an lard PRINTING CO JU so s nm LOUISVILLE Kv The Waynesville Mountaineer Published Twice-a-Week In The County Seat Of Haywood County At The Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park 49,500 People Live within 20 miles of Waynesvilfc their ideal shopping center. No. 72 8 Pages WAYNESVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1916 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties blished A-Week uesday fcu " r 1 tomobile Wrecks Mount, Several Badly Injured 5" Lake Junaluska Closes r n l Of duccesstui '46 Season f Driving nk Placed everal f Cars kcts continued In L durins tin1 P'lsl least 14 cars and and other minor irted In officers. were aires! ed lor and several for Sustains Julder In Eoco Gap ix young people 12:30 Wednesday Carpenter Blanch rest of Uh- Maggie foot of Soco Cap Lee Fisher, Hi. of at . the Lake shoulder injuries. 20. of Cove Creek fained Is reported in Rood Haywood County In the . week, and released after K. The remaining Charles Crouser. lie; Walter .lames. Jane Stewart. Hi. I and Ceeile Big- f injured, Cronser. (r which was do- leaving the road. investigating Pa- oberts. with rcck- an's Back uto Wreck Nng at 0:311 in H Bramk-lt farm Creek .section a driven hv Mis !- f Cove Creek. ra up en a bank She receiver! a I arm inum-ics hm children, riding not injured. The a total wreck. 'rash avenue i result of a crash F. f Brown and "azelwood ah,,,,. FidaS' afternoon as driving a creasm.m ivac faxi. bHl cars worn cras"- .Neither f Hurt impact other famaged In Wreck HL'3c ,L- Nter a ,,- , ' . ' -'u-.i huh a !37 IVSo.i, tey al the inter-1 1!am siro,,. j' page Eight) I Outstanding Programs And Large Crowds Were Features Of Season Just Ended Following Sunday morning's ad dress at the Lake Junaluska As sembly auditorium, the 1946 season the best attended in its history was officially closed, and the re maining summer visitors began de parting for their homes. Dr. W. F. Quillian of Atlanta, preached from the pulpit Sunday, presenting the last address of the year. Sunday night the Salvation Army band offered a sacred con cert of music. A south - wide conference of young people, and a Southern Insti tute of Music were conducted dur ing the last week of the Assembly season. Wednesday the platform was taken by one of the younger ministers who has distinguished himself in the field of social rela tions, Rev. Grady Hardin, of Black Mountain. Another speaker to the group was Col. Charles I. Carpen ter, chief of chaplains for the U. S. Army Air Corps. The Rev. Mr. Hardin, after por traying the present international situation from the political view point, called attention to signs of encouragement as evidenced by at tempts of U. N. to get together and outlined what he believed to be the function of the church in the international scene. He said in part: "The church must bring the consciousness of the statesmen who write the international charter up to hear the voice of God and to know the way of life that will en able them to search out the will of God. The function of the church is not to be an economist but to touch the economist that he may (Continued on page 8) Heads RA -S, - . Street Naming Program May Finish This Week Satisfactory progress is re ported on the Town of Waynes ville's program to paint names on all the streets. G. C. Fergu son, town manager, states that at the end of last week half of the streets had been named. Stencils are being cut for the remaining roads, and the painters are expected to have the remaining names on by the end of this week. Mr. Ferguson also announces that the next regular meeting of the Town Board will be held Thursday, Sept. 5. Weather Report Furnished The Mountaineer by the U. S. Weather Bureau): Monday, Sept. 2 Fair and slight ly warmer today and tonight. Tuesday, Sept. 3 Fair and slightly cooler. (Official Waynesville temperature as recorded by the staff of the State Test Farm): Date Max. Min. Rainfall Aug. 29 77 66 .22 30 77 55 31 68 45 Sept. 1 77 71 Nen, Jr Discharged After mechanics To Guam Natives rn'Jr..Mr,M1T , , . v Croon nar frnm lhe .Hea"ived Lome oav . ah " Asters ,.,, - tar... ' 1 ai -"'is and and lorn. and e.ivfi and hr,..u , - .'ii inciav was , l" as a gift Ft? ,he Me years Wii.i. " n'ne time was school in Richmond, Va., for 10 weeks. He was then assigned to a ship and left Portland. Me., for an overseas tour, after which he was sent to