FEBUABV 7, 1947 THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE FIVE (First Scilca7 U'l " lirllV .inly hi.1 cardies; ol' neith- -III. , ,;. ,. IllTll iK'.'lt- ihe county , , liae Hi'' ,,,lll!IIUIUg unde- i:!,ir laM i-fjjular !,iuniid coili ,. u only re , , i,, Hie lourna- niir recorus what they Ideated ( 'anion il Crah- - el'e stop--..uiie when iw their see uik care ol human Out have l.'eaten !er once. The il claims to nidi s !) u ill Harris high Ihe tint i i i i - Ml lis 1 1 i -1 loss III , ii .i 1 w u bailie Hi 1 1 1 it- win and Us For rs Supply lies S2 DLL imiG F'WeHave ... Blankets. S SPEARHEADING Witb SPORTS By ED SPEARS have lost I one loss both games l, in ,ut of IS I by one-point margins, i )nl , Wavnes- j on tin- boys' record is that to Sv Insi two I nanoa. the Buncombe rai has a champs. In all games, aaaiiiM toughest competition ihc.v schedule, the Bethel eirl i scored GOO points to ?,;,:. .. , ;i ape of 40 to 22.3 ! viau , v the hoys 1 i;i tallied p.,:;., 343. an average ol '.'AM (. , anie. WAYNESVILLE has played !l games, starting their .season later than Bethel idue to football-, . nil with their out-of- oun! y (oh.imi: tors lying to the west rather lii,,n east. The gills have healen (Yah tree, Fines Creek, and t'hde l v. n e St. John's. Sylva. and Culhiu li, once. They lost to Bethel and Can ton. and thus far have seined 344 points against 212. or an aer.i;e of 31.3 to 19.3 per name The .Mountaineers have two vhione over Oablreo and Clyde, one on' St. John's, Sy lva, (.Tillovvliee. and Canton: have splil two game-, udh Fines Creek and losl their nop . match with Bethel. Their tola, score for t lie season is 4 1 i. an average of 37.7 per g; u ,ie their opposition lias lallied 2,';2 points, or a game average el 2(i THE Khl'OKDS. although the', often mean little in determiniir the winner of a game, uiva tha Bethel girls a decided edge nvel Waynesville. However the avera-.' score per game lies in lav or of Ihe Mountaineers over I lie Blue He inous. Both Waynesville los.e came at a time when they were not playing their best hall, and ihe entire team has been improving considerably the lasl two weeks. In recent games Bethel's iiimi bra1 Canton 44 to 25, and Clyde I!! (o 16. Waynesville recenllv downed Canton SO to 24. and Clyde 2!! to 24. The Blue Demons will have some advantage in playing at home tonight, and will he keyed In pla Iheir best game. If they can do il their county record will still he clean, but they may he sure thai il will take some excellent baskelhai: to beat the Mountaineers lonudii. i HAY'S - - - Winter WeaSlier Warm Woolen Outerwear iris - - Macklnsws - Jac Shirts WA ALL WOOL SHIRT .... $6.79 111 1'lnids and Rich Solid Colors hH WOOL Plaid Shirts $5.69 ,n Jacket Style of Shirt Fits For Children, Men, Women m And Cannon All Wool i y'sDept. Store Waynesville and Bethel Will Figure Is Fight Fix Probe f . -j , , fe-jt-J'SSi-O- p- S ( ' "; -: rsW . k;. w i k K , , t tv I j the SUBPOENAED TO APPEAR befor a Grand Jury In New York to tell what, if anything, he knows about an alleged attempt to fix a Madison Square Garden fight, Rocky Graziano (hatless, at left) is shown walk ing to the District Attorney's office with his Max Epstein. Oihcials are investigating reports that a Manhattan gambling syndi cate, hoping to clean Up $500,000, attempted to frame a fight between Graziano, tough-fisted contender for the world's middle-weight title, and Cowboy Ruben Shank (right), of Denver. (nteniational) I S Takes Pair Of ins Al Clyde Tuesday Mountaineers Come From Behind To Win 28-24 During Final Quarter I Waynesville basketeers took a double victory over C?lyde high school Tuesday night at the Clyde gv imiasiuni, the girls winning 32 lo 1!) after staying safely ahead throughout, while the Mountaineers see-sawed into the lead during the lasl four minutes of play to edge ahead 28-24. McCracken proved to be Waynes ville's big gun as the girls out f lot the Clyde sextet, dropping in l(i points, three more than-Scates. Kvans paced the home team, with nine points. The .Mountaineers jumped into a !)