Leptesibe FPTEMBER 20, 1M6 THS WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER " PAGE nVE (First Section U Meeting Of ens W win De PA Cullownee zist ,u, (ilIiftTS ' Ci-deration , i ure me of of lr. in ,'.11118 of hcc on Mrs. stale , l'ull"v :hi i Spi'J ;m address, ' Kilicu nt Kunc i,, ; s. John wir president. president lew re- kitoir.-'t'"' :.! ;-,!',l)l c'.i-i' ill. riuh -:i'l ;iT, nil at at of 9:30 10:00 Mur- ull pre u oinan's Mis. Carl ill give the Mi Jean (r,, president of ,'c ub. will respond. ! hr,.iwlit by Miss hniiie dcmon f.f .!..( k-on county, ,!. (u ministration fTerminix Offers Inspection and iranteed Protection! action gives you rella- lion about your termite Ml Terminix, world s kite control organrza- 'ree inspection of your Ko obligation-ven If found. WAY GUARANTEE linix gives you a tested Itment that ends costly guards against further i service is triply guar ace Terminix lieensee. ce Co., world's largest hardwood flooring. fance Office, Ltd. SEE INSPECTION, IIEOR PHONE: iAve, Phone 769 Seville, N. C. kMvtrtlicMn"rhe Post" Youth Club Group Will Sponsor Benefit Dance Tonight The Junior Couneil of the Waynesville youin ciud is spon soring a benefit dancing party tonignt ai ineir ciud rooms on Main street, according to an an nouncement by Mrs. D J. Tsivorg lou, adult director of the club. The affair will be given follow ing the football game at the high school auditorium and the hours have been set from 9 to 12 o'clock. A small admission fee will be charged. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Claud B. Morgan of Pensacola, Fla., announce the birth of a daughter, Shatron Dar lcne. Mrs. Morgan is the former Miss Hazel Withers, of Waynesville Mr. ad Mrs. C. E. Rot brock of Reidsville, have returned to theii home after visiting the hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Siler. Mrs. Hothrock is the former Miss Emily Siler. Ashcville Biltmoie College He is a graduate of Hlanton's Business Col lege. He was in service over four years, one of which was spent over seas. Since his discharge has been employed as bookkeeper at While's Sheet Metal Works. Miss Frances Williams left Sun day for Raleigh where she will enter Meredith College. Miss Wilba Stanfield of Durham, arrived this week to spend several days with Miss Jane Klultz. clubs; and Mrs. Ruby Bryson, senior nurse of the Haywood coun ty health department, Waynesville, from the Nurses' Association. Mrs. Case will give the report of the district president, following which music will be rendered by ladies from Cullowhee. District presidents will then give their re ports, and the state ollicers will make their addresses. Mrs. Ed ward Baldridge, vice president of the district, of Sylva, will discuss the "Birthday Party" plan. Luncheon will be served at noon in the cafeteria of the Gertrude Dills McKee Training School. Registration will be in the Stu dent Union building, W.C.T.C., and the meeting will be held in Cullo whee Methodist church. Among those attending the meet ing from the Waynesville Woman's club will be Mrs. Charles E. Hay, president, and from ten to fifteen members of the club, including Mrs. John N. Shoolbrcd, charter member of the local organization. all Painting Season Is Here! Try FEE'S PAINT pu Will Be Pleased! Hand Supply Ca DOUBLE FEATURE AT CONVENTION U .vr ir fQXs) THEY RE DOUBLING UP at the National Twin ConvenUon, Grand Rapids. Mich. And here. Emory Hicks (left) and brother Ernest, from Birming ham, Ala, accept the gavel from Chicago' twin policemen, Warren and Chester Doonan, who have served as co-presidents. (m wtational) Births (Continued from page one) Clyde, Route 1, announce the birth of a son on Sept. 14. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. McDaniel nf Canton, announce the birth of .1 (laughter on Sept. 14. Mr. and Mis. Frank Burchfield of Waynesville, Route 2, announce the birth of a son on Sept 14. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Laile of (Jlcnm ille, announce the birth of a daughter on Sept. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stanley of Waynesville, announce the birth of a daughter on Sept. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Allison of Cove Creek, announce the birth of a daughter on Sept. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Thad Hannah of Waynesville, anounec the birth of a son on Sept. 15. Mr. and Mrs. James Sharp of Maggie, announce the birth of a son on Sept. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Myers of Waynesville, Route 2, announce the birth of a daughter Sept 15. Mr. and Mrs. Less Long of Clyde, .announce the birth of a daughter on Sept. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Alden McClure of Sylva, announce the birth of a son on Sept. 15. Mr. and Mrs. John Jenkins of Canton, announce the birth of a son on Sept. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Brown McNeill of Canton, Route 3, announce the birth of a son on Sept. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Saylor Wyatt of Waynesville, announce the birth of a son on Sept. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin Hargrove of Canton, Route 3, announce the birth of a daughter on Sept. 16. Mr. and Mrs. William Brown of Canton, Route 3, announce the birth of a son on Sept. 16. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Pace of Waynesville, announce the birth of a son on Sept. 16. Mr. and Mrs. Hermit Wells of Canton, announce the birth of a son on Sept. 17. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ray of Can Ion, announce the birth of a daugh ter on Sept. 17. Mr. and Mrs. Emmette Green of Hazelwood, announce the birth of a son on Sept. 17. Mr. and Mrs. Burgess Edwards of Ilazclwood, announce the birth of a daughter on Sept. 17. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Milner of Waynesville, Route 2, announce the birth of a (laughter on Sept. 17. Mr. and Mrs. W. 1). White of Waynesville, Route 2, announce the birth of a son on Sept. 18. Johnny Edwards Gives Party On His Ninth Birthday Anniversary Johnny Edwards was host to a group of his young friends on Wednesday afternoon in observ ance of his ninth birthday anniver sary. He was assisted in receiving and entertaining his guests by his mother, Mrs. J. L. Edwards, Mrs. John Stephens and Miss Halsio Siler Freeman. Games featured the afternoon which closed with the serving of iced cakes and candies. Those present were: Celia Bra ren, Marguerite Russ, Sue Camp bell, Connie Blading, Donna Jo Queen, Roddy Edwards, Vicky Braren, Douglas and Teddy Moore, Hugh Campbell, Bill Crawford, Teddy Miller, and Buster Green. PERSONALS Miss Phyllis Barr, who has been the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Robert Livingston, has returned to Man hattan, Kan., where she will enter the Kansas State College for spe cial work. Mrs. Buford Rogers has returned from a visit with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. 1). Flowers at Fort Worth, Texas. Miss Betty Frances Tuttle left this week for Greensboro to enter the Woman's College of the Uni versity of North Carolina where she will be a freshman this year. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Shellon of Miami, Fla , arrived this week to spend two weeks with Mr. Shel ton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Shelton. Among those leaving this week for Chapel Hill to enter the Uni versity of North Carolina are: Miss Anne Osborne, Dick Hall, Kurt Weil, Jimmy Elwood, Curtis Clau son, Tommy York, and Wingate Hannah. Mrs. Porter McClure returned home Saturday from Pensacola, Fla, where she has been visiting her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Morgan. Depot Phone 43 Mother Bear Is Killed In Smokies Recently Officials in the Great Smoky , Mountain National Park are look- ing for the person or persons who i recently killed a mother bear in i the park. This bear was found near the Alum Cove parking grounds by the Newfound Gap highway in Tenn essee by a camera fan attempting to get close-up pictures of two cubs. Another bear is believed to have disappeared on the North Carolina part of the Park, on the Clingman's Dome highway. Shooting a bear in the Park is punishable by a fine of $500 and six months in prison. FOR SALE '41 Ford 2-door sedan Good condition. Robert Mchaf fey, Waynesville. Sept 20 For a people who do not want war, the Russians seem to be a bit earless about manners and policies of their government. But. after all, what can they do about it? A 1D)1D 1' lW Varieties of Delicious Haywood Pes Packed for Shipping - Bulk for Canning Winers Exchange Asheville Road V. A. Matheson, who has been associated with the N. C. Depart ment of Agriculture for the past I five years as fruit and vegetable marketing specialist and Federal I supervisor of Inspection, resigned ' on September 1 to become assistant regional supervisor of fruit and vegetable inspection in 22 Mid western states. Matheson is a na tive of Moore County. He will be succeeded by G. R. Blount of Wash ington County, who is being trans ferred from the Atlanta office of the Production and Marketinf Admin-. Istration. J " Carolyn Curtis Bethothed To Porter R. Frady Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Walton