EMBER 27, 1946 THE WAYNESVTLLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE SEVEN" (First SeeifcuJ 1 )iae and Dance ... At The - - - jetty Jean Club Ai T.'OF guud rwu Mil.s Out on Highway 19-23 Ni..t.t frcm 5.00 P. M. - 2:00 A. w. C LOSED ON MONDAYS) Q WESTERN STEAKS q SEA FOODS 9 CHICKEN e chops U.I, TIMES EXCEPT SUNDAY , ( TKR TO SPECIAL PARTIES n or Federal Tax Charge Between 5 and Cecil News By Mils, J. EDO AH BL'RNETTE Mr. and Mrs. Aivil Uurnottc. of Eu!: Gap. "I fiin.. announce the I "I a daughter. Eileen Frances, mi Sept, li:. at a Grecncvillc, Tenn.. ' The turiner is the son of Mi's llailm Burnette, and a dis .. (i ai en t.i ilie 3id Division. and Mrs. Cromer Chambers, iid Mis. Frank Chambers and "i CSde. ivitt-d Rev and I ho- law in on Sundav 1 1 :'n:s I lie Kiwiii- were Mr M: -. ii'm law in, Mr. and I'.d. ar Burnett and fanuh Howard liocce and daughter. Sarah ind folks 1 ruii Alien s Creek Bap- h. Mi fai Mr list chur A i so . and Mrs Mrs ft-lftW ' '.t CW fLX CEMENT FLOORS fuRGE THE NEW FINISH VARIETY o COLORS for a ORS one EXTERIORS l7IT.H'0Ol; . . . We have our fir1-! shipment (if these lew. Iniiijd el in;:, long-wearing 1 LINOLEUMS if BAR TOPS to Clean . . Easy to Apply nclurtes n few gallons of hard-to-get exterior bile and a variety for automobiles. WOOD MERCANTILE CO. t Hazelwood Telephone 28 Tlie general assembly program at Riverside church on Sunday nielli was gisen by the adult group In closing the program a duet was I sunn by Mrs. Floyd Burnett and Mrs. Edgar Burnett, with Miss (Grace Erwin at Hie piano. Mrs, Karl Kccee of Clyde, spent ilhc day Tuesday at the home of Mr. and M; . Howard lieecc. (M B MEETS Tin Cecil Home Demonstration Cluh me! .,! the home of .Mrs. Thos 'l'ruin on Wednesday. September ! 25. The ()i tobcr moeling is to be ; held at t he home of Mrs. J. Edgar Hill 11! tt . During the business meeting an : in a iiik ement was made of tin ! Livestock and Home Arts Show foi ' Haywood county lo he held at Way iH - ill, on ( Vtnbcr H and 9. Also !dis(iissed was the entries to hi made ;n I lie general exhibit, and 'ln'i I'li'ri. s, and the sale of foods 'at a booth sponsored and donated j by l he members of all clubs. I Helpful reports were made by the lleadois of i he foods and nutrition. pou:t', home management, cloth ing, handicrafts and garden notes "Finishing Touches for the Home", the demonstration given by Miss Mars M. Smith, showed the I me of correct accessories in re lation to tlte typo of home, furni- jture and equipment, to make for j pleasant surroundings. Hell i slmicnls were served by j the hostess followed by adjourn ing the meeting. A group of young folks from the Coiu i egat innal church of Asheville came out on Friday and spent the night at Friendly House. The young people of the community joined with them for a picnic on the grounds with a meeting at the hall held afterward. The group hiked out to the Cold Mountain on Saturday morning to view the plane wreck, and returned to Ashewlle late in the afternoon. Kev. Maurice Cobb, of Clinton, with four young people of the East ern pa'-t of the state expect to -AT- ABLEY'S SUPE) blui a On The Hiiihtv i.y 326 Hazelwood Galvanized Wash FECIAL tubs $uo Polished 1 Ssle Frida RICE - - - pkg. 35c fade AA Beef N" x c"" , PINTO BEANS 10c jrade A Beef - Dried PINTO BEANS 39c Jar I No. 2 Can Monarch feeri les 45c GREEN PEAS - 26c torn fru it) lbs. 43c Cake Jii Mixture -5 lbs. $1.39 Sugar, flour, lard already added. You only add liquid. Comes in devil food or white. MBLEY'S SUPER MARKET RICHARD BRADLEY, Manager JUNIOR PICKETS DEMAND LOST FOOTBALLS P X-vV ft. :t', jji m Sv l?! f.V-N 'jfk : cd almost 32 cents per person. j INSFRF.D DEPOSITS The deposits of insured banks in the country in HJ45 established a record total of $158,174,100,000. Statistics of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation showed that out of 93 :i:t:i 000 accounts reported. ; 9i 4 per cent contained $5,0110 or j loss. Tasty Waffle Sprinkle chopped bits of uncooked bacon on the wanie iron before put ting in batter.- Pour on batter and bake. Spread with apple butter or api icr-nire and serve immediately. Pumpkin TarU Individual pumpkin tarts make gala desserts fur special occasions. Sta ve plain or top each tart with a scoop of smooth ice cream. di' wK lsv$ I V W O s .VT. .-m. 165.000.000 IN l!t)0 The Ceii-us llurean has predict- , ed that the United States would leach a population peak of 105,- j (MHI0O0 ill 19i0. I Sheer Curtains If sheer curtains are lightly starched they will hans better and not absorb dust so readily. Flavor Game Because orant;c sauces greatly en hance the flavor of wild game, it ij a good idea to use orance juice In stead of wan i during the cooking. Sympatic for the suffering of unfortunate human beings is part of religion. ALL NEGOTIATIONS HAVING FAILED, this junior picket line demonstrates In Chicago against Mrs. Steve Gosz kowski (right) who, they claim, has been confiscating their baseballs and footballs. Mrs. Gosrkowski insisted that her trimmed hedges and flower gardens were being ruined by the youngsters. (International) mSIIINGTON ("HOPS A record olume of food and livestock-feed t i ' o p - is shli oi pros, peel, all hoii'.di .hlie'-r wrilbir in some important farming areas has cut down estimates by one per cent Corn production is expeiua! to total 3,H71.7il7.ll0l) lue hols, and wheat 1,1. 