Pun-tort PK1NT1NC CO 4.'iP-2oft S First S IOUISV1L.LE KV tpublished U-A-Week The Waynesville Mountaineer Published Twice-a-Week In The County Seat Of Haywood County At The Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park 49,500 People Live within 20 miles of Waynesville their ideal shopping center. (jy Tuesday Friday FIRST YEAR No. 109 12 Pages Associated Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1946 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties Participate in Farm Achievement Program m ten .. II If t - i Lrfpnts of three Haywood county farm organizations, Senator Clyde R. Hoey, the principal speaker, teentatives of the state extension service pose in the court room after the Achievement Day pro- te Saturday. They are., irom len to rigm, Mrs. r-aui nooinson, naywooo nume uemonsuauoii toavne Corpening, county agent: Walter J. Damtoft, Champion Paper and Fibre company official; How John w. ijoooman, assistant, uiruciui ui me i-mtomuh uviu-, o. i-. hoiiiiuiciuhu, tuiuu Farmers organization: and Miss Nancy rosiom, i-n uiuu council, mis is a mountaineer pnoiu, U Skyland Studio. iy Looks To Peaceful rid, Backs Truman s i va c"i i ipeecn mie aaiuruay ptor Hoey Points Much Progress iVorld and ional Affairs isciissing nTe"maJorpfot-' ling the American pejple post-war age: the atom ie prospects of a national relations with Russia, Ming of the United Na- Id branding irresponsible idership s our worst men lator Clyde R. Hoey con is addn'-s before the Hay- ounty Achievement Day with the declaration that the highest hour in history," with our future the 'hrection of world kd prosperity. oke of the greatness of m its desire for freedom plleled demonstration of during the war, and tanners the "residuary American spirit." Citi- al Hie "onii)iro" of North Hieir lives based in the Hie 1 1 ue representatives of ll( praised President assuming the nation's during the dark day of s deal'i. "When hp took ranks closer! nn and Forward." TO' il came thp surrpnripr Then the atom bomb and the rhiof of staff tarshalh asked Prpsirlpnt llcthn or nol In rlrnn it People have said that ould not have dropped no (Roosevein sDent Winued on paSp Tuint Davis Will Head Bar Association Finals Of High School Oratory Contest To Be Held January 22 Grover C. Davis was re-elected president of the Haywood County Bar Association at a meeting held Friday morning in the court house. James H. Howcil, Jr.. was elected secretary, succeeding William Med ford. Finals in the county-wide ora torical comest sponsored by the association in each Haywood high school will be held at the court house on January 22, starting at 7:30 p. m. Similar contests are being conductea over North Caro lina on the subject: "World Gov ernment, the Path to Peace." Winning speakers in each high school will be given medals. First prize for the county winner will be a $25 government bond, and the second prize will be $10 cash. I ners To Hear on At Meeting At W.T.H.S. N in HavumnH r'strict win ha " "ill I1U :l,0l auditorium rriday afternoon 3uPt. Jack Mper fn Yelton r.v,,(;., ' F' the stain a -iiilJiwjr ceo anu county a meet- Township starting at an- rly " Friday for the teach- ',ve time to travel to the grther Report "ished The Mountaineer by neat ho. r . Dee. o rtn-i., iAj m today. Tonieht partly slightly warmer. ray, Deo in t aynesvUIe Ipmnpra- f recorded by the staff of r31 Test ir . t Max. Min. 60 y 61 60 66 15 17 ?1 19 Postom And Caldwell Gel Major A. D. Awards Morning Star And Bethel Home Demonstration Clubs Cited For Progress Reports on the many activities organized by the farm famiiles of Haywood, and awards recognizing outstanding work of 4-H club and Home Demonstration club members were given at the completion of a busy and fruitful year at the an nual Achievement Day program which drew a crowd to fill the county court room. The work of Demonstration Farmers, the beginning of veterans training for farm ownership, recog nition Of assistance from Haywood county's industries, business and civic institutions in cooperating with agriculture, and the citing of many successful entries from Haywood county farms in district and state exhibitions were includ ed on the program. Nancy Poston president of the npthPi 4-H club, the county 4-H ..,.ii winner in the dress review contest and a member of the dairy food team was gtven an wu the outstanding 4-H club girl dur (Continued on Page Two) Patricks To Open New And Modern Cafeteria W. V. N. C. Cafe Purchased By J. C. Patrick and George Patrick From C. A. George J. C. Patrick and George Patrick have purchased the W.W.N.C. Cafe from C. A. George, who