f i' J if 1 ! PAiE SIX (Third it'll 1"H THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER FRIDAY met ov ski:vh MONS AND Wi attachment by tion ill s( M .; WT OI l'I i'.l.K A- )RTH CAROL VYWOOI) ('Oi IN SI IT.!: MATT 111"! vi v William Mr-. Mr-. v. r, v. i.. "Mi-- .1 1 1 Uct ; Willii Mar ll'ir'n Edna Han .!(-- 1 T t r- r Hill 1 nnier. 11. HHP !',;rir 1 lot lot lot 1 I" 1 .4 0 9. 01 1 1') 1 4'i ': no " 0" feel south and below J. D. Hood's road as located and sur v i (I and runs parallel to said road as follows: South 83 30 ft. ('St 50 ft., South 81c 15 ft. West i !.. South 83 ' 3n ft. West ,owr.ns i' A COIil'Oli The defend." w nol ice i lr-t ove enldled ainsl said ili I y of All'-'ti-l. 1 1 Superior unity, Norlli in of S4.0I ."i : the delend nl ract h i he allltiff lor !' fondant'- I ii r said com i i issions and p The dclcnd. dice that a ss. as issued lis .ipei'ior C " 1 1 1 1 ! suance of -an lant therelc ood Cnimls ip altaelied ty belimen -wit : Two tract ovsnship. Hi arolina, I In cres, anil t J acres, am Hills ('IHISI'S .and and In orporaiinn I. T. l'n -I ated Sep', l Hook 7 he Koui-ler 'omits . No: Iso the nh onses ed 'any, a i icrein In nvest nn nl ion, by dei ecorded Ai 16, page 21 er of Di ( v'orth Carolin Hid record Tiade for a 1 U'l'ipliotl ot lesrript ion- a :ll by l elcl i I jut herein 1 NY. TH V I !i- Vr S. .' I Hal Man Nam . .Ion II I h I. -di Mi Me ie "v'i d Mi le .loin P-,1 . 1 lei 10 It - f J fid W. SO ft., South 45" 4:S West West 50 ft West 50 ft., North 50 ft., South 64 South 47 West 45 ft. West 50 ft., 50 ft, South 44 ., South 48 West South 01 West 50 ft., le-t 50 ft., South 86 South 30 ft. 50 ft.. North 70 West 42 ft., 50 West 50 ft., North 54 We-I 50 ft., North 69 30 ft. .50 ft., North 69 45 ft. West North 30 West 50 ft., North oil. East 50 ft., North 5 30 ,1 50 ft., North 45 West 50 rl h 32 West 50 ft., North 8" West 30 ft., to a stake in d (' i! ill: I Is .1 1 1 I : . ( ' ( dial John T C 1111 -P K I". M'l. Norn-. Norn-, Hi I'.e r I'm il I'nn i . 1 h I d He lla 1.5 1) (' l!i dha hal. i ; 1 1 n I! C ! Bull Mi ( '. t; ii. I'm .1 T l.'u Hood's line of the Queen ail, ;w, ft., below his road survey,; , ::ee with Ins line South 68 14 F.i-t 59 P. to a stone; thence ,',,;!, :j 43 ft. West 21 P. to the i e.;mning. containing U'.n acres. SECOND TRACT: A road bed .5 a road right of way 76 feet nh- bemntiing on lop or a inn ,i i ol (!. K. Smathers' House at j e Western end of the Public! ...id I hal leads from ISalsam Gap , i; 1". Smathers and near road ,,!ioii No. 3350 of the Hood Road i n", and running with said road ioe.-.ted and surveyed by S. M. el.ei' lo Robert Bryson line, in-. Inline; said road bed and road j r !:l el way to the intersection of I i P.i -on's line. Containing 3.8, i too n n 1 ine b. ei ' J". ' . j White Oak S'ump; thence N. 3 45 ft. I". 22 4 IV lo a stone corner: thence N. 80 14 ft W. 02 P., to a stake in the I'.. V. Welch line: thence v. ith the 1" V. Welch line N. 38 30 ft. W. 530 P. to the be ginning. Containing 868 acres more or less. THE ABOVE described land be ing the same liiml conveyed !)"' John M. Quoin and -.Ml'e Ethel Queen, to .1 I). Hood. Trustee, by deed dated Migu-I 20, 1925 and ss 1 1 icli said Ui ed i- dids of record in the oitice o! lieei-ler of Deeds in book of Deed ot Trust No. 95. page 223, winch s.iid deed and record, i e!5 n nc. i- hereby made fr full and nenpletc descrin! ion of said 'and. FIFTH TIIJCT top ot .lone- Knol ami corner o1 He', and ru n- v Oh -: W. 310 I' . lo a -line: I hem e N 110 said line 102 P , t dill's cornel" I hone 42 IV to a -lake in of Grant No 5'!0 line N. 80 30 II the Dasis lands and running thence S on the first line of the Davis lands 