Standard PH1NT1KC IX 320 S First St LOTOSVU.I.i: Kv fc published L Tuesday tice-a-Week y Friday The Waynesville Mountaineer pgsTYEAR No. 113 16 Pages Associated " Press ' News I'ublhed Twicca-VVeek In The County Scat Of Haywood County At The Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park 49,500 People Live within 20 miles of Waynesville their ideal shopping tenter. WAYNESVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1940 nn Civilans Back ' Vision Of Hospital, II iiuci unit; uiuppeu $.'t.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties ,D Asks State slators To Expand iitsof Canton, it Parking Meters l,i0n Cvitan club, at its Umisdjy afternoon with county's state legislators bounci'i its endorsement ling (he corporate limits And crying up neer ana s in the county. The i voted favorably on a Isiippoii expansion ot the Count' hospital, and ritht to put in parking lite main streets of Can- Sam Jlobinson was in f the program, with the Bid Kelly, Civitan presi ding. The matter of en tToun of Canton's limits kking tighter control over wine outlets had been it previous meetings, and lhority for both measures III the state legislature, warn vas planned last present the club's recom bs to Senator-elect Wil- llord and Representative- inn Palmer. Ingram consisted of round- ?ion of the various sub- llror Robinson reported residents of Wells Town, EPhilliosville,, Smathers West Cove have asked Canton officials to in- ti respective" communities wn limits so they would and sewage lines, fire protection. U Reeves mentioned the Hoansion of the Haywood Mai. and William Med- e brief ly on the subject faiiss'in that followed. 1ms put forward and the Jed their support of the ! talk before the elub It W. Jones of the state Patrol had attributed the deaths and injuries W accidents to drunken traceable to beer and wine pnts in the county. The recommended to the state that either the sale of be outlawed in Hav fity, or that town officials authorilv tn roanlato if ieemcd best. "if present law ovnhinnH l.u. . " - rnson, the county board PISSIOnei'S flnri iho tnn, rtc jt business places the right For on their prem can not refuse 1h rsell such drinks for con ff the premises. Honored DR. J. R. McCRACKEN. long prominent in medical and Masonic Circles was selected "Shriner of the Month" and his picture ap peared on the current issue of Desert Dust, the North Carolina Masons' Magazine. In honoring the local man, the story of his life, education and professional career as well as his Masonic activities were given. Into 1947 New Year on Of Paper special features reviewing ' ot 1946 and looking " carried in next Tues- Year edition of The Ner. pted Newsfeatures r""ea m All V l nf orocf i rrr ia? Pictures frntvi fha --w . uiii iiiu im- lieVP0 int. Tin rr Y ' economist, offers his r - next year holds for Pess man r l "c special sec rf Paper will be devoted aher Report d The Mountaineer by "eather Bureau): P. Dec. 24 Cloudy and f 'Jttle change in tem- r ie morning followed r and mM. s h t luc ai. vi sional snmu f1la- .nJ f., " " uiuiica ohu ne late afternoon and 5! Clearing and cold ay Fair and cold. Waynesville tempera corded by the staff of Mx. Mln. Rainfall - 56 85 ' - 27 .52 - 15 4 28 ,99 - 50 33 .33 - W ', 22 Dr. Reeves Heads Co, Med. Society Annual Election Of Officers Held At Meeting On Thursday Night Dr. J. L. Reeves of Canton, was elected prcidcrt of the Haywood County Medical society at the meeting he'd at the Nurses Home of the Coun!y hospital on Thursday evening. Dr. Reeves succeeds Dr. Roberson, acting president, who as vice president took over the of fice when Dr. C N. Sisk, president, resigned at the lime he left here to reside ii Moiganton. Dr. W. Boyd Owen of Waynes ville, was elected vice president to serve with Dr. Reeves and Dr. B. H. Duckett or Canton, was elect ed secretary-treasurer succeeding Dr. Mary Alichal who served in this capacity for two years. During the meeting a discussion of the expansion of the County hos pital facilites was held, during which time it was brought out that the present iccommodations are in adequate to take care of the num ber of persons in the county seek ing and needing medical attention. Dr. R. S. Roberson was elected a Hrlpf?ate to represent the Society at the annual North Carolina State Society mtdical meeting to be held in Winston Salem in April. Dr B H. Duckett was named al ternate to Dr. Roberson. Big Supply Of Whiskey Is Captured By S.H.P. House on Aliens Creek Has Clever Hiding Place For Liquid Spirits Another big supply of liquid Yule spirits was captured last week, this time by members of the high way patrol. The patrolmen, on a tip, took out a serach warrant and went Sat urday afternoon to the homo of Robert Allen, of the Aliens Creek section. They searched the place for almost two hours without locat ing a drop of whiskey. Then one of them pounded on the wall, and heard a bottle clink. It was on the other side, a clev erly arranged fake wall, with shelves attached to the logs on the outside wall, and another finished wall inside. Unable to find the "key" to