'y SEPTEMBER 12, 1947 THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER U g 5fT AD TES Jlf cents per word, toe i"2 f" imum charge 50c. will be published desired schedule charge. JtUements should be fditely. J ne raoun- not be responsinie U Me Incorrect In- TISEMENTS ARE iV'4V'('E. Cash must Lders sent by mail, be in office before L day before publi- ijntee to be in want to insert a want ad, It 700. FOR SALE 21 acres; 10 in high state cultivation. Balance good pasture, some wood. Three springs. All under good fences. Tobacco allotment. Good seven room dwelling; practically new barn, brooder, hen house and r.na. 11.. saiagtr. mso a good grocery store. Price reasonable. Located in Ratcliff Cove. G. E. Moore, Rt. 1, Waynesville. Sept. 9-12 JNTS see Haywood i, next to Farmers Asheville Road. H. laper plume 277-M. tf FOR SALE-429 Love Lane. 10 room semi-bungalow typt. house 1 3 doors), 2 baths, forced hot water heat, lower floor all con crete with asphalt tile, rock fi,. place, concrete porch. Buy this and let income from it pay for it Reasonably priced for quick sale Owner on premises afternoons or call 281-W. (f F?-.R,f Ai;E0ne living room sui,e Call oo2-J. Sept. 9-12 locomotive anyway." As to how the train will get to New York. O'Brien still doesn't know. "We may have to go up around by Poughkeepsie," he says. The railroads will take special care of the Freedom Train all along the line and will give the train its ice for free. That makes thev i-ninv WHfr .. j ... , ",l particularly generous. y:. nJ! VV HCC dnd nal a rt'al The tram will be on Erie track f.,r Rambling 'Round (Continued from Page Two) its first dress and with its christen ing on Wednesday, we feel that it is quite a big girl now. It is such a war-mine feplirnr tr. have friends drop by to tell us how juv u is to net programs without a squeal or static it is impossible to repress in long distance programs. FOR SALE At a ha Plymouth pick-up. New tires Motor A-l shape. See at Five Point cleaners. Phone 594-J. Sept. 9-12 FOR SALE One small wood and coal range with 3u-gallon water tank, also one single bed with mattress. Call 227 or 43C-W. Sept. 9-12 He came in through the front door like a gust of good fresh air and after he had chatted a few minutes and left, we felt that we had been treated to a most refreshing tonic. Wonder why more folk don't realize what an impression (good or bad) they can leave with the people whom they have contacted, whether It be business or social! feEVfU.fi CITIZEN Ibsiiiptions appre- Tinsley, phone lesville. tf bout Catholics . . . ie Church really ill should know the Write for free m- lox 305, Whiteville, July 29-Oct. 3 FOR SALE One green mohair frieze fireside chair; table lamp; occasional chair; walnut vanity. 122 Boundary St., or call 454-R. Sept. 9-12 fee 120 gallon Jud ketric water heat- priee. Phone 2714 land Cottages, tf R SELLING? isitive. confidential sell a business in Carolina consult ness Brokers, suite Jackson Building, phone 3166. tf FOR SALE One cast iron laundry type water heater with about 10 feet 34-ineh pipe and fittings; the lot $10.00. A'lso one bund! used barb wire, probably about two standard spools, good condition: five pieces hog wire, 36 and 42 inches, about 225 feet total, ser viceable condition, all the wire $10.00. H. C. Wilburn, Box 353, Waynesville, N. C. Sept. 9-12 Kach day the distant mountains come a little closer to our win dows; or, that is the way it seems But we know it is because the leaves, are thinning on the trees that have hidden the mountains all summer. only six miles of the 33,000, and the Erie will donate not only an in spection but a day's supply of ice. There is one thing not even the resourceful Mr. O'Brien has fig ured out yet. That is a mail and laundry schedule. "As nearly as we can tell now, we will have to ship our dirty clothes about four stoos alieail every time," O'Brien said, "and get our mail the same way." With 24 Marines and three Ma rine officers on hoard worrying about keeping their dress whites, you can imagine how that one lias () Hi i( n worried. MUTT AND JEFF By Bud Fither I HM.1 I - WWCT AReVrM WrriNS iACKWARDS?YuSSEr4? MATS THeV frtE'LL tHINk frrte tfrttElH VbuooiMs? My shoes YeueAMTml mutt idea wearing summons I ttA GOING Vis AFTER 1 - . . ON ?;SE7ti.i J AMD EVERVTHING J SERVER TrtE fUME! I BACKWARDS? rM Veteran harness men rale Madi son Hanover as one of the top pros pects for the 1948 Hambletonian. JITRY HAMS for iers Cash Grocery, Street, Canton. tf Warm Morning 'd one winter. Also 'adio and victrola, Call C18-J. Sept. 5-tf jBeautiful building ii. street, a min- ; 25 ft. front, 225 Not less than person. $250 pcr hrst six buyers uses at 429 Love 3 and 5 every af. I 281-W. Sent. 5-9 Nh'd apartment. w room,. kitchen- Adults. Contact sCo. Phone 77 tf SECRETARY - STENOGRAPHER desires part-time work. Exper ienced. none 413-R. tf FOR SALE One Round Oak cook stove, combined with hot-water tank and two tons of coal; one double burner Coleman fuel oil heater. Phone 381-J. Sept. 9-12 FOR SALE By owner, good loca tion, on Short street, two blocks from Main street, house, five rooms and bath, lot 50x200 feet. Price $6,000 cash. Wayne Teague or call 161-W. Sept. 9-12 FOR SALE One team of horses. See Mrs. B. E. A. Connor, Aliens Creek. Sept. 9-12 (Continued From Page Two) York. The train will be on display in Manhattan under the Waldorf-Astoria hotel. "The baggage car's got three quarters of an inch clearance there," O'Brien explains. "It doesn't make any difference about the locomotive, because we will push the train in with an electric FOR SALE Boy's bicycle in good condition $12 00. Call 53-R-2. Sept 12 ATTRACTIVE Apartments avail able at 114 Welch St. Four large rooms, bath and porches. Sept. 5-12-19 HOUSE FOR RENT 4-room honso in Shingle Cove. Lights and iree water, See Alice Price in Shingle Cove. Sept. 12-16-19 It pays to use Want Ads. Try 'em. REG'LAR FELLERS f OSH-- ITS SONNA ShOWER. I'LC JUST ABOUT WAKf NOODLE NADDLVlf S. AVSININS-.' 7T IMJL SAFE AT LAST NOW I'm BE ABLE T GET HOME DRY MOM WONT SET AN. w r '1 - By Gene Byraei i THE FLOP FAMILY I . H IgT 3 O'CLOCK THE SK?L I I q&O'fte LA06HIM6-'WHfVT Po waL-TviOrT StjSftfeV -:- BySWAJV VAl Hf?cc. j D rcgr i i innii' i d r ENTION - For ! Solden delicious f tt F- "iPPS. fin, or telephone M-12-1R-19-23-2G Six-room house, half mile from nk Price or J. M o Cove. Sept. 9-12-18 r rom house, F bpd rooms ?"'. Ilia " ""Jin, 'lis. In r.hn fon. Phone 721-J. Sept. 9-12 w 6 room rock wl Road. Psville, Rt 9 Sept. 9-12-16 ,0, tree r,. "'"ps and culls bushel. Dolling tf . "luuiai fa,ndl'- Call at I ore, Clyde, for M'on. FOR SALE Wood, gravel and building rock. See Bill Pearson or phone 745-J. Sept. 12 ALL CASH or trade, Miami, Flor ida land for small house and few acres. Preferably on a main highway. Immediate occupancy needed. Vicinity Waynesville, Dellwood, Balsam, Sylva. Write House, Box 511. Sept. 9-12-16-19 e body truck bed fe and general r 2 ton truck e DiKht Hall. JPt. 5-9-12 w5;wav.hou-; Pavn 5 ' near P'- 5-9-12-16 P hiiiu.- . - ' -ng lot, loo Pd location. Call 0:Pi. 5-9-12 ives in nr 1IA i . ,an2e,wood Phoi es'inghouse ne 383-R. Septan NEW, WF.LL-PAID JOBS ARE OPENING UP IN TWE REGULAR ARMY'S FIELD ARTILLERY All Expenses Paid, and $75 a Month To Start Startling changes are taking place in the U. S. Army Field Artillery! Even veterans of the re cent war would not recognize the thrilling new equipment which to day's Artillerymen are operating. Some men are chosen for the Guided Missile School, working on rockets and rocket-launching in New Mexico. Others learn to fire some of the Artillery's new "sky busters," such as "Little David," the 914-mm mortar which hurls a shell weighing almost 2 tons! If you are 18 to 34, inclusive 'or i 17 with parents' consent) and other wise qualinsd, you can sign up for 3 years or more with the Field Artillery. If you are an ex-serviceman, you can begin a secure career close to home, with reasonable as surance of a one-year assignment in your own Army Area. Learn while you earn receive the highest pay in history, free food, clothing quarters and medi cal care. You'll have the chance to save up to $2,000 during a 3-year enlistment. At no obligation to yourself, see your nearest U. S. Army and Air Force Recruiting Officer at the Post Office Building, Asheville. He'll be glad to tell you of the opportunities in store for you. Sept. 12 FURNISHED log cabin, 2 bed rooms, large living room with rustic fireplace, 2 porches, 1 baths. Full gas kitchen; garage. 