U MARCH 18, 1947 led Fro"' n I About 3U '" this course mara- fcracied 48 rm- mbcrs ami of MiN ,,1 tin1 He lium Mas- Claso". Itinfires? h art J il K" lin F -in 'I 19 EDSS THAT GC fD DOtS EVERYTHING . . r-,1 I ree - III. I? or it.;s io . '0 l"H ', .. ViV I these, last year the club got out a bnok of the ehoice recipes of mem bers, reproduced in their own handwriting mid cleverly illustrat ed. The book sold like hot cakes -sonic 10,U()0 copies bringing in enough money to help finance the j clubhouse redecorating job of last ( spring. Another 2.500 copies have been ordered for sale this season j Chairman ui the cook book com mittee was Mrs. Harold H. Burton. wife of the associate justice of1 the Supreme Court. More than 87 percent re kept in of l herds diary 1(1 or cows less. AS SEEN IN MADEMOISEtLF Cxdusivc With Slack's DING VERSION OF THE FAMOUS Dim Puli'nlrll ) U S. Pul OK f-V- ' Siif fa is. EVERYWHERE 'N RAYON SHANTUNG I. in in Mr favor i to ''. l onioiK ,-ir l,t t.-,;ir:.. in action", The Versatiler proportioned hehhis oivinn i, medium end to!! fi,- Tifiurcs. aquamarine powder blue. ,-rN- V- HERE and THERE i C. 't (M 1 1 1 1 ict I from pane 2 ' Ix-iiiK recommended by the Chamber of Commerce, we hope for Hie looks of Main Street that the town officials (and the tax payers! lind a way to purchase the properly. I'ntil the sun gels hi Kli up in the sky. it does not strike that section of the street, due to tin- number of buildings we have in that area and we aren't a city, and the sun stream in;: in between the rows of build ings with a touch of sky is one of the advantages of a small town. The mountains as a back ground, witb stretch of sky and on bright days the sun turning through the alley gives one a feel ing of being in the open of which the closed area deprives us. The next time you pass iliat way on Mainstrrrt early in the morning, stop in front of the building and you will see what we mean and get the feel of the thing. The ab sence of the building would give a break which would also add immeasurably to the appearance of the street like adding a win dow to a dark room. The siilinis in Kalelgh seem to be having trouble over what tu do about women serving on juries, and We lead thai I here has now arisen Hie complications of extra rooms for Hie women, adiolnim; those of the men. because the groin) bv law must not be separated. One lialeigb j writer puts it thus. "The Wake county court bouse will have to do more than hang (.'hint, curtains in the jury room to make ready for 1 the women jurors." Thev are cuing ' J to have to enlarge the iiuarters fur llhe women, with an extra room, which must also be connecting. II the women finally get the privilege ; uir have the duly imposed upon jlliem, winch way you look at the I matter), this problem will arise j here in Haywood county. When one considers it locally, one realizes thai there will have to be a lew doors cut in the rooms back of the courtroom to make connections. While so much has been brought up we wonder ii they will allow the women lo bring their home j work with them while they sit in the jury box. .lust suppose some i busy mother wanted to bring along j the family darning We believe it would help many a woman to think I lo have her lingers busy, knitting' or darning. As to decorations in i the jury rooms to give the femin ine touch we suggest that the oITi- cials just borrow a pot of African violets, which adorn practically every oMice in the court house. IN MKMOKY . . . The War has long been ended With shouts of Victory We're thankful ever thankful The world lights up with glee. .We missed the bovs who struggled Thro' years of gallant si rile With thankfulness we greeted them