r FAG2 FGUu (ZcCoTtH Sccilc7 THE WATNESVILLE MOHNTAINEEB hv .. 1 -iui Representative Of V. A. Comes Here Each Week Veterans With Desire to Reinstate Insurance May Contact L. J. Cochrane Veterans and their depended! s who ha e (iicslii'ti rcnrdins fv eriuneiil lite insurance, pensions, and dlher mallei, a-hi, i in-.li i ed by the Ycli-ran- Adi-uir-l iwlsuii e.m Het complete iiitni mat ion on then problems fiom I.. .1. Cochrane, con tact rrprc.-etil il i . '.!ni ( omcs In Vaynes Mle ( ach Tli n . -day . Mr. Cuilir.iiii' S. Klliplll.v Mlellt SI reel I rem !) a. ovci'j Thursday, ning last week the sub-rcuional Ashev die. He call attention ecenl changes made in (lie National Serv ice Life instiranee which many ser icemen carried whiio in (he armed forces. The unvcrnmcut has made il i r oa-.y I oi- 1 ho-1- et -crans who let their insurance lapse to he reinstall I. Mr. Corhr, im pends out. This ran be accomplished bv pay- inn two prem.iinis; the grace pcrinu el nl her rovcrina. the tile future nioiilh will u I .id I handle and will answer a' connection v, nli in em- covering ip.sed and the premium lor Mr. I oelu a'ie I 'Ml -I.iIit.m UK 1 iiccsl urns in IJell 'Phone Orders Exceed Installations N'l'.W YORK- Although the hell system companies are installing telephones at I he rale ol lyvi.lllti) a month and for the first seven months of liMli showed a uel gain of 1.7.'!1,2-IH telephones in .service, unfilled orders as of Am'. I still totalled in eeess of I .;;. t,000, it was announced. About 7a pi i ders on hand ' cent -J Ha of the or havo been the orders filled. Tmi-I birds ol remaining on hand represent ap .plicat ions filed since i he first of the enr. the company reported. Shnrtaees of central o'"j-e erpiip nienl and cable not telephone in-slruments---are respen-ihle ror 1he backloi; of held orders, tile '-om-Iany said. Instruments for about -1,775.000 held orders ate on band and will lie installed as outside wire and cable become available. U. S. Army Aids Korea Re-Establish Silk Mills SKOl'I.. Korea's i ' !c industry is beinu' revived under ihe kiikI anee of the American .Military Cov ernnu nl. I-oim-idle mills are I equipped and technician to replace the Japam e -.; crly held hum ,. i u. Ui, dustrv. 'eim; re s Pained lie lorin in I lie in- Hilt Ruses To produce beautiful. Ion? Stemmed ruses it is necessary to disbud the roses once nr twice. Roses can be rai.-c.l with items that are five to fix feet 1 and roses as large as rawer, bat it takes a year and a half to produce them. See ls For . . . Electrical Contracting (Licensed) Electrical Repairing of all Kinds Phone 472 HOWELL ELECTRIC CO. J. W. Howell, owner Shop and Office Under Henderson's Cornrr l,''',' "n" :it 1 B -PANAMA V. X "fc. oil ice on Main f- ( VENEZUELA J BRITISH "' '' "' 1 P GUIANA rrr ..... ,,s i,e ,- - SOUTH AMERICA 7 T lie comes Horn 0 t0 C, f . V. A oltice in .1 COLOMBIA V C' V You Will Find Quality Equipment and Quality Service at North Carolina Equipment Co. RALEIGH, N. C. 3101 Hillsbnro St. Phone 8836 Construction, Industrial and Logging Equipment STATE DISTRIBUTORS O International Crawler Tractors Q V O Industrial Wheel Type Tractors O Industrial and Marine Engines O O Bucyrus-Erie Bulldozers-Scrapers O ! O Carco Logging Winches Q I O Disston Chain Saws O Lowther C-Saws Q I O Sawmills, Edgers, Etc. O O Kohler Light Plants O : O Elgin Sweepers Refuse-Getters Q We also handle many other lines of popular equipment as well as a complete stock of parts and supplies AREA IK WrflCH f- FLORhJA l - -- """"""1 . - j- BAHAMA I. r-gpi ATLANTIC OCEAN EEEE : v':r CSAN JUAN : '-AM A:c A 'H.M-Ja9uaao Rico y'- '- " " HATA -I . fAHaSFAN .'FA ' Tzz: . : NICARAGUA " : -z : -A . BAK1ADOS - : COSTA PICA ' WlJV'V FOLLOWING THE CARIBBEAN EARTHQUAKE, which spanned a 600 mile stretch of the We;,t Indies, a huge tidal wave hit PuCiita Plata (A) a seaport on the north coast ot Santo Domingo. Other small coast towns were damaged. All sections; of the island felt tha quake and in San Juan, Puerto Kico (B) sev eral persons we reported hurt. International) GET TRIPLE GIFT sin srv sifl t Ii V ' s SMIIING AND BEAMING WITH PRIDE, L. M. Purcell, a light company em ploye, visits his wife and their newly-born triplets at Columbia Hos pital, Pittsburr-.h, Pa. The Purcell triplets have been named James Ray mond, Joan Dorothy and Joan Alice. (International Soundphoto) 'IKE' VISITS MEXICAN PRESIDENT t . f! 2 4 