' PAGE EIGHT- THE WAYNES V1LLB MOUNTAINEER ' - " The fellow who drops a lighted cigarette on the road through his car window may not be an arsonist at heart-but he can cause a forest fire! The person who smokes in bed isn't intent on destroying his home, yet that's a frequent result! The housewife who collects com-bustibly-laden rags doesn't want to threaten her family, but a fire hazard lurks in those rags. Make yourself personally responsible for fire prevention: and have ample in surance protection against the carelessness of others! and Maims More Children Every Year Than Polio and Fire every year in the past twenty has, in each such year destroyed more property in the United States than the combined destruction in all our wars. The Following Are Among The Common Causes of Fire Lamps, lanterns and stoves. Gas and appliances. Grease, tar, etc. Spontaneous ignition. Fireworks. Lightning. Thawing pipes. Sparks from machinery, friction. Incendiary, suspicious. Miscellaneous. Explosions. Exposure. Chimneys - flues, defective o r overheated. Sparks on flammable roofs. Defective or overheated heating equipment. Rubbish. Combustibles near heaters. Open lights, flames and sparks. Hot ashes, coals. Oil burners. Smoking and matches. Children and matches. Electrical. Electrical appliances, motors. Flamable liquids, misc., includ ing home dry cleaning and starting fires with torches, welding, cutting, plumbers, etc. One or more of these causes may be in your home now and threatening all you hold dear FffiE PREVENTION WEEK - October 6-12 1946 TlT.cn . v - I :. OCToi . ' -t'Mt- TviTr''fmriiiimnil)mitiMmMiiiiininiin i mi m i - m ii 1 1 riliMMrrVt, , riiiimiM-''! You Must Do Your Pa 1 To Proieci Our Farms! To Project Our Moines! To Proled Our Churches! To Protect Our Schools! To Protect Our Jobs! To Protect Our Forests! To Proieci Our People! The record of fire losses in the United States by months for the first eight months of 1944. 1913 and a uiMieariening story: 1944 January .... $ 38,572,000 February 38,280,000 March 39,084,000 APril - 34,746,000 Mi,y 32,815,000 June - 30,555,000 Ju,v - 32,706,000 AuS"st 30,618,000 1945 $ 44,865,000 41,457,000 40,876,000 37,950,000 34,153,000 34,090,000 34,054,000 34.096,000 $ 49.S0S.000 51.739.000 53.252.000 52.133.000 4G.094.000 44.210.000 40.99S.000 40.019.000 Toal $277,376,000 $378.293.0W; $301,541,000 THIS MESSAGE BROUGHT BY E. L. WITHERS & CO. Phone 100 ATKINS INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 100 L. N. DAVIS & CO. Phone 77 CAROLINA MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCY RUBBS MANUFACTURING WayncsviHe I WELLCOSHOECORPOA WaynesviHe PET DAIRY PROD i,,ried Dairy froo M. OV- j TOWN OF WAYNESV Phone 331 "Let's Be Caretui