AY, JANUARY 24, 1MT THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE SEVEN (Second Section? .1 rn uuvruvj WMfTTi? ft lift Cfflffn ANT AD RATES a half cents ler wwt km 35c. e type Vk centa per minimum charge 5e. ments will be published us to desired schedule t extra charge. Hvertisements should, be d immediately. Th Mouit- u in not be respansuie ire than one incorrect in liVFRTISEMENTS ARE ADVANCE, casn muse i l 1. m 1 1 any oraers sr j must be in office before m. on day before puhli arantee to be in want ad ii wish to insert a want ad, llephone 137. WANTED Girl roommate nice ly furnished room. Will serve 2 meals daily. Call 393-J Jan 21-24 frERING, SLtPCOVERS mi it 35 years." Pickup, v Good used pre-war "room furniture for sale. ipposite Fish Hatchery I NUMEfJTS see riaywood ent Co., next to Farmers ii;e. on Ashevllle Road. H. lei, manager, phone 277-M u llv-Famous Round Oak and coal ranges. Also hood and coal ranges. urniture Co., Clyde, N. C. Nov. 18-tf X.K We carry most all bf wood and coal heaters. n house is essential for talth. Cagle Furniture Co., N. C. NOT. 18-tf FOB SALE Attractive 6 room house. Complete bath room, fully enclosed sun porch. In town. Prised for qtoick sate. Reason m settAstg, ether interests. Phone 577-R Waynesville. Jan 21-24 JANITOR WANTED By large Waynesville department store. Stoker heat, easy store to main tain. Middle-aged white man preferred. Apply by writing, box 551, Waynesville, N. C. Jan 21-24 FOft SALE An, "Acousticon" ear phone. See Thos. H. Mills, Rt. 2, Box 118, Waynesville. Jan. 21-24 NOTICE We are now in position to make professional recordings of singing, music, and speech. We also . record letters and im portant events. For appointment call 525-W. Jones Radio Service. . Jan 21-24 FOR RENT Furnished apartment, private entrance, private bath, Fairview Road. , Phone 321-M after 6 o'clock. Jan 21-24 i IT'S FKT FIRST FOR PRETTY BETTY AP Newsfeatures FOR SALE '36 Buick, 4 door se dan; also baby play pen, almost new. B. M. Davis, Main St., Haz elwood. Tel 244-M. Jan 24-28 L,E Approximately 1 acre p in Nineva section. See Mdwell. Jan 17-21-24 black cocker spaniel, 7 old no collar. Call 393- tyonc has information as hereabouts. Jan 17-21-24 LE Pejoubet's Select bn Sunday School Lessons, ospel Book Room Over ler of Commerce. tf FURNACES Coal and oil air con ditioning furnaces. We specialize in home heating. Warm-Aire Heating Company. 58 Broadway, Asheville, N. C. tf FURNACES Automatic oil floor "furnaces. Suitable for 4 or 5 room house. Warm-Aire Heating Company, 58 Broadway, Ashe ville, N. C. Jan 24 IE Bimes, Testaments, I, .. n i . ospel Book Room Over irucs leaving tor cnieago wed- tf ler of Commerce NO Anywhere any f- any time. Call 472. or O. C. James. Route 2, ville. Jan. 14-17-21-24 E '36 Ford 2-door sedan. V. Elliott, Dellwood road. good condition. Jan 17-21-24-28 Income tax IP same DPonle rin vniir his year as last, ill be located in same we had last year from to 15 March. 11 handle work prior to 1st hy appointment, us at Sylva, N. C, or (,,;. Sylva, and set yottr me. jE CLOSMAN CO. 114 Main St. LOOKING for higher pay? Ad vancement? A fine future? Se curity? Join the U. & Army. Private's pay increased 50, plus 20 for overseas service, plus 50 if member of flying crew, plus 5 increase in pay for every 3 years of service. A full month's paid vacation every year. An opportunity of a life time for men between the ages of 17 and 34. Go to your near est Army Recruiting Station for further benefit information. Post Office Building, Asheville, N. C. Jan 24 Now that the snow is coming down in bucketsful. all the kids are getting ski happy. Of course some of the heps are new to the sport but they have worked out a good system so that they all get the advantage of lessons. Each weekend one of the kids will take a lesson and pass on the dope to the others. In that way hv the end of the season everybody will have at least one lesson and all will be on ski-track. So far no broken bones or sprained ankles Just a few frosty fingers. For basketball - minded kids Dolores Lipsky, of Bethlehem, Pa . suggests wearing bright plaid shirts and overalls, which are all the rage with her crowd Toots. Mosey and Janie. For passing on the suggestion Dolores wonders if anybody can give her some good advice on new riding fashions for