Stamlaid Pk NT1NG C MH-1 30 S First S 1 OIHSVILI F r- The waynesville Mountaineer Published Twice-a-Week in The County Seat Of Haywood County At The Entrance Of The Great Srnoky Mountains National Park 49,500 People Live within 20 miles oi Waynesville their ideal ahopplng center. No. 47 SIXTEEN PAGES Associated Press News $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties WAYNESVILLE. N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1947 i YEAR Jleavy Demand ly As Ration al ,i i.i wslrrrtay miliums "firsl imrcliasfs (if tdupinis III lulIuuuiS mi' :in- (Hsoi al midnight usfholds. holds and till users now are leir supply of sugar. H be (reed of con- ongress says olher reslnclions will cx- V- 31 In Wawiesvillr UH- 4erda , dealers rt- "hclicall) all I'ustom- u sugar One chain tat authority to .-ell ens, while another sUmps before inak- bting confirmation of a order announced ud in newspapers indent stores were toupons, but prac- pwere limiting the M pounds a custom- make their supply possible. Demand is tt this time of the of the canning Apiculture Ander- w on page 8) So Control p Agreed Groups Waynesville, p and Juna- pnsor Joint COntrol nrnffram h eek. sponsored commiBsion- "aynesviue and the Lakp .iimai,,,!,- 1 1 ful!-tirae Worker "oft with the Dis Wtment in locating "s Places and1 c eliminate them reached' on " a meeting in ' ' aj'. attended by - -Miesvuip ami t.ight) Hudson, Merchant, cnesaay Eight i J"" inducted J" ne of the merchants, en- ley street "'ng, follow- c. c b U. ,n,WBur"u. r--faH- "to 50 59 .05 (Report Claimed By Death , ' TV V J 1 ' DR. S. L. STRINGFIELD, phy sician here since 1907. wi"' be buried here this afternoon. He passed away Wednesday afternoon at his home here. Dr. Samuel Stringfield Dies At Home Wednesday Funeral At 3 P. M. For Prominent Waynesville Physician Last rites will be conducted this afternoon at 3 o'clock at the First Methodist church lor - Dr. Samuel L. Stringfield, 66, prominent Way nesville physician, who died at 3:40 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at his home here. Kev. Paul Townsend, pastor of the church of which Dr. String field was a member, will officiate. Burial will be in Green Hill cem etery. Active pallbearers will be Ben J. Sloan, Andrew Sloan, Hugh Sloan, Jr., Joe Jack Atkrns, Chas. Burr Way, Carl Hill, Robert V. Welch, Sam H. Bushnell. Jr., Tom Campbell. Jr. and Herbert L. Buchanan. Serving as honorary pallbearers will be the members of the board of stewards of the First Methodist church and members of the Hay wood County Medical society, in which groups Dr. Stringfield held membership. Dr. Stringfield had been confined to his bed for the past five weeks but had spent a comfortable day in Wednesday and his condition was not considered critical until he was suddenly seized with a heart attack. He was born In Waynesville and was the son of Col. W. W. String field and Mrs. Maria Love String field. He was educated in the lo (Continued On Page Eight) Merchant's Assn. Will Plan Credit Union On June 20 A meeting of the Merchants As sociation will be held Friday, June 20. at 7 p.m. in Patrick's Cafeteria, it is announced by David Felmet, president, who urges all members to attend. Plans for a new credit associa tion will be discussed, based on the report of a committee ap pointed at a previous meeting of the group. Mr. Felmet also states that committees will be named to set up plans for closing hours, holidays, and business practices. Each merchant is asked to be present and offer suggestions on these matters which are of import ance to all. Laundry Doubles Capacity For Handling Flat Work The Waynesville Laundry has completed installation of machin- ery which doubles the capacity for handling flat work, it was learned from J. W. Killian, owner, yester- day. Fourteen additional people have heen given employment to operate the new equipment, which will en- ble the laundry to give one-day service on all flat work. Another large ironer, identical Women How Are Being Placed On Jury List July Criminal Court Jurors May Be Last All-Male Group In Haywood All citizens of Hay wood county, men and women, who paid their county taxes for the year 1945 are being placed on the revised list of eligible jurors being prepared by Bryan J. Medford, register of deeds, in keeping with the amend ment to the state constitution which was passed last November for the purpose of allowing women jurors in North Carolina. What may possibly be the last all-male jury list for Haywood County Superior Court was drawn Monday morning at a meeting of the Board of Commissioners. They will serve during the coming term of criminal court, which will con vene here July 7. As prescribed by state law, names in county jury boxes are changed every two years, in June. The current revised list, explained Mr. Medford. is to be taken from the taxpayers who paid their coun ty taxes for the year 1945, and will include women taxpayers as Well as men. Since the Julv court jury list already has been drawn, the first opportunity for .women to serve on a Haywood county jury will be for the following civil term, in Sep tember. However, the law is more leni ent on exempting women from jury service than for men. For certain causes, the clerk of court has the authority to exempt worn (Continued On Page Eight) Many Vets Show Interest In Training Courses In Three Trades Expected To Be Offered In Short Time More than DO Haywood county veterans applied last week for training in various trados. and several others have asked for in formation about the planned classes, reports Jack Messer. super intendent of education. The