. PTEMBER 17, 1946 THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER " PAGE SEVEN (First SectlcrJ jft Invites- Your AtteDotion To These Eflaimy Opportunities T AD TES fi cent Vt word, .i .2 cents per charge 50c. M of published schedale , duff- should b Mediately. The -ill not be respon , dun of in"" nsWENTS ARE yVNCE Cash must rffrs sent by mall. be in orVf before Wednesday to h in want ad sec- i to insert a want pbor" 137. jiTS see Haywood I, next to Farmers AiheviUe Road. H u.-er phone 277-M tl j acres of beautiful in city limits. Five irom town. Ideal amp, hotel or tour-lor.eCSl-W for fur ion or see owner at 429 I.ove Lane. tf ie 120 gal. electric Junaluska Supply. TF SALE Finest va le for eating raw, taking cider; some ; siime packed in quantity from one uck load. Boiling at Saunook. tf lie cast iron coal jska Supply. TF ie small team of uska Supply. TF i and 550 gal. fuel uliiska Supply. TF kxIs Redlicart Seed per bushel. See or E. B. Rickland N C. Phone 4233 'Sept. 3-6-10-13-17 J, SLIPCOVERS ears. Pick up and d used living room sale. Stanley, op tchcry. TF1 ne white enamel en sink, chromium naluska Supply. TF e picking foreman Jtise foreman; also ickers at Boiling at Saunook. Good 'tpt. 10. 13, 17, 20 fr sale, from P We deliver in and Hazelwood. tr orders. ' L. 2. Phone 554-M. Sept. 13-17-20-24 H'ini apartment. lose in and with Ws. R. L. Hen 2'21 or 588-W. tf bawiin in a steel ,,lk(,r slightly us. gas heaters and Pick-up truck Dellwood Rd Sept. 13-17 Y0lR TREES 5lrayinS and Cil branches and es. "ities in trees be wme unrcpnrable 'Contact K SALTER 'rth Carolina LAFF - repk, km. NiNd rrAWiM iynhwatk. i. vkmi.ii iu..m rs kkseiu ei "'One Jhamburger ... one Salisbury steak!" FOR SALE One small adding machine. Junaluska Supply. T F FOR SALE Farm, 45 acres, good land, good 4-room house, limber, excellent barns, crops, team. Ho. Price $7,000. Terms. See John Reeves, Lake Junaluska. Sept. 17-24 FOR SALE 3 acres land, wood and water, Wi acre corn; live year old horse, some lumber, several stands of bees. On Hyatt Creek, 2 miles above Rubber Plant. Sec me on the place. Gay Corn. Sept. 17-20 FOR SALE 40-aere farm, three room house, 3000 feet of good lumber for repair; 2 acres of cprn, enough timber and wood on place . to pay for it. Priced to sell quick; this place Is located on jryfltt Creek, IVi miles from Rubber plant. Harvey Mash taur.n, owner. Sept. 17 FOR SALE Mahogany finished spool bed, good coil springs and clean mattress, single dresser, and bedside stand. All for $1500 Call 93-R. Sept. 17-20 ORANGE Blossom Honey Pure excellent quality, freshly extract ed, 60c lb. in glass jars, 50c 11). in 5 lb. pails. Opposite Waynes viile Laundry, Sept. 17 FOR RENT Rooms or an apart ment. Phone 231-M, Alden How ell. Sept. 17-20 FOR SALE About 1000 hemlock split tobacco sticks. Phone 231-M i Alden Howell. Sept. 17-20 i FOR SALE Five room bungalow on Crestnut Park drive. Lot 100 by 170. Priced at $3,675. Call ' E. L. Withers and company. ! Sept. 17-20 j ttEAD THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN Delivered at your door daily and Sunday. Phone 460-R. Sept. 17-20-24-27 Our science expert advises that the explosion of the atomic bomb at Bikini has nothing to do with the present hot weather. The nation's airlines plan a three-fold increase in planes with 7 times present seating capacity for a total of 1,200 aircraft, seating almost 50,000 passengers and flying 10 .billion passenger-miles annually in scheduled operations. Tailor's Patch The tailor's