Standard PRINTING lu 220 S First St LOllSVILLE Kv 1 Bhea Week esdcy The WaynesvilleMountaineer 49,500 People Live within 20 miles of Waynesvllt (heir ideal shopping center. Published Twice-a-Week In The County Scat Of Haywood County At The Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park i 3 In lent cted Units Announced Is In verything !SS atcd in 45.47 term over specially in the Aayncsville Dis- rlieduied to open Eigi affording to LnnU'iidcnt. Mhidule calls Illinois at 9:00 at 1:00. For ay the hours will opening to 2:00 day for observ- will be given in the district on S Tuesday. Sept. lours will be ob- announccd later, of the high and k1s which was ar gives promise, 1 e ri 11 tc n d e 11 1 ptween 1.000 and nations of teach- minute, it was a complete list kecments, it was Bowles. K schools in the junced as follows; High school: tierby. once Lcather- licntary; Claude Frank Rogers. G. C. Cooper. nogcrs. Fermisnn Ilored School; olmcs McCorkle. in the district Ic Drinrinak hut filer the sup'erin- iwood, Saunook operate en the N last year, ac lesscr, county su lfation. fen Hurt In Rain led. flnH tu 1 vu PUt four cars 'clock fa when the cars rain near Mill m a hard n highway r le Howell tk suffered cuts r "-ou nen she P windshield of SpHq 1 . 1, r " "cr nus tTl w driving. ffl b H.ui ' Vas the other Otlant. .... I r-.. were Mr. o.imc. The "2 been owned to and Fibre PS ini-Dc.t:.. . . rberts. Report fountain, ft Bur, eer by eau); 0nsiderable t iy cool ;e 1 p-i- 1 a? and to- w showers in Nle t. staff of Fin): Rainfall 72 '57 64 59 .21 .01 Ujjj so. 70 12 Panes SfTiyiflii ytiesville LOVE LED THEM mmt, '"fy Vs1 f - -s .!y; fc . UNITED AFTER A TWO-DAY HUNT In New York to locate his French fiancee, Zelerlno Sotello, Jr, gives Angela Mascau, 22, a welcome em brace. When her transatlantic plane by-passed New York and landed In Washington, the former AAF soldier rushed to the depot, where he missed her again. After two days, with the aid of the airline, he located her In her hotel. They will live In California. (Ir.temoMonol) Plans For Opening k College Center Here Have Been Cancelled Sentiment And Protests Put Back Precinct The Haywood county board of elections rescinded the ord er abolishing; the voting pre cinct in Cataloochee at a meet ing of the board on Saturday, it was learned from W. T. Crawford, secretary of the board. Action was taken a few weeks ago ordering the abolishment of the precinct, where there are only 8 voters. "Those folks over there have a lot of sentiment about their community, and with the gov ernment taking over their lands, it looked like a shame to take away their privilege of voting at home. We had a lot of protests about it, not only from the folks who live there, but those who used to make their home on Cataloochee," said secretary Crawford. Arrests Of Drunks Is 25 During 11 Days Twenty-fire persons have been arrested since August 15th by local police on charges involving public drunkenness. Several traffic law violators also have been given fines, one person charged with repeated traffic irregularities being charged $10 costs when he asked that his case be taken to Mayor's court. Clyde Schools All Set To Open Wednesday At 8:45 The Clyde schools will open on August, 28, accordnig to an an nouncement by Jack Messer, coun ty superintendent of education, with one vacancey to be filled as soon as an available teacher may be found. School will start at 8:45 and be dismissed at 2;00 the first week, but the schedule will be changed the second week with a longer Period as the work gets organized. Homer Henry will again serve the school as principal and will also teach mathametics. Mrs. William Ira Lee, who will have charge of th classes in public school music was recently added to the Clyde faculty. i Others who will teach in the Clyde Schools To Open Wednesday At J A MERRY CHASE Officials Ran Into Unforeseen Difficulties After Completing Plans Here Because of unforsecn difficulties. President H. T. Hunter of Western Carolina Teachers college announc this week-end that it will be im possible for that institution to open the college center in Wayncsville. After making arrangements here for buildings and making their pre liminary plans for teachers, a bud get, and other details, it was found upon preparing a contract with the State Steering Committee and Veterans Administration that W. C. T. C. could not, at this late date, meet all the conditions of the contract. "We all went into this matter with good faith," stated President Hunter in a telephone call to The Mountaineer. "We wanted to do a good thing and render a service to the People of Haywood county. "At this time, with so many prob lems on the Cullowhee campus, because school opens in the next few weeks and we have more stu dents than ever before, it would be impossible to untangle all of the problems that are in the way of setting up college training in Way ncsville." The steering committee at Chap el Hill, which has formulated the plans and standards for off-campus college work, has considered Way npsville "out of the picture" be cause during the July registeration of students requesting college work there was not a minimum of 30 (Program On Page Three) school this year are as follows; Miss Dorothy Mease, home economics; Mrs. Mary Lou Morrow