teen-agers. She says riding pants seem a little out moded and she'd like something super-slick. Dolores Gulotta of Brooklyn, N. Y., won the Tommy Tucker talent search for girl vocalist NOTICE nesday, Jan. 29. Can haul anything en route weighing 10,000 pounds or more. If interested eall 95-J or 431-M. Jan 24-28 . RUBBER EGG BASKET NEW YORK A rubber-covered egg basket has been developed by United States Rubber Company to reduce breakage during the collec tion o eggs from nests. The bas ket is made of lightweight steel wire coated with rubber, is rust proof and has an open construction to facilitate cleaning. Call Five Hundred tor Commodes, Lavatories, Tubs, Cast Iron Pipe, . Installation HYATT S CO. Phone 500 1 jCo r , I'" i''1 ! . if 4Jy ,.A f-v ! BORN WITHOUT FEET, pretty Betty Lempc, 21, turns dancing eyes upon the future as she learns from doctors in a Chicago hospital that, after an operation, she'll be ready for a pedal attachment which will make it possible Cor her to walk and waltz. Upon hearing the news, Sharot Lobeck, aged 22 months, a fellow patient, throws her arms around Bettj nd wishes her all the luck in the world. (International Soundphoto COURTEOUS O PROMPT O EFFICIENT Y CLEANING and LAUNDRY SERVICE CALL 205 ifaynesville Laundry (Incorporated) J. W. KILMAW, Owner WE CALL AND DELIVER P 205 ...Hi Dolores won on a sizzing platter of "This Is Always" and "I'd Be Lost Without You." Here's a style note for hep clothes-fillies: The popular leathe soled ballet slipper has been tuck ed at the toe for the 1947 clean-up look which the kids seem to be go ing in for now that they have shelved sloppy-Jill sweaters. The prediction is the thong-sandal will ho a big teen hit in the spring What think, keedo? At last there is a chemistry set for gals! It is a little perfume kit containing formulas for five differ ent fragrances and instructions for renting new odors. Jo Ann made 24 drams of perfume, the best of which was one she concocted on her own inspiration and she called it "Uepsatia." Seventeen-year-old Anita Gor don, of Corsicana, Texas, who sinss on the Edgar Bergen show, has a typical teen-ager's love of puns. She describes a girl friend who borrows books and never returns 'era as "living on bor rowed tome." Bye Dream Dust, .l Bust of Augustus Or Caesar's Bust LONDON (AP) A bust be lieved to have been made by the Romans to depict Caesar Augus tus, who died A. D. 14, has been found among a collection stacked in the music room of one of the ancient homes in England. The bust, which was at Totten ham House, Savernake Forest, the former home of the Marques of Ailesbury, was among the Ailes bury Collection stored there. The ability of the bust will be decided by the British Museum, to which the estate architect, Mr. W. H. Brooke, has sent a photo-' graph. Hard to Grew In general, eggplant is not f good plant for the beginner, or very small gardener to grow. It requires a long, warm season, abundant moisture, a very rich soil and ardu ous attention to Insect and disease control. Its food value is very low. Three or four good plants will pro duce enough for a family, but most gardeners are disappointed with re Sult8. Valuable Sea Turtle Nearly Lands in Soup EASTON, MD. Fishermen complained recently that some thing wus getting their bait near the waterfront home of James N. Bennett i-f F.aston. Mrs. Ben nett and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ferkler of Pittsburgh decided to do something about it. They set out, and after several hours of angling, hooked a large sen turtle. The 25-pound turtle was sent to a Washington res taurant lor slew, but zoo of ficials learned that it was an un usual specimen of the chelonia family group. Whey sunt- Afuumtftitotv, IllWUvi sine, and the turtle has a new home. Pheoeyl The commanding officer demand ed that he be obeyed without ques tion or explanation. He stopped two soldiers who were carrying a soup kettle out of the kitchen. "Here," he growled., "let me taste that." One of the soldiers gave him a spoon. He tasted it and yelled: "Do you call that soup?" "No, sir." replied the soloicr. "It's dish water we was emptying, sir." COLLEGE FARMER Find Body of Mussolini Hidden in Monastery MILAN, ITALY. The body of Benito Mussolini, stolen April 22 from an unmarked grave in a pot ter's field here by self-styled "Dem ocratic Fascists," has been found in a trunk at a Pavia monastery. The police said two monks had been taken into custody in the in vestigation in addition to three lay men already held. The body was be ing guarded at a local police station pending the receipt of further in structions from Rome. The Milan newspaper Corrlere Delia Sera said the civil police chief had received instructions from the national capital to bury the body "in sacred ground and in a place unknown to the public." However, this rpport was not confirmed b" official sources here. The body was found in the Car thusian monastery of Certosa at Pavia, where, police said, it had been taken from the Monastery of St. Angelo, its first hiding place after being exhumed at the potter's field. "Have you noticed any improve ment in your son since he gradu ated from college?" one farmer asked the other. "Well, yes, I guess so. At least he does things differently now. For instance, instead of saying 'Get up" to the horses, he says, 'Come on, team, let's go!' " Strange Prehistoric Shark Left Imprint on Beach Life writes the diary of its mil leniums in strange hieroglyphs on the pages of the rocks For 10 years Dr. Roland W. Brown, paleontolo gist of the geological survey work ing with the fossil collections of the Smithsonian institution, ha? set aside from time to time curious impressions on sandstone which presumably were made about 200 million years ago by wind-blown palm leaves in the soft ooze of far scattered sea beaches. He could not identify them and finally came to question whether they were made by any sort of leaves. Exploring all probable alter natives he has finally determined that they were made by the egg capsules of fossil fishes of an ancient sharklike family whose ways of life were about the same in the heydey of the dinosaurs as in present-day oceans. These leathery egg shells, he con cluded, were the only known ob jects in nature which could have left precisely iluit sort of record. These fishes were chimaeras, dis tantly related tu the sharks, and for millions of years were among the weirdest demens of the seas. About 25 species exist today. The chi maeras are found in .ill parts of the world and ranne from shallow coastal waters to abysmal depths. They lay relatively enormous eggs about a fourth as long as the adult fish. The front part of such an egg is provided with a valve which opens automatically to permit the young fish to escape as soon as it has developed sufficiently inside the leathery "shell" to be born. U. S. Population Now in Excess of. 141 Million WASHINGTON. The nation has now passed the 141,000,000 mark in population, official figures disclosed. The cross-over was made during July, it was shown by the census estimate included in a treasury re port on the amount of money in cir culation at the start of this month. The report showed that although circulating money increased $802, 670 during July to a total of $2B, 245,709,782. the even faster growth of population by 120.000 to a total of 141,104,000 reduced the average amount in circulation for each man, woman or child 17 cents to a total of $200.17. 1,174,476 Japs Killed in Fighting, Survey Shows TOKYO. Japan s grab for em pire, dating from the outbreak of the China affair. July 7, 1937, to war's end August IS, 1945, cost her 1,174,476 dead among army and navy personnel and civilian em ployees of the armed forces. The figure w?f listed in a new survey I of the demobilization ministry. ine ngure aoes not include civil ians killed in American plane raids on Japan. Mountain Mystery The mystery of the roars emanat ing from old Rumbling Bald (moun tain) at Lake Lure, N. C, has been explained by scientists who say they are caused by boulders falling from the top of caves deep in the mountain. Later Acquisition Lovey I suppose you're angry with me because I came home late last night with a black eye? Dovey Not at all, dear. In case you don't remember it, when you came horn you didn't have that black eye. Alas of Few Words Smith-1 bear you and your wife, hsd a few words. Jones Yes; in faet, I still have mine. I never had a chance to use them. Effects of Lime Lime "sweetens" tin; land as it helps phosphates, lytrogen, potash and other nutrients to do their work of building up the soil. Improv ing the soil improves the