Al'Cl'ST 30, 1946 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER reenKoveMro Plby JHazd PAGE FIVE (Third Section! ; wood Here H -L. Softball Season Ends Vilh uters Claiming Top Honors j,I5aitin':' and Putnam's kjpir Stand Out Boosters .. , .tiil their !.! against '';,:. .ulit teams . , -i I .. .wind-Lake . ' I III (1 of '. , .... !ti'r as.sert :"' i .ii ! "l the , . . i.,tt- in July ''! 1 1 1 . i ..nly loop J-;'.'.' i; ., -. I strong- ,::. i .nncry. ! . : i' Ramos ,, , Boosters . !., -' '. hatting l iolir in ..,,,,. h ti league to (. ,.1;u.i: ,iu ! . of more .".MjI.Yv H' ni' setting .,! j ilui hi:-: liis 23 r I.. i 1 ,l' r-;-..ii 1 aimcry out i -1 1 1 iii iiiclix idual j Id 1'lr IV-tlT iif those 1 in ii,. .-I ..I Ihe si hcdul- baiwi- .-.." iii "7 times lud Iiii.i(k Booster cap liortM.ii'. !!...! -tl l"ts in il bal I.. ,r.ei .450. i four pin i - "''Hi nu ll tu. ..r I.-- -. lines. Hob -jtli 22 win- l..r Ihe Boos ht outstanding hurler in j.illi Binn-mi linhinson to ,i I.. . - Ins closest r Tr.nil i:,;.n. Phillip. and Smith were othe pitilicrs iluing regular g Group To This Week laloochee r-r.ielit ramping trip in li.i.chcc seel inn nf the Ink; M.nintaui National lie t..kt n In Wilderness r the l.abi.r Day week- ui.l leave lrom in -lirviilc I'niim Bus ' i:n.rnim! at 7::)l) I drive lo Cataloo I.akf .huialtiska de- Creek gap. Camp 1' nh the Smoky i- dull 1. 1 Knoxville, I he i. ik.ii Sunday " SjMinv Mountain Mi mi. tain, rospce- nx-r:.:;: the group will Ihku.j ho two -wm l -'4 miles. Any ; I" i..;n I hi- : ri. no mav f KuliniMin. A-hoville "" Inn In r informa- tw.-inrl.itiiin arrange- TEST CORDS KV (OAK) "t' Been j Beautiful The Itji,, t f l-nvr 1 ,M. k S. s Us dun N a II, ,. i- - - .. nine VVl MI IU , . ' s" Kt'linetl kill n, ' -ni l P'H Mr B(-n,.dt(l Tu. f "K'tTHI Its F RITTI H Ml' n,- Time It Ijiiv lillf V z i'nn.i h..j " " "'HIS P RM i: r Bith T Sweet- ;SRADI0 -HVICE h, "tk N n Final Team Standings FINAL TEAM STANDING , i s W. L. Pet. BOOSTKKS '3 1 .958 TANNERY 16 6 .727 I'NAGUSTA 14 7 667 VETKEANS 11 8 .636 DAYTON li 1 .545 II. SCHOOL 8 14 .364 PET 6 16 .273 LIONS 6 17 .261 YOUTH ( LI B 1 21 .045 c c ; i . g 0 n e ii j) 5 o H fl K , J 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 1 3 3 3 0 0 2 2 2 2 3 0 1 1 2 2 3 2 0 2 0 1 2 3 1 0 0 10 1 12 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 01000000 a a e Individual Batting For Season ry I'et A.B. 23 77 90 9 74 14 14 77 76 80 15 41 81 68 21 74 69 56 81 71 52 66 47 67 14 77 43 73 59 57 Player: Team: IIENKY, Boosters W. KOKINSON. Tannery BLALOCK, Boosters J. St'Kl'GGS, Pet DUDLEY, Tannery MENNETT, Youth (Tub FORK, Tannery IIARRISS, Veterans COLLINS, Boosters JAYNKS, Boosters BURLESON, Lions BURREI.L, Tannery G. WYAIT, Boosters T. WOODARD. I'naffUsta ROGERS, Youth (Tub PUTNAM, Boosters L. ROBINSON, IliKh School RATCLIKF, Lions MESSER, Davton RO(;i:HS, Veterans SMITH, Lions R. PHILLIPS, Tanne FENSTENMACIIER Me II AN, Pet II. ROBINSON, Unairusta TROUT.MAN, Veterans SHOOK, High School MESSER, llisjh School OWENS, Hish School HALL, Pet B. PHILLIPS, Lions 57 W ATKINS, Youth (Tub 36 PARK MAN. Lions 6 LEATHER WOOD, Lions 6 R. PHILLIPS, Dayton 52 TEAGUE, Veterans 40 POWER, Huh School 62 B. ROBINSON, Tannery 59 WEATHERBY, Lions 59 E. SCRUGGS. Pet 56 WHISENHUNT, Youth Club 28 FORE, Youth (Tub 19 LEOPARD, Pet 51 E. WYATT, Boosters 16 MILNER, Pet 58 GADDIS, Tannery 33 MEDFORD, Pet 53 YOUNT, Boosters 80 HYATT, Lions 20 ALLISON, Dayton 10 MULL, Veterans 57 J. ARRINGTON, Dayton 76 MILNER, Boosters 59 L. ROBINSON, Unagusta . . 