Standard PRINTING CO 220-230 S Flret S LOUISVILLE KY The Waynesville Mountaineer 49,500 People Live within 20 miles of Waynesville their ideal shopping center. i Published Twke-a-Week la The County Seat Of Haywood County Kt The Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park ICOND YEAR No. 62 EIGHT PAGES Associated Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C. TU ESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1947 Friday U Day Draws Breaking Newtonler- h atlfiKlmg luiirti Junalu.M A ,em- Lrd Bishop Cliark"- Dallas. Jexas. L juiulu.k;i Day hop t'osteii J nar- 'tiam Manama, cic- and 8 in. respec- Wl he the teal-! Tuf Slf.i evening, i fceliver Ihc keynote Lrath-wKli' Pastors' I onlm-me I Ihc U'smTMiiiM teems rlasswork be a laboratory t children :i to H school will open ning al Shackford in charge of cx of Christian edu- Lrn. Miss El iza belli Kind, Virginia, will Listed In adult ob- Jiarlercd bus from Ba, thirty-live incni- lalional Methodist llcrmce which has brought echoes of the Missionary will conclude an Ion here Tuesday. "echo program". Jike Beaucliamp of tginia and the liev. of Taylorsville, Inan in his Sunday stressed the work world's greatest tossed the qualities work as a teacher 00 I Page Eight) Of Events Bee Billv Heading lets at the home of ay. Muska, historical ' Bishop Charles C to. ' Commerce di honor Harry J. Lions vs. Sutton's ' py vs, Sutton's 1. I 'Maluska. aridrpss 1 Paul B Kerns, key- i RKfor Southeast-! fors' conferenrc I ft. John's. ' in the Skv. ! 'UMluska. address- fad D. Harmnn' stor and His PPO- IHlllSka aHa-,,,... Morthridgc, -Pcr- fMseling." Ha,1... , ".cm oou, vs. I anjluska. address: u northridge. "The" U the Sky. Muska. lastr and m. d I. Mnrll. Ink lcvdraship." F meets t n.. peteria rdl" pland Harmnn Men " pastor"; Dr.' L i , . Mm. "'""-lOCK, rBionth,. . in iv. """tn. - " Sky jrReport te'va pad evening rmi. l( staff f I Mln. 56 61 61 3D Rainfall .72 .13 .17 'ord Crowds At JJ Tour , i , Me! Viih e Junaiuska SlIprp See Dangers DR. GAITHER WARFIELD, ad dressing an audience at Lake Juna iuska last night said "World War III can "easily happen." Dr. War field is a missionary to Poland, and was interned by three nations dur ing the early davs of World War II. i Story of liis address on bottom of this, pagel. Burley Measuring Teams Make Final Checks This Week Measuring teams are now making the final check of Burley tobacco plantings in four Hay wood county townships, reports R. C. Francis, A.C.A. committee chairman, and a complete report is expected y the last of this week. To date 1,487 plantings have been measured, and 133 spot checked. Notices have been sent from the county AAA office to 1,001 growers, of which 94 had been found to have overplanted their allotments. There have been five new growers reported so far. All fields have been measured except In Jonathan Creek, Iron Duff, Dellwood and Fines Creek. Miles Stamey, 13 Races In Derby Miles Stamey, 13-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Stamey of Waynesville, competed Saturday in the second annual Soap Box derby field in Ashevllle before a crowd estimated at 5,000. The 51 home-made racers ran through a series of elimination heats on a course marked out on Montford avenue, and the cham pionship was taken by Raymond Clank of Brevard. Clark will be eligible to enter the national derby at Akron, Ohio on August 16. Judges were Rep. Monroe Red den, Robert P. Putnam and Al Line berry. The races were broadcast over two radio stations Bus Line Hearing Set For The 12th Among the bus hparinoc in 1 be held before the State Utilities Com mission in Asheville on August 12th, will be an application of the Dutch Cove-Canton Bus Line, to transport passengers from the Dutch Cove road to Wilson s Store. There are a number of bus route hearings scheduled to be heard by the commission on the 12th. On the 13th, the commission will consider the application of the Southern Railway System to re move the two passenger trains now operating cm the Murphy Branch. World War III Can Easily Happen, Says Missionary The Rev. Dr. Gaither Warfield. a native