- 1: 1 !y srrTEMBER 24, 1946 THE WAYNESYTLLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE SEVEN (First Section? 1 nvifes Your Atten I These ortuni ift I tlOII many Opp ties word, .1 cents per LAFF-A-DAY Transactions In Real Estate .,. i- nnhlished VI -i'du,e , fhjrsr. should I be ir,,,li..trlv. The ., I,.. rrsIMin- ( ,,:rl .,r.f Hi..".-" rulMI'M -IRE VIN( I. ('' h mUst ;jir, m ,1 l.y mail. ,,e , ...rin- before Y(l:iMiay to (,,- in v -i"1 sec' . ..4 1 niscri a . bnnt , , iie.n- ,. , house, 1 ill se ;i and . arul -. .i i u i !i. also . .; i-oll-mil J I!. ! -1 V 1 II . , .ii nintor $150 ' i.in Jtt , -Mid fi -rp: LMI-24 '. : - -re 1 by wood :h ( le r.irmers I .Mile Hn.M. II. ( i oi.r ::77-M tf " : ml ilmc; 1 I . Francis . vi :; Palmer. -mi 24-27 '' 1 no (lininR .ii fan be ' ! -;ivt. Mis. !...! 2II1-M. N')l 24 A 4-pioec bedroom . i M 'Mi -ml e 1 Pelluood Sent 24 ii 1 1 n iii a learning The Sept. 24-27 " -l.il'i o i;iiS I'n k iip and n-.il :, room - " Manii-y. op- M, -.. TF ' ICC l)OX. i ?:s:mv. Sept. 24 I mm i i liver in l' ..!. Mid. Z I.. ' '" . ! .: .V,4-M. i i 17-20-24 ' " 't. fal. ; ' ii' i, i model. ' ' Two s'i'i 1M-27 Vfn TItKEs '!I!!!'i;s 1:''. in and ' ' 'lies and ' i ') Irces bp. ''": "Parable. "0WI HM K1NC rfATtPFS SV1,tiATt I, w 'l ! K - ' i l , t '"' F " Protective Shield If perspiration is a problem, hnva moisture-proof shields put in a eo;il at the underarms. Perspiration weakens wool and rausei it to ma: and look fu7.?v. Keaverdam Township Timhes. Canton Mni !il inn and Loan and. William M. Fermisnn. it u to Sam Robinson to f Ital ics I. Sn-j l.cni Sin pai d. NOTICE dor. ct ux ' Kvcivtl Mi-Klrny. et u to Trank oji j ("1U)11 S M. liobiiiMin, it nx to Pauline. r -'lann. et u. llVOl)l COL'NTY naltfin. .loc II. W i-ieht, et u to F I! Hamilton, t t ux. Aurelius S. Seaman, ct vii to V l.ee Mc Klreatli. Thomas II. Willi-, et 11 V. Wripjit. to W. S MeKhealh. el u J. T Halle.' . et al. This . 1'ies Inlei ian C'bui'eli ol Canton 10 .1 T Powell. Clyde Township V. C. Cochran, cl ux to Amanda Vulcanic. V, A. Kdueiton. Ti lls , to Hubert I.. McKinncy, cl ux. Horace Snyder, et al to William Price, ct ux. l.aUe .! i: in 1 1;-k.i Assembly to 1-T.l.KN CONl() I'r..ners (' .lerd.m . II II Di Anion, et u to I! W 'corporation. IO,,N TIIOMAS CO HO ! Mrs. Klla S. Andrews to I'lia- The defend. nit above named w ill .In lb l) Andrews take notice that an aoti.n entitled ' l.i id t ndei wood, ,lr., et u. et -''s above has been commenced in jil to 1 11 Watkins 'l( Superior Court of llawvood Certrude M llo;;ers. to l.ouis 1. County h the plaintilV lor a ill- 1 I.U.!-. inin ct ux von e absolute on the '.'.rounds ol ! it 1.. l.ee, Kx. and Com to .1 V , ,wo v,''"'s separation: and the said Floor Sanding and Finishing George McCracken Co. Waynosville, N. ('. l'hftne ,169-J McClure. Pearl S MeK 1 Class. II 1.. Ianer. Sr . to V C Sim al! Clifford Could de Neerca.ede F and Tills of Caroline de Neet K.iarde lo I! V Welch delendant will further take notice to Mrs 1 1 ..ii i v tbat he is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County. . ('.. at the Court House in s.ml CounH on or betore the ohlh day of October, lillii. and answer or demur to the for YOUR horn. Mow to tnl.c the ruts out of your tirpnl-foit routine OH"-" Crabtrec Tuh nship Hen C. Sanfurd, ct u lo Ii. C Sanford. "Yes, the traps are very ahnoying will you please keep yours shut!" ,.: 'f tailors arriviiiH every week with ANTIQUES. CHINA. I SIT) K URN ITU UK and PIANOS j Wlude.sdle and lietail j One of the largest and fastc-l moving stocks in the SoiiIm Call write - or wire j YOUNG HHOTIIKIiS. Shelby, C ! 