41" E. with a variation of 4 for the needle 550 P., to a stake in the line of the Allison survev; thence with the second line of the Davis lands N. 87 W. villi a 3 variation for the needle ." ) Brown and Crawford line 480 P., which point is at or near the West edge of the flower garden on Hry son's Tract, which point is .also al I he too ot Cut Oil Mt . thence with the top of Cut Otr Mt., in a North eastern direction and along the top thereof with its meander- as fol lows: N. 18" K. 14 P. N. 30 K. 42 P., N. 8" E. 29 P., N. 2 F. 7 IV 19" E. 28 P., In. 13 n " '" Mrs Mrs Mrs 15 WAYNESVILLE TOWNSHIP G. C. Aaams. j lot J. Ii. Adams. 1 lot David F. Adcock. 1 lot Fred Jackson, 141 acres ... 20.40 Hugh Jaynes. 5 acres 25 36 1.30 22.10 & Lincbiueer. lots lot BeL'ill! 0 the (Irani ine. mg on Allison No. .580 S 53 in Cogdill ft W. Willi stake. Cog 3 33 ft W. Davis lines I hence w ii h t hal W. 247 P. to a N 25 P.. N. 30 E. 10 1 Northcrmost line of the garden on Hryson's tract continuing along the top d I ake S the ( IV W. F Ml. 34 1 0 P passed Id'- flower t hence of ('in N P Balsam on 'm ' h -ide of main top of Balsam Mountain: thence N. 10 E. 129 P. lo a la'-.'e Birch: thence N. 15' W 54 P.. to a small Balsam on top of Green Ml , Ihefice N 17 15 ft F. 2115 P lo a slake in line of Grant No .774: Mienee villi said line 88 F. 15 P to a -lake, corner F. 20 F. 14 04 P., P. to 5822 about thi T1IF being 1 10 38 18 E N. 22" E. 14 N". 12 E. 32 N. 33 F. 14 p N .14 F. 8 P . N P N 7 E. 12 P.. N. 18 N;! 2" E. 16 P., N. 03 K. 22 the beginning. Conlainimz acres, excluding, however, 82.2 acres, which lie within s of the Br son I ract. ABOVE described lands e same lands conveyed to G lo I I' ll ( Is f,,r II John V, William Jim Mil Mi- ('.- 1 lot llmdi H i I 1 1 I ine V, , dor nP aid w: ri i urn. f the ml. i il i I lie Which nent i- Clerk Haywood time and turn of th The del notice tha appear al of the Supei County, Nun courthou-e i: ,on or before ,tenibcr. 19 Id, thereafter, ai to the comp! or the rein I -plaint wii! I This the ':' GEUT1 As-1 ( 1504 - Am: lie the 11: 'l'I 1 1 1 In W lb W Ti A i N d IS II (' llian dl, 1 lol P.. Ill: I .'lie f : in'Mi Tl I i I ' t ; iberl ' NG - lo I !ol b .1. ( 'l l)c I i.J I on 1 4" lie D (dhh iitic 4-on G.hh , I lo! Grindi. 1 In 'II 'be: take ,,.,., !,,!-.. I lot ".!" d ;' :'' da 1 1 . iw . M . 1 i.,l '- I "' , k Mice Hon Inn. 1 !ol ' "! lb '' i""1 lti.-hmon.l K- nip I '..' ' '"' n ,. a' I'm- -,,., i.m,. i i 4.21' N. (' a Sen l I IF P Nil i ; K 1940 in llciiiv I J ( P. Je.eph 'I a,.hn Ah Will Mn .a 1 eo M I J 1 1 . 1 Ii 1 lo Hon. 1 STATE OF COUNTY 1 1 All pernio the under-i apply lo Ih' for a parol' , viited of l! at the .liii" Superior ('. ty. AH to the no make -aid . Parole (5 North Can. This Hi" . OI(II. . 1509 A".e N'(! Ni II III I' T. M .1 W r.fiYD Mill' i' ST TF ( ( d NT Y IN TP JOHN I'1 m i:y p. II! ' : II! Ni) ', THE P,OVF. described lands be-1 - I lie saine lands conveyed by j eo F. Smathers and wife,: mini Smalhers, to J. D. Hood,: , ii I, e. by deed daled Sept. 14, i.m. and which said deed is duly n i on! in the otlice of Register , I ii ' d in book or Deed of Trust ige z.iz, wincn saui ueeo -d, reference is hereby i lull and complete de of said lands. j 'D TRACT: Adjoining lands F. Smathers, J. D. Hood. Bryson find others. BEGIN nn a mountain Spanish oak of County line ridge, Hood's id lirvson's corner, and runs -,oufh 48 7 ft. West 103 P to a Hliile Oak slump, and a stake Hood s and Hryson's and Smather's i , n ner; i hence South 3 West 15.5 p lo a slake. Bryson's and Smal It er's comer: thence South 28" 30 11. Wesl 80 P. lo a stake on a small ridge. Bryson's and Smather's cor ner; I hence N. 80 40 ft. E. 30 P. lo a slake on the summit of a ridge, P,r -on's, Smather's, and Wigg's ( oi lier: tlience in ii is n. w. zn i II in a stake, 38 ft., N. 73 15 ft.j E. from the lower side of the road ai mad station No. 150 near Bry son's Gap: thence running parallel lo and 33 ft below road as located and surveyed for J. D. Hood as I I, Plows: N. 17 West 50 ft., N. 11 i II W. 50 ft., N. 5" W. 5(1 It.,' 2 W. 50 fl , N. 13 18 ft. W. 50; V 29 30 ft., W. 50., N. 42 50 II , N". 