getting behind it, they ripped boards down to get to the supply of liquor. Now the spirits 23 gallons and 3 quarts of non-tax-paid liquor, 230 pints and 34 fifths of bonded whis key is stored in the court house. Allen is to be given a hearing before Magistrate W. C. Medford sometime today, to answer the charge of unlawful possession and keeping whiskey for sale. The Miracle Of Christmas n-.V! ; ajtsSi k wl If-': 4r. H gn yf fifj;,, - - m. t u iii'iM .ii, irti V" f-r iim VJ aynesville-Hazelvood Stores And Industries Announce Yule Holidays Seals Sales $200 Behind Assigned Goal With a goal of $800 assigned this area for sales of Christmas Tuberculosis seals, the purchases stood at $600. yesterday afternoon, according to Mrs. Frank Ferguson, chairman of the sponsoring organi zation. Mrs. Ferguson is urging that the goal be reached and that the community rally around the last minute and use the seals on all gifts, whether to be mailed or sent locally. "We cannot fail to meet this urg ent goal, for the work accomplish ed in our community and through out the nation is part of the great health program being carried for ward in the name of mankind." said Mrs. Ferguson t' making her appeal for the sales. "And a little child shall them" Truly is the spirit of Christmas symbolized in the above picture and is today as vital in the lives of mankind, as that night centuries ago when a Star in the Heavens lead the Three Wise Men to the Babe in Bethlehem. For the miracle of Christmas starts in the hearts of little chil dren and spreads its magic beyond the years of childhood into the world of the adults, which forgets lead I for a space of time any disillusion ment the years may have brought in the thrill of sharing with others To bring such expressions of hope and faith as seen in the faces of the children alone is worth the annual celebration of Christmas, for it brings to the surface, if only for a fleeting moment with some, the best that mankind has o give The true spirit of Christmas. The small brother too young to concentrate for when the day very long will, arrives enter the same happy mood of his sisters as he has his share of Christmas. For the spirit of Christmas is contagi ous and the magic of its thrill has outlasted all the ravages of time May Christmas bring to you the miracle which these small girls see in the glowing (ire and our hearts be filled with hope and your faith renewed to carry on toward the New year. M.D.Watkins Lions Play Santa Claus Leads Polio m i ni i mi i i io ueeay acnooi ununren Nearly $1,500 Is 1 1 own Auto lags on hale Drive Here Police Arrest 18 During Past Week Eighteen arrests were made dur ing the past week by local police, most of whom were scheduled for appearance in Mayor's Court late Monday afternoon. Charces in 14 for public drunk enness, two for reckless driving, one for drunken driving, and one for assault. Two of this number were tried last Wednesday on the public drunkenness count, and re leased on paying court costs. ASSEMBLY STREET FIRE Fire, possibly started from a tossed cigarette, burned dead inamc anfi small underBrowlh in a small patch across the hillside above Assembly street, in bast wancs ville, Monday afternoon about 4 Fire Chief Clem Fitz gerald took one of the fire trucks! to the blaze and soon naa u cx tinguished. Kotarv Club Will Sponsor Campaign Again This Year; To Start In January M. ). Widkins has been named general chairman of the campaign to raise funds here in January for the National Foundation for Infan tile Paralv.- s. The Rotary club of Waynesville will again sponsor the campaign, as has been done in the years past. The camp iigii will get under way in January, wit Ii the entire nation participating. The announcement was made Friday at itotar-., at which time members of the club exchanged gifts and then presented them to the Community Christmas Tree for distribution on Saturday afternoon Most of the packages were accom panied by clevc poems and notes For 1047 at Town Hall Waynesville auto lags for 1947 are now on sale at the town hall, announces Town Manager Craydon Ferguson Drivers of cars and trucks which are operated within town limits are urged to gel their tags before the first of the year. Cost of each license is $1.00. Spent on Project As Dime Board Fund which each member opened his package. read he Chicken Will Be Served 14 Prisoners At the time The Mountaineer went to press there were fourteen 1 will be given at Little Creek Draft Boards Have Sent 3,953 Men Into Service r, i- f (ho Havwnod county draft boards, from October 1940 through November 1946, show that forces 3,aDJ men emeicu from the county during that period, of which 696 still are in some branch of service. These figures, explains miss r.u- i.p..An rlprk of the na ivil -1 aLnii, Waynesville area board, do not in-i7,T,9r-niH volunteers who L1UUL never registered, nor does it ac count for the men from Haywood -,v, jri residing in some other T IIV . part of the country when they were originally registered. Those who registered elsewhere, and were discharged to return here, are counted at the place where they registered. i7vwnnri as their home are includ ed, but no separate record has been kept of volunteers. A total of 9,251 persons, from 18 to 45 years of age, were classi fied by the two Haywood boards. 