210 S. Washington St. Phono 7:i2 new rolls of .r) ft. '. in w II') inch coil new inch niat- llher pillows, 3 used ." : . e si :.ks. roll ede.e and hit'h hack: several other items hi .' pun Ire- - iu l-iank Miller, et ux to .1 11 JM" i.. i, , ,, , . ... pl.unlill wiM apply lo the Court loi iVoody. .1 P. iloi an. and I ow n ,. , , , , ,, ... the relict demanded in said com et a uesy die plaint. i Ibis the 7th day ol September. I I.IM l-ll.lll IM.MI I il tli Fast Fork Township I l WtlFltOCS ! ( n I PAT! 1 1.1! WOOD, Gladys Cotjburn, Hilby Coulmrn Mot l.l'Kll'.. fa Cantrell lav- i hi k ol Superior Court, and Allies ("unburn, minors In ! ender has found I hal it doesn't pay I hiy w ood ( 'mini y Guardian P H. Coubnrn to Austin lo he a c loi I; w al i her wakene,l i ,71; Sep! Ill 17-21 Oil. 1 Co;tburn, et al. . i,,pi a s, I sleep, be lorue.l his " head .i hi u I it l to lake a look at the Jonathan Township clock by his bedside and dislocated .1. D. Caldwell, cl ux lo K. I' ; ;l erlebr i Caldwell. j - rxi ft itii. s NoTicr Ivy Hill Township ll.ivim: .ii.:l.:V.I as Fxectito- ol W. 11. Olio, et ux to . I It House,1 , ),,. p..,,,,,. ..M,. i v rt I Ward, late a re- idem ot 11. iy w ,mu! Karl Messer, cl ux lo Hoberl ; ('unly. C. this is lo not r all Ho.vd. j persons hayiim i lainis a .nn-i s.o.l estate lo Hie the -anie Willi Ihe I'ici-on Township . undersiiiiied prior lo Sepl 1:147 Naude Hyatt, Commissioner to or thi-; notice will be pleaded in rani Hyatt. ! bar t hereof. All persons indebted F.va Tlioninson lo W oslio to saw! ...ao,. t.ii ol,.,... you may need. May he seen at;sl: ,,, llv !selt!eu,enh vyiv( tc- nhc i.ur kitchen "homey" - . . v.hit cc'.r-r to choosa tor ciir li.nj rcom . . . 1 hpM? cue iit n fc of the intriguing nevs iJc.ii fiirnishci daily on the Woman's Page of THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Thfr hrlrfjl ideas ore "plus voluc" in t"s d'l'ly newspaper for it c lu 'i ir ttvit gives you worlj news intof ictcd to show tt fijAi.t ffi vi-'U ond your family. Use this coupon for your SPE CIAL introduc tory subscription five wcks 30 isjuos only (U. S. fundi) 1 ho f.nstu'in Science Piiblihmg Solely J One, iJiiiwjy Street, Boston 15, Mavr.r ' .u.ct ts - I rioose enter a ppfinl int i odi ; tni v si ihcript ion tO Iho Chiiilun Snortic Monitor-'; wivks ijOc.sucs) for$I I 1 Nonio . i j St i oi-t . J I Tity State I J PU 4 I ,l.'i!..lii.k;i and Clyde or call 41 tor inlormat'ou. Sept 24-27 - This Sept a I :i m. AVaynesville Township A. !: Mil). Fveinlor Cosby Frady, el tlx to Finnic I. 1 Cm.'i Sepl 1 0-1 7 '.' t Oil. I II 1 .' )li M.K -Household furnilure:! jl'.ii iri.h milk cow. Green An ' . I ..o::es Nest Koad. Sept 24 1 !'l I ' -H I ! N IT! Oil. STOVK-See VOH SAI.E Ostermoor h-st tirade j i:;,ph Dolson, Houte 2. nox springs lor tun si:'e lieu. ; anon.lli Clean, practically new, Will de liver. Stanley, Opposite l isli j 'oi naicnei y. Sept 24-2' Sept. 2C-21-27 Ocl. 1 WANTED Person to assist at Veterinary hospital to receive calls. No physical work. I 'hone fiOa-W after 7 p. in. Sent 2u .' 1 I.K Several hives bees. Guaranteed in excellent condi tion, lieasoiiable price. Also seme eood milch cows. See .lobn l.i' ves. I ..ike .lunahlska. Sept 20-27 I'OK SM.K-One cast iron roal ranee .lunahlska Supply. TF FOI! KENT Furni. lied loom Hciitleinan, clos,. , I'la.ii' 1G3-W. Sept 20 ; Indian Projectile i A heavy nose, a liylit heel and FOR SALE One acre of pood land ' pi' n!y vmh behind it, was the joinine Golf Course. Call 7t W A a lien Ii-d;,;n's idea of a projec- ' Carolina " '" .1 T," or sec owner, second bouse -. right, Kalcliff