiv; Troutman and VKW; Glenn ! 'I. I he .iihI l;i!rnl , ;l : 1)1!' Ill .i ml Harris of the Wyatt. Whtlenci Messer and Arrmglon ironi uayton. T. Woodard and Provost of Una gusta; Katcliff. Phillips and Smith I ni the Lions: snooK irom ine nign v , Sehool; Whisenhunt of the Youth I Club. Hall and Milner of Pet Daiiv v j Immediately after the game the l Boosters will receive their cham pionship tropny. i'resiuem l.. a . Davis of the W. H. L. league will make the presentation No admission will be charged at he Kate, but a collection will be aken from among the customers :o help defray league expenses. All persons interested in seeing an cx- cllent ball game the last snll hall here this summer- are urged o make a date for Monday night at 8. T. V. Mi-Caul of Mi:;mi !s Second Flight Winner, Morris Is Third Downs Boosters, B 1911 W V line veis in Softball Tourney li'iiT.j'jif'Mt ;i!lci' 13' tola Bottlins Co. ) let- nine. Monday night I he Vet erans played a tight game against Champion Y, losing 5-3. Thursday night the Tannery, which had drawn a bye in first j round competition, was scheduled to play the "Y" Service team in; a quarter-finals tilt. The winner, of this match would face the Bry son City-American Legion (Canton1 winner in the semi-finals tonight Champion Y and Candler will face each other in the semi-finals tonight. The finals will be played tomorrow night. Hazelwood's local lop team were held in hand Wednesday by George Turbyfill, Candler's ace mounds man. The usually heavy-hitting Boosters were unable to conned with his tosses, while the Candler-j ifes got "hbK against Bob Putnam. ( Ir.i'Ic -, f "mi I i - kept the 'a m villi' Ci,u;itry clul) i 11 lt.lt lull i icet rhaniniuiiOnp it heme alter an 1ft hole linals duel with 1). Ii WcKcnie of Vheille. turning ihe lido in the lat three holes to win two-up. The finalists finished theii'. first nine tied ii". Curli-- taking the sec ond, third and seventh, and Mc Kenie Die loiirth. eighth anil iimpIi. They broke even until the 1:1th hole, w hen McKenie jumped ahead with a par tour to Curtis' five. He stayed ahead until the 17th, when MeKenie ucnl one oxer par and ; Curl is ex cued t lie -core. The I Wax nc- die link.-nian then took a birdie two on the 17lli to eo one-up x j 1 1 1 one to go, and with two long I drives, an excellent iron shot made I another birdie four on the l!il!i lilie McKell,'le second diaxe wenl . slightly i nl ii I lie rough and il I e ik : four to get on 1 he green. T MeCml or Miami, d. le.ded 1 .1. I . Mot'onncll four and three , lor the m- end ilighl ehainpioiisiui John K. Moi l i. of H I.aiidoid.i'e. was oiii'-up dinner over Ben Me- Call for the third flight lillisi I Luther Curtis, qualifying medal is! , w on 3 and 2 over 1 r ( I H Saunders nl Abbeville, in the to : conmlal ion llight, 'ind J)oie Heg el's of ft Lauderdale. xva- ene-un xviiimi' over Boh Allen ol St . I'elershurg, ill the second coiisola- tioll linals Mr MeKenie caine to the linals after defeating Luther Cuitis 2 ill 1 in his first match, Leo Brown ing i vv ho won :i and I oxer Jimmy Trench in the lirsl round' fell nexl fixe and four and oulstroking'n Charles I'ulinan 4 and :i in I In semi-linals. Charles Curtis, meanwhile, had defeated Ii. G. Saunders (i and f: L. G. Abbott a and 4; and Holier! Allen. Jr., one-up after a HI hole duel to reach Ihe title play-oil. The second flight linals brought to the links T. V. MeCattl, one-up winner over Doyle Hogers, Ben Franklin, and C. Iv Farringfnn - 53 Turn Out r or r cov;o?.ll Practice At High School Dayton And Pet Pull Upsets Over Top Nines Softball Stan: Griil Canditi:itiN Begin Comtitioi'in'! With Ini?rcssi v Dayton Defeats Tannery and Pet Dairy Rolls Up Big Score On Unagusta Show Of S i1 1 K. Tmulman, 2b Whisenhunt, If L. Wondard, p T, Troulnuiii, cf W Troutman, c Boone, lb Pore, rf I f number live ol au , 1 taineer lootl to heal. Tm Ml. I'- :. i in ned oui ! v, llh Coach,' I al l Wal, hit iiiere.ised n, le.:;n- Ivin.