pTEMBER 27, 1946 THE WATNESVTLLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE SEVEN (Second StetlcnJ "1 Attention To These Many Opport mr p BiDvotes l. - St. VL-Y01 NT AD ites rr (.ent per word' . cents per W ' ...... -j .,. k published '".d 'schedule ...i, .tmiild Be The l" " . .. i.mrrHt Loirs", s ARK I"' ..,.. must ,r.;,.p before ... , .. tn . :...-i .. want L,j,b III '" ' . . ., r bniit Ml near i I'iiUSC, I 1 1 1 i i . ... . n and I , . ami . aid .iii- i ..turn : .1 I! :.: Ir-IVli! .., ; 1 lav wood l' ) j-'Mi-r-. : II. r:.- 277-M tf ! stove: v. I'! ancis . r.iiMivi'. Sent 24-27 . r Way . H l-aiii a in Naming, i ' , The Sepl. 24-27 .;!. () F.RS I'irl; ui and n! h iim room s::in!cv, op-TF H it iv ,,.'.!- (if 5 ft. :rp ). .v. :i'l inch fnil K p :!M htrh mat- I'ril';..,. i ,;! . '1 iic.rl v! . !: .i rid i':' I i I lit I' i! cms V;i h. soon at ! ' wvn Lake call 41 mv. 24-27 Oar (Great America & wwi .4. - . JiVfF-7- i (i-g(-y?--. :-- l ttUw-r tVj i -r" ' rrK w . -- VAX iV toWSTS COVER WORg TWN 55".W fWT OF TVte LAMP ARB OF SOOTH CAROLINA. Trts FROouce products ualuei? at AW Re THE FIR5T FKE5 tISRARy IM AMERICA WA 5TARTEP IN CHARLE5TCXJ A50UT 1695 : a- ; ... THAW 39 MlUICri OOLLAfiS fl flKx J., f""V ' I IS . ! ... jeaCLA ts-CTS i A CARftClTV OT MORft 14 THE LAR6C5TCV rV KIMP 1 TUB WORU Transactions In Real Estate Traitors at riviiv; t-wi y ' (, ': w it It AN'ngL'KS. cni.xA. i ...i: FUKNITli i! K and I'i.VW. ; Wholesale and I i i i i 1 i' Ono of (ho larL'.csl arc I I i..!c 1 ti inovint; .stocks in tic Soutli. ;i Call write - or wire , YOUNG BROTHERS. Shclbx. X. C 210 S. Washington St. I'lionc 7:12 .' . FOR SALE Osterinoor best cradc box springs for full : .ic bed. Clean, prarlieally new. Will !;- b i !. !(. roSTOFFrCF." . '': i !'! jnt I'ostoffipo" re el u. ' :t::d !( st on Sept. 2!, ; 'eiaiieni.d fliuhl from '. c.r. to Hayion. Ohio and i ace On the "Flyins Postof- :li, was distributed and b. i ii i kk working in the i! Ili-' lit. whereas, under i! .11' c ii :.y.t-ni. the mail rl. "I and handled on the i. .1 cud ecl in acks designated : : .. ; ilonc I he route, On t lie c . t:..' in v 5-cenl Air-Mail ' , , 1 1 ' on sale. The purpose i be 'I -lit was to determine ct it ould be "rartieable" ' ' :.uu; rostolliees" on a Beaverrlam Township (' l Chinch, et u to l!.,nl W Krvin Sniilh, et ux to Mrs Estey l'n'cman. Taylor. C IV Chinch, et u to I. . Glenn 'iek, et UN to Glenn Wi,!- '1'olley, et u gins, et ux. C. 1). Church, el ux to .1 11 R. II. Williams, et u to .lanie-. Kinsland. et us. IV Hurley, et ux. I C I Church, e! u to C M Faraday Rathbone, et ux to .toe Wct, ct u Swanger, et ux. .loe Swancer. et ux to Faraday Ivv Iti'l Tnv ti'liip Ralhtntne, et ux. H M C.n I'. n'cr. Coniai c-imi. i . Kay C Curtis, o ux to Canictt ct al t.i S I l.i D.eis. Willie Jameson, i t ux Hen K Hanks, i t ux to Elbert Wjynrsville Township 7. Hoyd, et ux. , Joe Browninu, ct ux to I!. O. Wade C. Hill, et ux to R n ' Hardman. et ux Gaddis, et ux. ' C. N Allen. .1 ux to 1. l).iis. W. H. Byers, et ux to J T l'ou- el al ell, el ux. I c II. I,c,lhi-t!cr ct ux lo II M W. K Allen, et ux to J I.oweiv llcn. et ux Drake, et ux. i M,.