established and has operated the Main Street business for the past 26 years. The deal was closed Friday, and the new owners will Uke posses sion on March first when they will convert the cafe into a modern cafeteria. Mr. Patrick said he had been assured delivery of equip ment within sixty days. George Patrick, will be active manager, and plans to renovate the building at the time the cafe teria fixtures are being installed. Mr. George will continue to oper ate the cafe until March 1. "Engineer's plans call for a seat ing capacity of 125, and there is a possibility that we will build a private dining room, and per haps convert sonic office space on the second floor of the building into private dining rooms," Mr. Patrick said yesterday. Modern, new equipment will be installed, it was pointed out, and an up-to-date cafeteria will be established. "Good food and good service will be our goal," Mr. Patrick said. Mr. Patrick has had experience in numerous such places, and serv ed as manager of a large chain store for many years, lie came here in February of this year. J. C. Patrick came here in 1923. He owns Shamrock Motor Court and is connected with The Waynesville Candy Company. R. & P. Plant Still Closed, 100 Are Out The plant of the Royle & Pilk- ington company at Hazelwood, re mains closed. The plant has been idle since Friday, November 22, when about 100 employees left their jobs. About a third of the workers were women. Representatives of the plant and the Textile Workers Union of America, C. I. O., has been nego tiating a contract for several weeks prior to the time the workers left their jobs. It was learned that wages was the chief point entering into the discussions over a con tract. This is the first time a C. I. -O union has sought a contract from the plant. Former unions in the plant were affiliated with the A. F. of L. Thp office staff of the firm is stiH on the job. MRS. STALL1NGS' MOTHER DIES Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Stallings left early Monday for Kearnersville, where they were called on account of the death of the latter's mother. Mr. Stallings is assistant county neent here Bishop Will Begin Church Meetings Here Tonight Bishop Edwin Hughes Noted For Work In Unifying Methodist Churches Bishop Edwin II. Hughes, who will lead a series of religious .serv ices tonight through Sunday at the First Methodist church, is one ot the most active officials in Meth odist circles despte the fact that he has been "retired" for several years. He has been called for speaking engagements to churches throughout the United States and in other countries as well. After graduating from the Uos ton (Massachusetts) University School of Theology, he served as pastor in several of the leading eastern churcho'- until elected bishop in 1908. Hishop Hughes is considered the most influential in dividual of all in bringing about the union of the northern and southern branches of his denomi nation, and made numerous preach ing visits into the south to create the cordial spirit which made this possible. He has participated in the Lake Junaluska summer assembly pro gram on several occasions, and was the principal speaker at the North Carolina district conference held in (Continued on Page Six i Lions Will Start Dime Drive Here This Week Patrolman Roberts Asks Public To Cooperate in Curbing Highway Deaths The I, ions clul announced plans to start tlttir annual Christinas drive for funds to back work in assisting the underprivileged and blind, with a dime board to be placed on Main street for contri butions beginning Saturday, Dec. 14. Further details and a schedule of persons to take charge of the board will be announced at this week's meeting of the club on Thursday nigh', at the Wayside Lodge. Patrolman O. K. Roberts, of the l.ions safely committee, gave a talk at last Thursday's meeting, in which he called on the general public to assist police officers in preventing highway deaths and in juries. He cited the loll of vehicle ac cidents in Haywood county, 15 killed and more than KiO persons (Continued on Page Six) Town Will Not Have Lights For Christmas Supplies Fail To Arrive As Expected In Time For Holiday Lights There will be no Christmas lights to brighten Main street in Waynes ville this year, since the supplier from which the equipment had been ordered was unable to fur nish sockets and colored bulbs and these items cannot be obtained elsewhere. Town officials, at their regular meeting Thursday night, made this decision after the situation was explained by G. C. Ferguson, town manager. Mr. Ferguson had ordered the equipment in September