59 HOYLE, Boosters 84 G. HYATT, Dayton 77 SMITH, Veterans 7 H. TRUITT, Veterans ... 7 HILL, Dayton 7 FRANKLIN, Youth Club . . 14 SHEEHAN, High School 39 R. TRUITT, Veterans . 47 SUMMERROW. Boosters 47 76 66 75 45 68 SMITH, Unasusta WRIGHT, Tannery II. JAYNES, Dayton PREVOST, Unasusta FTE, Veterans MORRISON, Hish School 38 LANE, Tannery 59 T. TROUTMAN. Unagusta 76 COLLINS, Tannery 16 L. WOODARD, Unagusta 65 J. PHILLIPS, Dayton . 45 CAMPBELL, Lions . 54 E. BOONE, Lions 54 C. SMITH, Pet . 25 WHITENER, Dayton . 59 GREEN, Veterans 55 RICIIESON, High School 48 PLOTT, Lions 35 HOOPER. Dayton . . 66 FRANKLIN, Pet - 40 WIGGINS, High School 40 KILLIAN, Lions . 9 MEIIAFFEY, Veterans 41 J. KUYKENDALL, Unagusta 32 NOLANI), High School 37 UNDfRWOOD, Pet . 61 W. TROt TMAN. Unagusta 54 CALHOUN, Tannery 74 N. ARRINGTON, Dayton 20 CALDWELL. Youth Club 10 F. KUYKENDALL, Unagusta 62 BYRD, Tannery 37 COIN, Youth Club 16 COLE, Pet 27 R. 14 31 38 1 24 5 6 26 32 26 8 18 30 30 8 21 24 17 25 23 11 27 15 19 7 26 16 21 18 20 16 12 2 2 13 20 24 19 16 7 7 5 11 7 13 5 13 30 5 2 21 19 26 21 18 25 2 6 1 1 10 16 11 19 8 22 13 18 9 12 17 3 19 13 8 8 2 16 9 11 8 16 10 8 1 6 7 7 13 12 17 3 2 20 9 5 5 II. 13 36 41 4 32 6 6 33 32 32 6 16 31 26 8 28 26 21 30 26 19 24 17 24 5 27 15 25 20 19 19 12 2 2 17 13 20 19 19 18 9 6 16 5 18 10 16 24 6 3 17 22 17 17 24 22 2 2 2 4 11 13 13 21 18 20 12 18 10 15 19 4 16 11 13 13 6 14 13 11 8 15 9 9 2 9 7 8 13 11 15 4 2 12 7 3 5 TEAM BATTING COMPLETE SEASON BOOSTERS 706 254 TANNERY 669 PET 584 VETERANS 657 HIGH SCHOOL S34 LIONS 573 DAYTON 673 UNAGUSTA 622 YOUTH CLUB 586 197 166 214 186 140 183 199 119 255 209 177 198 172 155 182 165 128 Pet. .565 .468 .456 .444 .432 .429 .42!) .428 .421 .400 .400 .390 .383 .382 .381 .378 .377 .375 .370 .366 .365 .364 .362 .358 .357 .351 .349 .342 .339 .333 .333 .333 .333 .333 .327 .325 .323 .322 .322 .321 .321 .316 .314 .312 .310 .303 .302 .300 .300 .300 .298 .289 .288 .288 .286 .286 .286 .286 .286 .284 .282 .277 .277 .276 .273 .267 .267 .265 .263 .254 .250 .250 .246 .244 .241 .241 .240 .237 .236 .229 .229 .227 .225 .225 .222 .219 .219 .217 .213 .204 .203 .200 .200 .194 .189 .188 .185 .361 .312 .303 .301 .271 .271 .270 .265 .218 INDIVIDUAL PITCHING COMPLETE SEASON W. GRIFFIN, Tannery 2 HANEY, Dayton 2 BLALOCK. Boosters 1 R. GADDIS, Tannery 1 PUTNAM, Boosters 22 ROBINSON, Tannery 10 PRESSLEY", Tannery-Unagusta 6 TROUTMAN, Veterans 9 J. PHILLIPS, Dayton 8 WOODARD, Unagusta 8 CARSWELL, Veterans 3 MEDFORD, Pet 2 HILL, Davton 1 H. TRUITT, Veterans 1 TATE. Tannery 1 POWERS, High School 3 SMITH, Lions - AMMONS. High School J. ARRINGTON, Dayton , 1 SCRUGGS, Pet 2 BRACKETT, Youth Club 1 CAMPBELL, Lions 0 K. GADDIS. Youth Club R. PHILLIPS, Dayton 0 GIBSON, Youth Club 0 L. 0 0 0 0 1 5 3 5 5 5 2 2 1 1 1 4 10 9 3 12 14 1 S.O. Pet. 3 8 1 1 117 108 29 35 64 45 2 9 5 2 6 17 51 23 7 40 26 0 1 8 10 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 .957 .667 .667 .643 .615 .615 .600 .500 .500 .500 .500 .429 .375 .308 .250 .143 .067 .000 .000 .000 .000 1.1 hi I I 1 1 Ini All-Stars Lose 14-9 As Boosters Fight