Solesbee. French apd English; Mrs. Hugh Ratcliff, first grade; Miss Hattie Silcr Freeman, first grade; Mrs. Ellen H. Haynes, second grade; Mrs Edith Terrell Cannon, second and third grades. Miss Sara Ann Long, tourtn crrnnp' Miss Gladys Chadwell, fourth and fifth grades; Miss Bon nie Frances Shook, nftn graae; Miss Betty Best Terrell, sixth grade; Carroll Morrow, seventh grade; Mrs. Frank Ferguson, sixth and seventh grades; Mrs. Mary di;.v Rrnnbs piuhth grade: and Robert C. Evans, vocational agn culture. " WAYNESVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1916 Highway Engineer RecommendsEarly Paving Of No. 284 Ernest McCracken Rumored to Take Albright's Job R. Mayne Albright, state di rector of the U. S. Kmploymcnt Service, a position he has held for nine years under both state and federal control, has an nounced that he will resign this position effective Oct. I, to engage in activities of an organization for world peace. An Associated dispatch from Raleigh recently speculated that Ernest McCracken, a na tive of Haywood county and former principal of the East Wayncsville school, who pres ently is assistant to Mr. Al bright, would succeed him in this position. However, no for mal action has been taken so far in naming a successor. Mr. Albright joined the Em ployment Service in 1936 as administrative assistant, later .aSjACtiftg, directr(p.fQkJa.jWr noa ana was maae siace direc tor in 1937. He has held that post since the appointment, except for more than three years of military leave during the war. He served in the Italian theater after a period with the Labor Division of the army in Washington, and re turned to his position with the Employment Service in Janu ary. The organiation he is to head will maintain its head quarters in Raleigh. " Ruth Smith Is Injured In Main Street Accident Miss Ruth Smith of Route 2, Wayncsville, was slightly injured Saturday afternoon when crossing from the east side of Main street towards Smith's Drug store, where she works, and meeting an auto mobile travelling down the street. When the accident occurred at about 4 p. m. it was raining heavily, and Miss Smith had a paper over her head to protect herself from the water. She failed to see the auto driven by Lemuel Hugh Hall, also of Route 2, Wayncsville, and walked into the left front fender, according to the police report. Miss Smith was taken to the hospital for first aid, and was re leased shortly afterwards. Spare Stamp 49 For Sugar Will Empire This Week Spare stamp No. 49, good for five pounds of sugar will expire on August 31, the OPA office has announced. The sugar stamps are in Rationing Book No. four. Spare stamps Nos. 9 and 10, each good for five pounds of sugar for canning, will expire on October 31st. Speakers Praise Citizenship Of This Area In Addresses Before Rotary Club Two summer visitors told Rotar ians here Friday of the "quality citizenship" in this area, as the speaker made brief addresses dur ing the program hour. Dr. J. M. Armond, of the faculty of Duke University, was high in his praise of the "desireable material with which to make men that are sent to Duke from the hills of Western Carolina.'.' "Few sections produce men and women with more talent than right here in Western North Carolina," the Duke professor pointed out. Following Dr. Armond on the program was Kern Guernsey, capitalist of Jacksonville, and in I J. C Walker, district engineer for the state Highway Commission, af ter a personal inspection last week of the Junaluska-Oellwiiod cut-off announces that he has recommend ed to higher authorities in the com mission that the paving contract for this stretch be let as soon as possible in order to open the road between Dellwood and Wayncs ville. He had previously hoped thai the paving contract could he let during August. However when the lime came to let contracts, Aug. lfilh, it was decided that since the grading had been greatly delayed, that it wasn't the right time to begin pav ing of this stretch. (lading of the stretch, under the South Carolina construction firm. Suber and Company, has been go ing on since spring. In recent weeks, reports Mr. Walker, the graders have encountered rockier terrain, water-filled grounds due to rains and springs, and pipe clay that has slowed down their work. The Suber contract calls for them to tear out the old pavement on Highway 284 where the new cut off inter4aptr-"wittvK -from about three miles this side of Dellwood. The contractor during July began cutting into (he old road where the new one passes through it, but has received instructions recently to pull out the entire stretch of old pavement from the initial inter section. "We want to get the old stuff out so it will not be an eye sore ", remarks Mr. Walker. Some traffic has been managing (Continued on Page Three) Unused Leave Pay Forms Are Here At Post Office Papers entitled "Claim for Settlement Unused Leave" were received Sunday at I he Wayncsville Post Office and are now being distributed to former enlisted service men and women. The forms are fairly simple, with only one page to be filled out by the applicant and com plete instructions for question able issues on the other three pages. J. H. Howell, Jr., serv ice officer for veterans whose office is on Main street, will assist those who have