a.i advanced diesel school in Cleveland, Ohio. He returned to sea duty following this training, and shipped from San Francisco to the island of Guam, where he spent the remainder of his time. The latter part of his service was with the U.S.M.C. detachment as a me chanical teacher to the natives. He Is now with his brother, Arlo Green at Penns Grove, N. J., as an assistant manager of a recently opened garage. They are giving apprentice training to ex-service men, and have an agency for the new Bobbl-Kar. L. N. DAVIS was elected prcsi dwent of the Haywood Electric Membership Corporation at the an nual meeting in the court house here Saturday afternoon. Mr. Davis succeeds Carter Osborne, who was named vice president. Dixie Store To Open New Super Store On Thursday Firm Enlarges Stocks In Waynesville Unit; Next To The First National Bank Announcement is being made today of the formal opening of the Dixie-Home Super Market on Main Street next to the First National Bank, on Thursday morning. Ed C. Lane, general manager of the store, has had a special crow of trained men working for the past week arranging the stock which will be about four times the stock now carried in the Dixie Store here. The modern store is 110 feet long and 37 feet wide, with about a fourth of the store devoted to the meat market, with its 48 foot of refrigerated display counters, and also a fourth to the display racks of produce. Self-service frozen foods and dairy counters are also a part of the new set-up. The grocery department takes up the remaining half of the store. Besides Mr. Lane, the personnel of the store will include Fred .lonos manager of the market, and Ray ( Continued On Page Eight) L. II. Davis Heads REA Unit Here Annual Meeting Held Here Saturday Afternoon, With Large Crowds Attending 1. X. Davis was elected president of the llavwood Electric Member ship Corporation at the annual mooting hero Saturday afternoon, alter the members had oloelod a board of directors. Mr. Davis suc ceeds Carter Osborne, who will servo as vice president. Ira II. Cogbnrn was re-elected as secretary -treasurer. Encouraging reports wore made by officials of the organization, and substantial prograss was shown by the detailed reports. During the afternoon. Gwyn Price, state director, addressed the group, followed by a representa tive of the Washington office. A largo number of attendance prizes were given out during the aftorjioon. Queen Of Labor Day USO Chairman In Hay wood Will Be Named Soon J. E. S. Thorpe, of Franklin, has been re-appointed as chairman of this, district for the 1946-47 annual USO campaign which starts Oc tober first. The district comprises all coun ties west of and including Hay wood. L. Y. Ballentine. lieutenant gov rnor of North Carolina, is state hairman, and announced that the chairmen of each county would he named shortly. Chairman Ballon- tine also announced that this is the last USO campaign. It has been designated by President Truman as the "See-lt-Thrugh" campaign. A. P. Ledbetter was chairman of Haywood last year, and over $11.- 000 was raised during the cam paign in the county. Property Being Sold For Taxes Members of the Haywood tax collector's office started yesterday morning selling about 1,000 tracts of land for unpaid 1945 taxes. The tracts were advertised for the past four weeks, and selling started Monday morning at 10:00 o'clock. The tax collectors of Waynesville and Hazelwnod will sell on Mon day, Sept. 9th. X) V AH U Miss Rogers Wins Beauty Contest At Canton Crowned Queen Of Labor Day Program; Crowd Of 4,000 Sees Judging lit) year-old QUEEN FRANCES ROGERS, is shown here as she was crowned ijuccn ot Labor Day on Saturday night before 4,000 people in the Canton Park. Mayor Sam Robinson had just officially crowned Miss Rogers when this Mountaineer photograph by Ingram, Skyland Studio was made. Miss Rogers and her court had a prominent part in the 40th annual Labor Day parade. Social Security Man To Be Here On Ninth A representative of the Social Security board will be at the Regis ter of Deeds office here on Mondav, Sept. 9th at ton o'clock to meet with anyone concerning matters re garding Social Security. Cases Released On Bond At Magistrate's Hearing At their preliminary hearing in Magistrate's Court at Canton dur ing August, the throe Case brothers who wore involved in the gun bat tle at the Weeping Willow service