patch, which is set on fabric with a crochet hook, is al most Invisible and can be used for mending men's and women's suits and dresses. WOMEN WANTED! AT AMERICAN ENKA TO TRAIN AS TEXTILE WORKERS 6lc MINIMUM APPLY EXKA EMPLOYMENT OFFICE OR l'S- EMPLOYMENT SERVICE J A - DAY Rod and Gun Continued From Page Six) counts; and Much G, Howe, Wash ington. . ('. Annihcr addition to protection forces i - nhio Rivcnbark of Borrow, who went ml the job last week .is letup;1 protector for the Holly Shelter Wildlife Management Area I'l olcr county. IT'S A FREE COUNTRY One entrant among the first week's winners in the Southeastern North Carolina Beach Association's $2000 Fall Fishing Kodeo at Wilmington furnisher proof that there's room lor ever.', body in the act. He's six-year-old Benny Adams of Chester. Pa., vvhe in open com petition walked olf with a prize of live silver dollars for the catfish catch an entry measuring lti'i indies and weighing two pound:-. Women aren't taking a hack seat cither. Mi's. R. B Shepard of Wilmington, also in open competi tion, entered the first week's best spot an 1 1 -inclier. I n a special women's event for the largest lisli (ought by a woman contestant in I lie open week, Mrs. C. M Park of Wilmington took the honors, with a l(i-inch. 22-ouncc bhiefish. NOW GOING ON Squirrel shot!! nr.' m and west of Alleghany, Wiikcs. Caldwell. Burke and liuth eiford loutilics began September 15 and continues through Decem ber 15. In this area, the daily hag limit will be six. A new exception this year will allow inclusion of two fox squirrel in the daily bag limit, alter a lapse of several years to bring about restoration of the lif fellows to numbers sufficient to permit their being taken. FOR SERVICEMEN Because of occasional misunderstandings about the stains of servicemen under North Carolina regulations on hunt ing and fishing licenses, it might be a rood idea for sportsmen in ser vice who are thinking of going into the held to take a look at this. Two provisions giving service men a break on fees are offered by the regulations. First, a service- JONATHAN ROLLER MILL and STORE HOUSE At ON Wed. Oct. AUCTI 2nd At 2 p. m. Transactions Beaverdam Township I Thurman R. Barnes, et ux to S. M. Robinson, et ux. S. F. Eckenrud, et ux to J. C. Roberts, et ux. Margaret Pauline Michal, et vir to James Howard Wright, et ux. Charles David Dalton, et ux to S. M. Robinson, et ux. John P. Jones, et ux to Harold Pressley, et ux. J. C. and Asener Smith, to John H. and Valley Whitmire. Lueile Hardin to J. R. Gerringer, et ux. Roy M. Davis, et ux to C. E. Gregory, et ux. Roy M. Davis, et ux to Paul E. Sorrels, el ux. Roy M. Davis, H ux to J. M. Worley, et ux. James Coiiard, et ux to Fred A. Queen, et ux. Roy V.. Carter, et ux to Willis I loglen, et ux. John A Peek to Edgar Shoppard. I". V Owenby, H ux to William C Snelson, et ux. Cecil Township B. M. Noland to W. F. Hipps. Carl M Logan to W. E. Ilipps et ux. Clyde Township H A. Osborne, et ux to F. M. Stamey. et ux. T. Hugh Rogers, et ux to Tru man Culshaw, et ux. East Fork Township man who is a resident of North Carolina is not required to buy a license; second, anyone in service who is not a resident of North Carolina is entitled to buy a resi dent license, which comes cheaper than the non-resident variety. There's one point to keep in mind in connection with these pro visions, however. Servicemen still must purchase any special permit that any particular area requires for hunting or fishing. And also they must have the