difficulty in preparing their forms. Forms for persons dis charged from the navy arc to be mailed to Great Lakes, 111.; from the marines and coast guard to Washington, D. C; and those released from the army will mail their claims to different finance offices de pending upon what state they were located at the time of separation. (If in North Car olina, to Fort Monroe, Va.) The complete address is on page 2 of the form. The claims must be sub mitted before Sept. 1, 1947, (next year), should be filled out on typwriter or by pen, and must be verified -before a notary public or other person authorized to administer oaths. ternational director of Rotary. Mr. Guernsey said he had notice such a "change in the community in the past five years. There is an air of progressiveness, and best ol all, the entire citizenship seems to have interest of higher ideals." He spoke from first-hand contact with caddies on the golf courses, and commented, "I have seldom seen such an improvement among boys, as they have changed their chan nel of thought to a high plane, and higher ideals. This speaks well for the entire community," the Flori dian said. Mr, Guernsey left Sun day to attend an international com mittee in Chicago on youth work by Rotary International. mmm 'Atomic Dance' DANCINO TEACHER Arthur Bergh and June Denham ara shown per forming the "Atomic dance" at the annual convention of Associated Dancing Teachers of Southern Cali fornia being held In Hollywood. Tha teachers have agreed that the trend in ballroom dancing Is toward modern swing. (International) Last Rites Held Sunday Afternoon For Mrs. Davis Last rites were conducted Sun day afternoon at 3 o'clock at Ihc First Baptist Church for Mrs. Hattie Silcr Davis, 73, wife of John LeKoy Davis, who died at 10:15 p. m. Friday at her home De Vista Terrace. Rev. L. G. Elliott, pastor officiated. Burial was in Green Hill cemetery. Active pallbearers were; George Shel l ill, .J H. and James Silcr, and Henry Koy, W. B. Pursilull nephews of the deceased, and W. H. Buigin. Serving as honorary pallbearers were; deacons, deacons emeritus, the members of the finance com mittee of the First Baptist Church and Theodore McCracken, William Medford, Richard Barber, Dr. Sam Stringlield and R. N. Barber. Mrs. Davis was the daughter of Thomas S. and Louisa Herren Silcr and was a native of Waynes ville. She was married to Mr. Davis in 1921 and they resided in Knoxville, returning lo Wayncs ville. five years later and has since lived here. She was a member of Hie First Baptist Church since her early childhood and had been active in the Sunday school and other organizations of the church. Surviving are her husband, two sisters, Mrs. H. B. Freeman, of Wayncsville and Mrs. John H. Brewer, of Asheville; one step-son, LeKoy S. Davis, of Slimier; one step daughter, Mrs. Leroy Davis, of Sumter; and one stepchild, Catherine Davis,; and a number of nieces and nephews. Among those from out-of-town attending the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Burk Lotspeich, Mrs. (Continued on Page Three) f fx k vr,v !(&AaglWtlMiMMl I i m lIKOT 1111 i III I - II M Russian Speaker Sees Another World War "War with Russia is inevitable and impending." Rev. Robert Tar.ier, Russian missionary told a large congregation at the First Baptist Church Sunday night. "The only thing that can pre vent this inevitable clash is to get tlje Christian message to the masses of people of that large country," the native Russian said. "The masses of people of Russia are tired of Communism, and are looking to spiritual things that will change their entire social life," the speaker continued. "T hey are eager for copies of the Bible," he said. The Christian world missed a great opportunity at the close of World War I by not providing Bibles for Russia, Rev. Tarzier pointed out. "The same mistake is being made after World War II," he said. 'Christianity can overcome Com $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties Labor Day Plans Are Ready For Next Monday Complete Program Announced Vor Gala Event Down At Canton Sept. 2 All Haywood county folks are welcomed In take pari in the full week of entertainment, recreation and religious worship that began Sunday as Cinliin stalled its 401 li annual Kali Festival and Labor Day celebration. A large number of visitors swell ed the First Baptist church home coming audience during their special program Sunday, which in cluded a picnic during the after noon. Monday nighl members and parenls of the Cub Packs held a rally and picnic at the high school recreation park. Wednesday at 5 p. m. the Pet Show will be held at Champion Park, sponsored by the Cub Scouts. All young people with pets are in vited to enter Ibis show, and prizes will be awarded the winning pets. At 7 p. m. the Old Timers' soft ball game, one of the highlights of the festival, will be played. Thursday a series of sports tournamenls will gel under way, and the colored people of the coun ty will use the high school fiold Park tor .sciaUMjiiiitotoiMA'i (colored basehall game , bTlOTfl teams from ('anion and Wayncs ville. will be played Friday night at Ihc high school. A dance is scheduled at Hie ('anion Armory beginning at !t p. m . sponsored by the American Legion On Saturday the highlight will be the beauty