y gEPTEBIBEB 2, 1947 THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE FIVE (First Section)' xsee Folks Seek - t n ir 3h Gold in mine Library Notes THE OLD HOME TOWN - By STANLEY T ,n n l.-f 1 TO-V 111 Krter county lulls 1 ... .r.int'ii an lB " .I here. Irbert Hder F1 ii FV ru- r " ... v,r. cour.iv l'" , contains B..lci but . . 1..II, di'tlT- t 10 DC ton: is lt'Siiids have upper t Tcnnes- Carter couniv At tends. Naniaiu Tennessee ahead Ll?s i-in-ru (nnd Kold i llu -li'd in , i f 111,' leiirml " s- Id clMI'l- " UK II II" hju. M-fll. luC.IICS ... ....I ,l,...i In taw vinii ihis ihcMiv. Ilyrtcr. bruary im cliwtctl discovered the old Li, ! r"-': fed urn 4 iDCluditic 'rw T. ... Ul lf. Hrt li. I j shaft. They invested considerable ' money in buying land rights sur- rounding the shaft and prepared j io remove any valuable ore it J might contain. I Reports on the va'ue of the ore ' from various metallurgical houses range from "poor" to "very good," ! the trio says. Barry, as spokes man for the trio, admits the ven ture is "quite a gamble" but says "we are going into this thing for ' what there is in it." Another shaft nearby, now filled , up, also figures into their working j plans. "We're going to kick in the toe j nf this pit and see what there is ; in it," Barry said. "Old timers I say there was a tunnel near here and there was a space for a small dwelling house . . . We shall see." Meanwhile the reported sold !'md has spread through Carter County and has caused consider able interest and excitement. The irio report they spend as much lime answering the questions of the curious as working their claim. The find of the Carter trio is not the first lime gold fever has ..truck upper Tennessee. About 20 years ago similar reports came from nc.irhy Unicoi county where an old prospector regularly broght "gold dust" to Johnson City for shipment. MAKGAKET JOHNSTON County Librarian ml. 'i -i . ( ln- IUtP lniR Store i When Harold Kairliair conquered ; Norway in 872, thousands of the , local jai ls or lords abandoned their i ancestral eslutes and set up new ! establishments in such places as Scotland. Ireland, the Hebrides, the ; Orkneys, the Shotlands, the Fae ioes. northern France and several countries on the Mediterranean. Consult K KING IIAIirE Optometrist Ded. Glasses li'Ud For Appointment Telephone 2483 Canton, N. C. Rl( THEATER Wajnesvillo, North Carolina lATURDAY 2 and .'MO SUNDAY 2 and 4 P. M. SHOWS 7 and 9 Daily SUNDAY 9:00 Only ADMISSION PRICES: Under 12 Years 12c Including Federal Tax Jits, AH Seals 35c Including Federal Tax Monday, Tuesday, September 1-2 Michigan Kid" (In Color) Starring JON HALL and RITA JOHNSON News of (he Day Wednesday, Sept. 3 Umger Starring p ALBI HTSOX and BARBARA REED Serial. Short and Comedy Thursday. Friday, Sept. 4-5 "Variety Girl" Starrine pATCHFK and M Other Well-Known Stars I 'ox News and Comedy RADIO ' Our best u i.lirs i,, i M Wallace. General Manager a:i.l Zeno Wall Jr.. Commercial Man ager of oiirw new i . i . Si.ition WHCC on this n's tirM vu-:-k ol operation. The new si nam voii mean much lo our ceun' . m il . j various sen ices To ii. h uiii , another means ,,! letting mmi kimu the many serve s ol the Count Library. Naturally, o,i'!l be i, ested in radio, how n w, , sioi ics Dclnnd radio lu-u .. c.n -!h-i may even be lool.uu: lor !",,-..n:, materials. See ihe hook-. (. h.i. now and t ! i new one-. .. . ih.- .n added. You niiulii he mien-. ted in "Behind the Mo i i i i . 