-3 lead over Ihe Clyde quint dur ing the firs! period, then were In Id scoreless the next quarter v, hen Lealherwood and Cullen I led Clyde to a 13-9 margin at half lime. Clyde stayed ahead the next 1 period, hut in Ihe final one Pow-' ei's, Shook and Robinson started liiMinu the basket again. Powers sank the field goal to tie Rickey's Feeder Plan Raising Bums I ' Newsfeatures i',f ) K1.YN nn sident of the - Branch Kickey Brooklyn Dodg an organization in the major eis. is building second to none agues, says Arthur Mann, form baseball writer turned execu- ( e. "Brooklyn is building with youth i the field and young executives i ihe front office who speak up," ivs Mann, who believes Rickey one of the keenest judges of mug Paschal i talent ine game nas er known. liv April 1 Brooklyn will have under its call 1.000 athletes. Of p. esc, 700 players will be retained for 2") minor league teams either owned by Brooklyn or with which we have a working agreement. The ol in r :;00 will be free agents!" I liii key can't possibly judge all j these players, but has available ' nu n who win i.ine care oi mis lm i portant job. They operate under j Bob Clements, in charge of the - club's minor league operations. 'We have a feeder system," ex plains Mann. "We call it exactly ' what it means. When Brooklyn lakes a player from, let's say Mon treal, we have two players in a J lower classification ready to fill ilhe breach. The same principle is used ngnt aown me line io ciass 1) clubs." Where do the beloved Bums get all these players? "Well, the Dodgers have 18 scouts year round men" Mann reveals. "Then we have 60 bird dogs, fellows who are out on com mission looking for good young players. And tryout schools are held from lime to time in different parts of the country." The current Dodger roster fails to show any 20-game winners for the pitching staff, but the young players going to Havana to train wilh the Brooks have plenty on the ball for 16 of the 22 Dodger farm affiliates of 1946 were in minor league playoffs. And they are talk ing about Ed Chandler, late of the the score 22-up with four minutes ' left to play, and shortly af lei wards I the Mountaineers added another j to gain a slim lead they wouldn't j drop. Shook dropped in Ihe final I two-pointer with only 20 seconds remaining to clinch the game, j Both teams had what it took in I the free shot department. Waynes ville getting four of seven tries, I and Clyde eight for 13. Girls' line-up: Pos. Waynesville (32) Clyde (19) Phillips (2 ) McCracken ( 16 Scutes (13 i Mehaffey Wyatt Pressley Ensley Medford Subs: Waynesville Ferguson 1, Sheehan. Noland. Cogdill, Francis Clyde Slamey 2, Smith. Morgan. P. Mann. Boys' line-up: Pos. Waynesville (28) F Powers !) F Grahl (2 Leal C Robinson i (i i CI Messer G Shook (!!' Subs: Wnynesville- Clyde (24) Rogers -4 ' hervvood i7i Limbo ( 5 i Cullen (fi) McClure i2 Caldwell :t To Top BRANCH RICKEY Texas League, as one of this year's best freshman hurlers. Games This Week Friday, Feb. 7 Waynesville at Bethel St. John's at Canton Fines Creek at Crabtree Monday. Feb. 10 W.C.T.C. "B" at Daylon Tuesday, Feb. 11 Sylva at Waynesville St. John's at Cullowhee Bethel at Candler Crabtree at Canton. Wartime destruction of Chinese tung trees and need for tung oil in China is expected to reduce ex ports of the oil sharply. The oil pipeline industry in the United States handles one-ninth of all the freight tonnage moved in the country. I'm' tV 4sj ' ; Top School Cagers Will Tangle At Bethel High Blue Demons Will Meet Strongest Challengers of County In Waynesville Something of more than casual interest to lollov.ers of high school sports is ihe fact that Waynes ville high school and liethe' high will pla.v basketball tonight The place is Bethel, and the timi 7:3D p in The game is not recommended lo those persons who dislike exeite iikiii, tor all indication-, are that the g.v niiLisium will he full of avid followers of both Icam.i in'.rnt on seeing some good basketball Those wlio have seen the Bethel learns perform previously this season or most any season since tin- fiisi hoop