Ahead Trophy Presented League Champs After Post-Season Tilt Monday The All-Stars plaved a lot good ball against the ISoosU-i s. h .id doubled the score on them H-4 h their half of the sixth niiiiiu . hul when the Boosters came to lot against a relief pitcher then i:rn at the plate they collected ..u Ii walks and hits to score In - pus and remained ahead until the cid of the game. J. C. Burroll used 111 pi. .mis in his line-up. iviin; all . squad a chance to pla a the Boosters, who kept Unit ing line-up all throuch Ihe The Boosters nun the i;aiin and afterwards the V. II 1. I.- .. 11. president, 1.. N. I)ais. in.i.l. .. short talk and the leauue 1 1 mln was presented h K. C W.ii'.enlel.' of the executive coiniiiiltec lo lin.l Blalock and his champion -1 1 1 : -team. Mr. Davis commended all 111. m bers of the executive eonmntiei C. E. Woathorhy, Georco !!im hot!. and Mr. Wagenleld lor men forts in keeping the league 1 so well during the past season, spoke of the good prospects Softball next sunur,. r. lie cui'ip' mcnted the Boostei- on .he: ho of ability and sum sniaiiship 1 winning the 1940 trophy. A large number of tan; wit on hand to witness Ihe iiine-iniii.i contest between the champs an the All-Star scpiad picked I rein ;h remaining teams in Ihe loop Km rell started Hionson Itnhinson o the mound, who held the lloost.i in tow for the first half of U. game, then brought in Sniilh .o. Troutnian in the lasl inniiii-s. Boosters getting several breaks of them before they warmed sufficiently. Bob Putnam allowed 14 hit the All-Stars and gave one h.e. balls. The Boosters collected hits but gave five walks as m Oliver Yount smacked out tin- -' home run ol Ihe game, a i. drive to center field in the 1 enth with Blalock on base Box score: All-Stars Harris, If W. Robinson, cf Wyalt, 2h Dudley, lb Lane, c Phillips, if Shook, 3h Messer, ss B. Robinson, p Hall, c Ratcliff, rf Troutnian, ss Arringlon, 3b Smith, p Troutnian, p Prevost, ss Whitner, c Wliiscnhunt, if Totals Boosters Collins, rf Henry, 2b Blalock, ss Yount, cf Wyatt, c Hoyle, 3h Jayncs, lb Summerrow, If Putnam, p 7 V SPEARHEADING With SPORTS liy ED SPEARS ti. if t. 1:1 'I Mf Mi-Mar sotlhall came was los, all I hi ,1111 Ii 1 he nine innings H'l .; an i 1 h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n yanie was all 1 ..! one i mild a-.k for Some line lit .. .k h ..I .1. f Bnrrell not sub In. it'll pili hoi-, alter he had a -'"'.I lead, ihe All-Stars i- in Ii ,. v. on 1 he fame, hut w e ': mil sm no ol t he Boosters - o t a. : . e w n Ii this ,ni rale. 1 -. mix "...o I uanie and w hat ' ' 11 i s . 1 e 111. ule ere more . . a 'I ol tin w eat than n. pl,o ei - There w as a eonl rihu ' ' 1 -; " 1 "in t he spectators '-' ' - , iriii.: out I he expense de ' 1 the If file which w .0- Cleat -0 f . all .1 In Ihe olliiials and vi.o (Ion. tie. I knew dial II ' 1 1 . 1 f 1 wort U cause 'Those l;" mi f.l Ihe came also lais-cd f 1. .If I oach eathei b lold '.' ol In. I. ion- t'iiili when then 1 ' ' ' . 1 1 I. am the cluh team fn S.'a Ihe previou, week ' ' If I ' 1 1 i 111-11 fame here last 1 ! Mi; f . w hen phn 1111; a'. . ' a ; . .1 , ed I .el m e s ;oi my . . 11. i Ihe alter the lirsl ! -I 1 mi- A I the end I ix inniiifs, howewT, Ihe two ""i am w 1 r I if .1 up at L! 1 each. ' pl.o ' I aii.'i her limine, lo I ' 'k ii- ilf i.llofk, and Ihe Way -' Mil.