57. .".!: .DIM) lui-hrK A ve ra lie ( rops were n roi led for oals rice, potatoes, peanuts, grapes, cherries and sugar cane Hclativcly low crops are indicated tor collon, rye, grain sorghums, fla seed, buckwheat. di. beans, sweet po tatoes and pecans, (il BONDS The Treasury has announced that the firsl terminal-leave bonds will be issued on or about Septem ber 111, It in estimated that it will lake about seven months to com plete distribution ot the bonds to former armed forces personnel. CHRISTMAS .M All, Christmas packages for soldiers overseas may be mailed without re quest slips between Oct. 15 and Nov. 15. According to revised regu lations of the Wai Depai Inien! ap plying lo Christmas mail lor over seas personnel. AMIM TI.i: VEHICLES Amputee veterans, qualifying for free vehicle.. Irom the (iuvornment. may take their Hum e of auloino bile, slal am v. a am, a'cp, truck or t racl or, acaig'. ! , n , I o a it t.lix by the Yeieiaiis Adanii' .! ;a; ia:i The Government's part of the cost of the vehicle piovided cannol exceed $1,600. however. spend this coming week-end lure. The sympathy of the community is extended lo the family and rela tives of Kobcrl Jaiae. w ho was fatally injured on Satin day nii'ht. Mr. James was a tornier teacher and principal of Cecil School. He was also a member ol liierside Baptist church. REDEMPTIONS j and emergency, epidemic aid in in fantile paralysis, according to Ba sil O Connor, picsulent of the Na I tional Foundal ion lor 1 nfant do Paralysis. New York contributed the highest total among Ihe slates. $2. Mlli.fi Tt. while Ihe highest per capita i mil ribul urn tame trom the District of Columbia, which donat- Mrs. A. M. Itager and daughter, Anne, of Chicago, 111., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Frazier. Mr. Kagcr is at Abilene, Texas at the present. Mrs. lihonie Allison of Ashe ville. is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Allen. The Misses Kuth and Elizabeth Allen, of Orange City. i'la.. return ed home after spending the summer at the Prcsslc.v cabins. The C S. Treasury will redeem with cash another $2.01)0,01)0.01)1) of public debt securities matur ing on Oct. 1. bringing to $17, 4H5.000.0O0 the amount of Govern ment security retirements accom plished or projected since March 1 OFFICERS The Army will begin shortly making selections from among 70 000 applicants for 25,000 recent ly authorized additional commissions in the Regular Army, The new program of appointments will prob ably get underway by October 15, according to the War Department. The 25.000 ollicers to bo selected will be integrated into the Regular Army in four groups. Pl'liEIC WORKS Stales, cities and counlies are mapping a $4,107,130,000 public works program to be financed by their own funds. Other billions are added to the work backlog by Federal-aid highways, livers and harbors, flood control projects, Federal postollice and buildings and Veterans Administration hos pitals, financed wholly or partly by the National Government, Cn der Congressional act, the Federal Works Agency has $(!5,00I),0(I0 to assist States, cities and counties in planning non-Federal projects. DIVORCES The Federal Securities Agency, in ils lirst national report on di vorces, has revealed that 502,000 divorces were granted in 1045, or 2.5 per cent more than in the pre ceding year, which had also set a record. 1045 was a big year for marriages bid these lose only 11.4 per cent from 1044, making a total of 1,0112,331 This was 11.7 pel cent below 1H42. the peak year for marriages. From a comparatively low rale of 19 per cent for every 1.000 population in Ii)37, divorces rose from the year 1930 on, reach ing 2.9 per cent in 1944 and 3.6 per cent in 1945, NO BANK FAIEl RES For the first time in the history of American banking, 1945 wit nessed not a single bank failure, accord i ng to the annual report of the Federal Deposit Insurance Cor poration. The l'DIC is ready to return to Hie U. S. Treasury the $289,000,000 provided originally by Congress. MARCH OF DIMES The 1940 March of Dimes netted $15, 9112. 150 for research, education, Do You Need KIT POURED? Call 588-J We Have a New One-Bag Mixer. Will Rent With Operator or Make You A Contract Price. i See or Call McNISH BROS. OR J. B. WYATT GROCERIES AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS CAFE AM) SERVICE STATION Stop But Once For All Your Needs Rogers One-Stop Service Hazelwood Phone :k:;-r P:i!s;im Road Mil fc& . - IV PRICED RlgKlMI KNOWN BRAND5 . ,"l .'-; rf" j: 1 vi aVL; (1 i 4- ,iiasM i ,kis -A(- II azelwood's Only Drug Store" McKay9 s Pharmacy Phone :i!)2 ."Main Street A Tip To Housewives --- lazeiw ry ood tores for lia to-get item Take h Twin Cily Bus--- There's A Bus Stop Near Each Hazelwood Store Convenient Schedules ---Courteous Service Ride A Twin-City Rus To Shop o McKay's Pharmacy Cash Grocery C. N. Allen Co. Hazelwood Merchandise Annie's Shop McAlhaney's Wyatt Grocery Bradley's Super Market F. & W. Grocery Store Rogers' One-Stop Vance Muse Charlie Buchanan (i eVt I" 1 rJ

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