FRIDAY THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER I jO TO CHURCH SOMEWHERE Mgl feh7-lng Condon, of N" fflggm .gffiffiJl Sfefe . At The u Churches If! WAYNKSVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rt'V. Malcolm Williamson, Pastor Sunday School at 10 o'clock, with WhiteniT Prevost, superinten dent. Classes or ai ases, includ ing a new class for young adults. Morning worship at 11 o'clock, with the sermon entitled, "Sodom, Gomorrah and Reno." The sermon will deal with sins of our day and will be based upon recent obser vations of the pastor in one of the most widely-publicized cities of the West. Youth Fellowship service at 6:30 p. m. DELLWOOD METHODIST CHARGE Rev. J. E. R. Houses, Pastor The third Fifth Sunday circuit wide meeting will be held at the Maggie church on Sunday, June 29. Each church in the charge is asked to meet for Sunday school at 10 o'clock at their own church and, following adjournment, go to the Maggie church for the joint ses sion. The program for the day will be as follows: Rev. W. M. Kathbone, of Morganton, will preach at 11 o'clock; Rev. Fred L. Setzer, of Concord, and Rev. Charlie Meliaf fey of Bristol, Tenn., arc expected to be present and take part in the worship services of the day. The three visiting pastors en tered the ministry from the Mag gie church. Another former pas tor of Maggie, Hew C. C. Williams, of Canton, will be present for the services. Each church of the circuit will contribute in song or in some oth er way to the services. Each family in the charge is asked to bring a basket of dinner and the host church will provide lemonade and coffee for the noon day meal. We extend a most cordial invita tion to our sister Baptist church in Maggie to worship with us and hear the men who once were boys in their community. Our doors are open to the public. ft m'JtW M 7 f f ' I "fl 'A-- . , j ., fllf Bli iHI.WiW Minium Tn 'And the priests brought In the ark of the covenant of the Lord unto His place, ta ;.'io oi.u-Je of the house, ti.t q U.e moat holy piac." The Levites, which were the singers, were robed in white, with cymbals, psal teries and harps, and with them onehun died and twew'y prients with trumpets. And the king (Solomon) turned his face and blessed the whole congregation, say ing, "31es3ed be the Lord God of Israel," and 411 the congregation of Irsael stood. Solomon "kneeled down upon his knees before all the congregation oi israei, m.u spread his hands toward heaven " MEMORY VERSE Isaiah 2:3. HAZELVVOOD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. R. Crockett, Pastor The pastor will preach Sunday morning at the Bethel Presbyterian church. The night service at Haz elwood will be called off in order that the pastor and congregation may attend the community service at the high school. Sunday School at 10 a. m. with Lawson Summerrow, superintend ent. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m. The Daily Vacation Bible school, recently concluded, while hardly coming up to our past record in attendance, showed a sustained in terest on the part of the children, and Miss Gilreath proved to be a very popular and efficient leader. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. I.. G. Elliott, Pastor Sunday school at 9:45 with Ben Phillips, general superintendent, urging an increased attendance in every department. There were 1G5 present last Sunday. The general lesson title for Sunday is: "Endur ing Contributions of the Nation." Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Rev. Frank I.eatherwood will bring a forceful message on the topic: "Condemned for Misusing Gospel Privileges." Rev. Leatherwood is a member of our church and is fill ing the pulpit at this service in the absence of the pastor. Training Union meets at 7 p. m., Director 1'. 11. Gentry. In this or ganization, there are unions for all ages, story hour through adults. There were D'.l present last Sunday. Evening worship is called olf in order that we might attend the community service to be held in the high school stadium at 7:30 o'clock, sponsored by the churches of Hazelwood and Waynesville. We hope that our people will partici pate in this open-air service of worship. Monday evening at 7:30 the W. M. S. is having a quarterly mission study class at the church. Read special notice otherwise printed in this paper. Tuesday the circles of the W. M. S. will have their monthly meet ings. The time and plases for these are given in special club and church notices. Tuesday night at 8 o'clock the Y. W. A.'s will meet with Mrs. Fred Saunders on Short street. Wednesday night at 8 o'clock the mid-week worship and choir re hearsal. P. II. Gentry, Training Union director, will conduct the church at prayer. We invite you to attend any or all of these meetings. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH REV. PAW, TOWNSEND, Pastor Church School opens at 10 a. m. Willi worship, services in all depart ments. Classes begin at 10:15. M. 11. Howies, superintendent. Sunday morning worship service at II o'clock Music by the senior choir with Mrs. Fred Sinilh, direct ing and Mrs. W. I.. Mat m y, organ ist. Sermon by the paslor on the subject, "Your Land and My Land." Methodist Youth Fellowship will meet in the Youth Chapel at 7 p. m. At 8 o'clock members will attend a community-wide religious service at the ball park in lieu of the regular evening worship. HAZELWOOD METHODIST CHURCH Wm. R. Merrlman, Pastor Sunday School at 10 a. m. Worship service at 1 1 a. m. Union church service sponsored by the Hazelwood Boosters club at high school ball field in the eve ning. Mid-week worship service Wed nesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE The church rooms are located on the second floor of the Masonic Temple. Services are conducted each Sunday morning at 11 o'clock in the church rooms. "Christian Science" will he the subject of the Lesson Sermon on next Sunday, with the Golden Text, taken from Matthew 10:8, "Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise I he dead, cast out devils; freely ye have re ceived, freely give." The famous Vale of Kashmir in India is about half the size of Yel lowstone National Park in the United States. Clyde Baptists To Begin Revival Services Sunday The Clyde Baptist cliurch will begin a series i)f revival services Sunday, June 29, with the Rev. J. C. Catiipe, state evangelist for the North Carolina Baptist convention, bringing the messages each morn i ngat 10:30 o'clock and fevenings at U o'clock. II. M. Carter of Canton will be In charge of the music. Rev. T. H. Parris is pastor of the church. These services Will continue through Sunday, July 6. The pub lic is cordially invited to attend. ST JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Schedule of Masses Waynesville Every Sunday H:0Q A.M. Andrews 2nd Sunday 8:00 A.M. Bryson City Every Sunday - 8:00 A.M. Canton 5th Sunday .... 8:00 A.M. Cherokee 3rd Sunday 8:00 A.M. Fontana Village Every Sunday 11:00 A.M. Franf.lin Every Sunday 8:00 A.M. Highlands Every Sunday 11:00 A.M. Murphy 1st Sunday 8:00 A.M. Sylva 4th Sunday 8:00 A.M. Elizabeth Chapel Bible School Has Enrollment Of 62 Sixty-two enrolled Monday for the Vacation Bible School at me Elizabeth Chapel Methodist church in RatclifT Cove which will be con cluded today, reports Rev. J. E. B. Houser, pastor. Mrs. Woody Jones, president of the W. S. C. S. which is sponsor- ng the school, is serving as prin cipal. Teachers are, for the pri mary department, Mrs. C. N. Mc Cracken and Mrs. Hilliard Jones; beginners, Mrs. Carter Camp and Mrs. Woody Jones: juniors, Mrs. Mary Turner and Mrs. Floyd Da vis: and for intermediates, Mrs. Way RatclifT and Mrs. Francis Rat- cliff. Miss Nancy Jane Medford is sec retary for the school and members of the W. S. C. S. are assisting in its work. ON VACATION Rev. L. G. Eliott, pastor of the First Baptist church, with Mrs. El liott, Elizabeth and Wilson, left on Wednesday morning for a week's vacation. They will visit points of interest in both North and South Carolina. Enduring Contributions of the Nation HIGHLIGHTS ON THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. LESSON SCARCE ITEMS AT CAGLE FURNITURE CO FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Duo-Therm and Allen oil water heaters 20 and 30 gallon Elec tric water heaters, twin elements Wood and Coal ranges Philco electric freezer lockers Nesco oil ranges Philco, RCA console and table model combinations Philco, RCA and Motorola port able models Oi burner space heaters AMERICAN CENTRAL Utrt$j$4i&)L;J All the above WE DELIVER CAGLE FURNITURE COMPANY On the Square Clyde, N. C. (The International Uniform Lesson on the above topic for June 29 is II Chronicles 5-6; Psalm 119:9-18, 105-112; Isaiah 2:1-5; Micah 6, the Memory Verse being Psalm 2:3, "He (God) will teach us of His ways, and we will walk hi His paths.") A Waynevilla Motor Court and Dining Room (Opposite