FRIDAY, FEBRUARY I-AGE EIGHT (Second Section) THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER Sheets, towels, and blankets ac count for more than half the cot. ton used in the manufacture of household goods. Negro casualties dood Will Agent here during the past week. Mrs. Thomas Erwin, and Mrs. J. Edgar Burnette were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Cathey and family on Tuesday. met at the Riverside Church on Tuesday evening with Miss Gret chen Johnson, Haywood County The mid-week prayer service at Riverside has been discontinued for a time during bad weather. In In ii were i.ta per tom Strength; white Cti . It Uf r I'M II r t i. l Baptist worker in charge ,MI!tto, 41 rz - i ill 4 Doctors Do Not Favor New School Poll Of Medical Society Backs Most Of Good Health Program GKKKXSHOHO 'AP' A ma jority (if North Carolina physicians favor the basic points of the pro posed good lu-alth program with the exception of a new four-year medical school at the University oi North Carolina, a secret poll oi the "fact finding committee" of physicians showed Monday . More than half of the members of the State Medical Society an swered questionnaires sent by a self-appointed group, with Dr. Elias Kaison of C'harlotlo as chairman. Of the doctors replying, 781 said they did not think another medical school for whites is now needed ill North Carolina; 418 said they think one is needed. Asked where such a school should be located, if not at Chapel Hill, Charlotte received 642 votes. Asheville 80, Greens boro 72, Raleigh 43, and Wilming ton 24. All other points of the program were favored. vlf i r kodak film WxM f rrrrnX3rtf?H ti n rNfl I if ! PHILLIPS r FINISHING 4P&ESf WM . " MILK OF PTNS p 1 magnesia r,n iHOMttM? -.MBi W- W A I . . '- Cecil News ,MKS. IlKiAR hvrnktti: The new hot-air furnace and the equipment for heating all the basement classrooms was installed in the Riverside Church this, past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ito' Mcdford, and daughter, Hazel. formerly of Haynesvillc, moved into their home here on Friday morning Mr. and Mrs. Ed McFalls are the proud parents of a daughter born at the Haywood County Hos pital on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Mareell Massie an nounce the birth of a daughter on Saturday at the Haywood County Hospital. Mrs. Roy Edwards and baby son arrived at their home on Saturday afternoon from the Haywood Coun- We Stock Asphalt Shingles Builders Supply I'honcs 82 83 HERE IS an interesting portrait study of Dr. Pedro de Alba, acting Di rector General of the Pan-American Union. He has beeo active in seek ing to cement Pan-American rela tions, during hia many years of diplomatic service. (International) ty Hospital The regular monthly business meeting was held at the Riverside Church on Saturday evening at seven The Rev. Clay Chambers used as I a text for his morning service on 'Sunday at the Riverside Church, j the Bible verse, "Arise, and let us i go hence I . , I I Mrs. Margaret !..) bourn, of Seranton. I'a.. and Mrs. Katherine Good were dinner guests of Mr. ; and Mrs Ned Moody and son Roy, i I on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs (Jay Chambers ' were dinner guests of the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs Corlcy Chambers, on Sunday, Rev. W. H Pless kept his regu-j lar appointment on Sunday after-1 noon at the Inman Hill Methodist i Church. The Singing convention at the I East Fork Baptist Church was at- . tended by a capacity crowd with I j some eight or ten groups and quar tettes taking part. The music was enjoyed by all present and we disliked having to! leave betore it was quite over. The General Assembly program of the Riverside B.T.U. was given j by the Adult group The program I : was concluded by two special songs ! sung by Mr. and .Mrs. J Edgar 1 Burne't, and v ,- d J.Ycec. with i Miss Grate Kruin a pudiiM. Mrs, I!ia has taken the I place of Mr.,. K G. at the Cecil School Lunch 