station on July 31 were bound over to the November term of criminal court and released on bond. Ralph Mease, justice of the peace, presided at the court. The defendants, Andy. 22; .lack, 23: and Oscar Case, 20, of the Dutch Cove section near Canton, waived their right to give evidence, and the court found state evidence suffi cient to prepare charges of assault with a deadly weapon, robbery with fire arms, and minor offenses ' against the defendants. Power Will Be Off Four Hours Sun. Power will be off in Hazelwood Lake Junaluska, Balsam and Dell wood Road on Sunday, Sept, 8th from 2 until 6 o'clock. The inter ruption will not affect the town of Waynesville or REA lines, ac cording to H. M. Burleson, local represent at ivo. The interruption of service i being made to do maintenance work on lines that could not be done safely without discontinuing the service. At high speed the range of vision of automobile drivers is narrowed to approximately the width of the roaa. Participants In Labor Day Beauty Contest At Canton ' V . - .T--iffl, "i mi lit lit' M Hi m i Aimi i otiK - I -. Jf j.. j Shown here are the ten contestants in the first beauty contest to be staged in connection with the annual Labor Day program at Canton. The ten young ladies are shown as they stood on the special platform in the Canton Park Saturday night as the judges selected Miss Frances Rogers as w innr. Shown here, left to right, Miss Doris Brown, Miss Rogers, Gladys Brown, Mrs. Edwin Spears, Mrs. Sara Garrison, Miss Alice Fincher, runner-up, first place, Miss Margaret Robinson, Miss Mary Jane Burnett, runner-up second place, Miss Ruth Hall and Miss Rachael Morgan. This Is a Mountaineer photograph by Ingram, Skyland Studio. Miss Francos Roger daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Fred i Rogers, of ('union, was c row tied queen of Labor festivities in the beauty contest Saturday night be fore the largo crowd assembled at Champion Park in Canton. Mayor Sam Robinson, alter the coronation robe and crown were placed on Canton's first beauty queen, gave her "complete reign" over the festival . . . "not only in Canton, but in its suburbs: Clyde, Waynesville and Ashevillo," placing at her disposal the "Army" in town and "all boats on the river." Miss Rogers wore a two-tone evening gown with black top, a blue tafola skirt with blue net over it. All ton contestants, who had reached the final contest after a preliminary select ion from among 26 girls Thursday night before the same judges, were dressed In eve ning gowns and made a very pretty picture placed in a row on the Dana-stand lacing (he main part of the stadium on the ball park. The crowd, estimated at 3,500 or more, filled the stadium and extra seats placed all around the stand, with many spectators stand ing up to witness the contest. Miss Alice Fincher, 1!), brunette daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Fincher, of Clyde, was runner-up to the queen. Miss Mary Jane Burnett, 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hurnett ol West Canton, was the other runner-up, and the two girls served as attendants to Queen Frances on Labor Day. The seven members of the queen's court were: Mrs Sara Gar rison, wife of Charles Garrison: Margaret Robinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gurley Robinson; Rachael Morgan, daughter of Mrs. Annie M. Harbin; and Miss Mary! Ruth Hall, daughter of Rev. and' Mrs. J. Howard Hall, all of Can-) Inn- Mi-t- -:ii.. s;,.. , ,. if., ,.r VA I . .-jcuis, oi ayuosv ine; miss woris n(i Hrown, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Glenn D. Brown; and Miss Gladys Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brown, both of Clyde. Jimmy Deaton, master of cere monies, introduced the girls as they stood up and took turns walk ing around the band-stand before the spectators and judges, and afterwards presented each contest ant with letters entitling them to gifts at Canton stores. The judges, visitors at Lake Junaluska, wore: Dr. Elmer T. Clark, editor of The World Outlook, Now York City: Irby Hudson, professor of political science at andorbilt University, and Miss Louise Ballard of Atlanta, Georgia. Robert Matthews, who directed the Canton High School band that played during the contest, was gen eral chairman of the program Members of his committee were Mrs. Louise Hemphill. Mrs. E. E. j Conley. Mrs. J. M. Wells. C. C. Medford. and