U. S. ARMY CHIEF OF STAFF Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower (left) Is shewn during his visit to President Avila Camacho (center) of Mexico in Mexico City, At right is Gen. Francisco L. Urquizo, Mexican Secretary of National Defense. Mexico City was the final stop on Eisenhower's tour of the South American Republics. (International Soundphoto) CHARLOTTE 2 Miles South Rt. Tlione 4-4661 21 "TIDAL WAVE. HIT FROM THE STORK i ASHEVILLE, N. C. Sweeten Creek Road Phone 789 miinr v i: Cedar Rapids Asphalt Plants and Crushers Euclid Hauling Equipment Northwest Shovels Cranes Jaeger Construction and Paving Equipment , Galion Dump Bodies Galion Graders Rollers , Four Wheel Drive Trucks Etnyre Distributors Towns Disappear Colors Shift, Mail Still Goes Thru WASHINGTON This is fair warning not to try to send any cooking sail to Peru by parte! poet. And lay that airgun down. Mama, if it's less than .'SI inches in length and you're thinning of mailing it to C hina. Also, your uncle, the old pros peel or at Adams Diggins. N. M.. will :;et Ins m..il from here on out at Pie Tow n ..me state1. These and a score of other hot news hashes .-.ere releastd by the Post Oltice Department in a supple ment to the otlieial Postal Guide. China officially frowns upon sword canes and handcuffs as well as sub-31-inch airguns. Domestically many a picturesque place name was laid low by the department's decision to discon tinue such postuilices as Dryhead, Mont.. Cam-brake, La., and Grind stone. S. I). Maine lost not only Mooseborn but Moosehead. Boxholdors at Seventeen, Ohio, will have to try to remember how to spell Gnadenhutten, their new address. The loss of Three Square, Va., however, must be balanced against the installation of post offices at ilullliead Cily. Ariz., Devils Den. Calif., Tall limbers, Md.. Wild Horse. New. and Saddleslring. Wyo. Red Dra.'on. V . Va.. went in for a whole new color scheme. Its Blue Pennant now. Peak In Textile Iioom Seen Within Next (i to 1 2 Months ST. I.( H IS -The present boom in textiles will reach ils peak with in the next six to 12 moulds, A. W. Zelomek. president of the Inter national Statistical Hinc-ni said at the convention of the Chicago St. Louis fabrics association. The belief I hat the persent sell er's market will continue for two or three years and that textile pro duction can continue to increase indefinitely is unjustified, he said. Mr. Zelomek warned that a sharp readjustment in price-quality rela tions and the general textile price level was inevitable, but added that on a poundage basis the textile industries could look forward to a tbree-to-five year period, begin ning in 11148, in which total con sumption would compare favorably with current levels. Despite high incomes the public will not be able to absorb this vol ume of textile yarns and fabrics at price levels existing today and certainly not the still higher price levels that are likely within the next few months, ho said. F- GL FKEE !-$5. WEDNESDAY 2:00 O'Clock Located on Mooney Cove Road . . . Follow Highway 284 (Dellwood Road) One and One-Half Miles from Waynesville. Located on Mooney Cove Road, Follow Highway No. 284 (Doll wood Road) IV2 miles from Waynesville, N. C. Turn left on Mooney Cove Road to Property. This property has been sub-divided into homesites and small acreage tracts. There is one four-room house, bam and good corner with foundation for house. Bus' service, electricity available, mail route and close to good school and churches. TERMS: C. F.Wlams& Alston 118 W. Washington HELICOPTER Illllllll ' ' -: ;;j Silft . '": . -Wff--i--;-f ., .,- DEMONSTRATING HOW a helicopter can be used in saving the lives ol distressed seamen and airmen, the U.S. Coast Guard stages a test ofl Coney Island, N. Y. Above a "survivor" is shown being lowered to a deck after having been picked up from the sea. (International) The Child Br CARRY CLEVELAND MYERS, Ph.D. "DEAR Dr. Myers: Yours .s uch down-to-earth practical psy chology, that I am coming to you for advice. We have two boys, ;ix and three. The older one is in school for the first time. We live about a mile from n very small mountain village, with no near neighbors, and Larry has never in his life had a playmate, except his younger brother. "We get along here fine by our selves but whenever we've had company, Larry's exhibitionism is a horror to behold. I've kept him in check by spanking