1 1 . - and i in the Air" by John .1 . i- n About Hi dadia -1 in:' i, , , i- hl.,i Peet, Adi-nline hi If, .dm" a hook of scripts lor Voniie V.i.,-. In Margaret Cinhberl, ' H.idio Fn.iii Start to Fini.h" by Franklin I'. ek and from the more leehniral ide the Audel s I'adinmaii's Cuide. Rates For Rail Freight Moving Up, Down Now WASHINGTON i (al. road freight rate, on niaiiulaelui eel goods have gone up n, Mie l-iasl and down in Ihe South and nails ol tin West. The upward and downward re adjustment marks Ihe actual start on the long projected national "freight rate equalization plan." That plan is designed eventually to provide uniform li:-ulin charges based on weight and distance for every manufactured article, with out. regard to point of nrim. Carrying out an Interstate Com merce Commission order of Mav 15, 1945, upheld by the Suorenio Court last May 12. the railroads: Increased by HI per cent their' class rates U hat is rales manufactured goods' in the i ern states north ol Hi,. Ohio PotoiiMu: Rivers- and east of Mississippi, Reduced by 10 per cent the r;. on the same articles moving in out ot the .South and western states this side of d,,, nck.v Mountains. mis oi nseii (toes not add up lo uniformity or equalization. But the ICC said in its l!)4f order that it would provide "in terim" relief from the "undue prejudice" which Ihe old rate structure imposed on some part.. of the country, pending adoption ol a permanent new scale "for uni form application". This nerio.-. nent scale is now in the making. oil ilst- uid the Tl'NA GOT TOI GH NEW YORK A W-pound tuna almost got the best of hvr bit . mess men rt-ho were fishing off Monlank Point. When the big li-h hit Ihe hook, Phil Culkin was handl ini! the light bass rod. Culkin became e hausted and Ross Gudgeon look uver. linen ne ineo, ic i ii'i-.i.iiiii grabbed the rod. Clay Poller and Hudson Phillips were standing by for further battle when the tuna gave up, one hour and la minutes after lie was hooked See Your Wernational Industrial Power" Distributor When You Need .... FRUCTION, INDUSTRIAL, LOGGING AND MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT Parts Supplies International Crawler Tractor Bucyrus-Ei ie Bullgrader an Om ny ,lcar you, whether you live in Manteo or Murphy. Let us ive cmplete inf 1- . x . ;r av .. ..uunuauon on your equipmeni requueiiiciua, aim n no u f or rebuildinrr -inV. ,,r. fntr,. 40 corrie nprsnnnpl is one of Jhrini rt J") uui lavvui y uauitu c pn the South. forth Carolina Equipment Co. 1 836 WILMINGTON 5 Miles West Routes 74 and 76 Phone 2-2173 CHARLOTTE 2 Miles South Route 21 Phone 4-4661 ASHEVILLE Sweeten Creek Road Phone 789 (isiHAT house? ( hope, justA ysw yiisfiksi, WM HAUNTED?-; TH' FOLKS flPltid Broke;; Laughs And Drops 12 Floors As Scrubwoman Tries To Halt Suicide r:iH';(i Mrs. Julia Andriis- k i. a ,s:!l a-eek -a ruliu onian. said In pleaded ii Ii a Sali.iinO a ear in iii on e In oker not I o let i'ii as :s i hoe: hoi-i a ll!th Moor vni;lo ill l dt ii i I,' ,k .nap) r. (ieoife (IiukIi. aa. hail;' 1 1 1", hy In Iiil'.i i 1 i em t he indov, ledi'.e. pulled loin ell up nut il Ins e is v. i i e h el Willi hers, lau;:iieil in ii- l la' e and h ! I'o. Hi l . mi.-, I. II lo a setback at the n olid llool . Mr. n.li li !