4,788 at Canton, and 4.463 at Waynesville. There have been 1.448 persons discharged during the six-year period in the Waynesville area, and records show that 340 others re main in the service. Canton has 356 men still in the armed forces and 1,809 who have been separated- . The draft board for the Canton area classified 325 more persons than did the Waynesville board, and there were 377 more from that arae to begin active duty. prisoners in tne county jail, wno were scheduled to spend Christmas on the top floor of the Haywood county court house. "But you know we make changes every day," said the jailer, "but those who arc here won't suffer, for we will give them plenty of chicken and dumplings, bean, mashed potatoes, and maybe peach pie." They will also have the usual treat of fruits, candies and nuts from the sheriff. Lags Behind The little boys and girls knew il wasn't yet time for Santa Claus to arrive, being only December l.'l. but they had a hard time believing it before the day was over. Tlir been selected on the basis that Christmas morning iniulil find their stockings with very little inside, and that their clolliing was hardly adequate to keep t Im-iii warm during the win Icr. Last Thursday morning they came from different schools down to Waynesville or llazelwood. pos sibly a little scared of what lay ahead fur lliem. Then came the men with whom they were to pair oil (luring the day, members of the Lions Club. They started visiting department stores and began spending happy minutes ( or shoes, sweaters, dresses, and coals. They not only tried them on .but the little chil dren walked out of the store cairy ing them- their Christmas presents from the Lions. More than 90 children had been clothed before the day was over, 't hey bad been chosen by teachers as being the most needy and de serving from the Maggie and Hemphill sections outside town, and from the Central Elementary, i V..c-I Wv.w.o.ill.. !. Ilicfli uiul . mas programs in the week's events " ' ' , , , , ,. , Ti- llazelwood schools in town. . An est i mated average of $15.00 I per child was spent by Hie Lions, ! (Continued To I'age Seven) 1 Mountain Salvation Army Post Goes On Air Maj. Cecil Brown And Little Creek Folks Heard On We The People" Sunday night at 10 o'clock ES T, over a nation-wide CHS hookup at Ashevillc some 10,000.000 Amer icans are said to have beard parts of the Christmas program which the last of the Salvation Army Christ- Community Christmas Tree Draws 180 Children (lifts and Candies, Fruits and Nuts Given At Annual Event Approximately 1110 children re ceived gilts of toys jmd treats of nuts, candy and fruits from the Community Christinas tree, which is annually sponsored by the Waynesville Woman's club and was held last Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in the courtroom of the court house Rev. I'aul Townsend, pastor of (he First Methodist church, gave the invocation. A program of Christmas carols was rendered by Miss Ida Lou Gibson and Walter Taliaferro, soloists and Uettc Han nah, accompanist. Gifts were distributed by both a senior and junior Santa Claus to the children attending the tree. Contributions were given the sponsoring group by the Waynes ville Rotary club. Lions club, Town of Waynesville, I'et Dairy Products company, Hyatt and company, Mr. and Mrs. Ii. N. Barber, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Francis, Davis-Smith company, .1. K. Massie, Mrs. Tom Slringfield, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Killian and others. Mrs. .1. C llrown, chairman from Hie club in charge of the tree was assisted by Mrs. Charles E. Kay, president, Mrs. John R. Hipps, Mrs. T. L. liramlett, Mrs. E. A. Williamson, Mrs. James W. Killian, Mrs John M. Queen, Mrs Jimmy Boyd, and Mrs. W. T. Crawford. Office and Plant Workers, Sales Clirks To Take Annual Vacation Period scheduled by the Mountain Divi sion of the Army, with Major Cecil Brown in charge. For the program Major Brown took between 25 and 30 of her workers and the people of the community to Asheville to give the broadcast on which she also told briefly of the work on the program "We the People For the past 12 years since the (Continued on Page Severn December 31 Is Deadline For AAA Farm Reports With only one week remaining in (lie HUH Agricultural Conserva tion Program Year. Haywood Coun ty farmers were urged this week by . ('. Francis, chairman. Haywood County Agricultural Conservation Committee, to complete soil con servation practices before Decem ber 31 and lile performance re ports at the local county olTicc. Any approved conservation prac tices which tanners carry out up to December' 31 will aid in achiev ing the farm goal for the year. Mr. (Continued on Page Seven) Mountaineer Staff Has Holiday, No Paper On Friday The Mountaineer Stall will begin its annual Christinas holiday at noon today, when