-e. o-.b.,i ne. c! ux to Ra lord Ciillins, el ux Clyde Township i Alice Allien In II 1.. lane:. Sr. T. S, Ensley, et ux to Anne . rl ;" Palmer. Hubert C C.a.bc.d. el ux to Ed Sanford, el ux to I . E. San- Ralph E. l-c nuui. o ux fold, et ux. Eicd Gib on el ux lo Marie Cib- T. S. Ensley, el u to I'aul S. sm Euhanks, ct vir. Francis. W illiam- i: I'ucsti y , et ux to T. S. Enslcv, ct ux lo W I ''' " Gaddis, el ux '"'' ' 11 "N T. S Enslc, el ux to I"! V Willi'ic, Welch. Wilbani R Cicascman to Hoi.ier landon Smith lo Matlie K. Mc- ''l"l'ee. Jr. ct ux. Crarken. Mathe Ix McCracken. et al l SALLY'S SALLIES l.mdon Smathers l.indon Smathcrs el al lo Helen Smathers. liver. Stanley. Opposite Hatchery. Sej)t. 20-24-27 Oct. 1 l.irce scale S. DYF i i 24-27 I bees. ere'!c!i1 condi 1 price. Also '' ' See John ' i . I'-k;-. S. pt 20-27 ""' ') .'ip.'Mtment. ' ' d with i Hcn- tf ' i .'.it. Cal. 1 -! model. " ri-'d. Two : : ") and shoul :''l StiO.OO. :i:t-it Sept. 24-27 p-r-nTTiiiiiiii You t in often jui'-se the Intel ligence of an individual by his, or FOR SALE One east iron eoal h, r. f1''''"" n Mivxim rumors range. Junaluska Supply. TF M'oi; KENT Three-hedroom hun- in nice residential seetinn. 1 icieilhly. E. L. Withers & Co. WANTED A hot wall r jacket.. 1'hone 100. Sept 27-Oet I must bo in good .condit ion. Tele- phone 424-W after 3 p. m. ! TKXT R),! SALK14 b' 14 Rood Sept 27 ion. See Laurence Full- . i bi ... I.1 . inevah Road. Sept 27-Oet 1 FOR SALE Radio in rood eon-. (lllion. Call :i7:-J. Si : Cralitree Township E. J. Ray, el ux lo R. F. Arring ton. Mrs. M. M Rhea to Laura Rrysun F. .1. Ray, et ux to Manson Arlington. K. J. Ray, el ux to Dewey Ar rington. Pigeon Township C. D Church, ct ux lo James isia.uocK. el ux "Look. Mother, what a surprise! ixiipaiiiei,. el ux lo s. -.( riulip docsn t know you're hero ? i m ' .i mm Baseball Continued From Page Six) during the game Man o'er Hud Hlalock. althoueb, n.inus si viral of his regular per-' lemurs since the siart of -ichool. will have a s'.ioug eoiiibi nal ion 1ii represent I laelw clod in tin- pl;e olT. Tlu hae handled Green liner. Ibiee liuv s l!ulln.,, Ihc season win-j nmg 7 (i. Ii I, and (!-.". Keusla, the' team t':e be i twice and then drop;. o.l their lii si loon ' aire to bv a Ii 0 score, holds second place in I he loop and should give (hem the most trouble in the playoff NOTICE Til F. SI PFRIOII COl'RT NORTH CAROl.IN . II YWOOD COUNTY. HUGH T U LOR. vs. INEZ TAA l.Oli. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above ha-- been coninieni'ed in the Superior Court of llavvood Couulv lo secure a dnorce on the grounds of adultery on the part ol the defendant, and licit said de li rulaot will luriber I..1.C nolicl that he is rcouue.l to appear he Pile the I'lelk oi the Slipcnoi ( Hurl in I be ourt I louse in I lav -w ood Con n! . C . on or til l ore 2(1 liavs alter the 121 h da of Oe tuber, 1 0 lli. and an wcr or demui to the co iiid.mtl m s.iul action, ol . I he plain' ill will applv to t he I 'ourl lor the relief demanded ill said ccinp'ai nl . I hi . the Ulth dav of Sept . llllli. GEiiTHl ni: P. CI. RK, Assl Clerk ol Superior ( 'ourl . II.inwiki.I Coiinly. 