For us they risked their life. ISul there's a lad we won't forget u no gave ins me lor us His body resting far away Has now returned to dusl If we could only place a flower Upon that rugged mound In honor of the one who sleeps In Okinawa's hallowed ground. We may never visii grave of he who died the memory of him lives with in we're walking by his side, Mrs. Rov ft Medi'ord. The Hul Till lialtli-snakcs are useful to farm ers because they live mostly on destructive gophers, prairie dogs I and other rodents. Breathe If your nose some times fills up with stuffy transient congestion-put a few drops of Va-tro-nol in each nostril. It quickly reduces con gestion and makes breathing easier in a hurry . . . gives grand relief from snlffly. sneezy. stuffy distress of head colds. Follow directions in the package. VICKS VA-TRO-nCH J. 5 Thursday IS S hl IS THE DEADLINE FOR Entering Our SLOGAN CONTEST S10.00 FIRST P112E We want a slogan for our cafeteria which will open about April first. AH entries must he in by six o'clock Thursday. Patrick's Cafeteria siMs IFMl'lll S Trill! til ! I'l :. I ji . M -. I In s 1 1 ti i 1 Mi lelllbel i'. lib w SC..I Oil tin alum: ebu ma I nn:i Ul nul "Ami ing l.ia "One truth." Dun I V.ei at mi he's t!' it b' ii i "mi tin Hi. :isk in Pie lids ail i i 1 1 Suiiir i til ii'.h sci i n world-. 11:1 t Ii; traitier. Dial's To more cm N .1 Melrce. Overton Park lai'M-st .-.ml Hi, :ill ,-1 I Iks -:n. I be 1Kb 1 1-, . ami 'ion- '.id- i-iicii ..os for -1 : i 1 'i inei Animals have nated Mil ":.nlv life he dumped baby possums inl lv.as fasci his married nest full of bed with his wife one cold Hit. To a man who HiiM experience on inal training was a .loim il up w il h ,ni i )lel'",eil 1 1 if. hv.l ; el Hi '111 I'll ( lin- l. Si film M -I till' M I ...If II;,;,.. ('tis. Ilel'ore hi- si I hi' Melnpllls mi years ago, lu-'d the major enciisi : ( i . 1 1 1 with nii.M Hie minor ones Mel lets brave children stroke the lions' manes, and they love him for it. Iliniscll. he Iraleni izes with the beast-, on a plan that gives ordinal mortals Capital Letters iConf ii ed From Page Two killing I'rosls mil i 1 May HI , , Hi,,,! en noiiliward to (Jates will be nv alter March HO. . . Spring begins to roam I he land, "i.o. I he w infer is past . t be rain i over and gone. Ibe Mowers appear on the earlh; and Hie iim, i,f th, singing of bir.is is come " NOTKS I'he new "da ligh' lloureseenl lighls ,-ue being inslai' ed in the Heveniii- anil Agrieull u i e deiiai tnienls here. . . The Ii'ecenia liuilding Annex will be ready I'm occupancy in October. . . Increased funds for teachers may not gii I hem the 'M) per cent raise, but Hn-y will not be increased. . . School leaders are now fearful there will be no Federal school lunch pro gram for nexl year or even al'ler March. . . except in special c.i-a-where local funds will be provide.! H00 to 4(1(1 eight-cylinder l'.uiek:, have been ordered for State high way patrolmen . . . but-musl avail legislative expansion of Highway Patrol. . . They had mhIi a large delegation here for the closed simp hearings last week thai mi-mhoi - ul Hie lialeigb File Depail inenf v.;-:--called out lo see thai I he ('ap'tel didn't calch on lire. . . A piece (,,' foolishness prompted by Slale Fire. Marshall Sherwood lirnekwell. . . , First I ime in been done. . . of rocks is I lii iil auv buildnn 1 Id years ibis ha Thai beautiful pi: nearest fo liiepro--ill Ibis Stale . . DKV l'HO.IFCTS The talk hen is that leaders of dry forces in North Carolina are considering asking I.I. Gov. I., Y. lialb iil me lo campaign lor Governor on a dry-as-a-bone. Slale referendum ticket Although personally a I eel ol aler anil a non-smoker, chances are 11 1 lenline will not give serious con sideration to such a proposal un less things look a lot more dillieull than ;il the present. (Continued From Page i photograph in yvhich In VP.,) clearly boyving politely ing introduced to 1 be !!o Pat scribbled across t bi lbo picture a nolo lypi. upon be .