-i' troni rural ai ol sexeral IIM Willi I lie S'.'I M 1)11 t'n.'li 1 1 1 g st s n il s(ll..d. .'I I re- hineii I h it lleei seiao lo pesit lulls At an w lib! le Mount h I We eat c lllOll' Tliur- I la Me- I if III -I the i-tllUtc I mg t he I reie. al I! nig: i he Ion" the la-t Iv e 111 boh"., a" lirsl round and 2 won Dvwght lie' nei- o ei ri In the Herd Hi el's, Jehll I'. Mei MeCall oiii lie M II. eh hill" lO Mel oiinell. del. nil!. 4 r, re lean md I xx in- h is play- rli I ,1 Be Tee fCetiliinied en l'a'e I'i rrtil - , ! Day i To GaDDton For Labor Welcome All Haywood County to Our 40 Ih iual Festival and Labor Day Celebration Aug. 25th Through Sept. 2nd. ILL WEEK OF ENTERTAINMENT . . . FUN, RECREATION RELIGIOUS WORSHIP PROGRAM ALL WEEK P noan-Un. ht Decorations by American Legion. 'ow Decorations by Merchants and Clubs, 's Rides Starting Tuesday Night uY ,(''i Thursday for Cnlorpd Ppnnlp tin In 8 n.m. AUGUST 25 (Sunday) !' oaptist Church Homecoming. UGUST 26 (Monday) Mack A,,. 2 Picnic and Rally at High School rentier, p;u-t, PGUST 28 (WAdnocHavl Th ' (,w sponsored by Cub Scouts ...., p I,, -arK P- M. Old Timers' Snft.hall Came at prion Park. UGUST 29 (Thursday) m''ltnil, Coif. Tprim's! nnrl Mlior snorts tnnr- Pents m under way. fa. ai. Colored Boys' and Girls Softball I. Platform Program by Colored 1 "l ' namnmn Parlr AUGUST sn rp,? a olored Baseball Canton vs Way ( f)eat Canton High School field. . ' ' . 1);mce at Canton Armory sponsored -.sau region AUGUST 31 (Saturday) Q !):()() A. M. I'illiard. Checker. Ta'-l- - T-i.n:- .-n.-l Swimming Contests at Chani'i"ii V. :: ::;n I'. M. ras-l.all-Champion ' . I -i! Canton High School lield. 8:f)il P. M. Haywood Coimly I i ; i u 1 ( .iiil -t at Champion Park. SEPTEMBER 1 (Sunday) 9 11:15 A. M. Union Adult Sunday Scho'd ('la-s at Champion Y. g 1 1 :0(t A. M. Dedication Canton 'I'alei nacle. Q r:0n '. M. Union Colored INlii'vei- , , at Champion Park. 0 ;;: P. M. Canton High School Pa!! C'-i.crl and Community Sing at Chaminoi. ': q S:0i) P. M. Union Religious Servi. e- ;!t ' ham- ion Park. SEPTEMBER 2 (Monday) Q 10:00 A. M. Parade (Kntri"s assemble at Spears' Inn 1:..0 A. M.) . 0 11:00 A. M. Platform Piv.srram P.-gins at Champion Park (Lasts all day) Hoys' Morse shoe Tournament at Champion Park. 0 1:00 P. M. Men's Horseshoe Tournament at Champion Park. 0 8:t0 P. M. Square Dance and String Hand Program at ( hampior i arn. PaOlT nnrrrnn rn UTTMlVTr'DC TIM flT T rONTESTS on rniZjr,o run vviiNiti-ii ANTON LABOR DAY COMMUTE! C. C. POINDEXTER, General Chairman Cut This Out and Keep For Reference., Totals IVt K ; Cule, cf Franklin, If liiilerwonil, Milner, 21) Smith, 3b Mall, c Grilli ii. rf Meilfiud, ) Hun-ell. 11) i Totals Sciiri' hy i I I'natiusla l'et Coint; into the homo stretch the Dayton Huhher and l'et Dairy learns pulled surprises out of their respective hats by upsetting the Tannery and I'naRlista early this week. Dayton, Tuesday night winner by i lengthy 17-4 score