S!nari F HINTING l (, L'e-231 S Tint i.mnsviu.c k liblishcd The Waynesville Mountaineer 49,500 People Live within 20 miles of Waynesville their ideal shopping center. ce-a-Wcek Tuesday d Friday Published 1 The County Seat Qf Hfywood Coupty At The Entrance of The Great Smoty Mountains Nationa, Fark 16 Pages Associated Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1947 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties JLs Cons 5U Local Bills I Hole te Held May 6 tion , Water And Improvements d, Says Mayor Fisher street, water, and : 1 1 wcmcill program wn: U to the voters of Haz ing the May G mumci- ails for presenting the it program to the vot iscussed at a meeting the Hazclwood town ;d by Mayor Clyde trmcn It. L. Prcvost, h, and Carl Swanger; ttorney, William Mcd irer, .1. 13. Hoyle; and ilph Carswcll. the present excellent iidition of the town. Mr. itos that "It would be iquidate a $50,000 bond years without increas- tsent tax rate." tovemcnts are needed to th the growth of Hazel ents Mayor Fisher, and on some of the work Jtft off tftiring"' the ars due to the scarcity and labor. "It looks hings are getting more pw. and we want to go mo work. W is gelling more pco- iwuses are being built Water eonsumption Browing steadily. We v "P the growth of "Hering (hose who modern water and sew- "ws. Our people havp about some of the s thai arc needed. Now ued on P;,gL. Two! Mrs. Medford rom Five Weeks Florida Points flis. . M'M..,ir i - er a five weeks trip to "y first r' "'en incy went to ,e 'wy wct.c, the guests 'oi me Alters par ' 1,11 S K R l... P Mrs A T , , ' mrs. ,0me they Visited Mr ware Cogburn ,,r i-,i,' Ie la"i'r also a u. in ,i "m!onvuie A ttonla where they "1 tbeir son Phil m.j f!laiEmor- L'niversitv 'in I in r-i . , uainesvilln Sd:h'ir"aughter: Bedford, who ... ,u,tTO PRF.Arn 1.,.,,.. . , . . J! u' Lalc Juna- "- a ho c..j. h-in.. .... "-.fuiiaay ...- r irst Methn. Rev w ?.ni10unced yes- Intend.,, ois- -"".III. hw Rep ort ,J Tlf Mount. - l 'en u iiu w r snow ""ITlionn Snow flur. Fsr ton,i,. with lowest "WU1 30 (Jeur,.... Parrh 7 .. P about ! "'ghest fut 36 ,n the f or Salurday lltl IC'J -u rri- per except "'yncsviii.. rrderf u ., lemPera by e staff nr "Lfarm. Max, Min. 15 16 32 45 58 27 F'ON., d Motor Co. FLIES IN SEARCH OF SIGHT 4 miff $ ' BLINDED BY A BLOW on his head Victoria, 14, is led from a plane by from Colombia, South America. After the mayor of the boy' hometown became interested in his case, two he could consult famous Manhattan specialist (International) First Reports Indicate Progress In ARC Drive False Fire Alarm Is Expensive Fun For Pranksters A false fire alarm was found U be expensive fun for some lo cal pranksters. In the early hours of Monday morning the Waynesville l ire Department received a call that a fire had broken out at the Pet Dairy plant. Chief Clem Fitzger ald boarded the truck, and went down to the plant while the volunteer fighters assembled. On hand was Johnnie Edwards, manager of the dairy, who had been "warned" first. Those- who had played the "joke" had their fun. Then the next day they got the bill for it $36 for calling out the Fire Department for no cause. Through a little detective work n his own, Mr. Edwards found out who had worked up the idea, and passed on the bill to them. Town Manager G. C. Ferguson reports that it is paid in full. Senator William Medford return ed home from the State capital this past week-end. He left for Ral eigh Tuesday. Many Enlist Unit During Waynesville was assured of meet ing the requirements to gain fede ral recognition of its National Guard company, when enough en listments came in last week to fill the minimum standards. "However, we aren't satisfied with just having enough men to start the company." stated Cant James Davis, who will command the Anti-Tank unit. We plan to Keep on recruitina until our full strength of 76 has Joined." Several former Armored Force men Joined the company last week following the announcement that Ha equipment includes several tank destroyers, Jeeps and other vehicl- two years ago. Guillermo Gonzalez de his mother on his arrival in New York airlines cooperated to fly him north Workers Collect Over Third Of Goal For Red Cross By , Thursday I Prospects for a successful Red Cross drive were brightened by the fu st reports of workers who now ;ue covering Waynesville and the surrounding area. More than $1, 000 has been collected, and there seems little doubt that the goal of $3,122 will be reached with con tinucd co-operation from the peo pie. Six of the workers in the resi (lential area here reported that they had taken in $354. At noon yes terday, the business section of town, of which J. E. Massie is chairman reported $729 on hand, and all areas not heard from. According to Miss Ethel H. Fish cr, executive secretary of the chapt er, all reports