East Waynesville School) Serving Hours BREAKFAST 7 TO 9 (Except Mondays) i LUNCHEON 1 TO 2 DINNER 6 TO 9 (Sundays 12 U 3:30) Mr. and Mrs. J. 1VL Patterson By NEWMAN CAMPBELL THIS LESSON take3 us back to the days of Solomon and the building and dedication of the temple, in showing the enduring contributions of the nation of Israel. "Thus all the work that Solo mon made for the house of. the Lord was finished; and Solomon brought in all the things that David his father had dedicated; nnri the silver, and the eold. and Ualljhe lpstirtMjnta.put he amgne: tne treasures oi wie uuuao vi Cod." The temple had been several years in the building, and now, in the 24th year of his reign. Solo mon called all the elders and all the heads of the tribes to Jerusa lem for the dedication of the temple and the Feast of Dedica tion. The feast lasted seven days In the seventh month of the Jew ish year. The high spot In the event was the bringing of the ark of the covenant from the tent from Mount Zlon to the Holy place n the temde. The old tabernacle and the holy vessels were also brought from Gibeon and stored In the upper chambers of the tem ple, to remind the people of Moses and Mt. Sinai, of their many sins against the Lord and of His for bearance and goodness. Ark Is Brought In The priests brought in the ark of the covenant, drew out the staves bv wluch they bore it, and camo out of the holy place. The Lcites that were the singers, were all arrayed in white linen and had cymbals and psalteries and harps. They stood at the east end of the altar, and with them were one hundred and twenty priests "sounding with trumpets." Now It came to pass that when the trumpeter and singers lifted up their voices and the other In struments sounded, praising; the Lord, saying, "For He is good; for His mercy endureth forever," that the temple filled with a eloud to that the priests could not stand, to minister. : Solomon said, "The lord hath laid that He would dwell in the thick darkness. But I have built a house and habitation for Thee. Tny aweutng and blessed the whole congrega tion nnri all the conrrea'ation stood to receive his blessing, after which Vie delivered a urmiin. re viewing the history of the temple. Solomon naa maae a -Drazen scaffold, of five cubits long, and five cubits broad and three cubits high, and had set it in the midst of the court: and upon it ne siooa, and kneeled down before the con gregation of Israel, and spread his hands toward heaven," and uttered the longest prayer to be found anywhere in the Bible. He began. "Oh, Jehovah, the God of Israel, there is no god like Thee in the heaven, nor in the earth; which keepest covenant and showeat mercy unto Thy servants, that walk before Thee with all their hearts. . . He asked that the Lord would hearken to His people's supplica tions, that He would judge His servants Justly, "by requiting the wicked, by recompensing his way upon his own head; and by Justi fying the righteous, by giving him according to his righteousness." Asked to Forgive Captives "If they sin against Thee (foi there is no man which alnneth not), and Thou be angry with them, and deliver them over be fore their enemies, an they carry them away captive unto a land far off or near," but "if they return 10 mee wiin uwiruvwc and with all their soul," Solomon asked the Lord to listen to hia people's supplications and forgive them, in our last lesson w saw how this really came to past. rM flnlnmon foresee that such thing might happen, although W9 was a lime oi prosperity tor um The liSth Psalm, which li part of our lesson toaay, is uie long est psalm and the longest chapter in h Ttihlo ft has been called "the alphabet of divine love" be cause Its tweniy-iwo stanzas, a.h Aio'fct- vraA ara fifHii cr- n&ted by the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet . Vrnm th Hook at the BPODhet Micah we quote: "Wherewith shall I come before the Lord, and hnur tnvnelf before the filth God? ShaU I come before Him with burnt offerlnrs. with calves of a "Will the Lord be pleased with thAiisanda of rama. or with ten thousands of river of out Shall T iriva tnv firathorn for tti trans gressioni the fruit of thy body for the Sin or my soui r u tiattt ahatim friaet O man. what la good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly wttn tny wo.. - aif a tnaea tar ravr. And the . kin turned Distributed by Kin Features Syndicate, Sac Rev. Elliott Will Speak At Glenville Pastors Meeting