and had been promised early delivery. The wiring arrived within a short time, but a letter was received recently stating that because of a strikw in a bakelite plant, material for the sockets could not be obtained Old lightning equipment, used before the war dimout. ban been "lost, broken anu torn," states Mr. Ferguson, "and there is nol enough here to start on the job." The mayor and board decided that since a good lighting job could not be done, it would he better to wait until next year to light up the town. Hayvood Nan Who Lost Life In Hotel Blaze Buried Mere On Monday Died In Fire fee v s C. D. S1SK. oi Waynesville, was one of the ll!i) ho lost their lives in tlie VV inecoll hotel lire in At lanta, early Sal unlay morning. Mr. Sisk was a driver for the Trailways Bus Lines, and had been with the company nii.n.v 'cars. Fire Traps Many Guests At Hotel Winecoff In Atlanta - . --'r AiVx - ,4- o Ivj v 1 sii F rilly ' 'J! hih- . tV V- ja-v; 4. Jt I - V I (" 'V;1 I ':4V- I C. D. Sisk Killed In Blaze at Winecoff Hotel Early Saturday Morning Funeral services were conducted here at the First Methodist Church at 3 o'clock Monday after noon for Clevc D. Sisk, 48, resid ent of Asheville, native of Hay wood county who lost his life in the tragic fire at the Winecoff Ho tel in Atlanta early Saturday morn ing, when 120 guests were fatally burned. Brief services were also held at the Dunn-Grocc funeral home chapel in West Asheville at. 1 o'clock prior to the service here. The Rev. Lee F. Tultle, the Rev. J. B. Grice, and the Rev. T. A. Groce conducted the service both in Asheville and here. In the lat ter service they were assisted by the Rev. Paul Townsend. pastor ot the church. Burial was in Green Hill cemetery. Active pallbearers were R. Sikes White, Hobart Evans, Robert Dow tin, C. C. Parton, Melvin Plcm mons, and Emory Martin. Honorary pallbearers were J. It. Lewis. Charles Morgan, Joel W, Wright, Stacy Walters, G. G. Byrd, Guy Carpenter, Fred Bagwell, Snelson Sheperd, Dan Mooneyham, James O'Kelly, Otie Parker, Clar (Continued on Page Six) Influenza Vaccination Starts Today At Schools Influenza vaccination will be available to all students in the Hay wood county school district, with a representative of the district health department visiting each school, starting at Fines Creek to day, to give the vaccinations. One shot of vaccine gives an in dividual protection against flu for (Continued on Page Six) Water Lines Given Final Test by Town Waynesville's additional water line, expected to bring up to 350, 000 gallons more each day to the town reservoir, was connected and tested last week by the contractor, and final filling in of the ditch and other clean-up work was begun prior to turning the project over to town officials for final accept ance. This line is part of a long range plan of improvements from the water shed area to the reservoir to build up the water supply for this area to meet the demands of Continued on Page Six Mountaineer Gets Pictures Of Fire At Atlanta Hotel Through the courtesy and co-operation oi A. E. Maxwell, associated for many years with The Atlanta Constitution, this newspaper is carrying today some of the best pictures made of the Winecoff Hotel fire in Atlanta early Saturday morn ing. The pictures were rushed to The Mountaineer yesterday in time for this edition. The Mountaineer appreciates the courtesy of The Constitu tion and Mr. Maxwell for these pictures. With fire raoidly making its way upward to them, guests of the Winecoff Hotel wave in signal to the firemen, make sheet ropes to climb down or await their fate, as fire spread rapidly through the 15 story building in Atlanta early Saturday morning. Some guests like the un identified young woman in insert (bottom center) jumped to their death. This young woman landed on the canopy over .he dining terrace on the Peachtree side of the building. Her body bounded to the street and she was reported killed. Many of those leaning from the upper windows were killed or injured in leaps towards firemen's nets, when they lost their grips on ropes of sheets, or were overcome and charred in m Tbh?ze The resdue ladder, which firemen put to window after window, reached only to the eighth floor. The main picture above is the front ot Tt'he hlel anLhows from the fourth floor to the fifteenth. These pictures were made by Arnld Hardy, Genrc Tech student, especially for The Associated Press. (This photograph through the courtesy of The Atlanta CotistituUon). Highway Record For 1946 In Haywood (To Date) Killed - - 15 Injured 161 (This Information Compiled From Records of State High way Patrol) -'