of Maryland, missionary in Poland who was interned by three nations during the early days of World War II. first by the Poles, then by the Russians and later by the Germans as the various armies swept over Warsaw where he was serving the Methodist Church as a missionary, spoke from the Lake Junaiuska Assembly platform Mon dy night. He portrayed conditions in Europe and Asia and the human suffering which he said call for re lief and Christian ' service. Dr. Warfield, whose wife is a Pole, Throughout Group Of Almost 100 From Haywood En joyed 1,000-Mile Tour J In Several States I Written By W. C. IHEDFORD i Along the upper reaches of the Yadkin river in Watauga and Ashe counties and across the mountains into Virginia we sped Marion. Ab- ington, Bristol, Clinchport and on to Cumberland Gap, Ky., with nary a stop after leavinc Linvillp uhtil we reached Sunnymeads dairy be yond Marion. Roughly speaking it was along the old wilderness trail traveled by Daniel Boone and oth er pioneers 180 years ago. But where they traveled on horseback and in covered wagons, we clipped off the miles at 40 per on a great ribbon of concrete road. Linville, the Grandfather moun tains, Blowing Rock, fine mountain scenery, with an elevation at times approaching 3,700 and 3,800 feet. In Smith county, Virginia, we stopped for observations and rest in the first real good limestone and blue grass section so far seen. Brack James said that the country (Continued On Page Eight) Temporary Silo Demonstration To Be Held Today A demonstration of temporary silos, made from garden Wire and a special type papers Will be con ducted today at the Rirkpatrick Dairy farm in .CrabuW, township J J" ' -Wa Wl 1,1111, .VUUJ BKLUh 1 r . it. r arnum, extension dairy spe cialist, will be present.' In announcing the demonstration, Mr. Corpening point to the heed for more silage due to indications that livestock feed will be high. The economical temporary silo can be of great help, even to farmers who have permanent silos and need more storage space. 17th Cataloochee Reunion Will Be Sunday, Aug. 10 The 17th annual Cataloochee re union will be held Sunday, August 10 and all former residents of the area are urged to make plans to at- ftend the celebration. Dinner will be served on the grounds. One of the largest gatherings of its kind in Haywood, more than 700 persons were present last sum mer when Congressman Monroe Redden was the principaj speaker. Jarvis Caldwell of Iron Duff is president of the reunion, Mrs. Vaughn Palmer of Lake Junaiuska is treasurer and Bill Palmer of Canton is secretary. Rhinehart Reunion Set For Saturday, August 8 The Rhinehart reunion will be held at Finchers Chapel church, Hyder mountain, on Saturday, Au gust 9, it is announced by Mrs. R. L. Cockrell, secretary. All mem bers of the family and friends are invited. Lunch will be served at noon. Henry Family Reunion Slated For August 17 The Henry family reunion will be held at Maggie at Grady Henry's home" on Sunday, August 17. George Ward Of Asheville will be the principal speaker. Hana Dropiowshi, is nbw adminis trative secretary of the Methodist Committee for Overseas Relief. Speaking at this church center on -the topic. "Russia and the World Tomorrow," Dr. Warfield said, "There are three possibilities open to Russia and our- world of tomor row. The first is. World War III. Al though no nation wants this, it can easily happen. Many, factors exist which tend, to prevent such a con flict in the Immediate future. "The second possibility is the coming into -being of one world (Continued on Page Three) Gets Back $4,250 Lost In Fire WV '" J " ' 'fynKy'' - - -j , - , ,,,,,- - 1 FARADAY C. GREEN of Fines Creek is shown holding $4,250 in U. S. savings bonds, which are duplicates of the ones which were burned in 1945 when he lost his home. Officials of the Firjt National Bank helped Mr. Green apply for the duplicate bonds, and after 18 months, the new bonds were received. Copies of all war bonds are kept in the Merchan dise Mart, world's largest building, in Chicago, and by careful checking and rechecking the burned bonds were