OCTOBER 1, l46 THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE FIVE (First SectionT .1 Chapter lo. ;eets With I Switt of the 1 Confed- :3! u , ...i.r meet- tl:l I'"" ,,.S,.e. km- the L c!uinnan of Lcor.!")'1''1'1' will pre- ..r..,.,! bv the a!1 . ..... r .sent. Bo; a. lu "l 1 tt fciise nau bed To n t .r,,-.'nipk' IK J C. Hoxit of l J. funmr Iv of Way- f ar.iH'U.uvci nil- - , John Herner Mc- ci BrkUctoii. lake plate Ul si'nn- HOME FURNISHINGS PAY US A VISIT ARE VX AXYWHEIIE News of the Day Baptist Circles To Meet Today-Tonight Missionary circles of the First Baptist church will meet today as follows: 3:00 Lysbeth Cox Circle meets with Mrs. Lillie Pi;rry. 3:00 Madge Lewis Circle meets with Mrs. G. C. Plott with Mrs Lena Barker as associate hostess 7:30 Lorene Hammett Circle meets with Misses Lillian and Mar garet Burgin. 7:30 George Truett Circle meets with Mrs. Jack Messer. 7:30 Martha Franks Circle meets with Mrs. Jack Edwards. 7:30 Y.W.A.'s meet with Ade line Boone. Miss Edith Russell Becomes Bride Of Donald Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Russell of Waynesville, have announced the marriage of their daughter, M.ss Edith Russell, to Donald W. Car penter. The vows were taken in the parsonage of the First Baptist church in Pass Christian, Miss., on Saturday evening, September the 7th, at 6:00 o'clock. Rev. W. b. Allen, pastor, per formed the ceremony, in the pies rACLE'S Bedroom, living" room, kitchen and dinette. , ,11 types of heaters. Wood and coal ranges. your rililXX) and RCA VICTOR Dealer And Uther Aiuea i,ines. CACl-K KUHNITURE COMPANY 1, Square Clyde N. C. ,ey-going styles that frame your face with flattery." (toils.. choice of fall colors in your favorite wool felt. $3.95 up PARTMENT STORE C. J. KEECE, Owner RK THEATRE WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ;: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 2:15 P. M. . . . Saturday 2:00 and 3:30; Sunday 2 and 4 P. M. I0W: ":00 and 9:00 daily; Sunday 9:00 only. Owl Show 10:30 Saturday. IX- Children Under 12 Years, 12c; Adults, All -TAX: On Children's Pass, 2c; Adult Pass, 6c TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 30 OCTOBER 1 toge Love Of Martha Ivers" Rr Starring KBK STANWYCK and VAN IIEFLIN WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 2 rw A Saddle On A Star" K Starring CURTIS and ADELE ROBERTS Community Sing and Comedy r,al Mysterious Mr M No. 3 THCRSD AY OCTOBER 3 Wery Bombshell Starring Slw THE DEAD END KIDS v-uiucay , , , aiso TOX ivews Marriage - l of 4-s b -k'h il " '..-'v.-.h Mli. AM) MHS. TROY McCKACKEN, who marriage has been an nounced by the hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Rogers, of Lake Jimaluska. The vows were solmenized in an impressive double-ring ceremony on Sunday evening, September 22nd, at 8:00 o'clock at Long's Chapel Methodist church, Lake Junaluska. The Rev. Cecil Heckanl, pastor olliciated. The bride was the former Miss Joyce Rogers, and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Kssie McCracken and the late Walter II. MeCraiken, of Clyde, Route 1 (Photo by Skyland Studio). Miss Harris Honored Sunday With Dinner Miss Ruth Karris, who has been spending some time here with her sister. Dr. Mary Michal. following her return to the States from the Philippines where she was held a Jap prisoner, was the honor guest of a dinner Sunday with Dr. Michal as hostess. Among the guests present for the affair were: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Uyatt, Mr. and Mrs. Welch Simile? ton .and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ter rell, all of Bethel. The table was centered with an arrangement of late fall (lowers. Hostesses Give Bridge-Shower For Bride Mrs. lien T. Price and Miss Mer rill Green were joint hostesses on Thursday evening of a bridge party and a kitchen shower honoring Mrs. Walter V. Hyatt, the former Mi-,s Dorothy Smith, whose mar riage took place last month. The residence was arranged in rjiiar.lities of chrysanthemums and marigolds in shades of yellow. Mrs. Hyatt was presented a number of useful and attractive articles for her kitchen. following several spirited pro gressions of bridge table prizes were awarded to the winners of the Ion scores as follows: Miss Kdna Summerrow, Mrs. Waller V. Hyatt, and .Mrs. Carroll Whitner. Othc" guests included: Miss Kdilh Summerrow, Miss Mary Nnlaml, Miss Catherine Jones, .Mrs. John 15. Smith, Mrs. J. M. Palmer, Mrs. ('. (5. Cline. Mrs. 11. O. Champion, Mrs. Johnnie L. Fergu son, Miss Anna Cline, Mrs. Cowan Moody, Miss Jane Klutlz and Miss Rulh Summerrow. Women From 20 Churches To Attend Zone Meet The Haywood county zone meet ing of the Women's Societies of Christian Service of the Methodist churches of the county will hold their annual meeting on October 3rd at the Rockwood church in Hcaveidam township. Mrs. John Whitted. president of the society of the hostess church, will be in charge of the arrangements for the meeting. Representatives