him, or, since reading- your column, setting him on a stool, off by himself. Problem at School "It works tint for that one time, but doesn't dampen his ardor in the least for another show another time. Now 1 find taat at school, he is a very real problem to his teacher. He has an audience to perform for, and the older ones, I gather, consider him a three-ring circus. I learned just today of a spanking he got at school several days ago for being especially naughty. He wouldn't tell me what he had done, when I asked him, saying he 'forgot' "I don't know how to cope with the situation. He knows how I dis like his actions, that other people dont like them either; but chil dren laugh and that's all he needs to start strutting his stuff. A self addressed envelope is enclosed." In answering this mother, en closed a selected list of books and pamphlets designed to help par AT o A. O aid w 0! Third cash . . . Balance in six and twelve months. Sale Conducted by Street Phone IN RESCUE TEST Show-Off ents bring up their children, and my bulletin, "Jealousy." Although some punishment of that chap will be necessary at times, your main problem is re- mote from punishment. Any other child of six who had never had a playmate other than a brother, three, could be expected to act be fore company and at school about as he does. No thrc-yi ar-old can be a desirable sole playmate of a six-year-old. Always his little brother has marveled at the exploits of his big brother. The schoolmates don't re spond as little brother does but consider him queer and funny, he supposing this their mode of ap proval. Before company, this lad wanti to be sure he gets more at tention than his little brother. It may help him if when there are guests he can help serve refresh ments or take their wraps. Please don't ursre him to tell you when and why he has been n ished at school. Let him save his face. Just let him know you are sorry he needed punishment. Hard as it may oe for you, find a way to get him with playmates of his age. Go with him to visit in a home with such ane invite one at a time to your home, say for x week-end. See what arrears at normal play he has to mnkp up. Normal playmates alone can help him in this. As this lad learns to do more things his playmates do for whole some fun, and grows more sure he is loved as much as his brother, he will show off less, in the mean while, try to be patient with this child, for when he annoys you most he probably feels most miserable. THE F This is some of the best property near Waynesvillt1 for sale. We invite you to drive out, look this property over . . Tick out what you want and be with us on day of salt'. Participate in the free drawing for $50.00 bill and buy at your own price. Clark Land Auction Co- 453 Ga. Moonshiner Gets Double-Cross On Black Market RALEIGH, OveSoutlu : (!! ..... shiner, dreaming of unim,:-, i duction. recently vakened n, ;. ful discovery- -and found 1... ',' extremely saline in nature The story was related District Director Theodore son, who told of the South moonshiner's uchhl ai i deal with a black market :or 8,000 pounds of scan e a price of 30c per pound. According to (he lah the OPA oflicial deliwr purchase was under com r liess. It wasn't until th, morning that the gh-ui opened hi" first sack, to the crystalline whilenes-. unately for his iliad plans, he found hnnseli possessor of 8.000 pound fine table salt! i -1 -John- 'or.,:., rcai !: b. , Plucking Ducks Plucking of ducks can be n--.0 much easier if the ducks ;irc i.-., dipped in a mixture of hi t W3.'t, and melted paraffin. Wanted! Men and Women Who Are Hard Of Heariny; To make this simple, no risk heal ing test with Ourine drops used with simple syringe. If ymi an deafened, bothered by rin-jinr. I n -zing head noises due to h:ii.!en.-ii or coagulated wax i cerumen , tr the Ourine Home Mel hod test tl;,,; so many say has enabled them hear well again. You mu-i lu ,, better after making this simple i or you get your money ba k at once. Ask about Ourine Kar Drops today at Smith's Drug Store. We X The Middleman You Get His Profit SAVE With SPUR Corner Haywood and Depot Street buhJ iatif I'WJtjJ Sl,,i nt id liyTrJ o n-iiih!' "Ill nirrinu i'l I enmr h IM'l fid! Is a sinrf 1 nterchnrl use . At piiri- !,irl find Ih.mal I"! 1i(.n-L'roa!ffl anywhtTf- r.0 r-afr ViiulH'l Kaill'-AW 1 Of Cc High Point, N. C.

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