Federal duck stamp to hunt waterfowl. TERMINAL I.F.AVE -- Another point which comes up is the status of a serviceman who is on terminal leave Legally, of course, srv ice men on terminal leave still are con sidered on active duty, and conse quently can take advantage of the special provisions on fees. They arc required, however, as are service men on active duly, to carry papers proving their right to the excep tions in license regulations. So, whatever classification you are in in active duly or on terminal leave remember to carry along proper identification. You'll save time and trouble for yourscll and lor fish and game protectors. M KN ! AGK 18-212 NO KXPKRIKNCK RKQIMRKI) THIRD SHIFT (Me MINIMUM APPLY KNKA EMPLOYMENT OFFICE OR U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE HENRY DONALD DUCK I ( HENRY -YOUVE HUNS THE) I I PICTURE TOO LOW j-S (jt T3" m "1 ITl I ( SO.' VOL) WERE ?OIN' TO ) v 1, -r "OUR MUSIC j U In Real Estate Louis Cogburn, et ux to Roy C. Curtis, et ux. David Shipman, et ux to Furman Davis, et ux. Tines Creek Township J. B. Green, et ux, et al to Wood row Fish. Mrs. Lavinia Green, et al to J. II. Fish. Ivy Hill Township Jeannette Crocket Davey H vir .James A. G. Davey to Lily D. Williams and Martha Davis. Pigeon Township Raymond Ducket t, et ux to Her mie Irving. L R. West, et ux to J. O Plolt. Horace Crcasinan to Kelly Ruck ner. H ux. C. D. Church, et ux to Owen Murray, et ux. Owen Murray, et ux to Wood- row W. Fleming, et ux. j Wnynesville Township Virginia Nelson Sims, et vir tn NOTICE OF HE-S.AI.i: BY TKCSTKE On Monday, September fl. 104(1, at eleven o'clock A. M. at the court house door in Town of Way nesville. N. C. the undersigned will offer for sale at public out cry to the highest bidder for cash certain lands lying and being in Waynesville Township, llayw'ood County, more particularly bounded as follows: Containing 24 acres, more or less, and described as follows: Beginning on a stone in Westerly edge of branch i corner of Lots 2-3-4 and runs up said branch as it meanders, S 111' W. 520 feel to a stone (corner lots 3-51; thence continuing S. IK" W. 1000 feel to a stone in the Francis line (corner No. 5); thence with said Francis line S 76" 30' W. 409 feel In a stake: thence with Francis, N. 30' XV. 1065 feet to a slake (Francis Cornel l; t hence N. 69 E. 350 feet to a black oak (corner Lois l-2: thnee N. 65' 30' 1192 feet to the BEGINNING, being Lot No. 4 described in the Report of Com missioners in the partition of the lauds of Hardy Liner, recorded in Minute Docket No. 0 of Special Proceedings on page 338, in the Olfic of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County. Sale made pursuant to order of re-sale under deed of trust execul- ed by Liich Liner and wife. Mary Liner, dated September 1st. 102H, j and recorded in Book 20. page 04. Record of Deeds of Trust of Hay wood County. i This the 23rd day of August, 1940. j .1. R. MORGAN ! TRUSTEE. ; No. 1571 Aug. 27 - Sept 3 10-17 Earle John Buekner. J. J. Ferguson, et ux to Elizabeth Liner. E. J. Schulhofer, et ux to J. J Ferguson. H. L. Liner, et ux to Charles II. Rhinehart, el ux. J. F. McClure, et ux to George Rogers, et ux. Daisy S. Hiekson, to J. M. and L. M. Long. Marion K. Ketchum, el vir to Fred Thompson, el ux. Elizabeth Gibson, et vir to Fred J. Thompson, et ux. Beague Massie, et ux to Gov e Gunter, et ux. Paul Rector, et ux to Bertie U Ensley. R. V. Welch to M. O. Galloway, et ux. Lewis N. Green, H ux to Farmer Rogers, et ux. Addie Belt Toy to Carl Dills, et