41 W. 50 ft., N. 34" j II W 50 ft., N. 25 W. 50 ft.' Hi 30 l'I. W. 50 ft., N. 15 30 ft.j .50 ft. N. 7 30 ft. E. 50 ft., N. 2" .50 ft., N, 10" E. 50 ft., N. Hi" F. 50 ft.. N. 27 30 ft. K. 50 33 30 ft. E. 50 ft., N. 25 E. N. 1 1 E. 50 ft., N. 8 "W. 50 j 1 I 30 fl. W. 50 ft., N. 37" W 50 ft., N. 41" 30 ft. W. 50 0 W. 50 ft., N. 25" 45 ft. It , N. 15" 30 ft. E. 50 ft.. N. 7 30 It W. 50 ft., N. 17 W. 50 II N. 3 W. 50 ft., N. 32 30 ft. E. 50 II , N 47 15 ft. E. 50 ft., N. 77 30 If. F 50 ft., N. 55 30 ft. K. 50 !. N 53 30 ft. E. 50 ft., N. 2G" I" lio ' N. 19" E. 50 ft., N. 32 Mil il . F 50 ft., N. 19 30 ft. 50 ft., N. 13 30 ft., E. 50 ft., N. 30 E. 50 ft . N, 42" 30 ft. E. 50 ft., N. 28" nl : I hence a Sin lice Jack .on li i. I d dati 1 1 of said F. 04 P. I ' wood and Dye Gap: Ihi 508 P lo llu ing 953 acre Til F ABO ing I he - inn J, W. Perm- I.. Fern tee, b and win old Deeds in bonk No. 100, page 2 and record, n made for full script ion of land. S1NTII TKAC'I lands of Kale T. guson and .1 D. I olliers a-; follows: FIRST Tl! '!' double Clie-lmil , Kidge and runs in E. 20 p.. N ::: F. 31 4 P F. (id P.. 3,0 E. 50 0 P , N S 29 i n S. 03 i n n 1 1 1 ' 30 ft. llay- '(I'fer 3(1 ft. F 'out ain- I H II nd d land no -ivevod by !e, He.l-r ood. Trus- I. 1920, . of ree nter of if Trust nil deed e i ; hereby comnlcfo de- iilv did f Deed . which Adjoinin; Davis. Janes lend Trie. lee ; the and 8 13 N. 47 03 P Knob Ii In 30 ft F of Joni" 324 P.. Hrvson'' line S. 1:7 E east corner thence with 1 18 P., lo tl Bryson tract P., to a -lak R. 'ginning at a on lop of Cut up that ridge N. ! '3d II. F 41 5 P., N. 20 E. 30 P.. N 2 3d II. E. 41 P. N. 10 30 fl. 14 21 P.. N. 18 to a Balsam on top I hence S. 57 50 W. -lake in lh( I; I hence w 111! P . lo the North il the Hi's -on trad; --aid line S. 87 E, Northeast corner ol thence S. 3 W. 210 in the Soiilh bound Kale T. Davis and W. I in.', son Davis, Trustee, to J. D. Hood Trustee, by deed dated Sept. 12. 1925, and which said deed is dub on record in the oflice ol the lie--isler of Deeds in book of Deed and Trust No. 95. page 244, which said deed and record, reference i--bereby made for full and complete description of said lands, SEVENTH TRACT: Also ap proximately sixteen hundred '1000' acres of land purchased h t he de fendants in this action, from Kale T Davis, et al, which said lands adjoin the lands hereinbefore de scribed, which were sold by the said Kale T. Davis, et al, to I D Hood, trustee, and which said land are known as the Kate T. Davis Mountain lands, and being all that Kale T. Davis tract of land lydig and being on the watershed of Scotls Creek in Jackson County, adjoining the lands of the heirs of John Cogdill, deceased. Being all that portion of the tract of lanfl which lies in lv Hill Township, Haywood Counts-. N. C, as described in that certain dede executed by J. W. Ferguson and wife, Hester L. Ferguson, to J. D. Hood, which deed is dated July 1st, 1926, and duly of record in the oflice of the Register of Deeds of Jackson County, N. C, in Book of Deeds No. 100, page C. Adrien 1 lot J. C. Allen. Est.. 1 lot John C. Allen. 1 lot Louis Allen. 1 lot Kenneth Anderson. 0 vV. T Andrews. 1 lot Frank Arweil. 1 lol W. .1 A.-hwoith. 1 h I-- S - kew, Adni . 