replaced. Thus ends another happy story, except for one thing yes, you guessed it the new bonds are in a safety deposit box at the bank. (Photo by Ingram's Studio.) Maple Springs Singing Uraus iiigUrovd Spanish War Veterans Meet Here State Department Commander Speaks To Group Of 60 Veterans Sunday Sixty veterans of the Spanish American war. ineludiiif; large rep resentations from Haywood ant1 Buncombe counties and several of fleers from the N. C. Department, United Spanish War Veterans, at tended a meeting Sunday afternoon in the Haywood county courthouse Thomas A. Price, department commander, and II. H l.eavitl. past department commander, both of Asheville, were the principal speakers. A general discussion was held on the recently enacted law raising the pensions of Civil War and Spanish American war veterans by 20 per cent, due to the increased cost of living. Officers in (he slate organization who were present for the meeting include Col. John A. Wagner of Asheville, senior vice commander; Dr. Thomas Stringfield. surgeon; E. -M. Jarrctt of Asheville, patri otic instructor; and J. R. Stradley, member of the legislative commit tee and past department comman der. Six members of the Asheville camp auxiliary attended the meet ing. FINES CREEK CHURCH CEMETERY TO BE CLEANED The Fines Creek cemetery at the Hiram Rpgers Baptist church will be cleaned off Thursday, August 7. Everyone interested is- invited to help. Rotarians Told Russia Playing Up To Poorer Classes Of The Fdr East "America must give the coun tries of the Near East something more than money they must have something for their hearts and minds," Pera Benjamin, Cincin nati businessman told Rotarians here Friday, Mr. Benjamin is a native of Per sia but now a citizen of the United States, explained how Russia is getting such a strong foothold in,' 1 a Sunday Salvation Army Cen ter Is Scene of Annual Picnic and Singing Sunday Singers from far and near gath ered Sunday at Maple Springs Sal vation Army center near Max Patch for the 10th annual conven tion, taking lions at entertaining with favorite hymns' and mountain ,ongs and slowing away cincKPii and watermelon the "little S. and W." set up by Maj. Cecil Brown and her busy staff of work ers. T-here were solos, duels, quar tets, singing classes and "preach ers" who gave humorous sermons on Noah and the Ark and Jonah and the whale to the 1.000 folks who arrived by jeep, (ruck or auto. Brig. G. A. Stephan of Charlotte, divisional commander of the army, look a number of color movies of the crowd. The mountain mission staff and many of their neighbors who look forward each year to the conven tion had outdone themselves pre paring cakes, baking chicken ana (Continued on Page Kight) Buchanan Cemetery Decoration Aug. 10 The annual decoration services will be held at Buchanan -cemetery on Aliens Creek Sunday morning, August 10, at 9 o'clock. Floyd Grasty. treasurer, and the cemetery committee will give re ports of the past year's w'ork. At 10 o'clock memorial services will be held with Rev. Bill Queen in charge and all graves will be decorated. AH interested persons are invited to attend the services and see the improvements that hSve been made in the cemetery. the Orient and the threat this makes on world peace. "Today there are a lot. of poor people in the Orient. The feudal j system still prevails with some men (owning entire villages and the sur rounding farmlands. The Russians have gone in and offered to aid the classes the poor people. These people in turn ask: 'What have we (Continued on Page Eight) Livingstone Promoted To Senior Sanitarian Has Served Here For Three Years; Will Be Over 10 Western Counties R W. Livingstone, senior sani tarian for the District Health De partment for the past three years, has resigned effective August 9 to accept a position as senior sanitary inspector for u territory covering 10 Western North Carolina coun ties, it Is announced by Dr. Mary Michal. acting district health offi cer. Mr. I.ivingstono's new headquar ters will be in Asheville, alt hough he will continue to make his home in Wnynesviile and assist