r ST? (Fir- So-tS-rT ' TEE WAYNES VILLE MOUNT AINXE Orily One Million Americans Are 'Normal', Psychiatrist Claims SIAM ENVOY MEETS HIS FAMILY NEW YORK (P) Only iibout one million Americans are men tally normal free from anxieties, iears or weaknesses but they are dull, uninteresting and don't seem human, says Dr. Kail D. Bond, prominent Philadelphia psychiatrist. borne ISJ million, 'he adds, go I about their daily business with "un necessary handicaps or nervous ness" fears, prejudices, over-consciousness, over sensitiveness r struggles with feeling of inferiority. In this group are concentrated talents, leadership, and conscience, he said, while main brilliant men and women are tunnel in a group of about 2,f00 (inn out-and-out neu rotics. Dr. Bond, pioIVsmh of psychia try, University ul I'eniisWvania, and research director ol the Insti tute of Mental HKnne, Philadel phia, classified the types of mental illnesses, and their posihli effects on life expectancy, in a speech t the medical section ot the Ameri can Life convention "The million at the top of the line the perfect ones- have no anxiety, no learv no prejudices, no attractive wees, no weak nesses," he said But like the few completely demented .people at the College Coach Nixes Careers AP Newsfeatnres' LENNOX OIL FURNACES STATE COLLEGE, Pa Leo rtouck, Penn State's boxing coach who has turned out 51 collegiate champions in 25 years, has yet to recommend a professional ring ca reer for any of his proteges. "Only a few of my boys have gone into professional fighting," he explains, "and they made up their minds without my help. home college boys the ones with real talent could go into the professional ring and make good." he adds, "but unless they're extra good, 1 advise them to stay out and pursue the careers for which they prepared in college." llouck says the average college boxer has no professional ambi tions but takes to the sport only j because he likes it and feels he j would like to compete for his cul I lege. The Penn State coach says that of the long line of champions that he has developed, only Allie Wolff, Steve Hamas and Billy Soose went into the pro boxing game. Both Hamas and Soose advanced to the btg time before they withdrew from competition. MEAN QUALITY in HOME HEATING FHA TERMS SEE NO DOWN PAYMENT US TODAY HEATING COmPHNV Phone 1357 58 Broadway Ashcville, N. C. DOUBLE PAID OFF WESTBURY. N. Y. P) Rouse belt Raceway, scene of a 125-night harness racing meeting, is the only race track in the New York City area to offer a daily double. Rec ord payoff for the double came at he Raceway on June 29, 1944, when ticket holders collected $1. 262.70 for two dollars. Last year's high was $846. IIP f-'ff I I ff 1 9 u other end of the line, they are not interesting. They don't seem hu man. This group would make very good lifednsuranre risks, but there are not enough of them to make much difference. They would all be perfect, well rounded and equal, like a string of zeros. "The best people are not so dif ferent from people with delusions as they think they are: they are pulled by the same great emotions and instincts. What is learned from one group has an application to all groups. "Patients with mental disease are much more honest and outspoken about their feelings and ideas than are more normal people. They give us an insight with the working of normal minds that we get nowhere else." Dr. Bond said it was by no means clear how much nervous symptoms decrease Ue expectancy but sug gested that insurance medical di rectors take interest in compiling records including emotional factors creating or modifying physical dis ease. FIRST SIAMESE AMBASSADOR to the United States, Prince Van Waithay ukoii is pictured with his wife, Princess Van Waithayakon and their two c-hihlieii, following their arrival at Staten Island, N. Y., on the S.S. Cape h ru nihi.p. The envoy's son, Wilbun Kiat Wnjawan, will study diplo macy at a univeisity they have selected in America. (International) Library Notes MARGARET JOHNSTON County Librarian SHOP - CAGLE'S FOR GOOD FURNITURE VALUES We are dealers in nationally known brands Refrigerators, Washing Machines, Stoves, Ranges, Radios, Living Room, Bedroom, Dining Room, Kitchen, Dinette Suites. Springs, Mattresses, Floor and Table Lamps, Paints, Floor Cover ings. WE DELIVER EASY TERMS. CAGLE FURNITURE COMPANY On the Square Clyde, N.'C. RECORDS Ask Anyone Who Knows The Sweetest Song I Know Can You Look Me In The Eyes There Is A Change Ink Spots Linda Love Is A Random Thing Buddy Clark If We Never Met Again God Put A Rainbow In The Sky Stamps Quartet I'll Step Aside There's Gonna Be Some Chanreg Made Ernest Tubb Love In Bloom Blowing Bubble Gum Spike Jones Ain't You Sorry That You Lied Nobody Else But You Texas Ruby and Curly Fox Harmoneers Quartet Dancing In The Dark Br Th Light Of The Same Old Moon Eddie Oliver Beside You Would You Believe Me Eddy Howard As Lonr As I'm Dreaming My Heart Is A Hobo Te Beneke Three Strikes And You're Ont Thiilts Are Gonna Be Different Cowboy Co pan The Cattle Call I Walk Alone Eddy Arnold . RADIOS Admiral Table Combination $94.95 Admiral Portable Battery and Electric $62.95 Howard 6 Tube AC $54.95 Belmont 6 Tube AC-DC $37.95 MODERN REPAIR SflOP For All Types of Radios Jones Radio Service Main St. . Waynesville, N. C. MYT1NGEK New Guinea Head hunt Account of the adventures of two women on an expedition to the jungles of Now' Guinea to paint portraits of the native Papuans. It is written with emphasis on personal experiences and reactions of Jhe author and his friend, but Elves a Rood idea of native life and scenes. PAYNE David and Anna. 