1 Pes. 1". I.. Bain. 1 I"' Mrs Kut h Baker. 1 lot W. A. Hand. 1 lot 1) li. Barber. 3 lots 1! liea-les. 1 lot Jim Bei k. 1 lot v.-. Pom .e Beil 1 Ml., G A Bibee. 1 J. V. Blade-. 1 lot W. II. Blade.-. 3 lol . G F. Blank, n.sl.ip. 1 Pes C F Howl. 1 S ('. Busies. 1 lot Clinton Bracket, i aire 10 lots li E Bradley. 1 lot Mrs. A. F. Bradshasv. 1 Jerome Bridges. 1 lol A. F Brown Heirs. 1 Brown. 1 lot John Brown, 21 lots lias lord Brow n. 6 lots ! Fin B, Hi : -on. 1 i"1 Dewey lluchaiman, 4 ; Buchaiman. a lot lot lot lot ot HTl'S acres Heirs. Mrs. .1 1 lot A, Burton. 1 1 lot 142 it 1 lot -t . 1 acres acres 3 ' .: acres lot acres lot i 1 H W W Pi I hence begin- j V N V 50 ary line of 1 he Das is t rai l : S 87 12 It E. 40 P. lo t lu lling. Containing 208 acres. SECOND Tli U'T Beginning for same at a Balsam tree on the line of the representatives of David Allison on the ton of .limes Knob roiu flu Railroad beginning being ginning corner of about 872 said point known P Ii of the I- ine of ; 257, and that portion of which said i said land herein attached and which lies in Haywood County is more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Adjoining the lands of J. C. Welch, and others on the North; John M. Queen on the West, and thence runs with the dividing line be tween Haywood and Jackson Coun ties to Jones Knobb, and there in tersects with the said J. C. Welch line, and contains approximately Four Hundred acres. This the 12th day of Aug., 1946. R. V, WELCH, Sheriff of Haywood County. 1505 Aug 16-23-30 Sept. 6, Notice Of Tax Sale given that pursuant to law, and under County Commissioners, Haywood Coun- s - Notice of T( ale : t: at I'm ill.', o 1 94(i. i mi in : in-t n 1 1 Notice is ben Ulianl lo law. a. of the Board o Town of W.isi. signed J W. P for the T oiler for for cash Wavnc-s ber 91 h. and conl property i levied an; the owner which taxi year 1945 I ville, as fol'o-.i - J. C. Allen. 1 'ol ? Judge F. F. i'e. b .iam-i W. A. Band, 1 lot ,C. V. Bell. 1 lot hal. Jack Bradley, 1 lot R. E. Bradley. 1 lot Mrs. Net a Bramlett. I h! A. E. Brown Heirs. 1 lot Dan B. Bryson, 1 lot Burke Heirs, 1 lot John R. Carver, 1 lot Mark L. Cathey, 1 lot W. A. Coble, 1 lot -G. M. Craig, 1 lot C. F. Davis. 1 lot Emma Davis. 1 lot Eoy Davis, 1 lot Will E. Davis, 1 lot Jess Dillard and M. Morri son, 1 lot Mack Edwards, 1 lot Harry Evans, 1 lot Ned Ferguson, 1 lot Debrada Fisher. 1 lot J. A. Fisher. 1 lot N. B. Franklin, 1 lot Howell Freeman, 1 lot James Gaddis, 1 lot Roy Gaddis, 1 lot W. C. Gaddy, 1 lot M. O. Galloway, 1 lot Fay Gibson, 1 lot Maude Gilmer Est, 1 lot .... Mrs. G. W. Green, 1 lot Mrs. Lawrence Green, 1 lot M. L. Gregory, 1 lot i'iir- .1. D II' 11 OV 'I'l n ' J. I). IP M ID. Hide i F E M.I.I'V. -Hi . 1 J I). IPX ill. i HESTER I.. FKIICI 1 r.i! .ax ot I' il o (il -.! IN. di ." OFKNI'Y P. liotl'l ' of Il.-illk- ni Nol -I1CI c -sar m il-.' . .' Bank and Ton Was nc-s die. N (' J. W. I'm '.n-mi. d'-aea-ItOBF.PT iPJYSnx. W. I! CIS, Tin in- TT! IX ley. c. r-'UK.r. v sm and w if, "' Y I- M i --i iN. At! mini -- Ti n n ft 40 5 ItO 1 4(1 70 "!) 1 5 2 1 2 10 IP, 20 2.80 3.50 4 20 0.05 in 92 4.20 16.80 17.50 1.40 15.00 11.90 ill I: 1 I ion She Has tilled ac'i of Septc oClock. i Hay-.ynod Wayne-s i for sale ' d f. I Cou-.ls 1 n ie a 'P N-Al.- 7H K"S v'r:ii'i;-. o Si llier-! - ned Coiir' of hose cn- 'Ji'.h das- m. I v ill on tin i:b r. '940. a1 '".else ooii. a' the door of th" CV.unly couithiv.i-o in In. North. Carolina, offer o the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution, all riaht. title, and interest which the defendants. J. D. Hood. Trustee J. D. Hood. Individuals-. F. E. Alley. Jr . Administrator of J. D. Hood, deceased. He.