in all work of the sanitary department in this district. States Dr. Michal. He will be replaced by (J. B. Jones, who will cover the same ter ritory formerly under Mr. Livings tone, Haywood county and Chero kee community. Mr. Jones will as sume his new duties August 15, and plans to live in Waynesville. Mr. Jones comes to the position particularly well qualitied, reports Dr. Michal. Originally from Ilen dersonville, he received a B S. de gree in agriculture from N. C. State college, was vocational-agriculture teacher in Rocky Mount, Va., for several years, was county Farm Security Administrator two years, and managed a dairy farm at Flet cher for three years. Mr. Jones re cently took special training as sani Continued on Page Three) Mid-Week Hymn Sings Will Be Resumed Here In response to a number of (juesls. the pastor of the Pre terian church announces that by- j on I Wednesday night the Mid-Week Hymn Sings will be resumed. Joe Kinerson Rose, who con ducted the sings last summer, jvill be in charge of the services. Mr. Rose has recently returned from Chicago where he made a number of open end transcript ions for u ;e in broadcasts over the radio. He i will be glad to sing favorite gospel hymns and will use as far as time will permit request numbers In the services. The service will bp in the Sun day School assembly room of the church at 8:00 o'clock and the pub lic is invited to attend. It is planned to continue these Hymn-sings each Wednesday night through the month of August. Sheehan Posts $1,500 Bond Is Released Friday Upon posting $1,500 bond for ap pearance at the next term of crimi nal court, Paul Sheehan was re leased from the Haywood county jail Friday night. Sheehan was arrested the previ ous week-end on charges of assault and robbery in connection with the attack on Andy Ferguson, watch man at the Waynesville Laundry, on the nigbt of July f). Town Counts Pennies j From Parking Meters Penny counting was the order of jlhe day Friday at the Town Hall ; after the first regular collection of j funds from parking meters. It was i noon Saturday before the last coin I had been counted and rolled. The! total take for the first week was $191.86. 50 Films Arrive To Start Educational Library Here Fifty instructional movies from Encyclopedia Britannica Films, Inc., arrived last week to be used as visual training aids in the Hay wood county school system, reports Superintendent Jack Messer. A similar number are on order and expected here shortly to make the 100 films a foundation on which a county-wide educational film li brary will be built. In the past individual schools have accumulated movie equip ment! and secured several films of their own. Plans were laid by the principals and superintendent this $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties . Seven Men Are Hurt In Auto-Truck Collision Sunday At Fines Creek To Be Honored HARRY .1. KIMJXZ, of Wmsloii Saleni. pre: irienl of I he North Car olina Association nl ( 'lumbers of ( onimei ic r, i ul ivc. will be hon ored liini'lit " iili a dinner by the directors nl tin. VV.iue:;villi Cham ber of C'onimi rrc. Harry Krusz Will Be Here Tonight Waynesville win be host today to Mr. and Mrs Harry .1 Krusz, the former president of the North Car olina Association of Chamber of Commerce I'lxei ul ive.v The directors of the Chamber of Commerce will honor Mr. Krusz with rtfrfitpr fontght. THrfp wilf nofJ be a formal progr.nn other than a talk by Mr. As guests of the directors, will be president . of Hie Knt.'