EBUABV 7, 1M7 THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE THREE '(First Section J airman in thur, liu'"" inapter, unces tne vv"" conduct me i March 1st. Jack nA virf L,cn name" 1st in me iw" the appointment, u aitnougu i"- Bed cross - .WIN DCK Scotia lile and 12 Inch Supply C. R. McHeffey Serves Aboard Flagship Pocono Cecil Raymond Mehaffey, phar macist's mate, second class, son of Mr and Mrs. J. R. Mehaffey of Route 1, Waynesville, is serving aboard the flagship USS Pocono. Mehaffey entered Naval service Jan. 19, 1944, and received his re cruit training at the Naval Train ing Center, Balnbridge, Md. tremendous load of responsibility to carry. It must provide welfare and recreational facilities for two million men still in the armec! ser vices; and It must coordinate the work of thousands of volunteers who are trying to relieve the lone liness of hospitalized veterans; it has work to do for the able-bodied veterans and their families, and must carry on its traditional relief activities for victims of disaster, and its establishment of health and welfare services. Mr. Bailey and Mr. Barron, vice chairman of the Chapter attended a campaign planning meeting in Asheville recently. The campaign committees will be anounced later, said Mr. Bailey. FIREMAN'S INCENTIVE LYNCHBURG, Va.-(AP) Ran dall Hudson, city fireman, was oft duty but he pitched right in and helped to put out a fire at 217 Lansing Ave. It was his own home. Dis. Scavcr and Lockard OPTOMETRISTS Of Asheville 3N WAYNESVILLE FRIDAY EACH WEEK Masonic liuildiug . . . Hours 9:00 to 5:00 I Examined Glasses Fitted II. Scavcr, O. V. John C. Lockard. O. D. Veterans Laws Not Affected By Proclamation Veterans Administration has found officially that President Truman's recent proclamation end ing hostilities has no effect on most of the laws administered by the VA, the Asheville VA office has reported. VA has held, it was explained, that the date of the official termin ation of the war, rather than the cessation of hostilities, is the de termining factor in establishing the deadline for the educational, loan and readjustment allowance provisions of the GI Bill. The same ruling applies to vo cational rehabilitation under Pub lic Law 16 for disabled veterans. Under the CI Bill loans may be guaranteed or insured by VA up to ten years alter the official end of the war. Education or job train ing may be started up to four years after the end of the war. Disabled veterans eligible for education or training under Public Law 1G fact no specific deadline but they must complete their training within nine years after the end of the war. S I T ZEKIiANI) FIGHTS VENEREAL DISEASE BKKN (API The Swiss federal council has ordered every physi cian to report sources of venereal disease to cantonal authorities for compulsory trealuuwit of individu als who decline to be treated In some cantons, said a federal report, syphilis and gonorrhea cases in 1945 increased from three to five times the number of cases during the preceding year. Because of increased interna tional traffic, the report added, it was feared that post-war increase of venereal disease in Switzerland would be more marked than it was after the 1914-18 conflict. An AP Nwfoor Pictography NO PREVIOUS ADULT EXPERIENCE WITH A PEACETIME ECONOW NO ADULT EXPERIENCE UNDER A RI PUB1ICAN ADMINISTRATION NO ADULT EXPERIENCE WITH THF 1929 CRASH Stanley Dislikes Work at Craggy, Pays Short Visit To Home Here James Stanley evidently has a keen dislike for working for the Slate. About a month ago he was given a four months term to help repair the roads of the State, being assigned to the prison camp at Craggy. This was because local police had caught him dispensing liquid refreshments of the illegal, white lightning type, at his home here on Sinathers Street, and the judge felt that in four months lie might think il over and mend his ways. Stanley made a good prison er, was appointed a trustee at Craggy, with all indications of returning to private life in a shorter period than that speci fied by the judge. However the fires of freedom burned bright ly inside him, which became apparent Monday whey he ask ed permission to go to Ashe ville for some dental work which was granted and then forgot to come back to Craggy. IMS PLESS MOTOR GO. Waynesville Presents The Willys - Overland Universal 6 JEEP ' All - Purpose Vehicle For Farm And Industry On Display At Our owroom One vehicle for almost end less uses on the farm and on the road. A paying invest ment that spreads its cost over many a job as a run about truck, tractor and mo bile power unit. Usable every day . . . every season of the year. See This Vehicle That Does Everything r Wnnc VHi.r TIio 'IFFD' Pn fin 1111 II Hnoc irunwuii vv 11 y a uc iiJMUA van au ran a www The Camp superintendent and one of the guards arrived in Waynesville the following morning. Accompanied by Chief Orville Noland of the lo cal force, they went to Stan ley's home. No one was there, even his wife was gone. Tuesday night another visit was paid lo Smathers Street, and this time the law found the family at home. Also in the house were six jars of while liquor, three gallons. Now Stanley is back at Crag gy, w ilh Wl days added to his previous sentence. In the Mayor's Court trial Wednes day afternoon, Mrs. Stanley was given a $2.r line on the charge of violating the prohibi tion law, hut her attorney has appealed the case to Superior Court . Other cases tried the same day resulted in one person be ing fined $100 and costs for reckless driving, and three men getting a 32 day road sentence for public drunken ness, suspended on payment of court costs. In trials Monday six others on the charge of public drunk enness received a similar sent ence. One young man, found guilty of possessing stolen automobile parts, was fined $25 and costs. The Bus Driver Steps On the Gas