was nailed to a tree in the up per Pigeon region know that .voting folks in those parts can play game, and that this vein 's teams will slack up to the best they've roduced The girls, willi such basket mak er.' as Carlene West. Agnes I'ilN. and several others hardlv less valu able, have run over everything in sight this year in high school eir (les. Waynesville. however, also has a well rounded' team wilh two of the outstanding players in the j county in Frances Scales at for ward and Peggy Knslev- al guard. Although il would be strictly an I upsel if ihe Waynesvilcl si downed Coach Whiteside's excellent team. Ihe locals have won several games l hey weren't expected to this sea son, and are determined not to bo counted out tonight. Odds are closer on the boys, where such stars as Billy Wells. Slevenson and Stanley will per form for Bethel, and Powers. Grahl and Robinson for the Moun taineers The Blue Demons have a cool band of ball passers, and when their scoring attack warms up can drop the ball in the slot from all angles; with Wells usually hillinn more than 15 points a uamr The Mountaineers when in their: stride, an as dangerous a combin - ation as this part of the slate pro- duces. Improvements in teamwork and shooting their weaknesses have been and if they for 40 min- Kvans (9) ; l'al'l.V in the season Mann ((i! "otcd in recent games. Jones (li can Play at their peak Collins llU's tonight they havi more than a little chance to bring home bacon. the Whatever tin holh games are basketball result sure l may be. he good Koffenberger Is Rated With Best Of Duke's Stars AP Newsfeatures i DURHAM. N C. Down here in the (obacco counlr.v. Duke L niver j sily s indoor stadium has been al ii raiding Hi,, large;,! (i-owds m iouincrn basketball bislorv. j is due partly to the groat po: interest in all athletics hm This I war outer reason is F.dwarcl I.. Hook) Kollenherger. Dukes o caplain and forward. I here have been som,. great nasKelhall iilavcrs on Nnrlh Caro una courts, such as .North Caro lina s George Clamack and lloi ace iBonesi McKinney. and Duke' Bill Werner, bul Ihe fans are call ing Koflenberger ihe heM all round player of I hem all. Kd is leading ihe Blue Devils parade with a 1 .'1.5 point average i.ast season he set Duke scoring - an all-time record wilh HI 7 points. Ml -honors w innimr Southern at cen- lor. B u t KofTen- hcrgcr doesn't confine his lal- cnls to the of fensive came. Hawking his op ponent in the man - to - man defense employed by the Blue Dev ils. Kollenherger has been plenty tight with the points scored against him. As a floor man they don't come Koffenberger much belter. Under the backboard plenty of re- he comes up with bounds. And as a piaymakor he's hard to beat. And he's done ail right for him self in other spoils, too. He was second string end on the Duke football team of 1945 hut passed up the gridiron this year to take part in early basketball practice. As a lacrosse player. Koffen berger is considered one of the most valuable stickmeu ever to play at Duke. And lies a better than average man with a tennis racquet. Farmers of the Amish religion often paint hex signs on .their j barn doors to prevent the evils, of witchcraft. Canton Sextet Hands Mars Hill First Cage Loss j Mars Hill Boys Even Bill With Victory Over Black Bears Tuesday Night Taylor set the stage for Canton's girls to upset the visiting Mars Hill sextet 21 to 11 Tuesday night, scoring 12 points as the Black Bear eties handed the Madison county team its first loss in 14 games. The well balanced Mars Hill (plint. however, stayed in the un beaten column by downing the Black Bears 38 lo 21, Black Bears 3!) Oirls lineup: I'ns. Canton (211 Mais HIM (11) Justice (2) Ferguson (8) Sampson ill Ta lor M2i 11 ay ii io Griffin i.V Kohinson Bono 11 Talham Ledford Metcalf j McKinney j Woodruff 4, In N. Tatham. Mars ' fonder, Shelton. j Subs: Canton -gle. f ord. Hardin liill Hamlin, Green. Hoys lineup: I'ns. ('union (21) Mars Mill (3H Johnson Howell il2l Jamerson ( lOi Bennett ill) Anderson (2) Phillips. S. I" .1. Smalhers 1 3 1 I-' Sharp i4i C