THE WAYNEfiVKXE MOUNT AI PAGE THREE (First Section) owtionis For Nine 5 ffP AH leoy AVtutP ... -There re I Lis rTa."!i Jv I Mrtl 1 Q A Lj war. "Ul " IX w mm r -w v h wul revenue -rv nus lis1 eJSfd by Revenue win Gill repre , rwr cent over tho first ions "r F -.1 roflf in- this nstai of me ga.-uM...: ions for tne iw M $87,989,000. hp eeneral fund L first nine months U was a ioi' income tax. me t33.068.489 in in- I. same period dur r of 1945-46. lax receipts for the of 1945-4U were lthe next largest ) 139.362 for the Ins of the current Uions on gasoline $6 Millions For Lunches Deficiency Appropria tion to Complete School Term Goes to Senate. WASHINGTON (AP) With North Carolina Democrats in the forefront of the winning battle line, the House Tuesday approved a de ficiency appropriation of $6,000,000 for continuation of the Federal-Aid school lunch program through the remainder of the current school term. In many states, including North Carolina, increased costs during the present school year had exhausted by last week the funds originally intended to last throughout the spring term. The program in many localities has been continued this week on an emergency basis, with the brunt of the expense being borne by Fed 148 322 for the same oral and local authorities. 1st fiscal year. total general fund March were $39.- krease of 38.87 per 773.576 collected Inth in 1946. Ihe gasoline clivi- past March were increase ol li.M he $2,622,961 col- arch, 1946. News lR BURNETTE tie, of Union. S. C. tint . Mrs. Andor- family. Allison .of Ashe- laking care of her leorge Allen, dur- pasl three weeks. ily improvin J. Await Senate Action Today's action by the House which is subject to nnal approval by the Senate, is believed in most quarters to virtually assure suffi cient Federal funds for completion of the program this term. The Department of Agriculture, which directs the Federal end of the program, said that it "was con fident that the school lunch pro gram can be carried out in all j stales participating." P. Ledbetter into the Iiick Retreat, on Satur Thomas E. Erwin fere dinner guest Troy Erwin on flames, and chil litors. on Sunday E. Burnette and and Mrs. Furman Joey, of Wavnes oody. nf irm S"est of Mr. and and family, over -""".-is nan as "1 Sunday. Mjss mbly program ' T L'. on Sunday en the Story Program consist 's lnf l.ith Psalm, "The Bihln" h, Pel by lihoda and !"rses by Virgil nm, and R,oda i "We Need the he leader, Miss nbers. Ro-v Edwards and 6 lh(,V bought Ree, ce returned Haywood sday, M County Ruby h" of Mrs. m while sn, S Was held a, on F"-iday eve. British Approve Long Peacetime Conscription Bill LONDON tAPl Thp Hnnu f Lommons approved Tuesday a Inno term peacetime conscription bill for Britain s armed forces during a session wnicn tocused attent nn nn a split in the ranks of the Labor party on the subject. The measure passed on second reading the decisive stage in Par liament without a vote a foiv mln utes after Conservati ves ininoH ffnu. ernment-supporting Laborites in ueieaung JBO to 85 a mn nn -nil. ing for the bill's reiection Dissident Labor party members and liberals had foueht thP hill The "revolt" in the Laborite raring, as some called it, was the second in Prime Minister AHIpp-J party since it came to power nearly u years ago. The first "rebellion" occurred last November when left ist Laborites attackpri Pnrpion ;.- i-iaiy r.rnest Bevin's policies as leaning too much toward the Uni ted States and not enough toward nussia. 10 ESCAPE, 24 CAUGHT RALEIGH tor Clyde O. Robinson KiH thorn ' v i. were io escapes and 24 recaptures ; u.c Maies prison system dur- mg March. Rnhl nenn cnirl tViic : the smallest number of escapes in uiMiui nve years. nine and was hnrmri nn c. . -J .i uii uuiiuuy ill Durnett Siding Cemetery. Mr. and Mrc n '-miiy had as visitors on Sunday, . ina Mrs. Floyd Burnette. Mrs. Robert Brown wnc thn win ner Buest on CnnHn., f : .a.Muers and family. The Anril nome Demonstration Club will h at tne home of Mrs. Ned '"oay. on Wednesday, April 23rd. The past wppk hc coon o i. r action arnimH ir. 'th the good start of spring and garden plowing, yard clean-ups, Planting, sprine hnu:p.nirn;r.r o, Painting, and three evidences of "uUuing and remodeling. A few days of warm sunny weather is so welcome after so much sleet, rain and snow, that folks reallv are l'ying to get caught up with the belated work of their gardening 'iu potato crops. TESTED TRTTI7 J Drug Store - uuU1Jia you gel )4g XJP' firsts UK Picture Yourself As A Beautiful Easter Portrait Assembled At Slack's Especially For You! your SUIT will be a high style creation in a high shade or conventional color tailored, if you prefer. .50 your DRESS Other Suits 29.95 to 64.50 Choose it as you like it at Slack's. Crepe, gab ardine or cotton. Dressy or spectator sports style. Priced from ,95 your COAT will be three-quarter length in black, dusty pink, blue, checks or stripes. Impeccably made. Charmingly correct. Priced from .95 your HAT will, first of all, express the mood of spring and the tmr Easter season. Beflowered, be-veiled or self trimmed. C. High style, or a tailored model by Knox. Hats are 1 frrirrs your BLOUSE will be a jewel neckline creation in dimity or crepe, exquisitely hand-detailed. White or colors. All sizes. your BAG It naturally will be one of the new Plastics so popular this season. The size and shape you like in a shade to match your ensemble. From .98 your GLOVES Fabric gloves, beautifully made, in blue, yellow, aqua, tan, white or black, to match any costume. White Kid Gloves, 6.50 Natural Doeskin Gloves 7.98 0 TJ1 ASTER flowers. Easter Music. And ;i feeling of cheerful goodwill and happiness. Thai's Easter, memorializing the (heat Miracle of all-time and heralding the beginning of a new season. When the springtime beauty of Mother Nature bursts forth on a winter-weary world and man-kind responds. Yes, Easter is a time when wo want to look and feel our best. Here, at Slack's, we've done our level best to provide fashions that will fulfill your every desire . . . fashions created to blend beautifully with the season. Fashions to enhance loveliness fashions in step with modern living. So, on Easter morning, may you be. in your new smart suit, your entrancing hat, your graceful dross, or coat, an "Easter Portrait" truly a joy to behold. Slack' 4; j