Jimmv Deaton Fine Parade Held Before Big Holiday Crowds Program Runs On Schedule Before Largest Crowds In 40 Years At Canton By F.l SPEAKS Mountaineer stall Writer CANTON i Monday p spirit of gaily fills Hie aNmoHdn to i of C:nil(iii -k 1 I 1 1 1 . i residents and visitors lioin over Western North Carolina this industrial towns 4illli lirt Monday in September It is Labor Day. the holiday In.i, oring the working man and woman, and the whole town is in a carnival mood to enjoy it to the niinoM. With the weather having a louc'i of autumn in it to liven the spin!, the sky is sunny and appears in have the Intention of complel in ; the day without intcrfcrring villi the various entertainment inn grams. Parking places around tow n woio filled early in the morning as people from Haywood and neaihs' counties came "on to ('anion.'' By the time the bands sounded the coming of the Labor Day parade, an estimated 15,000 to 211.1100 per sons wore lining the streets, larg est crowd ever here. By 9:30 the floats, brightly deco rated to carry Beauty Queen Fran ces Rogers and her court , began assembling on the west side of Pigeon River, with the Canton and Waynesville High School bands. Boy Scouts, 200 niemhi i s ,,f ,,.,;,,. pion Fibre Company 's Old Tuners' club, and various other units The parade bagan promptly at 10 o'clock, the Canton fire truck at the head, leading up Main stree t from the old bridge, circling through town and coining back by the Champion Park where ('.niton High school band broke oil to take the band stand. After the parade the tlnone ol people moved in to Champion ',n:. to enjoy the rides, listen to ,,n . and crowd around the eating plat es. At I 1 o'clock the platlo! in con tests began, to last the remainder of the day. Band conceits. h,,g calling, cow calling, nail dime', quartette and class sini'in.' and shoo pitching conies!-, were main features of 1 he .die i n i and a square dance and sinn program was to begin at ,'i n The parade was completely cessful and the results of work and many original ideas .1 h parade moved oil as the U . villi- high school band s.ui mo iviary land Sw ing, I he Hi Icadifig. the Lions Club dual, ing Queen Frances and part . court were net and .,n, band followed. The American Legion w a , a group walking and a lhe Champion Paper a Co. float, built in giailua with members having Ir 40 years of sen ire sbov Old Timers in 4 jeeps trucks followed. Then came the Mi l 'i arkj ture Co. float, a car. the ( 'Ih t l le I .i .i I in The lid 10 trie float, a group army recruiting car I'm ni , E.. - ol bu-y eh s. 4 d bv Ford, i wagon pull- power inowi a I Modi i truck full ol veterans . Market Reports Note: All prices given are' as of Saturday duo to the fact that Mon day was a holidav at the Farmers Exchange and the Federal-State Market News Service, from whom these reports are compiled. Eggs and Poultry Receipts have decreased on both (Continued on Page Five) Local Arrests Decline ast WTeek In August Not an arrest was made Monday through Thursday of last week, which with two on Sunday and one on Friday for public drunkenness made that period one of the quietest here this slimmer for local police. During the first 30 days of Aug. ust there were 45 arrests in all, an average of 11 per week which is the normal rate. pas decorated trailer, a the Canton Band. Boy Scn-n Scouts, a horse and pun;, decorated wamns, a pony oa an old time covered vvaien plote Willi Indian gui-V- a; ing pans brought up lhe u Silver-tone Negro quarteti singing at 2 o'clock. An A radio station broadcast an a of the event from 3 :id to 4. The Rev. D. O. Mclnrns. ot Canton First Pi o,hy toi ir-v church, delivered the sermon vt the union religious services v t Champion Park Sunday evening ;,' 8 o'clock. The Rev Mr. Mclnm. also delivered a special me.-sa.--at the union adult Sunday school class at Champion "Y" SunJav morning. Dedication services were hoUL at Canton Tabernacle Sundav " morning at 11 o'clock, while union Negro religious services were con ducted at Champion Park Sundav afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Canton school band, playing under the di rection of Mr. Matthews, gave a special concert on Champion Park Sunday evening at 6:30 o'clock. A community singing featured also during this time with Mass Mao Marshbanks in charge.

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