'I'll is is the story of a marriage and the inner growth of the char acters: David, a young Englishman; Anna, his wife; and Teresa, her younger sister. The scene is a rubber plantation in Malaya where David lias brought his bride who is of mixed blood -Portuguese, Chi nese, Malay. ROSS Left Hand is the Dreamer. Frederick, in her thirties, finds herself leadihe a useless spiritless life in which both her husband, Christopher, and her children, are meaningless, and (he painting' for : which she has a talent, is neglected. ' When the war conies it offers i Christopher a way out by enlist I ing. Krodericka. returning to her painting, Minis additional stimulus in her friendship wit li Franz Al iens, an Austrian refugee doctor. ROY Tin Flute. The story describes the fortunes of the large Lacasse family who liv ed precariously and in novei-ty. jn.j the Saint-Henri quarter of Mon treal and tells of Florentine La casse, a slim girl of astonishing beauty, eager for love, craving the richness and excitement of a life not bordered by railroad tracks and rows ol run-down houses. SAMUEL Web of Lucifer. Young Glacomo Orso, educated by an aged scholarly priest, had a dream and a motive that was far in advance of his tim.. u, visioned a unified Italy, and he thought that the great captain Cesare Borgia, was the leader he desired. Revenge and the pursuit of his dream led Giacomo to hazard 80 Deer From Pisgah Are Sent To Nantahala Eighty deer have been trapped in Pisgah National forest this year and sent to the Nantahala National forest, it was announced this weelj by Fred Mahan, project leader for the state department of conserva tion and development. ' This is the first year that trap ping has been done in Pisgah. In all, Mr. Mahan said that 300 deer have been taken from Pisgah, Mount Mitchell and the R. J. Reyn olds . estate to restock depleted areas. BARRED PASSAIC, N. J. (P) Police Chief Edward Boyko won't let his men take off-duty jobs as bar room bouncers any more. Too many have been beaten up, he said, causing a manpower short age on the force. NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION In the Superior Court NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY. Mary E. Winefka ' vs. Walter Winefka. me fn"inuant will take notir that ?n action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior ioun ot Haywood County, North Carolina, for the purpose of secur. ing anabsolute divorce from th defendant upon the grounds of two years separation; and the said de fendant will further take notice mat n is required to aDDear at the Office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said County In the Court House in Wavnnrlli Vti, Carolina, Vithin thirty days after the 2nd day of June, 1947, and an swer or demur to the complaint In said action, or the plaintiff will a p. ply to the Court for the relief de manded In said complaint This the 3rd day of June. 1947. DIXIE CAMPBELL, Asst. Clerk Superior' Court. No. 1639 Jane M3-20-27, everythingon Borgia, and plunge info the cynicism ahdlirirtaWy ff a most licentious though brilliant court. SEIFERT So Young, So Fair. Rosalind who had been a phy siotherapist during the war, returns home, engaged to Major Greve. The story tells of how Rosalind resolved her romances and reached a fine understanding with her family who were concerned about how the war had alfectod her. . UPHELD The Bone is Pointed. Detective - inspector Napoleon Bonaparte was assigned to investi gate the disappearance of JePfery Anderson. The clues he found indicated that a small tribe of aborigines, the Kalclmts, were cer tainly involved. WELLS led Blaine's Woman. From a Tory home, small, rich chaste Keiah Denridge, learning of her father's pending second marriage, tries to run away to School, and ends by finding her self on one of her father's ships, carried) .to Jedediah Blaine. She follows jledediah through the Cali fornia gold rush, sees his star rise through gambling, fighting politics and the coming of the railroad. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OP STATE PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRES ENTS MAY COME GREET INGS? WHEREAS. It appears to my satisfaction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in my of fice, that the ROSELINE CORPO RATION, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated in the Town of Waynes ville, County of Haywood, State of North Carolina E. M. McNish be ing the agent therein and. in chareg thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 55, Gen eral Statutes, entitled "Corpora tions," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: NOW THEREFORE, I, THAD EURE, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do here by certify that trie said corpora tion did, on the 10th day of June, 1947, file in ray office a duly ex ecuted and attested consent in writ ing to the dissolution of said cor poration, executed by all the stock holders thereof, which said con sent iyia xne recora or the pro ceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereto set my hand and af fixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 10th day of June, A. O 1947. THAD EURE Secretary of State. 