THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNT AINEEB PPJ GO TO CHURCH SOMEWHERE EVERY SUN At The Churches Fall of the Northern Kingdom ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Scrlnture II Klntrs 5:I-IS: 15:8-17:41; Iwuan 4B:i-.. By Alfred J. Bueseher I (The (Soktctti f fn in ' ' , WAYNESVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Malcolm H. Williamson, pas tor. Whitenrr Prevost. superintend on! uf Sunday School. Sunday School at 10 o'clock. Morning worship at 1 o'clock. Sermon ly I he liev. J. M. Carr, D. 1). Evening worship at 7:30 o'clock. The evening service will feature a religious film. The Rev. .1 M. Carr. D. D , re gional director of Religious Edu cation for the Synod of Appalachia will be the guest minister at the Presbyterian church on Sunday. Dr. Carr will preach at the morn ing hour of worship and at the eve ning service will show a religous film illustrating the value of vis ual education in worship services. The service Sunday evening is being sponsored by the young peo ple of the church. Boys and girls of the Sunday School, all young people and adult members of the church congregation are urged to attend the service. Visitors will be cordially welcomed Naaman, captain of the host of the king of Syria, was a great man, but he was a leper. In his, household was a little Israelite maid, a captive, who told her mistress, Naaman's wife, that Ellsha, the prophet, could heal, him of his leprosy. Someone told what the little girl had said, and the king of Syria wrote to the king of Israel and asked him to cure Naaman of leprosy. The king was ver y much upset, as he had no power to heal, but Elisha said, "Let him come now to me." Naaman went with his horses and char iot to Elisha, but the prophet sent a messenger telling Naaman to "wash in Jordan seven times, and thy flesh shall come again to thee, and thou shalt be clean." Naaman was angry and went away in a rage. Cabin church on Hyatt Creek; then up Allen's Creek to the church.' The bus will leave the church at j 4:30 to make the trip back. Regular ! bus fare is charged, I FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. L. (J. Elliott, Pastor Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Ben Bowles, superintendent FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Paul W. Townsend. Pastor Church School begins at 10 a. m. with worship services in all depart ments. Classes at 10:15. M. H. Phillips, general superintendent, urges an increased attendance pre paratory to V;:cpti,in Bible School. There were 2G1 present last Sun day. The general lesson title for Sunday is "The Fall of the North ern Kingdom ." Morning worship at 11 o'clock. The pastor will bring a message on "Conservation of Democracy." Training Union meets at 7 p. m. Director P II. Gentry is very de sirous of this organization holding its attendance during the summer months. Evening worship at 8 o'clock. The pastor will bring an evening message on "The Look of Jesus." This subject is a continuation of a series of sermons on the charac teristics of Jesus. Monday at 3:30 p. m. at the church, a meeting of all Vacation Bible School workers. This is very important. Midweek worship and choir re hearsal on Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. UNITED CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. Queen, Pastor The United Christian church Is now worshipping in the old Rocky Branch church each Sunday after noon. Sunday School begins at 2:30 o'clock with W. A. Cable as superintendent and regular preach ing service starts at 3:30. A spe cial invitation is extended to the public to attend. Those desiring to attend serv ices may use a bus, which leaves the Five-Point Garage in Hazel wood at 1:30, goes down through Hazelwood by Wellco No. 2, up Plott Creek and over by the Log Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Fred Martin, director of music and Mrs. VV. L. Matney, or ganist. Sermon by the pastor. This will be a memorial service with the Haywood Memorial Post of Veterans of Foreign Wars and the auxiliary as special guests. GRACE-CIIURCII-IN -TIIE-MOUNTAINS Rev. Robt. G. Tatum, Rector Whitsunday. Church School at 9:30 a. ni. Holy Communion and sermon at 11 a. m. On Tuesday, May 27, the Rec tor's Guild will meet with Mrs. Robert Breece, at her home on Love lane. Jonathan Creek News MRS. W. T. RAINER Mrs. Marvin Leatherwood was hostess to the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Shady Grove Methodist church last Wed nesday afternoon. Mrs. F. R. Ken nedy, president, presided Twelve members were present with Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Pless Boyd and Mrs. Medford Leatherwood as guests. Mrs. C. O. Newell led the devotional and Mrs. R. E. Owen had charge of the program which was a study of Japan. Each member is to bring a pound or more of clothing to the June meeting to be sent to the needy in Europe. $1.50 was made from the grab-bag. During the social hour the host ess, assisted by her young son and 10,000 daughter, served homemade cake, bomber ice cream and lea. Those attending the Mission Study Class from the creek at the Methodist church in Waynesville last week were Mr and Mrs. C. O. Newell, Mrs. Robert Howell and Mrs. Trov Leatherwood. Leads Revival Mr. and Mrs F. R. Kennedy have returned from Knoxville, where they attended the funeral of Mr. Kennedy's sister. Miss Mary Kennedy. ARMY AIR FORCE TO BOLSTER ARCTIC DEFENSE WASHINGTON - iAPi The army air forces today revealed new plans lor bolstering America's de fenses against attack across the Arctic. The A A F announced that an $8, 125,000 expansion program would be undertaken at Mile 2(i field near Ladd Field. Alaska, to base its mile-range B-36 super I v I ' WmW But his servants said, "If the prophet had bid thee do some great thing, wouldst thou noi have done it? How much rather then, when he saith to thee. "Wash and be clean" So Naaman washed in. Jordan and was healed. MEMORY VERSE Psalm 46.1 The Everyday Counselor By HERBERT SPAUGH, D. D. REV. JOHN W. MOORE, well- Again the question of a Chris tian's participation in secular amusements, such as dancing, card playing and the movies, is raised by a correspond ent This time it is by a young man. He has been told that particip ation in such things is sinful, that he should not engage in such recreation. P e r i o d i cally this q u e s t i o n comes up. Again I say that there is no hard and fast rule on these matters. Each individual has to make his own decision in the light gray isaif Bruch It Away and Look 10 Years Yourtfor Now, at bom, you can quickly lint tell tale streaks of gray to natural-appearing hades from lightest blonde todarke-tt blick. Brownatune and a small brush dues it -or your money back Approved by thousands ol women (men, too) Lirownatone is depend able fuarantrr d harmless when used as directed. No skin test needed. Cannot affect waving of hair. Ecnitomical, lasting -dors not wash out. Just brush or comb, u in. One application imparts, dwnrrft, cntor) j,$itaphr retouch, haltw'rnf appear. Easy w prov on l0rhck of your hair. 60c U d rugous, GsifiaoWwAFeNKnow.or T Write for FREE TEST BOTTLE Mention natural colur of your hair. Srnd a prat card tortay HUOU N 1 ONK. Dtnl. COVINGTON. KI.M I'l'KY. Smith's Cut Rate Drug Store CHRISTIAN SCIENCE The church rooms are located on the second floor of the Masonic Temple. Services are held each Sunday morning at 1 1 o'clock. "Soul and Body" will be the sub ject of the Lesson-Sermon on next Sunday. The Golden Text will be taken from Psalms 42:11, "Why art tnou cast down, () my soul, and why art thou disquieted within me? Hope thou in, God; for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my Gad." "- . JniiumimsKCiiouiJ 1 1:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. ST JOHN'S CATHOLIC CIII RCH Schedule of Masses Waynesville Every Sunday Andrews 2nd Sunday Bryson City Every Sunday Canton 5th Sunday . Cherokee 3rd Sunday Fontana Village Every Sunday Fran'lin Every Sunday Highlands Every Sunday 11:00 A M Murphy 1st Sunday 8:00 A M Sylva 4th Sunday 8:00 A.M. Fair of the Northern Kingdom HIGHLIGHTS OI THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON known retired