22J THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE FOUR (First Section) Miss Knight Weds Rex Thrower In Home Ceremony Miss Georgia Knight, daughter of Mr. and Mrs George J Knight, of lli.'sam and Kcx Thrower, son of Mrs. Cleo Thrower, of Hardin. Montana were married on Wednes day. August 27. at 915 at the home of the bride Tlic ceremony was performed hv the Kev. C. K. Kuss, pastor of the bride's church. The improvised altar was arrang- i ed with while dalhins and ferns and candelabra holding lighted cathedral tapers. 1 Prior to the ceremony a pro- j gram of wedding music was pre sented by Miss Peggy Dock, of Bal- i sam. pianist. The bride, who was given in mar- I Howard Noland Of Clyde Weds Calif. Girl Miss Lane Nolan, daughter of Mr and Mr- i I.. Nolan. of Napa. Calif . and llov.ard Noland, son of Mr aiKl Mrs. Ben Noland. w ere Nc larried on July 30, (I : 1 1 ; ' i in were at M i" . James crepe riage by her father, wore of white inaniiitsette with white lace miilrilT and full skirl. Her veil of net edged with scalloped lace; was held in place by a coronet of gardenias She carried a bouquet of while gladiolus, baby s breath iid rose buds, trom which fell ai shower ol white satin ribbon Mrs. Kalph Whitlley. ol China Grove was matron of honor. She wore a dress t, pink lace Willi lit ted bodice and lull skirt and match ing lace gloves. She carried a bou quet of mied Mowers ill contrast ing shade William I! Knight, brother ol the bride i i eil as best man Immetli.ileh ,iltcr the wedding reicptieii u.r- In Ul tor the inimeil of Clyde ii) Ileno The hi tended In Mr ; Hood, ol Napa The bride wni dre'-s w ith lull Mrs Nolai;t i I'elaluma iiigh -cl ed her education retanai school. Mr Noland serveil lor three ears in the Na in World War II and is al present employed in e a ellow accessories graduate of and complet he I.ucy Sec- S)Vn I Napa, where their home. 1 he couple will make Peggie Williams Observes Filth Birthday ii unci ;te lamihe . and i l I i lends ol t h hi nl.il The Villi .1 topped i out 1 1 ai oiin! onph Ill UN-' I ' , I Willi hi III, r. s talile w, I in ed w e mi i m, it ore ' e I oses ike. Ming bride TiIIk i ...ii i -, ii.. lord ol It for Ha ol her w S 1 1 1 1 1 I f i ' I I ('..HOW 11 III. ri ing Wa lie? w ere ville. ( ake and used Miss Mrs fill l enlei I I he heme Ml. Mohel on frid. i o! her MM Tim .lellli e Hegel I n i i i r i .1 Me . e, I- llll ,1 Wild. U illi, Th, in g I. Kales nr Willi.. I.iu n parl.v at 1 1 ill lr. and ii llaelM.od in rclchr.it loll lie i.i el were I I ) ii i l!rson. 1 1 ,1 V llemlll, ' I Joe ,,M I ll II. bill. II, e U I I ' i I M 111. Hie ..., Mill U.,1'1 IS ( ; Mr- Kce- i win mirth kalher K.ilcs. i .i 1 1 1 1 1 1 e III -,iTV 1! Mi III! o! and Mrs (1 C Craw- am. wedding the bride's a black dress with age ol talisman roses lining the reception Mr and Thrower lelt for a wedding hoi tiawling the bride wore He printed silk jersey dress black hat and black acces aiui a . in sage delacl-.ed from ia! bouquet ml Ml - Thrower w ill leave r home m Hardin, Montana a d,..s. ITCH Mr. Howell Is Honored On Birthday I Will . i:h ! ones il l' hi Mr o, t.h, Don't Suffer Another Minute Mil. il'hinir of et-zm.i lift. h;ili,is ,,r f:ire, aid . re-t.il ait, ir, g i.r otli--kiii tp.ulm's'r F,,r iui k - xse IC 10KV OINT r tin- t, vs in the army. mas Im Inline. White, C'lntains Lin, tin. SarV i A name vou canrint IM'MKXT the finest. g,l in Wjynesville by Mrs it h a !.. last Sund on Hi i r.iv i rs.ii ;. A round alf.iir mi l and (i.iii 1 riends. O;it-ot-: and Mis daughV: . I lllgton I.1 Dellradi., ., se. o; C iial Joe licit r i of ( har'of Mr ai.,! returned ' water, I :.i to Mrs Si i. Mr. and M: home. Gin. Gap road. ol III I