-a I l.niiily bo Hie n of a! of any such amiably impudent ( ml "Ail right. So an Irish: bow to I he King. So w hal ' Pre-Columbian peoples Salt liner Valley of Aria tivaled 250.000 to MOO. 000 hi. the ei.l Ity I VIM New steal in os land by irrigation. 1 B IF E1 ANIMALS CAN TELL BMrntf w s 4 j j 4 1 1 ii B Wmf.M Maui 191 8 I 1 J I'MTTINC, LION to nialu- it uose-pimples. He's doctor, nurse, midwife and iiiiilidante for all nf them, from Venus the hipn down to Olive Oyl, the bereaved ehimpanee who won't be good for anybody hut Mel since her male died. I ike dain. Me! lias named pia. i;eall all Hie animals in Ins do main 1 le plays around w it Ii m-v, lucas lor lis brids, sends baby hip I'o lii oilier zoos by an expivs-. anu Mift-lalks Ibe aiumal-, in' ii ere s hardly a one in Hie on Portias Seek U. S. Divorce Ity ADIsI.AinF. Kl-'.lti: AF N'owsl eat lu es The National Association ol Wo men Lawyers will starl soon a (l.e lo get uniform maiiia-.e ami diyerce laws in everv slale in lb.- 1 1 hi. Thai eoine.s from Adelaide Springer. New York lawyer and ibe XAWT.'s president . "There is great confusion in divorce laws because they vary so in different states." she says, "loity-two states allow divorce on (he grounds of cruelly. Twenty-two permit it on grounds of insanity, neglect and non-sup port. New York is the only stale I which has adultery as the sole ground, while South Carolina does not permit divorce at all. Massachusetts demands live years' residence for divorce: Nevada only six weeks. , Suppose a woman w ho has lived two years in Massachusetts wains a divorce. She can't get il al home, o she goes lo I Echo for H. I.alei .il she wants to remarry -he can I en ,,i iii Massachusetts bee au--e I b -.1 a, e does not recognize her (lit one. She can remarry in Conn.-el: .til. bill Massacliusells vvon'i n en in e I his marriage ami Ibe Ii r i husband can sue her ior ilivurc--en eroiuids of adultery "We have a nation-w irV rim mittee working on uniform di vorce laws and il will decide whether we shall try to do il by constitutional ainendniem or through the 4S slates individu ally. Personally I think Hie only way we shall get il is lo follow the slale by state method. Ann eventually I think il can I done." The uniform divorce law ia I 1 1 1 : - le'l Piiign is only line pari ol an sivo program planned b NAWL under Ilie direction .1 "-"in i"K ,i'n.'Miii-iii .nil' is a good-looking woman, who wear - - her blonde hair brushed in smooth MSBammiwirawOTMiHgi Wiiynosvillo, Norlii Carolina IMATINF.r. SATIiKI) A V 2 and :!(--SI'NDA V 2 and I 1. M. NKIIIT SHOWS 7 and ! Daily - SI'NDA V S::S0 Only ADMISSION PRICKS: Children Undo- Years 1.2c IiicIik?::: IVderal Tax Adults. All Seats ."."ic Including; Federal Tux MONDAY - TCKSDAY. MARCH 17 IS 'Notorious' Slairini; 1 1 1 14 -i il l'.ei gi.iiin ami Car (irani News of the Day WI.DNl.SDAY. it Vacation Starrinr; .Taclc Haley and Ann Jeffreys Serial and THURSDAY - FRIDAY. "Dark Mirror Starring Olivia Dellaviland and Lew Ayres March of Time ami News mm sin tjfi ..,SsiJ M r it. ii itr- ' ii purr is N. J. Melroy's sport t li.it w ou t come w hen he calls. Mil explained thai one thing a beasi doesn't like is In smell fright "Vmi'vc heard slull about wild animals going berserk at the smell of blood? I oocv. Why, I've tested it. I've rubbed bloody meal all over mi hand, and all they'd do was lick il. Thev knew I wasn't scared." Thai