from the business. professional, and residential work ers here are expected to be turned in this week-end. Red Cross work ers will stage the drive in the in dustrial plants Friday and Satur day. Schools and rural groups will submit their reports next week to General Chairman James Kllpat- rick. There is a good chance that the whole drive will be completed by Wednesday, it is believed.. With NG Past Week es, and tnat drivers are urgently needed. "There are a lot of good tech nician ratines open, and we want to get the best men we can to fill them." stated Mr. Davis. The com pany officers will be at the court house Saturday afternoon, and at the armory on Wednesday and Thursday nights to talk with any young men interested in the com pany. Applicants now are in the pro cess of completing the papers and physical examinations. All pre liminary papers must be forwarded by March 15 to get the company federal recognition; which will (Continued on Page Two) Proposals Made To Push Speedy Development 01 Western North Carolina Palmer Wants Minimum Of 25 For Teachers "As a member of the House Appropriations Committee, I am holding out for a minimum of 25 per cent and a maximum of 30 per cent increase in teacher's salaries for the next two years, beginning as of July first," Representative Glenn C. Palmer told The Mountaineer yesterday. "I was for the extra bonus and increase as applied to the present session. Now I am definitely for the 25 to 30 per cent increase to cover the next two years," he said. "Some peoplo got the im pression that I was against an increase for teachers. This, however, was not the case, as I have been for the teachers getting an increase all the while," he continued. "I feel 25 per cent is as little as the state should con sider making the increase, and it looks like; V-t ent 4s ( about as high as we can safe ly go. I am going to hold out for an increase between those two figures." Atom Bomb Movie Will Be Seen By Reserve Officers The technicolor movie, "Opera tions Crossroads," which gives the story of the Pacific atom bomb tests, will be a feature of the Hay wood chapter, Reserve Officers As sociation meeting, which starts at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the court house. Col. Pauls of the Marietta (Ga.) Army Air Base will address the group, describing reserve policies and plans for air corps. Naval Lieut. Ben Wild of Ashcvillc will make a similar talk from the Navy viewpoint, announces Wayne Corp- cning, president of the chapter. All former officers arc urged to attend. Calf Is Born Without A Tail On Cruso Farm A calf without a tail and only one eye was born on the farm of Dennis Trull, on the East Fork of Pigeon near Cruso, Saturday afternoon. The animal is healthy and as frisky as other calves his age, reports Mr. Trull. Casey Is Back In Jail With New Charges Of Entering Edward Leon (Buster) Casey, local Negro, who was given a five-year sentence for larceny last July and escaped recently when given trustee duties of cleaning up around the courthouse, now is back in jail and facing additional charges. Casey is not in jail through his own wishes, but rather through the efforts of Police man Bill Sawyer, who first knew of Casey's return to Waynesville Wednesday night when he saw the darkey burst through the plate glass door at Curtis Drug Store and start a foot race that was punctuated with revolver shots and ended near Moody's Laundry. He is to face formal charges in Mayor's Court this after noon, with the possibility of be ing bound over to the next criminal term of Superior Court. His charges now in clude breaking and entering the drug store, theft of some articles while there, and of an automobile, which he is alleged to have stolen in Asheville. ,IBisidl Ism Cong. Monroe Redden Wants Choice Of Park Entrance, Booklet About W.N.C. At a conference with 14 civic leaders of Western North Carolina, in Asheville Monday night, Monroe M. Redden, representative in Con gress from this district, outlined plans for two proposals to speed the development of Western North Carolina. The first proposal was that a town in Western North Carolina be designated as the eastern entrance to the Great Smoky Mountains Na tional Park, so that news releases may be channeled through this dateline and the public made con scious that there is a way to enter the park from the eastern side. After much discussion of various angles of the proposals, the group decided to recommend to the ex ecutive committee of the Western North Carolina Associated Com munities, and to the group at large when they meet in Brevard on April 9th. The WNCA would takei such action as deemed best for the entire section. Practically all of those present discussed the proposal, pointing out some of the problems because the geographical location of the towns on this side of the park