principal interest was shown in carpentry and electricity, with about 15 applying for each course. Others requested training in brick and rock masonry, plumbing, and as machinists, although not enough to meet the minimum number of students required, ten. Supt. Messer states that arrange ments have been made for an in structor in the carpentry class, and that he hopes to organize classes in electricity and masonry as well. Definite plans are expected to be worked out by the latter part of next week and classes begun short ly thereafter. Due to the fact that prospective students live over a widespread area, he states that the classes will be centralized, pos sibly at Waynesville Township high school. . knlnrt (ingnN-H by theC Veterans Administration, j . .ioi cot nn on a two- anu ai c ii-iiant.ij -i year basis, although tne siuaems do not sign up for a specified period. There are to be 25 hours of training each week. to the one put several y at re ago. has been added as well as a large extracting machine and a waan wheel that is 42 ,nches in diameter and 84 inches long, "We have been contemplating this expansion for many years, but nclti up during the war. We now 1)gve Qur piant equipped for qulck- t production than er 8n PTj ever." Mr. Kilhan said- SS8 if 1 v v iS CHARLES S. WALTERS, vice president and director of the Carolina Power and Light Company, was honored Wednesday when the board of directors adopted a resolution naming the Waterville generating plant in his honor. Formal Ceremonies will take place at the plant, on the northern edtfe of Haywood county, early iui . v 1 1 r-'- Pictured above this fall. Engineers Complete Survey At Heintooga Section of Parkway And Parking Area Surveyed At Scenic Park Point A party of engineers of the Park Service have just completed a sur vey of the Black Camp Gap to Heintopga area, a distance of about siN miles, for the Blue Ridge Park way. Thp piipineers had in I heir sur vey, plans for a new design park ing area at the Heintooga overlook, which will afford one of the best scenic views in the Park area. The findings of the engineering party will be sent to the general office for tin t her detail work be fore definite decisions are reached as to locations arid final plans for the area. The Park .Service has always shown much interest in the Hein tooga area, and the development of this particular spot in the park is expected to be pushed as early as possible. The Heintooga area is reached from the Soro Cap road. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marley of Lenoir sent a lew days here dur ing the week with the former's mother Park. Mrs. F. II Marley at Oak Take A Look At Your Calendar; j TOClaV Is Unlucky 2 Today is Friday the 13th. So it's unlucky, isn't it? At least that seems to be a popu lar belief, or superstition, al though after a thorough 130 minutes, more or less) re search through a recommended encyclopedia, your reporter has been unable to discover proof of the fact that there is such a superstition and the rea son therefor. Friday itself has the tradi tion of an unlucky day. It was on this sixth day of the week that Christ was crucified, but even before that tragic event it was considered a day of HI omen. There is a Moslem leg end that Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and died on Friday.. In more recent his tory it became the practice for Waterville Hydroelectric Plant Named For C. S. ;---:f-.,. . - " 1 i are Mr. Walters, a scene of th& I ... Mil. , 1 1- Valuable Package Taken From Car On Main Street, Thief Urged To Use Same Fathers Will Be Honored Sunday New lies, hats, shirts and even suits, together with cigars and jewelry will be very much in evi dence Sunday as many dads dis play their Fathers Day gifts. Sales of gifts for fathers have picked up during the past few days and indications yesterday w-re that almost every dad would receive some remembrance of the occasion Sunday. No formal programs have been arranged, hut most churches are slated to make mention of the occasion, and give recognition to the dads in the congregations at Ihe Sunday morning services. Scout Court Of Honor To Be Held June 1G The Pigeon River District. Boy Scouts of America, will bold the Court of Honor on Monday night. June 16, at 8 p. in , in the Cham pion Y. M. C. A. Immediately after the Court of Honor, the district committee will hold its regular monthly business meeting, announced Carlton Pey ton, chairman. All members are urged to attend. Friday The 13th the hangman to execute crim inals on Friday, thus giving cause to another unpopular as sociation with the day. As for the number 13. it is never taken impartially. Some people like it, have won bingo or sweepstakes prizes on it: While most folks avoid the number so strongly that many hotels have no room or floor bearing that number. So if you put Friday and 13 together you have a double dose of bad luck or is it a case of two negatives making a positive? . Our encyclopedia doesn't tell us. At any rate June is the only month in 1947 that has a Friday the 13th, which will give us considerable time to study this thing over before it comes up again. Hfr 1 ft. k V 1 tT' , dam and the generating plant. No doubt the most surprised man in Haywood loday, is the one who took a carefully wrapped package from the oar of Mrs. W. A. Hyatt Parly Mon day night. Mrs. Hyatt was en route to deliver the package to her son, David, and made a brief stop on Main street. When she re turned the package was gone. A handsome reward is being offered by Mrs. Hyatt for the return of the contents of the package, as it Is worth a lot to her family, but