I,: entertained nil picnic on her husband birthday an- itti lie 'ai nded the 4 ill the I low el) sons ..no a number of .lies;, included Mr raid DiUingcr and '. Dillmger. of Wash Mi and Mrs. fete daughter. Sara I.ou e. and Mr and Mrs. and daughter, also ir- Jag'a s Singleton ' hi ,r home in Clear .. . k alter a visit eon, s uncle and aunt. J Harrow, at their r Quill, on the Soco ( T -U' J Tent- Mvk H-5 U. S. Pal. Off. WuiYiiiii"1 WOMEN'S SIZES Grandson Of Mrs. Briggs Is Wed In Ohio The following wedding account from the Wooster 'Ohio' Daily Rec ord, of Monday. August 18, is of interest here. The groom Richard Dudley Jordan. Ill is a grandson of Mrs. G. C Briggs. of Wawies ville, and son of the late Mrs Jor dan, who was before her mainage Miss Helen Briggs Masses of white gladiolas agauis! lacy green foliage bankd the chan cel of the First Presbyterian rhunli here Saturday afternoon for the wedding of Miss Rebekahn,ar Hail. daughter of Dr. and Mrs W iliiaii' , James Hail, and Richard l)udic ; Jordan. III. son of the late Mi and; Mks. Richard Dud!e Jordan ol Norfolk. Virginia Before the three-! hirt oiul i service a iveita! of organ music was played h Richard T Gore, head of the Conservator) of Music, the College ut Wooster Kscorted and gicti in mairiago, In her father the hridt wore a princess gown ot candlelight satin.: embroidered with seed pearls Her long sleeves tame to points over her wrists and her tulle veil tell, from .1 pearl cmbroidercu .fiikt rap She wore a strand ot pearls the ;;dt of tlic bridegroom. The bride caricd an nun -hat keel heirloom praver book, which has. been used at oilier marriage- in the Jordan lamilv magenta- lliroated white oiclnd overlaid the praver book, and the knotted satin ribbon houer tailing Horn the j flower arrangement was lrom the I wedding bouciuel ol the bride -llwin sister, Mrs A. I.awrie Ka ' hens. Jr. Attendanls for the bride wen Mrs fallens. ,lr . Mrs. f Ballon H.igbv II, of Danville, Virginia sister of the' bridegroom and Mrs Kdwurd McConahav Quinby. Ill ! sister of the bride Mrs, fabens. Jr., as matron of I honor, wore a bouffant dallodil iimire gown, caught with roses at the side pull's. The two bridesmaids wore identical models in jade moire All wore matching velvet headbands and carried arm bou quets of white gladiolas. The Rev Mr Lloyd K. Gies.le rector of St. James Kpi.-copa! Church, Wooster. and the bride's father, the Rev. Dr. Hail, read tin marriage service. E. Ballon Bagby. II. of Danville was best man for bis brother-in-law. L'shers were Kdnard McCona hav Quinby. III. A Lavvrie fa bens, Jr., William James Hail. Jr.. and I'.obert Barton Bond, all ol Wooster. Serving as junior ushers were the young sons of Mr. am Mrs. A. I.awrie fabens, Jr.. Andrew Lawrie fabens. III ;.nd William James Hail fabens Close friends of the bride served as aides for the wedding and re ception. They wre gowned in lon.s pastel dresses, and wore white dow ers in their hair. Three hundred guests attended the reception following the wed ding. The bride's table was set be fore the west alcove of the Pres- hyterian church reception room. Arrangements of gladiolas and ba- hy's breath were used on the table. I The receiving line stood before the I flower-banked fireplace. 