-..i '-, stout figure hiiilili-ied a, -.he told police ol .M li II -. :,lllelde .'lie i a . eleamni; I lie deserted K'th lloor cot idol ol tin- Insuranee la liani-.e huildiim when (Irivich pa- -id her sliorl l alter '.) pin. He appealed lo he "counting I lie in iIoh she - anl Don'l work loo hard." he re in, uked pleasantly. She replied I hat the above-HO-dei;ree heal and her -ITi years made the work di.'licull. She busied lier si II in a broom closet for a lew -iiond. and then turned to see (liniih ci oiiclied on a w indow sill and ieerin:; dow nward. Look out! You'll lall!" she ( i earned She said (irivich "just turned and smiled at me." ! "Tin n he swunt? around like a j cat and el, i, died over the sill," she - 'd. "I looked away. thiiikin be i bad already jumped, bul when 1 j went to the window and looked out be was hanyinK there by his (in-! Herl ips. "I veiled; 'Don't do that" and pleaded with him lo climb bail, en the ledge, lie heard me loo. y si i one, up mil il we win s laie.. mv lace "He nuisl have been e beeause he pulled himsell our eyes were level, and staiinc. into each otbe 'II it -1 1 he lauuhed ricbl in and lei t;o." Authorities found a farewell note i in (Irivich's pocket II was ad dressed to his sisters. Ilcrdie and Kit. and said in pari : i "1 didn't (ell Ihe truth recently 'lo the internal revenue men, as 'I thought it was Ihe only way nut of a situal ion." Income tax records lound with Ihe note showed he received a re ; fund of $(i02.02 on a $!)!( !( I I income j lie received from a partnership idiiruiK 1!)44. A letter from a law j linn attached to the records ad I vised him thai the refund was leyal and he had nothing lo worry about . Portland Girls Prove Fly Tieing A Big Business I PORTLAND, Oreg A pair of young Portland women are in the fish fooling business. As couturiers of the barbed hook, the Misses Ardalh and Irene Bunnell in their Portland studio have made big business of manu facturing lures for game fish. In catering to one of the last all niale sports fields, the Bunnell sis ters admit they sometimes have more trouble overcoming masculine sales resistance than providing Ihe trout with a phony meal. Ardalh recalled that they met with considerable prejudice at first "Women don't know anything about either casting or typing flics." seemed to be the typical sports man's reaction to their lino of 1 coachmen and golden demons. Bul soon the Portland sisters were giving established Scotch My , tiers still' competition, .ane (bey, the novelist and one of America's most notable lishermen. was one of their first customers. Others included Herbert Hoover and the late Wendell W'lllkie. The Bunnell s search out odd corners of I ho earth for their raw materials. They buy hook, Iroiu Norway and l-jigland. silkworm cut lioni Spain, bur and fur lioni South America and the Orient New model Mies and lure-, are constantly coming olT the de- i;;n board . ol the isters Bunnell "U s not Ihe lish. Their habits never change." according lo Irene "Hul vou know how fishermen are." she sighed happily.. Jl lXii: I'OKTKAIT I'ltKSKN I l:l UAI.KKill (.I'i A portrait ol Ihe late W. M, Bond, former supe rior court judge, was presented lo the Stale Supreme Court hy for mer Congressman Hailed S. Ward of Washington, N. C. Pisgah And Wlidlife Officials To Determine Forest Hunt Regulations $5,000 Is Found In A Fur Coat NT'.W YORK i.M'i A lur coat placed in summer storage had fifty $11)0 bills up its sleeve, and as a result three court actions are on file by claimants of the $5,000. They are- Ma.ioiie Heche, Albany, N Y-, and Mrs Kl iabel h Adams Gould, Hamilton county, Ohio, former em ployes ol H. Altman & Company, who claim in a suit against Ihe po lice propel tv clerk that they found the money ir, the lining of the coal, turned H in, and the required si months elapsed Willi no one claim ing t he money . I! All man & Company, which asked .lii.lue Samuel Dickstem for permission to be made a defend ant in the suit. The store contends I he uw nor ol I he coat did not claim Ihe money when uolilied il had been lound Mis. Sadie I llinan. the coal's owner. A in-.