4 miles west on highway 23 about 4 mile back of Fish Hatch cry. Sept. 12-16 SUMMONS AND NOTICE In the Superior Court State of North Carolina County of Haywood Lucille F. Browning vs. Frank M. Browning The above named defendant will take notice that an action has been commenced in Haywood County Superior Court for the purpose of obtaining a divorce on the ground of two years' separation. Defendant will further take no tice that he is required to be and appear at the office of the Clerk Superior Court, in Waynesville North Carolina, not later than 2P days from the 19th day of Septem ber, 1947, and answer or demur tc the complaint filed herein, or the Plaintiff will demand the relief prayed for in the complaint, to wit an absolute divorce. This the 25th day of August 1947. C. H. LEATHERWOOD Clerk of the Superior Court Haywood County, N. C. No. 1659, Aug 29, Sept. 5-12-19 ATTENTION SPORTSMEN! We Invite You To See Our New Stock of HUNTING" SUPPLIES HOME AND AUTO SUPPLIES MAKE THIS Your Headquarters For HUNTING SUPPLIES This Season MYRTLE RIGHT ARO UND HOME 1 TOLD SNOCCONC TO STOP PONG MIS TOWEP SCOOT E? ACPOSS OUP? VAPD, inu 1 V1CAN III' f vui vac Am 1 1 ' y By DUDLEY FISHER HENRY m. ( still, pop H W Vthiepe's One JP- FOR SALE White enamel Majes tic coal range Good condition. Call 55-R-2 or 381-W. Sept. 12 FOR SALE New 4 room house in Hazelwood, plastered, insulated, hardwood floors, wired for elec tric range, built in bath tub, fire place and flue. Finished on out side with asbestos shingles. If a G. I. is interested in this house, I will pay for appraisal. See Homer Justice at Justice Furni ture Store or call 845-J. Sept 12 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor, D.B.N., of the estate of Lou ellen Justice, deceased, late of Hay wood County, North Carolina, thir is to notify all persons havinf claims against the estate pf sai( deceased to exhibit them to th( undersigned at Waynesville, NortI Carolina, on or before the 2nd da of September. 1948. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 2nd day of September, 1947. JOE C. HOWELL, Administrator, D.B.N, of the Es tate of LOUELLEJ JUSTICE, deceased. 1662 -Sept. 5-12-19-26 Oct. 3-10 I i l 4 Q-i-J CARL C. ANDERSOK Cof. 1947, King Fnura Syndicilf, Inc., World ,;gha rnrryrd J.Q FOR SALE 1930 A-model wood saw motor, steel frame, new saw, belt and battery. Norman Cald well, Rt. 2, Waynesville. Sept. 12-16-19 LOST Silver bracelet Friday, Sept. 8. Reward. Mrs. Joe Rose. Telephone 882rM. Sept-12-16 1 1661 Sept. 0-12-19-26 Oct. 3-10 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Harry Justice, deceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina1 this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at waynesville, wortn Carolina, on or before the 2nd day of September, 1948, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Al per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 2nd day of September, 1947. JOE C. HOWELL, Administrator of the Estate of HARRY JUSTICE, deceased. CURTIS DRUG STORE HOME OWNED- -WALGREEN AGENCY mnnnnp WW Every prescription we compound Is double checked to make sure that it conforms ex actly with what the doctor ordered. Bring your prescriptions to us with confidence. Prescription Service "Ask Your Doctor" B3i',lltt.'gg?fifl Because we maintain the highest standards of purity and potency, becaus cists are registered, skilled and dependable, "'c ureq me nignest type of service. " you are assured the highest type of service, f DONALD DUCK " . BY WALT DISNEY . I I GfeaJI II IU ittTI h' i :i i V hlVs If; "if T mm mm at1''! - I

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