made in effect four entrances. The desira bility of unity, however, was pres (Continued on Page Two) Jersey Breeders Assn. Directors To Meet Here The directors of the western par ish,. N. C. Jersey Breeders associ atioi', will meet at the courthouse here at 1 1 o'clock next Friday morning. Twenty directors, one from each county in this parish, are expected to attend, IN CHARLOTTE M. I). Watkins, owner of Wat- kins Chevrolet Company, attend ed a district sales meeting in charlotte Wednesday. STATE MAN HERE II. VV. "Pop" Taylor, secretary of State College Alumni, was here Tuesday, and made a trip through western counties with Howard Clapp, in the interest of the work of the Alumni Association. RECENT DISCHARGES Four former servicemen from the Canton area received their dis charges recently, James R. Ham let, Willard Haney, Rayburn E. Sceley, and Thomas G. Trull, Jr. Drug Store Policemen Sawyer and Hub Ruff were making thir night ly rounds in the business dis trict of town Wednesday night. They noticed a strange automo bile parked in the alley which runs parallel to Main Street, and began a closer investiga tion of the area. A window was found open in the rear of Curtis Drug Store, and a rob bery was suspected. The officers, not knowing how many persons they were against, telephoned Patrolman O. R. Roberts) who soon join ed them. Sawyer went around to cover the front of the store, the other two waited shortly, then rushed in at the rear. Casey was inside, loading money, pocketbooks, a cigar ette lighter and other objects when the law broke in. He jumped, knocked out the glass in one of the front doors, and took off running. Sawyer hadn't had time to get ready for him, but took up the chase, using his revolver to frighten the culprit, who was captured in the vi cinity of Moody's laundry. Guthrie To Talk Today At Rotary Club Meet Rural Industry One Of State's Vital Needs, Speaker Tells Lions VV. C. Gulhric, chief of the rural industry branch, State Department of Conservation and Development, spoke at the Lions Club meeting last night and will address the Ro tarians at their meeting this after noon. Mr. Guthrie's talk deals with the reasons why North Carolina needs to increase the number of small industries, especially in the moun tainous and foothill regions, and of the work being done by his organi zation to promote this expansion. During 1946 there were 631 small industries started in this state, but practically half of this number were concentrated in the iPedmont section which already is industria lized. Planning on a local, as well as sectional, level is needed to bring employment to those areas which have a growing surplus of workers and low average income. The points which he makes, since they are of much significance to Haywood county, Will be explained in more detail in the next Moun taineer , .,. McDarris To Stay With FHA Here J. C. McDarris, who recently an nounce dlhat he planned to resign as Farm Home Administration sup ervisor in Haywood eounty in order to take graduate work at college, will continue his present duties here for several months longer. It was more difficult to find an opening at college than lie antici pated, he explained, making neces sary a change in plans. S. S. Williams, who was to hiive taken the position, has been up pointed to a similar job at the Bre vard olfice in Transylvania county. Mrs. Ferguson Speaks To Schoolmasters Club Mrs. Steve Ferguson, teacher at the Fines Creek school, described some of her daily classroom prob lems and how she handled I hem at the Haywood County Schoolmas ters Club meeting Monday night in the Rock Hill school. N. W. Rogers, principal at Rock Hill, was host to the club. M. W. Bowles had charge of the program ! and introduced the speaker. Howell Gets Offer Of Homes For Veterans Veterans seeking low-cost pre fabricated homes are invited to see James H. Howell, Jr., veterans serv ice officer, who has information that a small number are availably for Haywood county through the Asheville American Legion hous ing project. Haywood Baptists Plan Week 01 Special Services The week of March 17 to 21 has been set aside as the annual Preacher's Revival week, sponsored by the' Haywood Baptist Associa- tion. Services will be held in var- ious churches throughout the coun-! ty, using as the general theme. "Christ Exalted in our Churches." The programs will include wor ship service, Bible study, and spec ial music in addition to a discus sion of some phase of the general theme by a participating minister. Plans are to start the meetings at 2:30, followed by a fellowship supper, and an evening service. The schedule of services an nounced follows: Monday at Pleasant Balsam with the Rev. J. Doyle Miller, pastor host. Speakers will be L, J. Rogers VFW Head ; l ROBERT R CAMPBELL was elected commander of the Waynes ville