Rev. L. G. Elliott, pastor of the First Baptist church here, is an nounced as one of the speakers during the W. N. C. Baptist Pas tors conference, to be held July 14 at Glenville. The program will last from 10:30 a. m. until 3:15 p. m., with a picnic lunch to be spread at noon, it is announced by T. H. Parris, president, and C. H. Greene, sec retary of the conference. All min isters and their families of West ern North Carolina are invited to attend. Speakers during the morning, as listed on the program, include Rev. Edgar Willis, Rev. J. Alton Morris, Mark Osborne and Rev. Ed Stev ens. During the afternoon con ference the announced speakers are Rev. Forest Blankenship, Rev. Elliott, and Rev. L. P. Smith. The theme of the conference is "The Ministry of the New Testament Church." t ,VV) i Ml !M IL- Xd,f (fi' It h. - - tt-J" - -"ff lajittMii i The dedication of Solomon's temple ne iwouj wm ioui.ii u nn woyj, ana we will 0f mi poini. uaian 2:3 CEMETERY CLEANING AT FINCHERS CHAPEL All helpers will be appreciated to join in cleaning and beautify ing the cemetery at Finchers Chap el on Thursday and Friday after noons, June 26-27. Maple Grove Church To Have Bible School The Vacation Bible School which is to be held at the Maple Grove Methodist church will hold the opening class at 2:30 Monday aft ernoon of next week and will con tinue through Friday, according to an announcement made by Rev. J. E. B. Houses, pastor of the charge. All of the children in the com munity, rer.rdless of church affil iations of themselves or their fam ilies are invited to attend the school. PETTIT PROPERTY TO BE AUCTIONED THURSDAY The Stella A. Pettit property, known as Green Acres, on Eagle Nest road near Waynesville will be soid at auction Thursday at 10:80 a. m. Several building lots, a 12 room house, a two-apartment build pg, household furniture, pigs and chickens have been listed for sale. Editor Says RuJ Isn't Friend Of RALEIGH ifl States should cease ti aid as j iricna an should deal with the our nation lias had other enemies in the A. Park, editor and the Raleigh Times, to club here today. Park, who returned a four-week tour of "Russia's demand Id serves while she still of oil, and her use plates for printing mi cost us nearly a billi these latest imposil which I was not infoi recent visit to Europ size my belief that w recognizing Russia is ally." It is estimated that will be 200 million pj U. S. over 65 years of and Vicinity! To TheMutomobile Owners Of Waynesville There has been enacted by the General Assembly of North Caroline! fective July 1, 1947, Mouse Bill No. 63 known as the "MOTOR VEHlf SAFETY and RESPONSIBILITY ACT." THIS ACT PROVIDES: J After involvement in an automobile accident causing bodily injury or death of any person or damage to property in excess of $50.00, such damages must be satisfied within GO days after judgment has been rendered by a court of competent jurisdiction. (2) The Commissioner of Motor Vehicles of the State of North Carolina upon receiving proper evidence that a person has failed to satisfy a judgment within the prescribed period shall suspend the person's driver's license and registration plates. ; , g In effect the' law provides further such person's driver's license and regis tration plates will not be reinstated until such judgment is satisfied and further that such person furnish the State of N. C. proof of financial re sponsibility. (4) Proof of financial responsibility means the taking out of a Liability Insur ance Policy or posting bond or cash or securities for ($11,000) as prescribed by the law. NOTE: To all persons carrying automobile insurance policies with the undersigned agent, such policies are NATj STANDARD POLICIES and therefore comply with the law mentioned above and with laws of all otll having such a law or one similar. The following Agent is in a position to provide the needed insurance for careful and responsible car Unless you can satisfy a judgment up to $11,000 we urge that you consider the desirability of securing and property damage insurance for the protection" of your driving rights. Call Bill Barber or R. N. Johnson at 331 who will gladly furnish Prerf Quotation for these very important Coverages: Carolina Insurance & Realty H. L. Liner 49 Main Street By The Library Phone 331 Writing .... Tire, Automobile, Hospital and Accident, Workmen's Compensation and All TyP Liability Insurance Dividends Returned To Our Policy Holders Veat After Year