1..;...., and began I working on Monday Mi - K . Murine Good and lier daiiL.iii i ii:-lau . Mrs Margaret! ..ein Itil l.r Seranton on! Tui--ii.ii. The-, wen- dinner guests I ol .cral neighbors and friends! EXPERT WATCH, CLOCK AM; JEWI-.I.KY REPAIRING ALSO ENGRAVING DAVIS-SMITH (Jcwek-rs Since 18(T) Phone 511 Complete Stock 30 Main St. We Have A Variety Of Items For Your Needs UBIKO FEEDS KURFEES PAINTS LOGGING TOOLS CARPENTER'S TOOLS MYERS ELECTRIC PUMPS Attention Veterans! WE HAVE YOUR COAL! Richland Supply Co. At The Depot I'hone 43 CITRATE of MAGNESIA 25c Size For 25 GEM SINGLEDGE BLADES Special 12 For 49 Feen-A-Mint Laxative Gum 50c Size 39 3 DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS 7 or Size 42 PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE Contains Iriuni Large Size .. 43 CAROID & BILE Salts Tablets Bottle of 50 75c Size 59 NOXZEMA Medicated Skin Cream 6-oz. Boudoir 75c Size 49 EPSOM SALTS Medical, Pure 5-lb. Bag 19' 60c Headache Liquid CAPUDINE - - 25c Chocolate Laxative EX-LAX - - - 40c Mild, Reg., Ex.-Strong MUSTEROLE - 75c Fletcher's CASTORIA - - $1.00 Genuine I-Y Ironized Yeast - 50c Nose Drops MISTOL- - - - C0c Green Label Vita-Food Yeast 60c Plate Powder FASTEETH - - 75c Antacid ACIDINE - - - $1.50 Hair Coloring KOLORBAK- - 49 19' 33 59' 79e 39' 39' 49c 59' $J.29 Conscientious Compounding To us, the compounding of pre scriptions is a public trust . . an essential health service to the community . . . and as such an important function of our store. To discharge this trust . . . this service . . . faithfully, we maintain a modern prescription laboratory amply stocked with the highest quality pharmaceuti cals and staffed by experienced registered pharmacists. That is why you can bring your prescrip tions to us with the comforting assurance that they will receive the painstaking care that is so essential to your health. $1.00 Antacid Powder BISODOL - - - 45c Tooth Paste LISTERINE - - - 50c Shaving Cream MOLLE 50c Tooth Powder DR. LYONS - - - $1.25 Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin - 50c Lotion JERGENS $1.00 Hair Tonic KREML 50c Value Tek Tooth Brush - 2 for $1.25 Tonic PERUNA - - - - 79' 39' 39' 39' 94' 39' 79' 51' 98' BEAUTIFIES! SAVES XYEAIl! Q(Sdar PASTE WAX Pm4 Jar r 59c Ml IKIttfMUll 1 mtnta Viijuinu ftalanMt ranrfs. A tpeciaJ. I long- wearing wax tot inr&c requiring extra protection; doorwys,hjdlway3,tahlop, etc. Rich, satiny hittta Soffslkiini GQOffle .; -lit ii'lf 4'mtt f 7 oz. size bottle 39c HEATING PAD SPECIAL Three Heat Switch Automatic ally controlled by a selective heat switch for high, medium or low. A valuable aid for relieving pain where heat is recommended. $6.00 Value $ 4.69 C0c Ointment jm RESINOL Jti9 50c Shaving Cream BARBASOL $1.00 Shampoo for Blondes m7f BLONDEX Slc 75c Little Liver Pills M mm CARTER'S 57C 25c Size Deodorant 4wa VETO 2 for $1.20 Fleet's PHOSPHO-SODA 51 c 25c Laxative aw CALOTABS 19C ELECTRIC VAPORIZER SPECIAL $5 Value $0 CO Only - - 0-03 FOR USE WITH ALL MEDICANTS. REDUCES NASAL CONGESTION. ECONOMICAL TO USE. HOLDS 1 QT. WATER. THREE HOURS VAPORIZING TIME. MAIN STREET WAYNESVILLE --C K HOW AVAf CABLE R LUSTRE-CREME SHAMPOO iv' r"u " lvNlr1 I" I This is the sensational cream- NJfo MLA TsCW V I THIN BLADES I style shampoo women are vf-'jnir II I happy about. It does things for II Jl ' 'im ja ' ' hair beauty, but it's so re- A I V3 Tj m I freshing, so easy to use that 11 . For . . gQi J I everybody in the family likes l m . . B it. Now, Kay Daumit offers HHBHHHHHIi an economical family-siie jar; $950 holds a full pound .....0"" tfifL jiiijiwu- I P":aTS! ffl V (MSG PACQUIN'S Hand Cream FOR SOFTER, SMOOTHER HANDS Large Jar 5'4 Oz 89 LYDIAE. PINKHAM'S Vegetable Compound $1.50 Size 83 ANACIN TABLETS Bottle of 50 75c Size 59 3 LYSOL Disinfectant EFFECTIVE GERMACIDE $1.20 Size . 89 3 BAUME BENGAY For Chest ( olds 75c Size 59 BROM0 SELTZER For Headaches 60c Size .. 49 FITCH Dandrulf Remover SHAMPOO I 59 POND'S CLEANSINC CREAM 83c Size 5