Curtis have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Ruby Carolyn Curtis to Porter Hoy Frady, son of James D. Frady and the late Mrs. Frady, of Waynesville. The marriage will take place in the fail with the dale U be announced later. The bride-elect is a graduate of the Waynesville Township High school and of Young-Harris col lege, of Young-Harris, Ga. Follow ing her graduation, she held a position in Charlotte for three year--- 'etcirning home last summer, w here she has since been residing The bridegroom-elect is a vet eran of World War II, having entered the service in January, 1942, and was discharged in Febru ary, 1 940, with the rank of first lieutenant. He was inducted at Ft. Bragg and sent to Fort Knox, Ky for his basic training, after which he was transferred to Camp Bowie, Texas, where he was assigned to the Gth Tank group. He attended Ollicers Candidate school at Camp Lee, Va , and was commissioned a second lieutenant in April, 1943, and was assigned to duty as transport commander aboard an army transport, which operated In the Mediterranean theater. In April, 1944, he was promoted to first lieutenant. He made numerous trips across (he Atlantic during his period of trans port duty. Mr. Frady is associated with his father in the building contract bus iness. The couple will reside in Waynesville. Miss Ruth Sin i tli Weds Mr. John Henry Rogers Mr. and Mrs. William P. Smith announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Ruth Smith, to Mr. John Henry Rogers, of Route 1. The couple were married on August 31, at Clayton, Ga. A few close friends of the couple attended. Snugly Suited Rhinehart Takes Over Duties At ! Canton YMCA Carter 1. Rhinehart, on terminal leave from the army, succeeds Turner Cat hey as assistant secre tar to the CI). million Y. M. C. A. in C , niton, it was announced Tues day. Mr. l'alhc resigned to re sume the inineipalship of the from the I'd I ol the in v, j reived here I This rati tal Department, .oiie .-.lamps have been er as el . is good for letters weighing two ounces or less be tween any po:nts in the I uileil Stales, lis t'lreie.n possessions. a'M I army or n.iv.s post olliies abroad. 1 in iv.-iM-d use ol air mail is ex pected 1 linn the decrease in pos tage rates. Pennsylvania avenue school. Mr. Rhinehart was a former em ployee of the Champion Fibre com pany, and commanded the 30th Signal company National Guard, alncli went on a live duty in Sept., 194(1. lie has a total of 27 years of military service to his credit. He was promoted from captain lo major in l'.)A2. stepped up to lieutenant colonel in 1943, and re ceived Ins commission as full col onel Lis! M.;y. He is entitled to wear awards won in World War I and II. including a commendation ribbon for mil -landing service in :he oi ean:.ii,.. ail training (if com munication pi- !uncl lor the Air Technical Service Command. cold nifxoMroP' cto ZiqulcL 35 Per Bottla Town or country wool suit. By VERA WINSTON DARK gray woolen is the fabric used for this trig little suit, nice for late summer and autumn wear. The snug little bodice bus deep armholes and a more sloping ihoulderllne than has been seen for many a season. The pink faille petal collar and cuffs are detach able. The skirt is pleated in front and gored In back and the jacket has a double breasted closing. Tho seam conceals vertical pockets ut the hips. Air Mail Rate to Drop To 5c Effective Oct. 1 All first class letters sent In air mail will go for five cents postage instead of the present eiglu com., domestic and six cents to service personnel overseas beginning Oc tober 1, announced Postmaster .1 Hardin Howell. The new five cent air mail stamps will be placed on sale Sept. l!(It 1 1 . according to information received Do You Need CEMENT POUi Call 588-1 W llavo a New Oiu'-lln ; Aliei. Will Kent With Operator or .A lake You A Contract Price. See or Call McNISH BROS Oil J. It. WYATT Smcodity ckebud QAomd tlvc Chck yi,ljyi N00M i&A Oj4 UtiiiM' ' 3 r 9tt'9 ony lime., , t'Mtfa,. ' A Vffl v:t tailored tr Qute. ff tarsi iv v t Bm-iv ,M vt - - 1 . a imLjrsixi-w 'm Mouses, I r I - n Ml "I K 0 La "' of txquisUt 100 virgin wool an J f'mt worsted fabrics. rnucTiuT rniiBiuiAu - vvnjinni tvmrMmun is a wararot Combin it with tailored, Jress a shirt in contrasting color, tha topcoat over an afternoon or dinner frock. Always perfection,, because it is truly tailored. THIS Ud ' 2-piece suit ; topcoat - 49-95 dO. 05 Th e TOGGERY W. HUGH JIASSIE, Owner '! 'if T iiiH,:-Mn i I 's- i.i 1 ' .11 - i: ti i 1 1 1 f l ? ; i i U i i t n 5 1

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