very little to anyone else. The package was a 200-y ear old family Bible, with family records dating back to the ear ly 1700 era. The Bible was . highly prized by the Hyatt fam ily, since it contained many dales and other information that cannot be duplicated else where. A reward has been posted al the office of The Mountaineer, and will be paid to anyone re turning the Bible, and no ques tions will be asked. Officers have a feeling that the person taking the, Bible probably threw it away in disgust, and someone will find it and re turn it to Mrs. Hyatt or this newspaper. Mrs. Hyatt hopes that the person who took the Bible had time to turn to the 20tb chap ter of Exodus, and read the 15th verse, which is the eighth commandment. E. S. Slack and R. E. expected to return this Fore arc week-end from a visit to Lake Worth. Ma., where they have been since last Thursday. Haywood Still A Heavy Buyer Of Savings Bonds Haywood county is maintaining Mr. Ma;?ie brought out the fact the wartime record as a heavy buy- j that banks are now cooperating in er of United States Savings bonds According to the report made yes terday by J. E. Massie, county chairman, Haywood invested $70, 824 in savings bonds during May. Mr. Massie showed on his report that $57,824 were of the E type bonds, and $13,000 were of the G type. Total sales in the state for May amounted to $6,893,786. Walters JZ ns y . 's s sr?.vs -v -L J . I ftiifrvii- a 1. Waterville . Hydro Plant To Be Named For Walters Huge Generating Unit In Haywood To Honor C. P. & L. Company Vice President Carolina Cover and Light company';- Inrer liyli or Itctric plant at Waterville va . named Wednesday lor f'bnile S Wallers of Aslieville, vice president and director of the company, it a meeting of the board in Haleigh The Waterville plant is 25 miles above Waynesville and is the larg est elect i u -if;,- pi odneing units in Ninth Ciinlini Because of the huge plant, the Carolina Power and Light mintijnv is I lie largest single taxpayer In the nnitily. Mr. Waller:: i; a native of Mon roe. Wi ; . where be was born Oc tober 12. I (171. the son of Henry and Matilda Hhiuesmith Walters. Me attendee: the public schools at Monroe and Indied at a business school in ' Kkelno -a, Iowa. lir, lii .1 employment was with ' (Continued On I'aKe Eight) Flags Will Be On Display Saturday Saturday is I las Day and all business firms have been re uue.sted by the Chamber of Com merce. to display their flags all day Saturday. No formal observance of the day will be made here, it was learned. the bond-a-month plan. He ex plained bv saying "your bank will buy a bond a month for you, and charge it. to your checking account. Jt's so easy and automatic as well as profitable." Haywood met every war bond quota during the war, and today it appears to be keeping up the pace set several years ago. New School And Lunch Room Hay Hike Taxes County Board Sets Tentative Tax Rate of $1.50 Per $100 Valuation A tenative county tax rate for the coming fiscal year was set af $1.50 on the $100 valuation of property at a meeting Monday eve ning of the Board of Commission ers. This reflects an increase of 20 cents in the tax rate over that of 1946-47, caused by the anticipated construction of a colored school in Canton and a lunch room in the Morning Star school. The official tan rate will not be established until July when the board will adopt their new budge A tenative rate may be set dm -ing June so that property owner-; may pay their taxes this month and receive a two per cent discount Should the tenative rate be dif ferent from the official rate, tho;e who paid their taxes in June wit' be refunded if the official rate i lower, or wil be required to niiike up the difference if it is higher than the tenative rale. The trustees of the Canton grad ed school district met with the commissioners Monday evening at the courthouse, when the trustees were authorized to advertise im mediately for bids on the Morning War 'iujich -room.- Action tn the aolofed School Jwas delayed until architectural plans can be revised lo cut down its cost, after which the trustees will advertise for bids on it. Due lo a sec in 1 act of the state legislature bids on these particular projects may be accepted on either (1) a cost basis plus not more than 10 per cent commission, (2) on a straight firm bid, 'or (31 cost plus a fixed fee. Only the second plan is normally allowed for the eon (Continued On Pace Eight) Waynesville Hit By Electrical Storm Wednesday An electrical storm Wedp.t-dav afternoon about 2:30 here in Way nesville broke a long dry spell, a good rain followed the storm No damage was reported, although the lightning was keen and heaw flashes came only moments apart Heavy rains fell in some sections of the county Wednesday afternoon and night, while other areas re ported nothing more than "dust settling" showers. Only 0.05 of an inch of ram fell at Ihe State Test Farm. The mercury here for the past three days climbed into the high eighties two days registering 88, and the third day 89. Azaleas Will Be In Full Bloom This Week-End Flaming azaleas are in full bloom at Soeo Bald, and can be seen at several other points in the park area, according to Arthur Connell. in charge of construction for the Park Service In this area. The flowers will be at their best this week-end and gorgeous dis plays can be seen at Wagon Road Gap (V. S. highway 276) and out the Pisgah road from the gap. Highway Record For 1947 In Haywood (To Date) Killed - - Injured -18 (This Information Compiled From Records of State High way Patrol) .

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