.rv, Lions and Boosters club; of the commu nity. Mr and Mrs. Kru-z will visit other area:, of Western North Car olina bpfoie i pluming to Winslon Salein where he is general manager of the Chamber of Commerce. KiltlllMHH' Is Injured As C;ir Leaves Highway Willie Uallihoiie. "... ol the Plot! Creek rition received injniies from an inridei l when his lil.'ilj Ford sedan skidded off the highway near the eitv limit', as he was driv ing towaid-. Il.iclwood about 2:45 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Miss Wilm.i Oile. with fiath , hone al Hp- time, is reported to have received only In loses and minor 'euls hhone was said to have been hull badly about his ribs. Policeman Bill Sawyer, who with Chiel Orville investigated the accident, says that llalhbone had attempted to pass another auto mobile, saw thai lie couldn't make it, and when he cut back to his side of the road fie ear rol out of con trol on rain-slu -kened pavement. It went over the curbing, hit a Cuy wire on a telephone pole which tinned the sedan around as it con tinued il. plunge off the roadway. Delinquent Tax List Being Worked I The list ol I !'; delinquent taxes is heim: prepared by (hp county lax office and will be advertised on Friday of this wpplt. A similar list is being prepared by the town of Waynesville and will he advertised August 15. The county will sell thp land on September I and Ihe town on Sep I (ember II. spring to start a central library, from which the reels would be lent on request to all schools, and build to it gradually each year. Included in the first group re ceived are such titles as "Passen ger Train" and "Fireman." for primary grades social science classes, "Children of China," "Land of Mexico" and "Immigration" for studies in geography; "Democracy" and "Despotism" for civics stu dents; "Digestion of Foods," "Sim ple Machines," "Symphony Orches tra" and even "Property Taxation." (Continued on Page Eight) I p-' "iff Condition of Six Re ported As Generally Good At Haywood County Hospital Seven young men from the Crab tree and Fines Creek section were admitted to the Haywood County hospital after being injured in a collision between a pick-up truck and a roadster shortly after noon Sunday on the Fines Creek road. Jack Noland, suffering a com pound fracture of the left leg, was taken to Norburn hospital in Ashe ville after preliminary treatment here. The others still in the Havwood County hospital are reported in a generally good condition. They arc: Clifford Pressnell, whose injuries required 10 teeth to bp pulled and also was hurt on his shoulder. Norman Price, with head and tar injuries. Ben Ferguson, suffering f'om lacerations on his arm and shock. Dewey Rogers, head and body in juries. Paul Hoaglen, head injuries. Rickman Ledford, chest injuries. According to Cpl. E. W. Jones of Ihe Stale Highway Patrol, who in vestigated the accident, Norman Price was driver of the 1941 Chev rolet pick-up which was traveling north on the Fines Creek road, col liding with the 1936 Ford roadster beting operated by Jack Noland. Both vehicles were practically de molished. From track marks of the vehicles and reports of witnesses who had seen them prior to the. crash. Cpl. Jnnes-'Wales that the true wtfe-iri' ly had been traveling at n hie'i rate of speed and on Hip left Fide of the road, while the roadster wa , going at a normal speed on the cor rect side. Hoaglt.i was with Noland in the roadster. Theft Is Reported At Smith's Drug Store Last Week The theft of a small amoun' of cash was reported by Smith's Cut Rate Drug store on Main street, Friday night of last week. No ar rest has yet been made Th'j person or persons who en tered the building by breaking a rear window appeared to have been after dope, from the manner in which chemical supplies had been handled, according to Dr. If. O. Champion, manager of the store. Although a few dollar-, in change were taken from a cash register, the thief failed to get what he really came after, accord ing to Dr. Champion. Electrical Storm Hits Utilities Hard On Saturday An electrical storm, accompanied by high winds and heavy rains hit here mid-afternoon Saturday, and did considerable damage to utili ties. Between 175 and 200 phones ere put out of order by the sloim. ac cording to the Telephone Company. Lightning was responsible tor -ome, wind for others ,and even water. Special crews from Asheville rnie over Sunday and started right in making repairs. The wind broke off limbs nd blew down trees over many lines. The power was off about an hour during the storm. Highway Record For 1947 In Haywood (To Date) Killed - 4 Injured - 35 (This Information Compiled From Records of State High way Patrol) t f if I