1 Mrs. Hail, mother of the bride, wore a turquoise gown. Her black hat hail a crown of soft feather plumes and she wore a lavender or chid. ; Mr. and Mrs. Jordan, III. who are taking a honeymoon trip through Virginia. North Carolina and South Carolina, w ill be al home in Phil adelphia. Pennsylvania after Sep lemhcr 1. for her I lip through the South Mrs. Jordan wore a China berry red suit with bhick and white accessories. The orchid which had overlaid her prayer book was j tunned to her lapel, Mrs Jordan. Ill, is a graduate of I he College of Wooster. and holds a master's degree trom I ho fletcher School of International Law and Diplomat v j, ,. i,,,,.,, , a member of the Wooster High School faculty lor the past scv.i'al ; years. Mr. Jordan was graduated rrom Virginia Polytechnic Institute. He i is now assigned to the accounting Mrs. Richard Dudley Jordan, III s v 1 S. V I fimnwnil ' M" 1 MRS. illletl ti JORDAN, the former Miss Rebekahmary Hail, was recently i Richard Dudley Jordan III grandson of Mrs. G. C. Briggs. Miss Patsy Gwyn Announces Her vVedding Plans Hans are announced today for the wedding of Miss Patsby Gwyn, laughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwvn. and John Woltz, son of Mr. mil Mrs. H. O. Woltz. of Mount A i rv . The wedding will take place at i he fit si Methodist church, on Fri Jav evening. September 5, at 8 p. in , with the Rev. Paul Towrrsend pronouncing the vows. Mrs. Rob ert Comcgys, organist, of St. Pet ersburg, fla., and Mrs. Richard Barber. Jr.. violinist, will present a program of wedding music. The bride-elect will be given in marriage by her father. Maid of honor will be Miss Marguerite Way. cousin of the bride, and brides maids will be Mrs. L. K. Barber and Mrs. Jack Brown, of Wayncs ville and Miss Betty Gwyn Mes senger, of Hartford, Conn., all cous ins of the bride, Miss Betty Grey Smith, of Norfolk, Va., Miss Mary Ellen Phillippy, of Hagerstown, Md , and Miss Patricia Hayward, of Honolulu Attending the bride as ring bearer will be little Miss Mar ietta Way Campbell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Campbell, Ir cousin of the bride, and flow er girl will be little Miss Carey Howell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hardin Howell, Jr., also a cousin of the bride. Mr. Woltz will have as his best man his brother, Howard Woltz, Jr., of Mount Airy and ushers will be frank A. Thomas, Jr , and John Hay. of Charleston, W. Va.; Ray Paul, of Richmond, Va.; Jim Bay lor, of Hinton, W. Va.; Ridgeley Miller, of Anniston. Ala.; William Wollz. of Mount Airy, cousin of l he bridegroom; Greer Elliot, of Durham, also a cousin of the bride groom, and Charles Way. of Way nesville. cousin of the bride. Immediately following the cere mony a reception will be given by the bride's parents at their home on Main street. U. D. C. Will Hold First Fall Meeting Friday The first fall meeting of the United Daughters of the Confed eracy will be held on Friday after noon, September 5, at 3:30 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Roy Martin. Mrs. George Plott will have the paper for the afternoon and Mrs. O. H. Shelton will review the magazine. Baptist Circles To Meet Today The following circles of the First Baptist church will meet today: 3:30 Lysbeth Cox circle meet with Mrs. Hubert Hoglen on Dell wood road. 3:30 Madge Lewis circle meet with Mrs. Z. L. Massey on Dellwood road. 6:30 Martha Franks circle meet with Mrs. Homer West on Cherry street for a picnic. 7:30 Lorene Hammett circle meet with Mrs. Charlie Woodard on Thomas street. Mrs, Boyd Owen is co-hostess. 7:30 George Truett circle meet with Mrs. G. C. Ferguson on Cherry street. 