from the twenty societies of the churches in the county arc expected to attend the meeting which will open at 10:30 and continue through the luncheon hour. Featured on the program will be out of the county speakers, it was learned from Mrs. J. Harden Howell, of Waynesville, zone presi dent, w ho will preside at the meet ing. Mrs. Homer Henry, of Clyde, is secretary of the group. cure of members oi the family. The bride was employed by one of the local business firms at the time of her marriage. Mr. Carpenter, who served for three years with the Merchant Marines, is now residing in New Orleans, where the couple plan to make their home. Announced County NCEA President Addresses PTA Lawrence Leatherwood, presi dent of the Haywood county unit of the North Carolina Educational Association, spoke on the needs of the school and asked the aid of the patrons in trying to work out the problems, at the regular monthly meeting of the East Waynesville PTA held on Tuesday night. Mrs. Albert Abel, president, pre sided at)d 'hcdevQtioiial period was conducted by Mrs. C. U. Drown. Mrs. Abel gave a report of the dis trict meeting held at Hazolwood school. Mrs. Hugh Noland, chairman, gave a report of the recent mem bership campaign held in Hie school which resulted in 110 paid members. The following appointments of committee chairmen for the com ing year were announced: Maga zine, Mrs. Jack Fehnet; Pre-school service, Mrs. J. C. Seay; Founder's Day program, Mrs. G. 1) Stovall; Program, Mrs. Joe Casabclla; Hos pitality, Mrs. C. R. Krown; Pub licity, Mrs. M. G. Stanley; Mem bership, Mrs. Hugh Noland; Sality. Francis Massie; Hallowe'en pio- gram, Mrs. Joe Liner. New Arrivals Brannercrest Apartments Among the recent new arrivals who have taken apartments at Brannercrest are the following: Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Rayniui d and their son, the latter a studenl at the Waynesville Township high school. Dr. Raymund is a poet of distinction, as well as a short-story writer, whose works appear in mag azines both in the United States and in England. Dr. and Mrs. Verne Wininger and children, David and Carol, are also residents now at Branner crest. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Burress and daughter, Brenda, of this county, have recently taken an apartment at Brannercrest. Mr. Burress was recently returned after sev( ral years in the armed forces. He was held for 27 months in a Japanese prison camp. Jimmy Albright Enrolls In Bowling Green Business College Jimmy Albright, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Albright, who is attend ing Bowling Green Business Col lege, of Bowling Green, Ky., spent the week-end here with his parents. Young Albright is a veteran of World War II, having served for nearly three years in the U. S. Navy. At the time he entered the service he was employed by the Pet Dairy Products Company at their local plant. After volunteer ing in the Navy he was sent to Bainbridge, Md., for his boot train ing. He was discharged in Jan uary of this year and resumed his work with the Pet Dairy and was there until he entered the Bowling Green Business College three weeks ago. News comes in waves but this does not necessarily prove that the events chronicled likewise come in waves. . awH3a Thad Howells Return From 9,000-Mile Trip Mr and Mrs Thad Howell have returned from a 9 000 mile motor trip through the West, where they visited relatives and made a num ber of sightseeing trips. They left here in Max and their first visit was with Mrs Albeit Krogel. sister of Mrs. Howell, formerly of Hay wood county , in Portland. Ore. From Portland they went to Riveburg. Ore., where llu'.v visited friei ds and from there to Seattle, where they i-iled another sister ;of Mrs llowill. Mrs. Roy Dudley, i From Poi tl, m, I, they went to Port , Angelus, Wash, where they visit led Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roberts I and Mr and Mrs Paul Roberts, brothels and sister-in-laws of Mrs. Howell. They spent some time in Denver. ! Salt Lake City, various points in California, taking their time and v isiting many resorts en route there and back. They went by way of St. Louis, and returned the Southern route through Texas. While the Howells are enthused over all the states they visited they still maintain that they saw noth ing more beautiful throughout the scenic spots of the West than greet ed them when they arrived in West ern North Carolina. Pauline Harrell Becomes Bride Of Phil Best Mrs. Fva Han ell of Cov e Creek, ha .uiiunihi rd the marriage of her daughter. Miss Pauline llairell. to Phil Rest, son of Mr and Mrs. Hugh llesl oi Clyde. H.F.I). No. 1. J lie vows were solemnized in Clayton, (la , on Saturday evening September 2 1 . in the presence of a small group of friends. For her marriage the bride wore a suit of light blue wool and her accessories were in black. Mrs. Crittenden And Children Arrive For Year's Stay Mrs. Christopher C Crittenden and two young sons and daughter pin: cjai.i uiojj .vi.'ptins; p.iAi.i.n: will spend the coining year here Willi the loiiner's mother, Mrs. Charles I'.. Quinlan at Prospect Hill Dr. Crittenden has been given a year's leave of absence from his work as secretary of the Stale His torical Commission to do some special research for the National Archives in Washington on World War II. While Dr. Crittenden Is ill Wash ington his i am i ly will reside here, where the children will enter school. 