-,ler I.. Fergu son. Admini-tr.itrix of Estate of J. W. Eercu-on. deceased. Gurnoy P. Hood, Commissioner of Banks of North Carolina, successor in interest to Citien-' Bank and Trust Company, Was nesville. North Car olina, Trustee for .1, W. l'er'.'uson. 1 deceased. Robert Bryson. W. 11. : Francis, Trustee. Felix E. Alley, George E. Strainers and wife. Hay E. Smathers now have or at any time at or after the docketing of 6.30 1 the judgment in said action had in 23.61 1 and to the following described real estate, lying and being in Haywood and Jackson Counties, North Caro lina. FIRST TRACT: Beginning 6 feet North of White Oak stump and stake, corner of J. D. Hood, R. J. Bryson and G. E. Smathers lands on South side of Round Knob and 8.40 4 20 15.00, 54.20 ; 38.15 14.00 3.50 i 2.10 4.90 185.92 2.27 1.40 1.40 26.32 7.0C I'n ft. F 50 ft., N. 15 E. 50 ft., N. ?.r, 30 ft. E. 50 ft., N. 62 0 30 ft F 50 ft.. N. 49 30 ft. E. 50 ft., N 1J 30 ft. E. 50 ft. N. 33 30 fl la 50 ft., lo the top of the County line ridge al a point 38 ft., below the losier edge of road; thence N. no' up the top of said ridge 192 It. lo the point of beginning, Con ' a ining 31 .9 acres. I'l IF ABOVE described land be ing the same land conveyed by It. J. Bryson and wife, May E. Bryson. to J. D. Hood. Trustee, by deed dale Sept. 14, 1925, and which said deed is duly of record in the office of Register of Deeds in book of Deeds of Trust No. 95, page 201. which said deed and record, reference is hereby made for full and complete description of said land. FOURTH TRACT: Adjoining the land of George Smathers, Welch, Bryson and Haywood County, and described as follows: BEGINNING on a stake and Balsoni on the summit of Jones Knob on (he West end of same and in the Allison and Welch line and runs with the top of Jones Knob and the main Balsam Moun tain and the Jackson and Haywood ' Counlv lines as follows: N. 71 F 14 P. N. 65 30 ft. E. 10 P., S. 52" E. 28 P., S. 80 E. 5 P., S. 21 30 ft. E. 8 P., S. 43 E. 11 P., S. 62 E 8 4 P., N. 77 30 ft. E. 4.4 P., S. 46 30 ft., E. 7.2 P., S. 69 30 ft. E. 18 P., S. 65 E. 10 P., S. 75 30 ft.. E. 17 P., N. 86 E. 9 P., S 79" 30 ft. E. 24 P., N. 87 30 ft. E. 17 P., N. 86 E. 9 P., S. 79 30 i ft. E. 24 P., N. 87 30 ft. E. 17 P., : S 79 30 ft. E. 20 P., S. 58 15 ft. E. 24 P., S: 73" 30 ft. E. 42 P., S. 52 i E. 30 P., to a Birch at Big Stump Gap, S. 37 E. 11.6 P., S. 56 E. 18 P., S. 68 80 ft. E. 22 P., S. 59 E. 11 P., S. 12 30 ft. E. 47 P., S. 4 30 ft. W. 15 P., S. 34 E. 20 P., S. (T 30 ft. W. 14 P., S. 53 30 ft. E 32 P., S. 28 30 ft. E. 22 P., S. 14 30 ft. W. 25 P., S. 1 15 ft. W. 29 P., S. 9' E. 28 P., S. 89 8 ft. E. 39 P., S. 75 22 ft. E. 36 P., S. 65 22 ft. E. 8 P., to a Spanish Oak in County line, also Bryson's corner; thence with saW Bryson's Not ice is hiTi'by order uf tho 1 ioartl of ty, the titnliTsio'iii'd. J. K. FerK-ison, Tax Collector and Super visor, for Haywood County, will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Waynesville, on September -. l'.UCi, at ten o'clock, A. M., and continuing there after until all property is sold to satisfy tho taxes levied against the property of the property owners as hereinafter described, which taxes were levied for the year 1945 by the Count v of Haywood, hereinafter designated in the name of the owners as follows : K ; i in r Burke Vr. & lot I". K. Buller. il.n Caldwell Ks le Campbell. 1 I'1' Silencer. (' C, implied, acres lies-. .1. S. Candler. 1 ! Ml Harry .1. ( '.u pcii :i lots Vr : Nina M. Cai -wel dulli OP. .Milicrs. 1 lot Kesa .1. S. Chandlers I lot E. M. Creilzberg. 1 I' Howard Clark. 4 Miss Iva Clark. 3 Mrs. Mallic Clark. F. E. Clement. 