7:30 Y. W. A.'s meet with Miss Barbara Hale on East street. PERSONALS department of the 'Pennsylvania Railroad company at Philadelphia, for the pasl year he has been a supervisor for the company at Orr-ville. A1 O A"cals id tlic Outdoor Girl ami all w lio liUc that ascinating "outdoor look". Every inch LEATHER except tlic non marking rubber sole and that's husky rub ber. Adjustable ankle-fit. Raw-hide . laces. Quality in every Mitch. V?inn-r ' "BETTER FEEDERS FEED CHESTERFIELD SEE YOUR CHESTERFIELD DEALER TODAV and listen to these programs over WLOS Dial 1380. Every morn- tn. Monday Thru Friday. "SKYLINE JAMBOREE" :30 A M , "THANKS TO YOU" 11:15 A. M. AshevUle EARLE-CHESTERFIELD MILL CO. North Carolina Miss Louise Johnston, of Fay etteville. who was the guest of her sister, Miss Margaret Johnston, at Oak Park last week, left Friday ac companied by Miss Margaret John ston to spend the week end in Greensboro. Mrs. Harold Tingen and two chil dren, who have been visiting the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. I, N.'Killian, for several weeks, lefl Sunday for their home in fuquay Springs. They were joined here last week end by Mr. Tingen. who ac companied them home. Mr. G. R. Easley. of Greenville. S. C. will arrive today In join Mrs. Easley at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Barber, for a few days visit. Little Miss Anne Lane Critten den arrived Saturday to spend a week as the guest of her grand mother, Mrs. Charles E. CJuinlan. She is here to attend the Woltz Gwyn wedding on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Rigby. Jr., of St. Petersburg, Florida, are visit ing the latter's mother. Mrs. Hor ace Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Burnett, of Greer, S. C, were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Asbury Howell. Dr. and Mrs. S. P. Gay and son, Parker Gay, returned to their home in Greensboro yesterday aft ernoon a several days' visit to friends here. Dr. and Mrs. Gay were guests of Mrs. Hilliard At kins while Parker was a guest of Tom Ray. Miss Margaret Ashton. of Atlan ta, is visiting friends and relatives In Waynesville and Canton. Mrs. Rhoda McBee Carter and son. William, are here for the wedding of Miss Patsy Gwyn and John Woltz and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Bell MissBurginls Feted With Party And Shower Mrs. Douglas Worsham, Mrs. Emmet t Green, and Miss Peggy Sue Burgin were joint hostesses of a party and kitchen shower on Thursday evening at the home of their mother, Mrs. Hurst Burgin, in compliment to Miss Carolyn Burgin, whose wedding will take place on Saturday evening. They were assisted in receiving by their mother. Garden flowers in a variety of colors and arrangements decorated the home. Games and contests were enjoyed, after which the bride-elect was presented a shower of gifts for her kitchen. An ice course was served. Guests invited for the occasion were Miss Burgin. Mrs. Otis Bur gin, Mrs. II. G. Clayton, Mrs. A. J. DeHart, Miss Dot Martin, Miss Marguerite Way, Miss Betsy Siler. Miss Ila Jean Evans, Miss Jane Wyche, Miss Ida Lou Gibson, Miss Helen Jewel Robinson, Miss Mar garet Nelson, Miss Mary Sue Crock er, Miss Betty Jo Noland, Miss Nor ma Jane Burgin, Miss Barbara Ann Boyd, Miss Bcbe Medlord, Miss Eloise Martin, Miss Anne farmer, Mrs. Joe Tale, Jr., Mrs. Ned How ell, and Mrs. Robert Goldsworthy. Parties This Week To Honor Miss Gwyn A number of pie-nuptial events are being planned this week to honor Miss Patsy Gwyn, whose wedding to John Woltz, of Mount Airy will take place next Friday evening. Tomorrow morning Mrs. James Hardin Howell, Jr., will be hostess of a Coca-Cola party at her home on Old Hickory avenue. Wednes day afternoon Mrs. James Gwyn will entertain with a large tea at her home on the Country Club drive and Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Siler will be the hosts of a barbecue supper. Thursday at noon Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ray, Jr., will entertain at a luncheon honoring Miss Gwyn and Mr. Woltz. On Thursday evening following the wedding rehearsal, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Campbell, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Barber and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown will be hosts of a dinner at the Ranch House for the bridal party and out-of-town guests. At noon Friday Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Way, Jr., and Miss Marguerite Way will give a luncheon at their home on Main street honoring the bridal couple. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bennett, of St. Petersburg, Florida, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Prevost, Sr. Mrs. Gist Finley and Mrs. D. E. Finley, of York, South Carolina are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. How ell, Jr., this week Miss Gwyn Feted At Luncheon At Ranch House Mrs. Herbert Buchanan ami r, Robert Anton were joint hostess,-, of a luncheon on Saturday at the Ranch House, in compliment to Miss Patsy Gwyn, whose wedding wil be an event of Friday. Low bowls of graliodus and is. ters in various shades were ai intervals aown me T-shapca table at which the guests u en sealed. All white gladiolus were ar ranged at the place of the bride elect and place cards were in tht bridal motif. The guests were Miss Pat, Gwyn, Mrs. T. L. Gwyn Mrs j H. Way, Jr., Miss Marguerite Wav Mrs. L. K. Barber, Mrs. Thomas,' Campbell, Jr., Mrs. Jack Brown Mrs. Robert Gt.'dsworlhy, m,,, Betty Bradley, Miss Mary Lu Ki' wood, Miss Dorothy Richeson Mrs Paul McElroy, Jr., Miss Mary An, Massif, Mrs. David Hyatt, Mrs (; C. Wagenfeld, and Mrs. J.' w. Raj miss uwyn was ver in her pattern. V ho ri Pla Bun.,. T'?0(!si 0.1,0, TP " Henr, VUrM of M urS(lf 01 -Mr anri i, Pia-.H i also of S. 8 ? d b th Rev" Jr.. Of Rr.,.., ' M presented The Phillips Are Honored On 2nd Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Bell wen hosts of a barbecue supper last night at their home in Griinhall Park, honoring their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs i--,a Phillips, on the occasion of thcii second wedding anniversary. Enjoying the affair with Mr. and Mrs. Phillips were Mr. and Mrs Paul McElroy, Jr., Mr. and Mrs Robert Goldsworthy, Miss Ane Os borne, Miss Patsy Gwyn, Miss Bet ty Bradley, Miss Bebe' Medford Bobby Breece, John Woltz, od Mount Airy, Bob Lee, and Bobby Colkitt. Mrs. J. M. Campbell, of Asheville, was a week-end guest of her bous in, Mrs. R. II. Mitchell, at her home on Love lane. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Clark, Miss Elizabeth Ray, and Miss Mary Ray left Monday for a two weeks' visit to Washington, D. C. and New York City. Mr. R. H. Mitchell has as her guest for a month, her cousin. Mrs.' Ada Graham, of Spartanburg, S. C. ""ur urn j ' """ -'"'and ol '" br;, UMII Ml II,,. i Sue Bur Bi: 11 0 I'l; he 'on ' nt: iiliiin Smut! l'"UMI (,f J i hi hit. w janr, Noland. '"'' "I the U 'K'n. (otiMnoi ""'""ll.ltrh U mns. ti,,. mnh ciili'rtain vi nh a Lodge. HIV Mom Thr i:,iii(i!, , U n n in will !. .t Ml'1 Martha P. ''""'I hie wcond ""ilw Al! rclat ar' invited and Picnic lunch Mr. and Mr. j children spent in Greuisburo family Mr. and Mis. ant) ctiildri-r,. Vfrjjinia arrived I to the formers mis. moo. ittiral ANTIS umm Drs. Seaver and Lockard OPTOMETRISTS Of Asheville WILL BE IN WAYNESVILLE FRIDAY E. Masonic Building Eyes Examined H. M. Seaver. O. D. . Hours 8:01 til 1: Glasses I John C. Lockari All thisixand more fi SU - fl AJ' tress 'fi.!!' MEBA N E i -nir over ten fea' fwlllg'"-- fc VOU. out'" i :.,al COi i -l nil so compile v.. oft of the superlative; rir nfi-s vou evei a responds to eve y cradl Each tired muscle is 8 J on complete rei-""- etlim rest. The Kingsdow. , sfj you so many ya " , , pe 1 actually costs you . (Sj Don't do without it any' For Immediate Delivery GABBETT'S FURNITURE c Phone M hi