4 Linda Sloan, Hostess Joseph Howell Society CAR Wednesday 3:30 The October meeting of the Jos eph Howell Society of the Children of the American Revolution will he held with Linda Sloan, at the liimie of her parenls, Mr. and Mrs. IfEST EDS Bl.TTV lll'TTON Walkin' Away With My Heart W li.il Did You Put In That Kiss? INK SPOTS Lvi'iynne Is Savins Hello Ai;aiii The Gypsy I It I 1)1) V MARTIN Doiu' W li.it Conies Naturily Blue ( li.imp.ine III SS CASK Begin The liecuine Night and Day Pr.KKY ( OMO Till The I nd of Time That Keeling In The Moonlight PHIL HARRIS Woodman Spare That Tree Bump On The Head Brown CONNIE BOSWFI.L I Fall In Love With You Every Day I'm In Love With Two Sweethearts RING CROSBV Siboney Ilasta Manana GINNY SIMMS My Melancholy Baby I Live But To Love You IIOAGY CARMICIIAEL Ole Buttermilk Skies Ginger And Spice JONES RADIO SERVICE Radios, Record Players and Appliances Guaranteed Repair Work Waypesville, N. C. September Bride , , v I sr. i 1 ellM (I rae- t.ie ci.i two I." rsr..v I bave oi 1 d us to MRS. DONALD W. CARPENTF.lt, who before her marriage was Miss Edith Russell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Russell. Mr. Carpenter served three years with the Merch ant Marines. Dr. Mary Michal Gives Dinner For Health Department Dr. Mary Michal, acting district health director, was hostess of a buffet dinner at her home on W'ool sey Heights on Saturday evening The guest list was confined to the members of the staff of the county health department, and their wives and husbands. PERSONALS James rang Stringlieii'., discharg ed veteran, U. S. Navy, has gone to Chapel Hill, where he has re sumed his work, which was inter rupted by the war. He served Imlli in the European and Paciac t healer. Miss Alelhea Cagle, who has made her home here for Hie p.r I several years with Mr. ami Mr-. Asbury Howell, left Monday loi llrevard where she will enroll as a member of the freshman elas,, ol Hrevard College. She is a giad uate of the Waynesville Township high school. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Omhlcbark are spending a few days in Atlanta, after which they will go lo Winslon Salem for a visit with friends. Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Mcdford had as their guests during the week Dr. and Mrs. E. K. Montgomery, of West Palm Beach, Fla; w ho form erly resided in Waynesville. Hen Sloan on Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Mrs. J. Harden Howell, i.e.iic.i president, will be in charge ol the meeting. All members are urged to attend. 1 precious cream! a golden -vv v Just think of itf You can buy this luscious night cream and save money. This is the famous cream that is almost the color of butter. It's rich in lanolin. Get your jar now and see how its emollient action helps your skin become supple... smoother. See how it encourages that young, young look! SMITH'S CUT RATE DRUG STORE (Ol RT j WIN Jl ROOM SPITTOONS 'HOES' DECISION ol IS -- Their sympathy lni tobacco chewing jurors yer- w no looked vainly for i 1 : 1 1 1 u r that wasn't there, lii.il district judges here .lei il the return of cuspi ll. eir courtrooms. ( s liubey M. Hulen and Drrf. Seavcr and Lockard OPTOMETRISTS Of Asheviile W il l. IMC IN WAYNESYHXK FRIDAY KACII YVEKK Masonic Building . . . Hours 9:00 to 5:00 Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted II. M. Seaver, O. I). John C. Lockard, O. D. i : : , our Sinclair Supei Flame. You'll have none of the fuss nnd bother of checking the tank yourself. That's because we have n special jiutomatic Keep-Fill Delivery System for our fuel oil customers. We keep track of the daily temperature. From that record we can tell when your oil supply is run ning low. Then we deliver oil to you automatically. Phone or write us today for automatic delivery serv ice and for the fine Sinclair SuperFlame Fuel Oil. AUTOMATIC KEEP-FILL DELIVERY SERVICE SINCLAIR ((SB FUEL OIL Allison S Duncan, Agents Sinclair Jlef in in Company Phone 17: a 4 ma i L TUSSY RICH CREAM $1.75 size, NOW $3 SIZE NOW $1.95 Richard M. Duncan overmled an edict from the Federal Building Administration in Washington which caused removal of the cus pidors seven months ago . Judge George H. ?loore, how ever, dissented from the majority opinion and held that sand urns in the corridors outside his court must serve the purpose. You'll never run out of fuel oil when you buy opportunity1. nit prica plu tax 1

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