Methodist minister!01 ne teaching ot his cnurcn, or of Lake Junaluska, will conduct re-1 bv nis ovvn interpretation of the vival services at 8 o'clock each j teachings oi the Rihle as they ap- evening, beginning Sunday, at the l,lv 10 ms particular case. Lake Junaluska Methodist church. I St. Paul, in his Epistle to the The series of services will begin young man Titus, wrote, "unto the Sunday morning with the pastor, 1 pure all things are pure: but unto Rev. Cecil L. Heckard. preaching. Jhat are defiled and unbelieving is and continue throughout the week, nothing pure; but even their mind I Mrs. C. O. Newell, pastor of the and conscience is defiled. Thcv Crabtree Methodist churches, will profess they know God; but in conduct services for the children ' works they deny Him. boinc abom- I each evening at 7:30 o'clock in the ! inable and disobedient, and unto basement of the church. every good work reprobate." As a man thinks in bis heart, so is he. Naaman. "God is our refuge and strength, a mi trouble. '-Psalm 4(1 worms dui not to man. water seeks meat maki its own level, and a man's charac- will eat a ter is reflected in his actions. So a man's conduct is a reflection of his inner life. But St. Peter knew that it is easier for most of us to progress downward in our conduct than up ward, so he wrote, "Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pil grims, abstain from' fleshly lusts, which war against the soul; having I your conversation honest among the standeth, to offend.' The wh( up in Ihei Paul, "wfc heartily, unto men; he shall r inheritanc status if of reereatl Lord," we It pays to use Want Ads. Gentiles: that, whereas they speak j re(, j against you as evu-aoers, iney may h . ,. j by your good works shall behold; glorify God in the day of visitation." Conduct goes further and re flects our own characters. It may, and often does, prove a stumbling block to others. Things which we : may be able to do, even in moder-1 ations, they may not be able to do j San Fral without harm. St. Paul wrote of I ter supply! it alone. Student! Salinas. CI compulsorj der to grf Rotten fruit is enjoyable food to such when he said, "Wherefore, if I high in thl By NEWMAN CAMPBELL (The International Uniform Lesson on the above topic for May 25 is II KIngg 5:1-15; 15:8- 17:41; Isaiah 28:1-4. the Memory Verse being Psalm 46:1. "God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.") "NOW NAAMAN. captatn of the host of the king of Syria, was a prnnt mnn with hl mnatpr nnrt 8 00 A.M. j honorable, because by him the Lord had given deliverance until 1 1:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. FIND URANIUM PHOENIX, Ariz.WI-The Phoe nix, gazette said recently in a copy rigW story that extensive deposits ofjito-rnotite, an uranium-bearing or0fjye been discovered in a cop per claim., in Hack's Canyon, a tributary of the Grand Canyon, 135 miles southwest of Fredonia Ari Three other large deposits were reported nearby. I A fir OF OUR NET INCOME 1U O IS GOING TO BUY FREE Lunches For NEEDY SCHOOL CHILDREN Ilelp Some Deserving Child Get A Hot Meal At School . . . Patronize HUB'S TAXI Phone 44 HIGH VALLEY CMP ANNOUNCES Special two-weeks' camp sessions for BOYS AND GIRLS Beginning June 28th through August Excursions, horseback rldin, overnight hikes, swlmmlnr, all field sports . . . Music, dramatics. Healthful, educational camp life under super , vision of trained staff. T Ttti 37.50 per week, all inclusive, except laundry. Write: Richard I. Alexander, director or Sol B. Cohen, music director, B. F. D. No. I, Canton, N. C. Syria; he was also a mighty man in valour, but he was a leper." In one of the raids made by the Syrians, the soldiers had brought a little Israelite maiden as a captive, and she waited on Naaman's wife. "And she said unto her mistress. Would God my lord were with the prophet that Is in Samaria! for he would re cover him of his leprosy." Someone told the master what the little girl had said, and the king ot Syria wrote. .fcJetUr tq the king of Israel telling film that he, the Wy e 8yrta)-faw sending his servant, Naaman, to dim to