1643 Juna 13-20-27 July 4 "Quiz Queen" Laura Bankhead Has To Know All Of The Right Answers i.P Newsfealures NEW YORK Miss Laura Bank head sits eight hours a day in a Ww Yolk office answering queries winch range from "what makes a bubble bath bubble'.'" to "Should the title page of an annual report be printed entirely in capital let lei's'''' Director of the Groiier Infor mation Service, Miss Bankhead s desk bums over with about 50. 000 questions a year, sent in by purchasers of lit-r company's en cyclopedias and the Book of Knowl edge as well as byajdain stumped citizens and professional question answerers on the radio. "We have some very steady questioners, ' she said, "like the science teacher w ho asked a num ber of questions about his field Next he asked the source of a ' quotation from a lore-poem; then he asked about marriage laws. "A while later he followed with a request for information on child care. Then he asked us about div orce laws. "But we really are confused now He is asking how long it takes a Mongolian pheasant to -hatch its eggs. An accountant wrote in coin plaining that he couldn't be a social success with one of his principal clients because he was unable to make a short after dinner speech. Miss Bankhead wrote one for hiin. Hundreds of queries come in about genealogy, the United Na tions, the Atlantic Charter. Re cently there have been many ques tions about mink and earth worm farming. Just anybody can't run Into the office and propound a question, however. Groiier used to give book purchasers 10 years of question answering. Nowadays the contract customers get 100 questions with a set of books. Other people can take the q. and a. service at $25 for 10 questions 'J 'l'''tt ' 1 "I" iV-& X ' f t,si cAA Belgium has a population of 8,350,000 and is divided into nine provinces. It is the most crowded country jn Europe, with 710 in. habitants per square mile. LAURA BANKHEAD she swers. One Of Dionne Quints Should Live To Be 86 NEW YORKtAP The Dionne quintuplets now are 13 years old, and at least one probably will live to be 86 or older, says the Statis tical Bulletin of the Mcthopolitan Life Insurance Company. On the basis of life expectancy rates among females in Canada, "the chances are about D5 in 100 that all five girls will reach their majority, 'about 65 in 100 that they will all attain age 45, and more than 20 in 100 that they will all five live to celebrate their-65th birthday." It may be expected that the last survivor of the group will live to 80, it adds. The special care given the quints, and the continued gen eral gains in life conservation, will improve their chances for long life. N. C. Attorney Files Opinions On Law Points RALEIGH (AP) All bout one of the eight opinions given My the attorney general's office and in cluded in the current digest deal wltft things which the statutes say official- cannot do. The exception is in the ruling that a deputy clerk of superior court can, in hie own name, take acknowlidgements of instruments entitled to registra tion and can pass upon sufficiency of probates had before any official other than a clerk or deputy clerk of superior court. Municipalities get attention in two opiniuns. One holds that gov erning boards of municipalities may issue bonds without vote of the people for erection of a water tank necessary to serve the mu nicipality, but cannot issue bonds or levy taxes outside the corporate limits without a popular vote au thorization. Another sa's a mu nicipality cannot legally allow tax differentials with the corporate limi,s 'or 11,77" ey or fr Coum boar,!, ,. distri,, , ' spWnt "'U!I tit. .' ljUt size of the ehannt-d face l'imim! A notarv legal niarr Public ( Hit i ble 11, s,,,.,.,, " " ffliJ '" MHrial (In ..1. . 1 1 aimii rt-cen five CfliK a miii 11 ii. 'c rou.,,) ,ra, mine nut l'ourt n, f'ip fur where- a 1,.. a hi J JUsl,, ect am ,1 serve or under i 'raw ui 'uurt itfl du t '-Xreiitr our cuurts h; utes du nut pointmt'iit except 1 tifiij 'Xtrauriti,.J ii..ii ,. . W "1, peaf thr"V t d,,u!u( l" iu M-n,. tlon. Pl'W-hs Except for coal, sulphur, and copper Japan is poorly supplied with industrial minerals. We Are Equippe T,. , . " vice your car qui(J ficienlly regardless model. p - .1. ... mHiui, saie acatiui stop in today for our exp up. IN AN EFFORT TO HOLD LUMBER PRICES AT A LOWER LEV "As we all know, lumber prices have been too high; we've iino iui sume ume ana aiier aue consideration decided to do so thing about lowering them." . That is a statement from our ad of Mav 30, 1947. at which time cut all straight grade lumber to $70 per thousand, and reduced ml other commodities accordingly. That Was our first step in the direcj of lower prices ... our second step is, first, to hold prices at that lef and, second, to offer you better quality merchandise and better, d etncient service, without the customary advance in rates. This will strive to do in the future. We want you to feel free to call on us at any time for any service may oe able to render. Building estimates and information absol ly free and without obligation. All framing up to 16 ft., Dressed four sides, delivered Pine Sheathing, Sized Hardwood Sheathing, Sized ....$70.00 Pi .. $70.00 Pe: ..$50.00 Pe - Hock Wool Insulation Batts 6' c Pe Glass Wool Insulation 6 ' c Pe Kimsul Insulation 6c H HEAVY GAUGE ALUMINUM ROOFING REDUCED 10 8 AND We have a full line of PAINTS Kemtone - Texolite - Mixtorf Varnish Shellac Linseed Oil BUILDERS SUPPLY d "Build With Wood" Phones 82 -83 Water St!