- o f .1 loiiv.) ahead 3(1 to if Solih.,11 hnionaiis lake nolo. mi t;rnv hfh M hoois iti. s ' ho open I he Mouulain ' 'is I. oil; .11 -1 ho.liile here on - pi l a ..I e 1 e I io 1 U d b ( 'oach'li.'ih lo he one of Hu ll" t port -manlike team.-, t he 1 " ' 1 w hen a ne.-wlle has ' " 'If lo the Mlirpli) held lo I'la. the Ihilhloe; coaih. in 'i'l' Ul.ill; is a hoiia-hde Melh 00. I pieaeh, r. ( , "A" '.,u h h name. I is!' Sat o : ila I lael w I was II l'l In rack up I heir Hit h win ' (i old Mill . the team that '' 1 ' "ii an 1 11. he trial 1 .eamie .' . tins ea-011 'I he started playing, and Hazelwood scored ihree men as they went to bat, and ! Bud Blalock was left standing at Hie plate when rain drove them from the field. This week-end will he their third try to bring home the championship bacon, and it's tune the began getting some good breaks. . . Incidentally, Bud became a papa Sunday, and named the little girl Laura Ann. SCTKNCK has now proved what hatters in the American League have known for a long tune -that Bob Feller has a fast ball. The Army used a chronograph, a device to meas ure the speed of a rifle bullet, to lime a fast one pitched by Boh in a lest, and the ball went 14f) feel in a second -or 98 0 miles an hour. This is a new record, breaking Alley Don ald's of the 1939 Yankees who tossed a hall 139 feet a second or 94 miles an hour. In 23 ears of football coaching, Wal lace Wade has a record of 177 victories. 3(i defeats and eight lies During bis 11 years at Duke his teams won 8.r, lost 19 and lied three games, and of the 19 losses, 15 have been by the margin of one touch town or less. His teams (at Alabama and Duke) have ap peared five times in Rose Bowl contests, winning two. losing two and one ending in a tie. He played in the Bowl on the Brown university team in 1910, Ills foot ha 1 1 career was inler rupled twice by war, and both limes he went to Europe, be ing discharged the last time with the rank of Colonel. HUNTERS looking forward lo some duck shooting this year can contact the Chamber of Commerce for information about a lodge on Ihe Waecamaw river near Gcorge lown, S. C. They claim excellent fishing, too, season opening Sept. 1. Fishing Season Ends Saturday Fishermen, this Is your last chance this year. August 31 the season ends in all streams throughout North Carolina. With the exception of TVA lakes that are open the year round, all lishing in this pui-t of the state is fin ished after Saturday until next spring. Both forks of Pigeon river. Big East Fork and West Fork are open Saturday, and the Davidson River and tributaries in the Pisgah Game Preserve are the only protected streams nearby that may be fished this week-end. Game -Fish Officer Required For This District Of N. C. The North Carolina Division ol j Game and Inland Fisheries has an-j nminced an opening for District Game anil Fish protector in I is-1 1 lilt 2, which is composed of Bun-j combe, Henderson, Haywood, Mail-; ison and Transv Iv .1111.1 counties. ! An examination will be held in Ihe division ollice, 100111 1!K in the: Law building at lialeigh 011 August i 30 at 10 a 111. Application blanks' may be obtained by writing Divi sion Supervisor Tom 1.. Rollins at Asheville. I Applicants iimsl be between the1 ages of 21 