1 .'i 7 7 Sepl i:t :'(' 27 Oct 1 Outside interests sometimes de stroy an iiisi !e job. AIMIIN'ISTIt ATOI'S NOTICF. Having e.nalilied as Administra tor of the Estate of W. 1. VeCrnek en. late a resident of Haywood Countv. N, C. this is to notify all persons having claims caul Fsi.ue lo tile same v i"i the under signed prior to Angus! p);7 this notice will be plead... d in bai thereof, All persons indebted to said Estate will ilea-e make im mediate sett lenient I This August 2;t, l:14i! HARRY F MeCRU'KEV 20 Sept 20 27 Oct. ; ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIClt I The undersigned, having quall j fieri as Administrator of the estate of C. B Jones, deceased, all per- sons having claims against said ! estate are hereby notified to file ' same, d'llv verified, w'ith the tlh- dersigncd R. C. Jones, at Clyrte, N. C. on or before the 16th day ' of ii"ust. i'i47, or this notice will be pleaded 111 bar of recovery thereon. All persons indebted to 1 said estate will please pay same to thv undo:-- : god forthwith, i This the lv It d-.y of Aug., 1946. R C jones. Administrator Estate of C B. Jones, Deceased. lNcH- Aug L'l-2.t rt0 Sept 6-13-30 Hlav lock, el ux. yet." WANTED Baby bed. high chair. pen Youth bed. Phone 4!"5-M FOR SALE One coal and wood range, one China-closcl (L'liliiv cabinet ) one kitchen oabisu t. one daybed. All used but in gocl condition. See Mrs W. Ii M -Clitic, Plott Creek Seel 27 APPLE PICKERS WANTED Ac tive men at Rolling Hall Orchard,, good wages and bon..s i,.r v , -ing through harvest. Eic nan -portation from Wayite le ei I Hazelwood. Sepl 27-Oct 1 Seiil -7 HELP WANTED - Widow to help with house worK in private lam ih Can live in adjacent house w iiii modern plumbing and elec tiieitv, and room for one or two ( : . : elrcn w !io can attend good :;i anunaf or high school. Must p. wo. nan of fine character. Write giv ing three references to I Mi - .lames (J. K. McClure. Fair-1 , , N f Sept 27-Oet. 1 WANTED 4th Annual Sale Of holston irriRKFORi) c ATTM". i;m:i:i)i;RS ASSOCIATION Sale October 7, 1946, 1:00 p. m. EST At Morristown, Tennessee 1fi FP..MAI,FS - - - (i Hl'LLS C uttle of Popular Bloodlines and Proven Ability For Catalogue Address Frank Rurkor, Sorv.-Trcas.. Rutleil.'c. Tennessee NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA. II YWOOI) COt N'I'Y. Mildred Allen. vs. John Allen. The defendant above named will take noliee 1 an action enlilled :e ab,,ve has been coinnicnced in the Superior Coin I of llavwood County. X. C for the purpose of obtaining a divorce absolute on the ground of two years separation: and that said defendant will furth er take notice thai he is rnfuired In appear within twenty days after 'he ath dav ol October. l!)4li, ho lme the Clerk of the Superior Court, at the Courthouse in Hay wood County, ,. ('.' and an.wir or demur to the complaint in said action, or I he pi ai nl i IV wi 1 1 ap lv to the Court for Hie relief demanded in sa nl complaint . I I. i- the -ill, dav of Sepl., 11)46. GERTIH I IE P CLARK. A:. -! I 'lerl. of Superior ( 'ourt , llavwood County. LV?) Sept t; i:: 20 27 Floor Sanding and Finishing George McCracken Co. Waynesville. N. C. Phone .169-J DISPERSION SALE Of 140 