contest lo determine the prettiest girl In Haywood coun ty, beginning al I) p. in. in Cham pion park. Several sports events also arc scheduled. On Sunday several special religious services and a hand concert are on the pro gram. Cannery To Operate Only Two Days a Week There h;..s licrn a change in the operation days of the com munity cannery, it was learned this week from Hie manage ment. Instead of being open to the public for I luce days each week, Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday, it will now operate on Tuesday and Satur day. The chatnge has been made due to the opening of the Wayncsville Township high school this week and other schools in the district. More I ban 1.000 cans of food a flay have been conserv ed at Ihc cannery since it open ed on July, Hi, il was lamed from Mrs. Kiiliis Silcr. one of the assistants to II. M. Puisley, vocational agi iciillure teacher of Hie high school who has been in charge this summer. Mrs. Herbert Buchanan, home economics teacher in the local high school bad also assisted al Ihc Cannon. munism in Russia when all the Christian world works together to send the message to Russia," the speaker said, as he discussed the history of Red Hussia. The people of Russia are not permitted to conduct Christian services, as Communism has out lawed the Christian religion. "The Christian teachings have been banned in all walks of life. How ever, anti-religious teachings by Communists have completely failed, and people are worshiping in much the same manner as the underworld worked during the War." When questioned by a reporter, as to the time he felt the present duration of peace would last, Rev. Mr. Tarzier replied, "I would say 2 or 3 years. Russia has chaneed their famous 5-year program to be accomplished now in 3 years. In that time, Russia will have fifty millions armed." Several Big Projects To Be Included In Program Trustees Of Assembly Gratified At Results Of Present Season At Lake Junaluska Closing an ad interim meeting here, the trusters of the Lake Juna luska Assembly commended the seasonal activities and the admin istrative policies of the superin tendent, Dr. F. S. Love, for the past year, and indorsed the ex pansion program outlined by Dr. Love for the ensuing year Bishop Clare Pureell, of Char lotte, presided over the sessions of the Board of Trustees. Present were: Bishop W. W. Poole, Rich mond, Va.; Bishop Paul B. Kern, Nashville, Tenn.; Bishop Arthur J. Moore, Atlanta, Ga.; Judge B II. Littleton, Washington, D. C ; Dr. C. C. Norton, Spartanhufg, S. C ; Dr. Elmer T. Clark, Nw York City; Dr. W. F. Quililan, Atlanta, Ga.; Dr. Guy K. Snavelj, Wash ington, D. C; Dr. Charles' E. Jor dan, Durham, N. C. (sitting! for Dr. R. L. Flowers) and Mrs C- A. Rauscjlenberg, of Atlanta, aGoiate memBer-elect. vf. Items opvered by Dr. LovtLre port which received special ap proval by the trustees included: The fact of the largest attendance, probably, in tha,- history of the institution; the gol shape of the finances: the excellence of the pro-, gram of the 1946 season; the con struction of a rock bath iVqfifte. and improvements in the furnishings equipment of the Terrace The trustees acted favorably on the superintendent's request for basic repairs fin the bridge; inau guration of plans for a new hotel; additional recreational facilities; the building of cabins for addi tional huosing al minimum cost; restocking the lake with fish; land scaping and beautification of grounds; improvement of Gilbert Csnter for Negroes and improve ment of the roads within the grounds. The trustpes voted that top pri ority be given to widening and resurfacing of the bridge. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds was instructed In give im mediate study to the problems in volved in this work. A Standing Committee on Recre ational Activities was created, (Continued on page 3) Condition Of Wreck Victims Reported Better The condition of Mrs. Oscar Smathers, who was seriously in jured in an automobile accident last week, was reported to be much improved, according to information received from the Haywood County Hospital. Mrs. Smathers suffered a frac tured skull and a broken jaw in a head-on-collision when two cars crashed at the Haywood-Buncombe line at noon on August 17th. Miss Patricia Wilson, who also received serious injuries in an acci dent which occurred on Monday night, the 19th, on the Crabtrce Road, when the car in which she was riding went over a 25-foot em bankment, is reported to be slight ly better. Miss Wilson suffered a francturcd skull and other minor injuries. Market Report Eggs and Poult, y The egg market at the Farmers Exchange in East Wayncsville is running steady, prices remaining at 45c per dozen. Federal-State Market news from the Asheville market shows a slightly stronger market there as of noon Monday. With supplies light, grade A large eggs quoted at 46-47: A medium and B large 42; grade C 32. and current receipts 36. Live poultry market dull in Asheville; heavy hens 23-25; fryers 29-31; and old roosters 14. Livestock At the auction sales in Clyde on Aug. 22 receipts were light nad the market generally 1 to $2 lower than previous sale. Cows fat butcher beef type, $12.-$14 medium $11- (Continued on Page 3)

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