1 W. A. C'lilc. 1 1 (ins Cochran, 1 .Mrs. Oma Cochran, li Mrs Elizabeth C'nie. 1 11. YV. Collins, 2 lots W. W. Cornell. 1 lot Eamus Conrad, 2 acres Res. Ositood Cook. 1 lol Bid Corbin. 7'- acres .1 E. Crasvl'ords F.sl,. 1 lot Vallie Creasnian, 2 lots Marcarel K. Crafton. 1 .1. A. Crisp. 1 lot Jess Curtis, 3 acres C E. Davis. 1 lot Emilia Davis. 1 lot Floyd Davis, 3 acres Mrs. Grady Davis. 1 lot Julius F. Davis, 2 aires .Mrs. 1 P. Davis, 1 lot N. M. Davis. 2 acres Hoy Davis, 1 lot ; Will E, Davis. 1 lol ! C. G. DcNeeirard. 5 acres W. P. Dcshazo. 1 lot Mrs. Hazel Dills, 2 lols Mrs. Clearcy Dossils. 5 acres Itev. F. (). Dryman. 1 1 j acres Horace Ducketf. 2 lols Das id 11. Dunham. 1 lol II. A. Dunham. 1 let Vollie Ector. 1 lot Dr. J. W. Fdiinmilsnn. 1 lot Harry V. Evans. 1 lot Hub Ferguson. F.sl.. 1 lot Ned Eerttiison. It lots .1. A. Fisher, 1 lot lies. Glenn Hynii. 1 lot lies. V. C. Fountain. 25 acres 1 lol 2.60 7. SO 1.30 2.93 16.90 2.60 2.00 10.40 2.00 2 60 10.40 1.30 5 20 1.30 2.00 1.30 3.25 2.00 4.50 27.30 1.30 1.30 11.25 1.95 1.30 4.55 2.60 2.00 9 10 3.90 3.25 7.66 !) 10 3.00 6.50 1 1.05 1.95 20.711 1 1 40 5.85 4.88 3.90 1.30 5.20 11.05 1.9a 12,07 101.98 lot 24.38 . 13.00 . 3.60 . ... 3.95 ... 3.90 .. .. 3.25 . 9.10 23.40 11.70 2.60 1 1 .05 2.00 2,60 ! 9.10 2.60 22.10 i 10.12 10.04 2.60 , 2.93 j 18.08 I 1.95 3.90 lot 23.45 13.00 ... 1.30 . . 1.30 32.19 1.30 7.80 1.30 .33 2.6(1 17.68 5.53 17.78 acres lot CATAIOOC Mrs. Jess Groi William A. l'ln Geo. Ward. 15 I! EE nips acre TOWNSHIP 50 acres $ 6 93 15 acres 2 34 s 2.93 CU AI5T KEF. TOWNSHIP W. M. Arriimtnn. 35 8-10 acres $".51 Cromer C. Chambers. 25 acres 6.76 Lass rent e Evans 31 acres 8,00 Frank Hannah, :"' : acres 19.23 Fred H. Hannah. 101 acres 20.20 Charlie 1, Hill. Jr.. 33 08-100 acres 15.3;i John D. Kinsland. 20 acres 18.58 J. Dave Finer. 71 acres 18.84 Grady H Walker. 45 acres 15 60 Mrs. Dela Morgan. 34 acres 10.08 K. G. McCrary, 75 acres 47.18 General Putman. 21 acres 5.07 Joe E. Ray. 125 acres 30.81 L. J. Wood. 40i i ncros 9.82 Silas Jolly, 25 acres J. A. Robinson. 14 acres 4.49 3 64 IVY Anderson HU E TOWNSHIP & Love. 50 acres $ 0.50 5.06 7.83 9.79 18.02 27.91 8.74 7.87 7.02 7.01 47.07 23.60 26.77 2.56 FINES CREEK TOWNSHIP R. Fletcher Brown. 5 acres S 7.32 N. W. Chambers, 35 3-10 acres G. C. Clark. 40 acres J. B. Davis. 15 acres Charles II. Duekctt. 33 acres U. H. Ferfiuson. 107 acres C L. Fincher. 84 acres W. S. Green. 28 1-3 acres Haywood Electric Power Co. 45 acres Dee Ledford. 10 acres ...... Roy Messer. 155 acres Harry F. Noland. 10 acres Penland. Rogers & Ray, 90 acres. Bal. Mrs. Mary Price, 20 acres ... Virgie Rathbone, 1 acre 2.24 Jack Redmond, 190 acres . 26.91 U. L. Russell. 32 acres 29.39 Ccorsio Trantham. 32 acres 22.21 Horace Trantham, 35 acres 11.25 Grady Walker, 240 acres .... 90.D6 IRON DUFF TOWNSHIP Mrs Jack Caldwoll, 3 acres $ .52 Guy Chambers, 60 acres .... 20.72 Edith L. Begni, 3 acres 14,95 J. D. & Clarence Caldwell. 36 acres 12 48 Johnnie Carpenter. 42 acres 12 10 Dewey Carver. 20G acres 44 00 John Carver, 130 acres 15.00 Mattie Carver. 1 lot 1.30 Howell Crawford. 25 acres 3.90 Florence Davis, 22 acres 3.29 II. B., W. R. & H. R. Fergu son Estate, 208 acres 16 22 Charles Gaddis. 22 acres 3.35 M. O. Galloway, 153 acres 15.25 Dr. S. P. Gay, 32 acres 16.98 Mrs. Alice Gentry. 23 acres 9.33 L. B. George. 7 54-100 acres 9 80 Dan Gibson. 616 acres 48.36 Mark Hannah, 64 acres 35.50 Rosevelt Henry, 17 acres 13.97 C. D. Hosaflock, 18't; acres 24.38 Garrett Howell, 17 54-100 acres 22.80 Mrs. Jerry Howell. ni acre 7.47 Jennice Jefferson, 102 acres 12.54 Jack Jones, 5 acres 2.60 Harry L. Linden. 