Cove. Sepi : : FOR SALE P,' OWNER l'.ii:!i! rooms, larfio bath, hot -i old water, fuel oil heal, new pain! inside and out, new linolem.i on floors, large lot, new school am' church, 28 foot sun porch. Write box 179, Hazelwood. Sept ::tK2 5 WANTED Three-room apart inenl unfurnished, close in and will, city convenient cs. Ii 1. Hen dricks, phone 2721 or ,"i;.'i- . tf li :n tie 'bow and arrow" days. DISPERSION SALE Of- 140 Registered Herefords At IMHT.IITOX MEADOWS I'AK.M Laurel Sprites, Noilh Ciirolina 1(10 O'clock P. M . Oitohrr ?.n, PMH. I'or Informtilion AVrile .1. II. Don",!, Ion SLitcsville, North ( ';n oliiiii COL. I'AItl. GM.ITN AM) IIAKKV HAMILTON, Auclion.ci All Varieties of Delicious Haywood Apples Packed for Shipping - Bulk for Canning r armers Exchange IMkmh' 1.10-M A-hevill ;joad esK' WE SOLICIT YOUR INQUIRIES FOR Sonsiniciion, ladssfria! fad t'-.m FOR SALE Farm, 45 acres, "no.! . land. Rood 4-room house, limb; : excellent barns, crops, team i I. Price 87,000. Terms. Sec ,!oh,i . Reeves, Lake Junaluska. Sept. 17-24 READ THE ASHEVILLi; CITIKN Delivered at your door daiiy and Sunday. Phone 4G0-I! Sept. 17-20-24-27 FOR SALE One 120 pal. electric water heater. Junaluska Supply. TF Mom Numskoiu P DAk-AlQAH IS A FAT MAUS PAIx?E TIKE USUALLY OVER FLATEOT J Mtes fe e, stetsosj JERSEr'CITr',1 EAR A!OAHAs?E FISM AND" PAPE1S-WAOS REL ATE'D BE'CALiSE "THEY BOTH TRAVE-U M SCHOOLS T no K.i'i:i:ii:.( r, i:K((rn;i:i) THIRD SHIFT ;.; MINIMUM AVVl.Y KNKA KMPLOVMKNT OFFICH OR U. S. KMPLOVMKNT SKRVICK Disl rihtitors I'or N.il itm iliy Known Miinnfiicl titers liiiei'iinl iiiiml Cr;ivliT Ti'iicliii s, liu!ii.slri.i 'hci'l Typp Tnictors. Industrial it tn I M.i riii e I liip ini'S, ,1 at .: T ( 'iimpi'i s.stn-s. .Mini rs. Puttips a nil Pa vii o Kiiip nieiit . . . Ilei! Sci'.ipi i's 'alil-'-l iii-.i'i-, i 'i.. Knrlid llaulin;:' lOipi " : 1 1 i , t . . . Niu-1 liV.i'st Shovels, ('ran .-. I : ai Inn o, Oalion (Ipadcrs. Roll. I nni) P.i "lies-, r,ii(- nis-Krie P.iill.o r. tiler.-;. Scriiiirrs. (Viiar Rapids A;il' il' ''iants and Crushers, Rntrers Low I'ed Trailers. FV I Trucks, Fluin :-'.-v.-epcri, Rcl'iisi'-t let 1 ps, Disstoii Chain Saws, Lowllier C-S;ivs, Sawmills, 'a pro Lni'vinj'.' Winches, American I'l'd'ormed Cahle. We also handle many oilier lines of popular ctpiipment as well as an adequate '-.liiely of parts and supplies ami are prepared to 'ake care !' .any ivbuildimr or repair job you Plight have Larj.re or Small.. ioriii Carolina EquipmenJ Co KALI'IGII .".loi llillsboro St. Phone RR.-.O CHARLOTTE Two Miles South Rt. 21 Phone l-ICfil ASHFVILLE Sweeten ( reek Koad Phone 789 APPLES FOR SALE Finest va rieties suitable for eating raw, ! cooking, or making cider; some j loose in bulk; some packed in baskets. Any quantity from one bushel to a truck load. Bollins Hall Orchard at Saunook. tf ' FOR SALE One small team i f mules. Junaluska Supply. TF U'OMRN WANTED! AT AMERICAN ENKA TO TRAIN AS TEXTILE WORKERS 61c MINIMUM APfLY En"KA fytpt iVrs., JONATHAN ROLLER MILL and STORE HOUSE At Wed, Oct. 2nd At 2 p. m. i HENRY CARL C. ANDERSON I IlZaI I I CrrTli I I i-TT'TmJl I I ( A-HA ! TRYIN' TO GET DONALD DUCK VERf WELL; PONT COME TO THE AAAySQUEKMPE. . . BUT I WA.RN YOU, THAT CUTE NEW BOV WILL BE X VC 'MAeHC;u.l' VT YVINiL-' I'LL PICK V UP AT EIGHT! V7 V DONi'T rO&SFT IN COSTUWE ...) 1 VJK , rSTr- I fvOA P (TOOTS, IN BY WALT DISNEY T toOTS? J I hi -a - t "TT Th Hb-Kfc JL-lSO WHAT? " Tl I I DjaribrKiPrarwqSrnJifjt. 0 For Details See J. E. Ferguson Tax Collector's Office i ' '- LOYMlENT SERVICE i J t r- Wilt Dimy Ptod

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