-i lean horn-widow of an f A mf.otir.c7 mil! hfi holH in A uha. villfc Friday to set the policies for the annual hunts in Pisgah Na tional Forest, it was learned yes terday from W. W. Huber, district ranger. The joint meeting will be held between the Forestry Service and the North Carolina Wildlife Asso ciation. Among the matters to be : determined will include the num , her of hunters, charges, the costs I and dates of bunts, as Well as areas to be bunted. ' Speculation this week was that approximately 1.000 hunters would be permitted to participate in the hunts as in the past years. Knglishnii.n. whose attorney fired suit again I the police property clerk lor retitin of Ihe money. He said Mrs. I llinan now is in Paris, Irving lo repossess property left there when World War Two broke' out . Justice Hick si, in, of Slate Su premo com I, reversed decision. Want Ads Cet Immediate Results ME. urn m iiklhmp u wwpMBMai tor itiiiwi iw fl SWM'KS ANCIENT (U NS DOYLKSTOWN. Pa. UP -Somebody "inspected" the Bucks County Historical Society's mu seum and walked oil' with a load of antique revolvers and other firearms. Police were confident, however, that the incident would lead to no "shooting up" around town. The weapons cannot be fired, according to museum officials. ' Triena ii the laxative (or children ure der 12. Act$ promptly and thoroughly to relieve sluggishness, irritability and lour stomach due to faulty elimina tion. Made wilh senna. Flavored with prune juice. No upsetdi' gestion with TRIENA. Caution: use only as directed. 30c, large sue, SOc. m Welcome To Haywood .... STATION WHCC We Have in Slock . . . For Immediate Delivery RADIOS RECORD PLAYERS RADIO - PHONOGRAPH COMB. $29.00 to $214.00 Rogers Electric Co. lXFCTIUCAL CONTRACTORS Phone 4(il , Main Street Congratulations Station WHCC Garrett's Is Waynesville's Headquarters For The Finest In Radio PHILO - STBOMBEK CARLSON - GENERAL ELECTRIC PHILCO NEW 1948 Console Radio-Phonograph EXCITING PHILCO 1256 Ati.tmut c.t r,il.c models offer iiiK f ( .i' nrt-.. pcrlormaiK c. bcjuty i:---..ilK Intiiul only in tosdv ton s' Ii , ' I'l.o s 10 iwtlvc-mrli oi 1 2 kh-iihI) n-iords ijuic-ily,' gently ! K-.i'l.trwciidn 'lone Ann no n r -'i' . r-. 1 1 1., n'e ' (o irxeous tone o" r I io. 1 1 1, 1 id old -. Sin Jri Vi'.dmit r.ihiiici. Ainain;; v.ilue see it I A ,r;tr.it new I'lnlc o . . . just .urivid. It's a Iv .uity p.ii Led with nc Iijhika! Rc.ily fur delivery. Onnc in, sec and heir ii . $249.50 ON EASY TERMS I , ( . i, ,.e ,u- v,-.o , 1 ' New Automatic Record Changer Plays Up to 12 Records uict, quick .iitnniatn ilijni'in nth 1 0 ami I J iiu Ii rciot'h. needles to iliamrr. I'erni,uiciu needle Ijsts thousands ol plays. Power I ul radio cts standard and sliort wave rcer ption. Concert ( Ir.md Dynamic Spc.ilcr, glorious tone and creat power. YOURS ON EASY TERMS I SI 34.95 The Bing Crosby Show Now on Wednesday ! I ! 1 1 ' J ' ...rC " Bing's only radio show with John Scott Trotter's Orchestra, The Charioteers, Lina Romay and Skitch Hendenon. Tune In. WWNC 1 11:30 P.M. if . use- Easy Terms Main Street GARRETT FURNITURE CO.' Phone 1-J All Models Illustrated Available For Immediate Delivery It i ? I" I ? u .1 T I !st. - . '-J; l l- 1 "