2'i acres 2.40 H. B. Milner & Elizabeth Carver, 9 lots 5.85 Cora Moody, 16 acres 25.35 Helen Moody, 13 acres 3.31 Ned Moody, 4 lots 11.86 Sarah Moody, Est.. 5 acres 7.48 Sarah A. Moody, 7 acres 1.30 Amos Myers, 1 lot 6.81 Alonzo McGaha. 50 acres 12.60 D. E. Parker, 5 acres .85 W. B. Plemmons, 143 acres 9 81 Hiram Rathbone, Est., 17 acres 1.65 Oliver Rathbone, 2 acres 8.72 Seldon Rathbone, 5 acres .... 1.88 Aletha Rich, 10 acres 84 James B. Rich, 11V4 acres ... 4.34 Joe Russell, 42 acres 40.26 J. V. Setzer, 1 acre u 2.47 Rufus Shehan, 8 acres 10.53 Ed Sims, 12 45-100 acres .... 15.60 Mrs. Blanche Franklin Howell Freeman. 1 lot V. M. Freeman. 1 lot .lames Gaddis. 12 acres. 2 lots W. C. Gaddy. Est.. 1 lot Mrs. Grace Galloway. 1 lot M. O. Calloway. 504 0-10 acres. 5 lots Mrs, Nelson Gallosvay. 1 lot A. A. Gamble Realty Co.. 1 lot Key E. Garnet. 2 lots. Bal. Dr. S. P. Gay. 2 lots. Hal. General Board Finances. 1 lot N". II. Gentry. 2 acres C. A. George & C I). Kctner 1 lot. Bal. Miss Elizabeth Gibson. 5 acres. 1 lot Fay Gibson. 1 lot Fred Gibson. 6 acres li. D. Gilmer & R. Q. Mc- Cracken. 1 lot. Bal. Mrs. Herman Goodwin. 1 lot R. C. Garbeal. 1 lot W. A. Grahl. Est.. 2 lots John Grasty. 2 acres Lloyd Grasty, 3 acres Mrs. Bob Green. 1 lot Delia Green. 1 lot Mrs. G. W. .Green. '2 lots Mrs. Lawrence Green. 1 Leonard H. Green. 5 acres X. L. Gregory. Est.. 1 lot L. A. Hall. 1 lot Robt. Hall. Jr., 1 lot William Hamcr. 1 lot Mrs. Willie Hampton. Mark Hannah. 1 lot V. L. Harkins. 1 lot V. L. Harkins. wife, 1 Oscar Hedrick. 1 lot Harry W. Hembry. 18 Miss Jessie Herren, 1 lot James Allen Hyatt. 2 lots Claude Hill. 2 acres Howard Hill, 2 acres Kobt. Hill, 1 lot. Bal Inez Hague, 2 8-10 acres Rev. Walter Halcomb. 1 lot L. B. Hooper, 2 lols, Bal Mden Howell, Jr., 1 lot 6.50 1 lot . Est., 15 1 lot Mrs, Hilda Howell. Thomasine Howell. acres, 1 lot Hutchins & Halcomb, lrby Hudson, 1 Jot Mary Huffman, 1 lot John Hyatt, 5 acres ... W. A. Hyatt, 28 acres W. C. Hyatt, 15 acres . Mrs. S, H. Isler, 5 acres . Harris Johnson, 1 lot T. H. Johnson, 1 lot Dr. Bob Jones, 1 lot John P. Jones, 1 lot 3 lols Mrs Nannie Jones, Est., 1 S. A. Jones, Est., 3 lots S. B. Jones, 1 lot V. Jones, 1 lot Jim Jordan. 1 lot A. K. Kellman, 1 acre J. B. Kil'.gor.e. 1 lot D. M, Kiilian, Jr., 4 lots , I). M. Kiilian. Est.. 9 acres Miss Rosie Louise King. 1 lot Sam Kniglit, 1 lot Mrs. G. L,. Kohloss, 1 lot .. Rev. A. G. Lackey, 1 lot Lamar & Whitmy.re Pub. Co., 1 lot Kev. J. P. Lancaster, 1 lot Mrs. II. E. Lance, 4 lots, Bal. Martin Lanning, 1 lot Walter Lanning. 22 acres Mrs. Robt. Laughlin, 1 lot Thomas O. Laughton, 1 lot James W. Leatherwood, 20 acres . J. Huston Leatherwood, -d lot Ralph Leatherwood, 1 lot Sherrill Leatherwood, 1 F. B. Ledford, 4 acres Charlie Lewis, l'j acres J. W. Lewis, 1 lot Rev. F. F. Love, 1 lot, Bal S. S. Love, 1 lot Bill Mauklon, 1 lot L. II. Marlin, 1 lot . Bertie Malhis. 1 lol Mrs. E. R. May, 1 lot .1 M Mavnor. 27 3-10 aci Enloe Medldrd, 1 lot Dock Meliafl'ey, 1 lot Mrs. Efne Palmer Mehall'ey, 1 lot Thornton Messer, 1 lot Willie Messer. 1 lot Floyd Miller, 1 lot Henry Miller, 2 lots, Hal. Ken Miller, 1 lot Miss Robina Miller, 1 lot Elbert T. Mills, 2 lot Mrs. Jane Mills, 7 acres Bob Mint., 41.' acres Gertrude Mitchell, 1 lot Mrs. Florence Moody, F'i acres Fred H. Moody, 1 lot Harry Moody, 2 1-3 acres II. B. Moody. 4 lots Jim Moody, 1 lot Mrs. Mary E. Moody, 3 acres .1. E. Mooney, 1 lot W. II. Moore, 1 lot Everett Morgan. 3 acres Albert Muse, 1 lot E. Gordon Muse, 1 lot Fred Muse, Vz acres R. C. McBride, 1 lot Mrs. Mary McCall, 1 lot McCarthy & Bowles. 1 lot Rev. Willis McClaine, 1 lot M. J. MeCracken, Est.. 1 lot Miss Alma L. McCubers, 1 lot Miss Maud MeCullen. 1 lot Earl S. McKinney, 1 lot Mrs. Dave Nelson, 1 lot II. D. Newton & R. C. Good, 1 lot Clayton Nichols, 4Ii acres Myrtle Nixon. 