over the Tan nery, was slated to meet Unugusta last .Thursday! night to open the iiii.il game on the V. II. C. league i heilule. The High School and Veterans would tangle in the scc eml game and a loss hy either I na jiista or the Vets would put the other team in thjrd place standing - ending their present I le On Monday nighl the Lions and Veiiili Cluh fought neck and neck: through the last inning, doing into I ATCl'ST Ihe ninth tied al five-up, the Lions1 scored five men, then had n fight HiRh School (3) on their hands while the Youth Hurgin, 2U Cluh scored four, giving the Lions d'illin, :ih a HI-!) win. Motrison, rf Then l'et Dairy turned loose on Collins, ss I nauusta The Lumber Makers Owens, cf i n! In-hind early, but lied the score Lane, e when they took their turn at bat I Amnions, p in the ninth. Hul Pet mnnaged , Wiggins, If lo get their one man home when ; .laynes, lb they came to the plate, winning 1 he game fi-7. j Totals The High School, ill Tuesday night's firsl game, fell 10-:i to the HoostrrR (10) Boosters, Putnam giving them only; Hischoff, 2b lour hits Then in, the second Collins, if l aiiie Day-Inn gave the Tannery a j Hlalock, ss big tumble, gelling hotter as the ! Yount. cf game progressed until thev upset I C.. Wyatt, c the league runners-tip 17-4. Al'faiST 19 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 :i(i H.MISllTs T:i nnery 1 Ml '.list, Veteran-. Day ten High School I .ions Pel Dairy Youth ('lull Alt. It. II. 4 4 4 4 4 4 :i :2 2 1 (I 2 o l l Two Fishing S(v. Open Tiiis V;l IMl 14 I I-. o:io otio 4 140 002 I Two I ' .'II e;e. w 1 1 .Hid Iwn o I hi'. ( mil 1 11 I-';.. I l ei k , l'l el' .en I II i (lays N. I mi I lie 11. I ) V e I ' el I. 'I ni . v ; i I v eek t el II Mil" I IK :!() Ah. H. II II 1 0 0 I I 1 o ii Pair lOiol- ., t.ew III, I ! sll, I!;,,' -should he before ;ipi paint II Should he I'M' sihle h csu.le. I!le - i;li I. eh .1 nf I l( Viciory At Ma:: 1-1 Will Give Locals Title Cinch H:irl (tod I;ins Tvo-(!;mir Mimic si;it Ad'Mist :n .;iii.s, ( recti River l!':e'v eo:l ,1, ! I ' I ! Mills. Mr. i.i -Il . ;-.! Vt I . ill the W N C. . ii-h. ; .1 1 i, . iii el on the ni,-! !. I.I S ' . i : I-- t ' ernoon for . ii- ., . e llael , , ,i . - , i , ii ' -, e.-r on and i -I il heie i ! , i il, !. oil I he loop n,l llaelwood ie lield. inect iv ng, ill and II ei this t heir ee on I hi' Hca- ne'il- r only league io ihe strong o,l 1 1 1 1 is aw ay .e loi honors, t '- on a game i , ii h I - ii' I la.el ,i ball game hi the ninth ion-. ;', lines 1)0- I in 2 in favof l-h 1 M II I II: I w cell II;: ( ,1! i i : it Sal iir- I'.nka. and' s in other ii Ij-icI - ,;l S.e ie tel.. Lions (10) ll.ilelil'f, If Phillips, :tb Ti oiil man, Wealherby, ss Smith, p (.iillin. Ih Plolt, 2b Woodard, cf lloone. rf Totals Youth Cluh (! I.. Woodard, p York, 2b Hundley, lb Whisenhunt Walkins. c Pore, If Medford. 31) Turner, ss Troutman, ss T Woodard, If Ab. R. II. Hoyle, :th K. Wyatt, lb Whllener, If Pulnain, ) Totals Score by innings: High School Hoosfers ualil v tluit ill make oti pst." 100 022 Dayton (17) Whltener, e (ilen Wyatt. 2b cf 34 10 10 F"ro. i Arringlon, p Ab. It. II. ' Messer, cf j 1 Hooper, rl I ' .laynes, ss ; K Wyatl, :ib , ' Allison, If 1 Tolals 3 a-: w mB 1 4 l :i ii.-Shirts and Sh :i i 2 In ariel v. I j-,e au-:l i :i:i io Mi .... , . .. t !ie w a r i s in i i ai 1 ioo i :i ! , , i . i M:i( tev ot -I'- hew i y;m llll X III j ( 111' i'im;! I e- - di"- ' Ah. If. II. !n lid-- ! !