missing lineer "Well, Hial was somel bin..' iliflereiil I w'as si ud in:: I lie e es in a sick polar bear ,,o i-lo-.i l ( bat I I'm got Uniform Laws t. in ; 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 coil-, and works a day ; and 1 1 i'-lii sehi i!u!i- In handle both I her practice mul her win U as presi- lienl nl I he I 'ni l l.ls I Illlel- I than I!, him ilnidi'il ii laxa! i. hi i ilneeliun Ibe more iiu-nibm s of , T. are o inn eieiinulli-es on eli-raus all, ill's wnrk- onus i -1 1 m p i -1 1 s a I i.iii, American J nl ii-ir hip child welfare, juve ' mil- (lelinipieiiey , h-.--.al stains of j " iim n. and many nlher classilica ; I urns They will .-,1 iiily current i legislal ion and make rct-onimcnda I "ens lii Congress ior legislal ion J . Ley favor j T. also plan, i big welfare la oai ani w Inch includes giving llree legal aid to the social service' depai-lnienl of Ibe New York ; lulu niai y for omen and Club 'Ire.i. a. bospil.-.l slalled enlirely by ! v.nmeii. "Also We are going lo work fi r more women on the bench," , said Miss Siu iii ;ei- as she ruffled i oil' n i i (( Holes in the N.WVI.'s : New oi k oA'iee. M'e hope lo get a woman on the I'uited Stales i Supreme Court bench Flor ence tllc.i. now judge of (he F. s, ( in nil ( 'our! of Appeals in ( let el ml Ohio. "le wan' I. 1 ee more w oinen a v. y i woman lawyer is i 1 ) . 1 1 i law v er, bee.iu.se :-u"b. lakes more lis .!ie also coil-sub- of Ibe case i noes. And she lore .seriously ! e i m 1 1 ii iit y in tins I . Ii I In le V II l ; the III Ib.-.n :i a:er nnl ,- man lakes I ii r sin i. ni. -l in e --In- is s! i ! I a prole -inn .-nul ha-- In work tyvue a . hard lo eo hall as I ai "There arc 1 0.1)111) women law yers in lin- I niled Slates today and they are doing heller than eyer before." Tl iesli In came an important i pori wnen railroads gave it access ho central lairope and Ibe Sue j canal gave access lo the Far Rasl MARCH 1!) In Reno ii Short MARCH 20 21 mi m 1 UiV TRANSACTIONS IN Real Estate Heaverdain I im -nsfiip .1. I.. Johnson il n p. . Wrifihl, et ux W C. Pope, et ux I.. II n i on M Conard. et ux Jesse Paris Heidielil. ,1 u to ,1 R. Lowery . el ux S. T. Whilmue ,-t o to Ual ler Blake Helmiek el n Kobert Wright, el 1 1 s t,, Wdii.-un K. Parke, el ux It. C, thinks, et ux to I aw n-nee j K. Pembroke, el ux. Clyde Township j C. ', Killiau. el u .liiha Ki! i lian to Den F Ixillian el u Huh hie Killiau l-'ast Fork Township .leanelle Coghuro 1 1. ' - vn . '(I. M. Jlc'lllls lo Weiim n rai iii-r by ! Weldon Weal hcrbv el n I,. I 1 A. Shulord 1'iseon Township ' Hardy W. Freeman lo lien F j Sollars. Jr. Waynest ille Ton nship Moses Osborne el u.x to l.e,, Hoy SLACK'S rr 7 m We've Captured A Cover Girl! See this suit it's on the cover of this month's (i I .AMOUR it's in our Suit Department now! JOSELLI designed it to make von model-prelty. Ml I, LIKEN Covert in navv. 3950 i Dalton, et ux. Grayson Nichols, et ux Nettie Nichols to Frank D. Ferguson, Jr. J Harden Howell, Sr. et ux Pearl 1 ' :i Howell, to James D Frady, Sr. I .mil Porter K Frady. Frank D. Ferguson, Jr., to Gray- ison Nichols, et ux Nettle Nichols, t Kverett Frady, et ux Marjorie ' I rady lo J L. Frady C V George, el ux Cecilia (h-ork-e to W I.. Smilh, et ax Mary Smith. Trieste, now muter United Na iions control, was settled in pre Hoiuan times. ' I (it no 11 the laxative tor children tin- (let I? 'vts promptly and thoroughly to rt-lieve tluggivhnrss, irrirabiKty and tour stomach due to faulty elimina tion Made with senno. flavored with I r unp juice No upset di ((eilion with TRlfNA. Caution: uie only 01 diiected 30. , large it, 50c. m mi t As seen or the cover of MARCH GLAMOUR ' FOREMOST IN FASHIONS