1 lot Claude Norman, 55:'.i acres Homer Norman. 22 acres John Norris. 1 lot .1. W. Norsvood, 1 lot A. B. Otwell. 1 lot Jim Page. 1 acre Charlie Parker. 1 lot John Parker, 1 lot Kenneth Parker, 1 lot Win. H. Parker. 2 lots Harold F. Patrick, 1 lot M. Pearlman. 1 lot Dave Penland. Est, 1 lot Mrs. Carrie Phillips. 1 lot A. V. Phillips. 4'.i acres .. E. S. Phillips. 1 lot Mrs. Maggie Pilkington, 2 acres Dr. W. W. Pinson, 1 lot Hester Prcssley. 1 lot .1. S. Price, 9 6-10 acres Bill Pruitt, 13 acres Mrs. E. G. Quattlcbaum. 1 lot Carrie Brooks Queen, 2'u acres Hester Queen, 1 lot Harley Radford, "2 acres Mrs. J. A. Randolph, 1 lot Ed Ray, 1 lot Ray Really Co., 23 lots. Bal. Harry Recce, 1 lot Mrs. Minnie Recce, 1 lot Mrs. W. W. Reed. 1 lot Rhinchart & Weber. 1 lot Mrs. T. F. Reynolds, 2 lols 0. S. Rhymer, 1 lot James Rich, 1 lot Bryson Rider, 4 acres Mrs. R. G. Rogers. 1 lot 96 Hobert Ruff, 1 lot 1.95 J. T. Russell, 3 lots. Bal. 7.15 Salisbury Bank & Trust Co., 27.30 1 lot 3.12 Miss Bertha Sanders, F lot. 11.88 Bal 5.20 Mrs. Delia Sanders. 1 lot 3.25 Miss Mary Evans Sanders. 1.30 1 lot, Bal lot 24.44 Joe Scates, 17 acres Dr. John Scates, 1 lot John T. Scates, Est., 1 lot Mrs. Raymond Scates, Guard. 1 lot Bctsie Schulhoffer, 1 lot Earl Scruggs, 1 lot Fannie Wright Sell, 1 lot, Bal. Mrs. J. W. Shackaford. 1 lot Mrs. Ruby Sherrill, 1 lot Geo. Sisk, 1 lot B. J. Sloan, Est., 1 lot 2.60 Ben J. Sloan, 4 acres 7.80 Mrs. Ella Smathers, 1 lot 8.00 Mrs. W. H. Smathers, 18 2.60 acres 2.13 Catherine Smith 1 lot 11.08 Mrs. Isabella C. Smith. 1 101 6.50 Mrs. John Smith, 1 lot 12.40 John Smith, Est., 1 lot T. C. Smith & Co, 1 lot 6.50 Zeb Smith, 3 acres W. G. Smythe, 1 lot Ellis Sorrells, 1 acres Geo. Sorrells,' l34 acres Sam S. Sorrells, 1 acres Joseph Spitzer, Gordon Hotel, Mr-- f. Geo ! W, C Mrs I. Lee s: N. V, If I. Jess s, Carl s Char!. Rus s J I' -Mr- ! Mr- 1 ir Gen V O ( ' Hal M V, .1 w I. ( ' I 1! i' raa . I ; 1 1 - Me : Vr Res . D V, 1. Lassie:, Iiiihl '. Mrs ( Mr- Salhe 1 Jim V. W. T '. Mrs ( Mia s Frank J. M U V Mr- (' I'.es !' III.' And.-. .1 Mis 1 3.90 5.20 3.90 14.30 9.42 2.00 3.90 0 50 6 50 1.95 2.60 3 90 11.48 1.30 5.39 1.95 13.0(1 24.70 1.30 16.77 16.25 1.30 12.09 3.90 20 80 1.30 21.56 15.00 11.05 1.30 2.00 1 .95 8.45 7.80 12.20 2.00 1.95 36.40 1 30 15.00 46.80 51.40 13.00 2.60 21.58 6 83 8.45 4.55 2 27 1.30 2 61) 14.35 7.20 1.30 26.00 10.12 1.30 13.27 5.20 3.12 9.06 6.55 29.25 1.30 9.56 6.50 13.00 3.45 4.55 3.25 10.08 37.04 7.80 3.90 1.30 1.95 1.30 3.90 2.60 1.63 2.60 7 48 2.60 19.87 21.48 17.41 3.25 18.20 5.20 11.45 1.95 6.50 4.53 27.30 1.30 1.311 1.95 19.40 i .1111 Kel'i Mr, Ma: '. Bud B, The- i Jen: I Inez I'. Will 1 Willi; Tinii !' A nine Carrie Claude Nelson DcKie .1 II I Buhl 1 Ada li Alice I Ilichla Etta 1 Geo. 1 llcnrs .1. (' I Leon 1 Llllllel Millie Will (."lll-.l 1 le I.celia Feu y, Mea, Saja.L IsiiM Flln : ( 'all 11 I. I i Irvm . Cai: . Mclle Tenia ( Wl 30,82 4.55 8.26 420.68 3.90 3 90 12.35 24.26 2 60 5.90 5.52 19 03 2.11 17.55 2.60 6.50 8.04 10.4rt 1.30 9.10 3.90 1.30 1.30 15.85 acres 45.12 2 lots lot 15.20 3.90 9.10 3.90 260 9.30 10.40 2.60 J)8 '-" !-'i an 4 55 ' ' : 1.30 3.90 -u' 6.8!) "M 5.07 ; l! 1.30 '''' Hi!!.'. 2 00 l' v' 3.25 I'' 6.16 " 1 18.85 i'"1 3.90 67.60 .65 2.60 27.30 .'"' 2.60 6.50 Vl 3 90 1.30 1 8.37 1.30 ! 4.34 '' 15.6U " 6 50 " .65 3 90 v V 2 23 14.75 1.30, ' 12,35 j Jl 6.50 ( ' 3.25 !!' 18.38 v 15 44 ' 2.60 ! " 5.20 i 1 2.92 ' ' 2.60 ! " 26.05 ' 1.95 1 "f 21.19 : . 10.40 v' 2.60 v 1.30 2.60 2.60 ' '' '; .78 I:'-" 2.60 ! 4.16 : 195 Mi 3.06 Ul 2 lots, Bal. 3.68 . H. Stackhouse, 1 lot ' -f" W, R. J. Stevenson, 1 lot Jake Stepp, 4V4 acres.. 4.55 7.70 Tax