Chasing Stork NEW YORK It was obvious that the Prospect Avenue bus car rying Mrs. Glenda Gumbs to Lin coln Hospital Thursday night would never get there in time if it fol lowed the regular route and made all scheduled stops, so the driver, James Young, told the dozen other passengers: "This bus is now ex press to Lincoln Hospital." He turned on speed, cut corners, whip ped down side streets and pulled up in front of the hospital in rec ord time. Mrs. Gumbs' husband raced into the hospital and fetched Dr. William H. Gutstein, an interne, who delivered a six-pound six ounce boy in the bus. STICK UP MAN STICKS OUT CHIN CENTKALIA, 111. (AP) A man accosted Donald Brown as he put his automobile in his garage the other night and commanded: "Stick 'em up." Brown did. But, then not ing that the would-be robber ap parently was not armed, he swung his fist and connected. Next morning, Brown reported the episode, advising police to be on the lookout for a man who can run fast. GKOOM BREAKS A LEG EN ROUTE TO CHURCH CHICAGO Edward W. Predl, 28, fell downstairs at his home and suffered a broken leg while en route to his church wedding, but he arrived in a wheelchair only two hours late. The bride, Miss Betty Conway, 21, and 150 relatives and friends waited at the church Saturday with out knowledge of Predl's misfor tune. Alter the wedding the bandaged bridegroom returned to Evangelical hospital in an ambulance. The bride went alone to the wedding dinner and reception. Andrew Jackson was the first American President to ride on a steam railroad. More bituminous coal is moved by American railroads than any other type of freight. PARENTS. WATCH YOUR MANNERS MT. VERNON. III. i Al Mt. Vernon High School's students and basketball players called their elders to task, accusing them of un fairly razzing and booing officials and guest teams. In a formal resolution they ad mitted "Mt. Vernon has acquired an unenviable reputation." The resolution, proposed by a player, and supported by the student body, said the students "respectfully re quest townspeople to join in an effort to suppress booing and any other type of unsportsmanlike conduct." CYLINDER, 60-11. P. A'S OVERLAND 'JEEP' h'E . . . which powered the "Jeep" over billions of tn all parts of the world en lrriDrovprl fnr m7DTT economy and more ver- performance on the farm. life under the pressure nd-thc-clock, round-the- pr farm usace rjrovps its to take it. MISSION... 3snepHs Id, 1 reverse in Dor economical highway PFER CASE ... an auxil- ar unit, attached to ih f the tr3nrminn: front-drive axle for 4- wheel-drive, used for pulling farm implements and trailed loads. Shift lever to driver's right. Transfer gear ratios, in conjunction with transmission gear ratios, give the "Jeep" six speeds forward and two reverse. REAR DRIVE AXLE . . . drives the "Jeep" at 60 m.p.h. in fwo-wheel-drive. FRONT-DRIVE AXLE . . teams with rear axle in 4-wheel-drive for tractor work; hard pulling in mud, sand or snow; towing highway trailed loads. SPRING AND SHOCK AB SORBERS . . . newly engineered for easier riding on the road or across the field. REAR POWER TAKE-OFF . . . furnishes power from spline shaft drive for power mowers, sprayers, binders, post hole au gers, etc.; for pulley-drive for threshers, corn shellers, ensilage cutters, buzz saws, etc. CENTER POWER TAKE - OFF . . . powers insecticide blowers, compressors, generators and other V-belt-drive equipment. DRAW BAR . . . provides 9 hori zontal positions and 2 heights for proper tracking of towed im plements. Braced, welded iron construction gives maximum strength. THE DUAL - PURPOSE 'JEEP' STATION WAGON STEEL BODY - SEATS FOR 7 Of course you want the amazing new MERSEMP WTHOUT fW'NG pen. ..t,rSrohMwri,n9 UETl f m in nn S llVL too 486 ED. L SIMS W. H. PLESS Main Street Waynesville ;C-n1 veL uU the ink out. Yoo .on . even . Writes on any PP" textiles, etc. . at a time. , Ves6.o8corboncoP . Alwoys start. Never, out. . ,4KGoldFiHeCoP- CLEAN ! RELOAD IT YOURSELF IN 15 SECONDS! 0 THE BOOK STORE Phone 73 Main Street ASSAULT OF TWO WOMEN CONFESSED IN GREENVILLE GREENVILLE, S. C (AP) Sheriff R. N. Bearden said a 21-year-old Negro was held here Fri day after an admission that he had raped two white women at near-by Fountain Inn. Bearden idenunea tne Negro as Robert Teasley and said he was ar rested Wednesday on the strength of a description given by a woman who claimed to have been follow ed home at night by a Negro. The sheriff said Teasley subsequently admitted that he bad assaulted a middle-aged woman at Fountain Inn last November 20 and that he had made a similar attack on an other white woman on the outskirts of the town last Friday night. With 2.733 cases, Minnesota was hardest hit in the 1946 outbreak of infantile paralysis in 1946 in the United States. A Famous "line-up". . . larke Davis, Squibb, Abbott, Merck, Upjohn, Lilly; Wyeth ... all these famous names and many other are to be found in our prescription departments. They are part of your assurance that only fine, fresh drugs are used in our stores' prescriptions. Remem wbei our store when your doctor prescribes. )o"r Registered Pharmacist CURTIS DRUG STORE For108 Friday & Saturday In The WISHING WELL WOOL Blouses Women's beautiful all wool blouses in tailored and casual styles. Regularly priced up to 12.50. In the Wishing Well 3 .00 WOOL Sweaters Women's fine virgin wool sweaters in pastels and dark shades. Regularly up up to 7.9. Wishing Well special 2- 00 ONE GROUP WOMEN'S Wool Robes One group of women's all wool robes in checks and plain shades. They were priced up to 24.95. Close out r.oo WOOL SKIRTS One large rack of women's winter skirts in pleated and tailored styles. Plaids and plain shades. Were up to 7.98 2.95 ALL REMAINING MEN'S Top Coats Snappy tweed top coats that were priced 22.50 to 32.50 in good range of sizes. To close out 10 .00