Registered Herefords At DOl'CHTON MFADOYYS FARM Laurel Springs, North Ccndina I 00 O'clock V. M , Ocloln r :'.nl. 1'Hli. For Information Vrite ,F. II. Iiw!'l. tun SLitesville, North Ciirolina ()!.. i:HL (;i:iTN AM) IIAKRV HAMILTON. Auctioneers. -- , ..... tor YOUR How to the ruts out of ycur l-rrnHost r ' e . . . vA-ov, to ma' c v if kitchen "homey" . . . vsh jt cc ' l hoose for our living room . . . T hovp etc j u:t a trw ot ' nliiguing new iJcus. furnu.hcd doily on the Woman's Poqe - THE CHRIST'AN SCIf.-CT ,' ONITOR Thcp helpful ideas ore "plus value" tn tf'.n d ? ' - vspapcr tor ihc h-me Ihnt gives you worlj nevvs ir.tcir . .J show itl tnii'Gvt on you and your family. Uit tMf coupon for your iTE CIAL Introduc tory suUtcrlntion five weeks 30 iituts only fU. 5. fundi) I The Chfistian Scicnio P, il -1 ,-,h i nrj One, Norway Mri-el, l'0-.trin I!,, A I Pl.siso cntiT n ...,., nil ml. ' I 1 he Chi latiun Sccnci' M,.n,1er L. , I Nome , j Slrccl I City J PB 1 lu.-.etfi ..;y Mihitfiption to I JO lor $1 READ THE ASHEVILI.K I'll 'li'. Delivered at your door daily and p,,,,.. station allendant. Pcr- ounday. Phone 4(i0 -It. Sept. 17-20-24-2 FOR SALE One 120 gal. electric! water heater. Junaluska Supply. I TF1 'U TREES r.s APPLES FOR SALE Finest va rieties suitable for eating raw. cooking, or making eider; some loose in bulk; some packed in baskets. Any quantity from one bushel to a truck load. Boiling Hall Orchard at Saunook. tf 1 apicit jib. i'nnd hours and kii": ronditions. Must bo 1 . lie ic l bavo plcnsim; i: iliiv. Experience not o.-e; ,,rv. .A pipy SPUR Fill 1 Statiuii, cunirr Depot and i ;''.iim1 si reels, Wavncsville. FOR SALE One small team of mules. Junaluska Supply. TF graving and -''.'1 lirnnrhes and ' ' "; ii ii-o,,, 1p. ' f ' c;iarablc. Carolina G. V. LOVEIT Of Liberty, S. C. The Man That's Got LEATHER Will Be in Waynesville Near The Court House Saturday. Oct. 11 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. Come for Your Leather Needs FOR S'.F. One team of horses. ;:-'!: !o . ." ears old. See Richard Triiil al Harbors Orchard. Sept. 27 Oct. 1-4-fl FOR SU.E - .VburntT oil stove. ! co c omliiio.i. White enameled, i IN . '.i.Kildin. .")3 Smathers St. Sept. 27 Oct. 1 MEN ! ACE 18-22 NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED THIRD SHIFT Ofie MINIMUM APPLY ENKA EMPLOYMENT OFFICE OR U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE All Varieties of Delicious Haywood Apples Pac!ed for Shipping - Bulk for Canning Farmers Exchange Phone U10-M Ashevillo Road WOMEN WANTED ! AT american enka to train as textile workers 61c MINIMUM APPLY FNKa employment office OR l'- s- EMPLOYMENT SERVICE JONATHAN ROLLER MILL and STORE HOUSE At AUCTION Wed. Oct 2nd At 2 p. m. For Details See J. E. Ferguson Tax Collector's Office I HENRY CARL C. ANDERSON DONALD DUCK 1Y W ALT DISNET "SZS, THE HOUSE WAITING'S i-mwieWT. MD IN CASE. 'VOU VVA.IMT TO BKIN SOMETHING T'AA Fl 1EM SHUMJ tNi AX.Y ArVKIA.N ANTIQUE! I I I A rt 1 (. I I NST" V AMEKICA-N-Z Opr. 1914. Wih Dnntj PrrxWtiom . 9-30 YOU KNOW... SPINNING WHEELS, COMB-SACK CHAIES ANP r THAT SOZTOF TWINS j-J I'LL ?E rM- 7 these Jnryf i OH, I WONPER WHAT HE'S BROUGHT ME? t. , 1