quality of the food and feed it produces. Forage production, fur example, has been reported to have increased 57 per cent from the application of limestone and triple superphos phate. At the same time, the pro tein content of the forage increased more than 40 per cent. Whales The eyes of a whale are set far back and look in opposite direc tions. They cannot be moved to look straight ahead or behind. If Master Whale wants to see what's on the horizon, he must stand up in the water and slowly turn around. Blackheads, Tee, West Fast Ya, it Is true, thei ! Mis, bkrtnlrtM. tutdicatcd UaaM called HLEEREX that driea OD Dimataa vcrnirlit am it a-tn to loomn and ifara DlaclLheada. 1 hoar wbo loltowen Irectiona and applied Klaaaaa apaai Mirin. w amazinalv auraHatd mhen tbaST their pim plea ajid blnrkheadahaj diaappearcd. aera enthuaiaatirallr praiae Maaraa aaal cialm the arc do loocel embaiT law d and are aoai h.nn, atlth their clear enmnlexioiia. U M HI .Mai II aaat application doea not aatiatv, row set dcaabfta I JV Die d r m foaad lhaaa Smith's Cut-Rate Drue Store Royal Service . !3 i CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to our friends and neigh bors for the many deeds of kind ness shown us during the sickness and death of our father, and fqr the beautiful floral offerings. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Teague The Hoglen Family Jan 24 RIGHT on the ball is Japanese Crown Prince Akihito as he enjoys o same of ping-pong at the Peers school in Tokyo. The thirteen-year-old Prince lives in the dormitory on the school grounds. ( International) Importance of Eggs "The egg is the cement that holds the castles of cookery together," once said a famous chef. You may use eggs to thicken a custard or sauce, to leaven or lighten a souffle or cake, to hold together oil and vinegar in a creamy mayonnaise. Use egg whites to make cloudy soups clear, or an egg shell with some of the white still clinging to "settle'' muddy coffee. The plateau at the South Pole is 8,500 feet above sea level. We Have - - - FLUSTER GAUGING PLASTER and LATHS ' Builders Supply Phones 82 8.'5 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks and appreciation to the many friends for their kindness shown during the sickness and death of our wife and mother, also for floral offerings and use of cars. N. H. Baldwin and children Jan 24 NOTiCE OF SUMMONS IN SrPF.KIOR COURT Haywood County, North Carolina EDNA 1IEATIIF.RLY ORKB vs. JOHN OREB, JR. The defendant. John Oreb, Jr. will take notice that an action en titled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, against said defendant for a judg ment against said defendant in favor of the plaintiff declaring the marriage of the plaintiff and de fendant null and void ab initio on the grounds that the defendant had a legal, living wife at the time of the marriage of the plaintiff and defendant: And said defendant will further take notice that he is re quired to be and appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, at his Office in the Court house in Waynesville. on or before the 30th day of January, 1947, or within 30 days thereafter and an swer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff' filed in this action, or the plaintiff' will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint This l he 301 h day of Doeem'our, 104(i. C. II. LF.ATHERWOOI Clerk Superior Court 1596 Jan 3-10-17-24 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as ! !!iiinistra tor of the estate of Zeb Walton Curtis, Jr.. deceased, late of Hay wood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all i . i sons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at . a. nusville. North Carolina, on or be! ore the 13th day of January. 1 ft-UI. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 13th day of January, 1047. eh W. Curtis. Administrator of the Es tate ol Zeb Walton Curtis, Jr., deceased. 1598 Jan 17-24-31 Feb 7-14-21 RIDE THE TWIN-CITY BUS SAFE - - - DEPENDABLE - - - ECONOMICAL HAYWOOD FLOOR SURFACING CO. PLASTIC AND ASPHALT TILE Owned and Operated by B. II. HUNDLEY Phones 23 and 349-W Box 134 HENRY CARL C. ANDERSON tS ' ' N AMOEnos s C pr 1947, King f-g-tturrs Synrltow. Inc., World rtgnu irserrfrj. KB- DONALD DUCK BY WALT DISNE1 IC&Tsm Ii I osjs pars.? " r welu, aaavbe J lrrfiH TjL FFSf TF g 5 i. I