the office will he closed until 8:30 o'clock. Friday morning. There will be no edition published Friday of this week. The next issue will be that of Dec. 31. when the regular schedule will be resumed. Deadline for news is 2 o'clock, Monday afternoon. j liusiness will suspend foi a two 1 day holiday in the majority ot tin I business linns and plants of the i community, with plans for one of I the most enjoyable Christmas sea sons in years, according to a sur vey made by The Mountaineer On Tuesday noon the offices of the county courthouse, with the ex ception of the sheriff's department closed to open on Friday morn ing. All stores of the area will re main closed on Wednesday and Thursday, following one of the heaviest shopping seasons ever known in the community. They will open on scheduled hours on Friday. The First National Bank here and the First State Bank in Hazel wood will close today at the usual hour and remain closed to custom ers until Friday morning. The employes of the Unagusta Manufacturing company will have Tuesday and Wednesday for their holidays. The Wellco Shoe corporation is moving vulcanization department from llazelwood plant 2, to plant 1 in the Dayton building and some of the workers have volunteered to assist in the moving during the holiday period. As a general rule, however, the stitching department personnel will be off from Decem ber 20 to January 6, while other departments will take only a day or two olf. Plans are to have the transfer of the vulcanization de partment complete when the stitchers return to their work. The employes of the A. C. Law rence Leather company will have one day off, Wednesday, due to the nature of the work. The Dayton Rubber plant em ployes will be given a two day re cess from work, starting today and ending Christmas night at II o'clock. The plant of The Waynesville Mountaineer will be closed on Wednesday and Thursday, there being no Friday paper. The employes of the Pet Dairy Products company will have onlv Christmas Day in which to cele brate, since their work must con tinue for the benefit of the community. Annual Dayton Christmas j Party At Armory Tonight Army Is Seeking Positive Identity Of Plane Fabric Found Near Maggie The huni for the plane which disappeared in the sonwstorm of early 1944. believed to have gone down in thf Rattlesnake Cove sec tion near Maggie because of strips of fabric found last summer there by loggers, is still going on by army personnel at the Greenville Air Base. At the present, time according to correspondence to The Moun taineer from Major T. J. Hieatt, intelligence officer at the base, aerial flights are being made over that area whenever possible "in the hope of sighting something." One phase ot the investigation has been to Identify the pieces of fabric found by the Smathers brothers and other persons who searched the Rattlesnake Cove area on foot. Maj. Hieatt has been asked, (Continued on Page Seven Dayton Rubber company's an nual Christmas puiy for employes and their families will be held at the Waynesville Armory tonight, at 8 o'clock, wi;h approximately 500 persons to be present. The plant will close at 6 p. m. this affernron and resume work at 11 o'clock Wednesday night. A big entertainment program has been planned, v.ith Clyde Fisher to be the master of ceremonies. Santa Claus has notified Dayton that he will visit the party shortly after it begins and distribute toys to all the children under 12 years of age. Jack McKeenan, a magician from Knoxville, will put on a special show from 3 to ') o'clock as one of the entertainment highlights. Some good singin" is being prepared by the Webb and Plemmons quartet. "Wolf" Hooper the Textile Trio, and others with Orville Cogdill and the Saunook Players planning another surprise package for those present. Square dincing will follow the program, w.'th Joe Campbell doing the calling and a live wire string band furnishing the music. The Dayton Rubber company Christmas parties have been held annually since 1942. Wives and husbands of employes and their children are guests for the celebration. Two Midnight Services To Be Conducted Midnight Christinas Eve services will be held at Grace Episcopal church starting at 11:30 and a High Mass will be offered at St. John's church at midnight. The services at Grace church will bo conducted by the rector, Rev. Robert G. Tatum and the pub lic is cordially invited to attend the service. The choir will be under (In direction of Sister Mary Anthony at St. John's. An organ solo, Kreckel's "Silent Night." will be gin the services, after which the choir will sing "Silent Night" in four parts. The proper of the Mass will be done in Gregorian Chant. The Or dinary will be Smith's Missa "Mater Dei," the offertory, "Lactentur Cecil" by Gruender, will be sung in three parts. The benediction ot the Blessed Sacrament will follow the Mass. Highway Record For 1946 In Haywood (To Dale) Killed - - 15 Injured 165 (This Information Compiled From Records ot State High way Patrol) Volunteers oi araii se uu 6"

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