and 4(1, not less than .r feet il inches in height, not less! than I'll) pounds 111 weight ;ind must pass a rigid physical exami-j nation. They must have a high school education or the equivalent, must he in position to tlevnle full time to the work, of gooil character and interesleil ill the mil doors as well as game and fish. PRICES GOING UP? F.coiio mists b e I i e v o that ;. broadening increase m prices e linderwav mid see iii.anv sign-, thai the thai have ;il ready coino about will lie only a pari of the upward push as wages and war malei lals una ease in price. ON V. S. PAYROLL The civilian pay roll ol the gov ernment numbers 2,322. .r)(lll. Of thise, war ageneie; and depart ments have I.HiO.!)(IO employes.. First Of 2 Home Games Will Start At 3:30 P.M. Hazelwood Still Needs One Victory To Claim Industrial League Title Green River will furnish th next competition for the Haze wood baseball team, with the gam to begin at 3:30 Saturday afternoo on the High School field. This and next week's game wit Champion Y will complete all hom games on llazelwood's schedub and a large attendance of fans i oxpecfvd to he at the game. A wi Saturday would give Hazelwood th Industrial league title, somethin thai the rain last week-end pre vented when they were beginnin their game at Martcl Mills. Haelwood. with only one loss i 10 games, will be meeting one o the second division teams in th Industrial loop, although Gree River is alwavs a fighting tear and sal back Sayles ISillmore 7 lo last Saturday. Ihe two teams have met twic before, Hazelwood winning 7-6 i Mav. and triamiiiing Green Rive 0-1 when they played at Tuxedo ii .Inly. Other scheduled games thi week-end are: Keusta at Beacoi Mills, Martcl Mills at Sayles an F.nka at ('anion. TICKET, PLEASE The British stntionmastcr die not wear : uniform, and one day when a train came in he stooc at the platform gate to take tilt pas-engers' tickets. A pretty girl came up to him ami when he held out his hand for her tiiket she seized it eagerly gave him a tight squeeze, and billowed hy clasping him 'round the neck in a loving embrace; then she gave him a hearty kiss. The : tat loiimaster was bewild ered I, but managed to say, "That's all very nice, miss, but I want your ticket." "Oh'," replied the girl, "aren't vou L'ucle John'.'" Ah. 9 1 1 All. If. II. 1 14 Totals Score by innings: All-Stars . 1 10 042 H'U Boosters 202 no:. 2:: Umpires: Kuykendall, Hi -.i In, and Woodard. THE WHOLE JOB When a Scottish barber v.n 1 f- gaging a new assistant he p. ne ed out: "I pay lower wages in tin summer because the v.ih lighter." "But surely people 'ft then hair cut quite as olten. if n. "' tener, in the summer than in lb winter?" protested the applicant for he job. "Ay." agreed the barber, 'in.: you dinna ha'e to help them on wi' their overcoats." , We X The Middleman You Get His Profit SAVE With SPUR Corner Haywood and Depot Street Belk-Hudson Exte nds Labor Greetings To All WOR ECER Monday, September 2nd, is your day a day when America stops and pays tribute to all who toil. Great problems have been overcome, splen did progress has been made, but there remains much to be accomplished. Americans will do this, too. "Home Of Better Values" Narrow Outside Margin. I It,; 1 15, I

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