ux. Harry Swayngim, et ux to Farmer Rogers, el ux. C. A. George, el ux to Jesse C. Miller,- H ux. WE SOLICIT YOUR INQUIRIES FOR Construction, Industrial And Logging Equipment Distributors For Nationally Known Manufacturers Internal ional Crawler Trai tors, Industrial Wliecl Type Tractors. Industrial and Marino Murines, Jaeger ( 'omprossors. Mixers, Pumps and Pavintr Iviiiip mont . . . Ileil Scrapors, Ciilile-Do.ers, etc., Kuclid Hauling Ivptipmeiit . . . Nortliwost Shovels. ('raiH'.s, 1 Iraytlinos, (ialion (Irailers, Rollers, Dump I'.odies, P.uoynis-IOrio I'.ullKraders, Scrapers, Cedar Rapids Asphalt Plants and Crushers, Rogers Low Red Trailers, FWI) Trucks, Klirin Sweepers, Refuse-del tors, Mission Chain Saws, I.owthor C-Saws, Sawmills, Cairo LoKK'inK Winches, American Preformed Cable. We also handle many other lines of popular equipment its well as ;in adequate slock of parts and supplies and are prepared to take care of any rebuilding or repair job you niijrht have Law or Small.. North RALEIGH 3101 Hillshorn St. Phone 8830 WB Applications will bo received for absentee ballots for only those actually members of the armed services of the United States from and after 1 AukusL 1!)1G. llallots for civilians will be available from and after 4 October, 1!MC. These1 ballots are to be voted in the General Election to bo held on the 1th day of November, lillti. The ballots will be available at Poard office in Courthouse. Haywood County Board of Elections C. GUDGER RRYSON, Chairman WALTER T. CRAWFORD, Secretary J. A. SINGLETON, Member NOW ITS OKAY, NOW 1 YOUR Fred II. Caldwell, et ux to Allen T. Caldwell, H ux. H al. .1. W. Cole, et ux to Glady s lone Falirion. George V Kimball, et ux to Waynesville Country Club, Inc. Allan P. Fi ishee, et ux to Minnie Crews. Larry L. Williams to lla.el Mc Cracken Williams. Fred II. Caldwell, et ux to .1. P. Culshaw. et ux Hairy Fraier, et ux to Morris Cochran, et al. I XI CI Ttii. S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the E.state of Mr . i Alary Long Ward, late a resident of Haywood County, N. C. this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to file the same with the undersigned prior to Sept. 5. 1!I47 or this notice will he pleaded in bar t hereof. All persons indebted to said estate will please make settlement. This Sept. 5. 1040. A. E. WARD. Executor 1575 Sept 10-17-24 Oct. 1 11-15 Carolina L qnipmcn CHARLOTTE Two Miles South Rt. 21 Phone 4-4 G61 TOO HIGH -DEAR YOU CM GO TO MUSIC LESSON 1 NOTICE ( NOW it's too high - DEAR!) I Z ro T( - - - NOTICE NOR1 f'l CAROLINA. II YWOOD COUNTY. ELLEN CON Alii). s. JOHN T1IOM S C-INARD. The dclcndar.l above named will take notice that an ait ion entitled as above has been commenced ill the Superior Court of Haywood County hv the plaiuutl' for a di vorce absolute i. n I he r rounds of two y ears sop. u ,l an,, and the said defendant will Outlier take notice that he is require the Cleik ol tin of I lay w ood ( o Court House mi -before the M-l'i 1 -. and answer 1 to appear before ' Supciioi Court " . N C , at the .ii.l C eunty on or .la ol Oitober, or demur to the complaint jilaint itf vv said action, or the pl to l he Court for rebel' demand) d in said com 7 1 li day ol September, plaint . This tin 1040. C 11 Clerk I.E Vl'HKRWOOD, of Superior Court, Haywood ( 'oiiiP y 1570 - Sept. Ill-1 7-24 O 1 . 1 ASIII : Sweeten Ct Phnr ioad CARL C. ANDERSON BY WALT DISNE? For Details See J. E. Ferguson Tax Collector's Office

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