be cured of leprosy. The king of Israel read the letter and '.ore his robe, saying, "Am I God, :o kill and to make alive, that his man doth send unto me to ecover a man of leprosy? Where "ore consider I pray you, and see low he seeketh a quarrel against me." When Elisha heard that the king had rent his clothes and thought the king of Syria was trying to pick a quarrel with him, he said, "Let him come now to me, and he shall know that there is a prophet in Israel." Naaman Goet to Ellsha So Naaman came to Elisha with his horses and his chariot and gifts, and stood at Ellstia'a door. Now Elisha did not come clown to see Naaman himself, but he sent a messenrT to him, tell ing him to go tu Ine river Jordan, wash hlmr"ir m the water seven tinr-.. ;.nJ he would be clean. :. daman fieur into a rage at this message. Probably he felt he had not been shown the proper respect due to one of hit station because Elishac had not come to talk with him. "Behold, I thought, he will surely com out to me, and stand, and call on the name of the Lord his God. and strike his hand over the place, and recover the leper," he said. And as for the river Jordan, why could he not wash in one of the rivers of Syria and be clean? They were much' less , muddy than the Jordan. How ever, his servants, who seem to have been fond of him. said, "My father. If the prophet hetf bid thee v. do some great thine'. wouldest thou not have done it? Distributed by Xing natures Syndicate, Inc. How much rather then, when he salth to thee, Wash, and be clean." That must have seemed like commonsense to Naaman, so ne went to the river Jordan, dipped himself seven times In the water, and "Hts llesh came again like unto the flesh of a little child, and he was clean." Naaman went back to Elisha and offered him gifts, but he would take nothing, so Naaman told him he would offer no more sacrifices to strange gods, but only to the Lord. Kail of the Kingdom ) This story of the healing of the captain by the power of God is the first part of our lesson; the rest deals with the fall of the northern kingdom because of the people's wickedness and disobedi ence to God. As we noted in our last lesson, Israel rose to its height in power and prosperity , in the reign of Jeroboam II. This ! monarch was followed by his son, ' Zeehariah, who was murdered .after a six months' reien. bv Shallum, who reigned for only one month and was killed by, Menahem. At this time Tiglath-' pileser, king of Syria, invaded the kingdom of Israel and exact ed an enormous tribute from the king of the now weakened em-j pire. The king took the money from the wealthy men of his kingdom who had piled up for tunes when Jeroboam II was king. Menahem was succeeded by his son, Pekahiah, who was assas sinated by Pekah. Pekah opposed the Assyrians, but he was slain by Hoshea I and his followers. He was a tool of Assyria. Isaiah, the prophet, prophesied the downfall of Israel, saying, "Woe to the crown of pride, to the drunkards of Ephralm, whose glorious beauty is a fading flower, which are on the head of the fat valleys of them that are overcome with wine! . . . The crown of the pride, the drunkards of Ephraim. shall be trodden under feet. And the glorious beauty, which Is on the head of the fat valley, shall be a fading flower, and as the hasty fruit be fore the summer; which when he that looketh upon it seeth, while it is yet in his hand he eateth it up." Hoshea was a wicked king, al though not as bad as some of the others. It was during his reign that Israel felL Hoshea was taken captive and held a hostage for the payment of tribute, and the hordes of Assyrians poured into Israel. Samaria was beseiged, and although it held .tut for three years. It was finally captured and the Israelites were carried off into slavery once more. This took place in 722 B. C When You Think of Improving Your Hon Thoughts Turn Naturally To AND ... no wonder . . , en and enliven a home . there's nothing like gleaming fresh P . . add Zest in livinrr rrndfewhC l J i , . . 3 I mems ao so mucn tor so little. 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