Veterans of Foreign Wars post at their meeting Monday night. Campbell Is Re - Elected Commander Of V. F. W. Local Post Now Has Largest Membership ! Of Any. WvN.C. i Town Robert Roy Campbell was re elected po:t commander of the Waynesville chapter. Veterans of Foreign Wars, at their meeting Monday niylil at the courthouse. The post now has 142 members, making it the l.ugest chapter of any west of Asheville in this state. Other officers for the organiza tion are: Senior Commander, Thomas Berry: Junior Commander, Rul us T Car el I; Quartermaster, i Fred Y. Campbell: Trustees, Robert I'lott ( Hi months' and Walter Franklin (12 months); Chaplain, Rev. Paul Townsend; and Surgeon, Dr. Boyd Owen An oll'icial from the state de- l part inenl will install the newly- elected officers at one of the meet ings in April. Next meeting of the chapter is at 7:30 p. m. on March 17. All veterans with for j eign service are urged to be pres J cut. jSenaie Approves i Two Local Bills 'I'vvil Ini-.'ll hilK i 1 1 t-iriti.,.rl ill tlin j Slate legislature February 25 by Sen. William Medford were passed I by the Senate Wednesday and sent to the House for consideration. (Passage in the lower house would ' make them law. j The bills ask that the Town of j Waynesville be given authority to i swap a tract of land in the water shed area, and the other would give the Town control over the properly now being used as a color-1 ed eemelerv here. and A. E. Peek in the afternoon; Howard Mann and M. L. Lewis in "'c evening. Tuesday the Hazel wood church, M- L- Lewis, pastor, w ill be host to the meetings. Speakers will be Elmer Greene and Doyle Miller in the afternoon: Ed Stevens and i nomas brwin at night. Wednesday Ratcliff Cove church and the pastor J. E. Greene will be host, wilh M. C. Wyatt and Jarvis Underwood the afternoon speakers. C. H. Green and T. H. Parris will be the evening speakers. Thursday the meetings will be held at the Woodland church where M. C. Wyatt is pastor. Howard Hall and N. L. Stevens will be the after noon speakers; Gay Chambers and Miss Gretchen Johnson the even- Continued from page 2) Favors Lav; For Local Deer, Wine Controls Representative Plans Measure To Raise Salary Of Haywood County Sheriff Representative Glenn C. Palmer has under consideration, seven bills to present to the General Assembly, he told The Mountaineer yesterday Two of the bills are county-wide, and five apply only to Canton. The two county bills under con sideration are: increase salary of sheriff, ad make a change in the wine and beer sales in Haywood. The bills which Representative Palmer has under consideration for Canton includes: 1. Extension of the city limits. 2. Change terms of school trus tees. 3. Provide for- clerk of police court. 4. A law covering settlement for property damage from general funds. 5. Modification of law relative to election board in Canton. Representative Palmer would not make a definite statement as to the amount he proposed to set in the bill for the new salary for the sheriff. The present salary is $2,- 400. Representative Palaver said. "I am considering introducing a bill which would make the salary of the Haywood sheriff comparable bdrifttf A-bunties. Jatkson, Grauim' and some tthers pay $3,600." Rep resentative Palmer said he had not decided on a definite figure, but felt "Haywood should be in line with other counties in this area." As to the proposed wine and beer bill. Representative Palmer said he felt he would introduce a bill put ting the control of issuance of license in the hands of the county commissioners, and the boards of aldermen of the four incorporated towns in the county. "That seems to be the best way to handle this matter, by letting the commission ers and town boards either issue or (Continued on Page Two) Legion Post Will Meet With Canton Unit Monday Night The Waynesville and Canton American Legion posts will hold a joint meeting Monday night at the YMCA in Canton, starting at 7::i() o'clock, it is announced by Pcler J. Williams, commander of Varnei Rhinehart Post No. 61. In addition the ladies auxiliary here has been invited to meet with the Canton auxiliary the same night. Central Cleaners Roof Is Damaged By Fire Slight damage was done to the roof at Central Cleaners when (ire broke out around the flue about 12:30 p. m. Thursday. The fin; truck was summoned, and water from its tank soon had the blaze under control. ! ' j ATTEND SALES MEETING ! Ed Sims and W. II. Pless attend ed a sales meeting and demonstra tion of "Jeeps' In Asheville yester I day. Mr. Sims and Pless have the agency for 'Jeeps' in Haywood ! County. Highway Record For 1947 In Haywood (To Dale) - Killed- 0 Injured -10 Vehicles Checked 9U (This Information Compiled From Records of State High way PatroD USED CARS Lyda Motor Co.

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