-,-, H ' 1 moot i i-. :i 2 o r. :i :i 4 :t 2 :i i o W - BAY'S: oris t his splendid l r.'i oddd luck mi oiii- lii el on Iv now ! in it is . -ind y o can Tolals Score by Lions Youth Club innings: 31 !) (i n. Tannery (4) Lane, ss Hurrell, 3b Dudley, lb H. Kobinson Calhoun, If H. Collins, rf :ifi it i:: Ah. It. II. 3 (1 0 r V 1 nacusta l 7) T. Woodard, ss Smith, 3b 010 103 510 21 1 001 4 f) Griffin, cf j W. Collins Ab. R. II. ! Hischoff, 2b 4 1 1 I 4 0 1 I Totals 24 4 rj SPEARHEADING With SPORTS By ED SPEARS Featuring in uiis group . . . SorsR??kk ana Ilanes The Haywood County Fox Hunt ers association are to bo congratu lated on putting on such, a success ful Bench Show, drawing entries from as far away as Clemson Col lege. S. C . from Georgia and Ten nessee. There wore hounds all over the high school grounds, big. little, lean hunting dogs and summer-fed pointers and setters. The competition was keen, and Ross Alexander had a job on his hands selecting the best ones while the owners eyed him stoically, rub bing the underside of their entry, keeping its neck and tail in the air to show the dog to best advantage. All the dogs seemed well-behaved and quiet: though there would sure ly have been a melodious cry rend ing trte afternoon air had a fox taken off across the field. After the show, reports Jim Killian, there were 33 new members added to the county group, bringing its membership up to 164. NOTES from the Canton High football training camp: Coach C. C. Poindexter has 30 players working out now, but is looking for a large increase with the finish of soft ball and start of school (Sept. 4). The Black Bears are getting in shape during the evening hours, from 6 until 7:30, but will take their work-outs in the afternoon when ' school begins. Only 12 letter men i so far have reported to Coach Poin dexter. ... In case you h.nln'l noticed il. Ihe homo games of Can ton and the Mountaineers are schdulcd so that they never dupli cate. When the week-end is open here you can see a game I here and vice versa. :F0B i KfV N U Aililetic Shirt: K'";ii Shorts 35c up 45c up FORT L'ALDF.HD ALE visitors here take a great deal of interest in golf on the Country Cluh course, and several of them entered the re cent tournament: Doyle Hogers. son of the congressman, being one of the flight winners. However, one of Lauderdale's eldest sons is a most interesting golfer. C. E Farrington, still playing although past the proverbial four score and ten years of age, had never taken a club in hand seriously until he was 50. Within five years he began hitting par on his home links, and he shoots a consistently good game now, usually staying in the high 70's .... THERE should be lot's of ex citement Monday night when the All-Stars turn the heat on the Boosters. Since the Boosters arc pretty much an all-star combina tion as well, and have been playing together all season, it'll lake all the power J. C. Burrell can put on the field to set them back. How ever, J. C. will be setting pretty (Continued on Page Eight) g $ Broaddoth Sboris 39c up P- lYictic Shivtr, 34c up Knii Shorts 50c up Hanes Knit Shorts 57c up HANES BROADCLOTH SHORTS, 90c SPRINGS AK SHORTS 70c up (Wains hirfs limited two to a customer) NOW AVAILABLE I'nion Suits lor boys and men in limited quantities ... Those still hoinjr very scarce. IFOR i i RATS Dept. Store Sprin.ubak Shorts are an E. & W. Product. And II Its K. & AY., It's Good. !

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