McClure (i G C Miller ith G J. Miller Subs: Canton Smalhers. Stephens Mars Hill -Phillips 3. Kdwards, A Bennett Matthews. Yount, Stone, St. John's Meets Canton High Cage Teams Tonight Cullowhee Victorious Over Rangers And Rangerettes Monday Night J The Rangers and Rangerettes of I St John's will Iravnl 1a rntnn ! lonighl lo meet the Honrs nn thiit. j home court The doublehenHpi- I game will beam al 7-:tn n m in th I Canton Mien s,.hnu avmn,.i..m This will mark the second meeflno 1 of the cage squads this season ! Their previous meetino St .Inhnv Ulropped the Barnes in fnvnr of fho games Canton basketeers. but a well played game is anticipated tonight, j Monday night. February 3, Cul lowhee overcame the Rangers in a 20-14 struggle and the Hanger el tes by a 35-18 score. Girls lineup. I'os. St. John's (18) 'nlhovh,.,. insi i F Furtado Adams Wood Watson Sutton Zachery Churchman Silvers. Kernan. !f i ( , N. Furtado Polls Marlel Kirkpalriek Morinino Subs: SI. John's: .v(l. Cuter. Boys Pos. St. lineup: John's ( 1 1) Cullowhee (20) Taylor Byson D. Norton L. Norton West Holland llhea Hay Illy! ho Subs: St. Tillev John's: Willis. Female mosquitoes live on blood, males on the nectar of flowers. S 10.95 Value. 100' Wool Shirts - $8.!)5 Value. 100' Wool Shirts - $9.50 Value. 50' Rayon. 50'- Shirts SC.50 Value. 50rr Rayon, 50'' Shirts Buy Now and SAVE Clash Tonigfe Martel Mills Quintet Falls Before Daytonites 48-45 On Monday Night Western Carolina And Champion Y On Dayton's Home I Slate Next Week ; Dayton Rubber companv irlnr- over Martel Mills 4H-45 early this ; week and slated to pla.v Ccusi.i I here Thursday night, has three j games on the schedule nesi week Monday the Western Carolina : Teachers College "B " squad will 'come here, with the game to Marl at 7:30 p. in, on I he high i Ik ol .court. The Daytonites travel to l Martel Mills Wednesday nighl. j then (angle with Champion Y on : the local floor Satin clay j This will be Coach John MeCon I noil's lirst engagement with Ihe ! Catamount reserves. Dayton droo ped an earlier lilt wilh the college varsity team, but Monday's game should be an evenly matched con test with plenty ol scoring lire works. Kd Bonne and Boyd Owen drop ped in 17 and Hi points i cspeel ively when Dayton took their Mnudav night match from Martel Mills Ihis week. Jenkins paced the visitors with 15 points Champion Y holds a decision over Daylon and has one of the best combinations in the Industrial League. Pos. Dayton (48) F Boone i 17 i Martel (15) Kdmonds i 4 i Fox i 4 I Patterson i !) i I). Parris c3 !F Case (3i C Owen (IB)... G Griffin 2 j 8 it's Here? amazing new i WRITES UP TO 3 YEARS WITHOUT REFILLING (Depending on how much you wri'f ) I in P M500 Hp? EvtRsHAR'' c l LI p,Btil i7X 50 ill? (Pricx Plu. F.d. Tax) WAR at be: TOP Regular 7.50 29.50, Now - M CLOT 1 Lot Men's Plaid & Solid Color WINTER JACKETS One Lot Boys' SUITS & JACKETS One Lot All Leather COATS & JACKETS HALF PRICE - 6.25 Wool 6.25 Wool 4.49 VcP Mim STORE I WAYN ES VILLE, M. C. CANTON HIGH JUNIORS I)EFr.T CANDLER Canton high's junior varsity, with Paul Smathers and Louis Stephens accounting for most of their points, turned the tide against the Candler hiRh juniors in a bas ketball game at Canton Friday af ternoon The Bear Cubs trailed 15-17 at halltime. hut finally emerged with a 20-23 verdict in their favor. G ( "arv alho ( 5 1 Holmes (2) Subs: Daylon Messer, Trout nian. Gardner 4. Martel Brown 8, Jenkins 15. You'll Find Here PINE and Hardwood FLOORING Builders Supply Phones 82 83 World's smooth! writing pn. Rolls the ink on dy! It's elf-b1otting. Lven wri dry when submerged under water. Reload will, a cartridge in 15 second. Available eon al SOc. Cun't leak at any altitude. You can't even shake the ink uf. Writes on any paper ar material, linen, textiles, etc. Makes 6 to 8 carbon copies af a time. 14K Gold Filled Caps. CA means Capillary Action Cartridge, an exclusive Ever sharp patent. Limited Supply come early! The Book Store MING RICES All Keniainiiiii 1 00',' Wool COATS s 19.95 r r i s ,1 I 1 I i if . t r ''i r' it'l I'M I Mi Hi; Li k