OBER 3, 1947 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE TIIREE (Second Section! " TO CHURCH SOME WHERE EVERY SUNDAY I TL R 11 . ... m m n a bf r w mm Lf mw "ni I ixcvciuiion THE BCHES PKESBYTKRIAN B"R('"... Pastor fcfVOSt. sui'f " I i .1 Hue " 1 " - . ...... I ill race Ld's Supper Lice Res! unit ion or VOUIII lellOWSOOJ ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Scripture Hebrews 1-2; 8:-18i Matthew 3:16-17; John 14:5-11. By Alfrtd J. Bueschtr 1 77 Zo-k,.-. rt - n I "ll X S-TT "s. . T A l , '7n I 1 . ' ' r: J ' ' -.-ill , , I Che Gotten' (Text Wtist riii'RCii Clark. I'asioi Iggl 10:00 a. in. lOO a.m. 7:30 p.m. ling. -'cl '"B. ho METHODIST hEfl'IT I, Houser, Pastor y,r 5 is world wide mday. The event will lied in the churches lUwouu at 11) a. m.; 10.45; Elizabeth and Maggie at Jtering will be taken missionary in Barber's area in fcu- is the last week be- Every member is iresent. After Jesus was baptized, the heavens opened and the Spirit of God descended like a dove, nd lighted upon Him. Thomas, the apostle, said to Jesus. "Lord, we know not whither Thou go est; and how can we know the way?" Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man Cometh to the Father but by Me." gills Known HAZELWOOD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. It. Crockett, Pastor Sunday will be the regular Com munion Service at the Hazelwomt church. Subject of the sermon- That Night. This service has additional mean ing in that it is on the day which will be observed as Woi Id-Wide Communion. Sunday School lt):l)0 A.M. Law son Summerrow Supl. . Prayer meetings Wednesdays 7:30 P. M. Tlw r "i- umi-i fciuiij in ,voung people meet at G:30 P. M. Sundays. "I am In the Father and the Father Me," Jesus told His apostles. MEMORY VERSE Psalm 122:1. in Rev.L. G.Elliott To Hold Revival In Buncombe Itev. EDT TO RELIEVE .(coughing j7 distress Mub Rives you this tttlng-stlmulating u rub It on throat. lit bedtime: lo upper bronchial pal medicinal vapors. lest and back surfaces 111! poultice. And it T vapo Rue LONG'S CHAPEL METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Cecil Heckard, Pastor Church School will open at 9:45 a. m. with R. H. Terrell, the gen eral superintendent, in charge of the worship. The pastor will preach at the 11 o'clock hour of worship. He will use as his subject: "The Central Figure." The choir, under the di rection of Mr. Charles Klopp, will have charge of the music at this service of worship. The Methodist Youth Fellowship will meet at 7:30 p. m. L. CT. Kllititt n.'lslnr iif thn First Baptist church, will assist Rev. Everett Murray in a series of revival meetings at the White Hock Baptist church in Buncombe coun ty beginning on Friday evening, Oc tober 3, mid continuing through ftaiurelay evening, October 11 There will he evening services on ly. Hev. Elliott will not be absent from his own pulpit Sunday morn ing. Rev. Mr. Murray is the former pastor of the Hazelwood Baptist church and has been in his present pastorate for a little mure than one year. GRACE CHURCH IN THE MOUNTAINS Episcopal The Rev. Robert G. Tatum, Rector 18th Sunday After Trinity - Church School, 9:30 A. M. Holy Communion and sermon, 11 a.m. Certain species of beetles were considered so sacred in ancient times that they were mummified. is no substitute for security,.. h Bell's Pension and Sick Benefit Plan trnp1oyees has been in effect 34 vears p a costs paid by the. Company. kftt at Somtiai- Tu : ii,. nanw advnn. f Employee Pensinn Plan that holds oromise p. secure years aha Juthern Bell was not only one of the very , - 6ivv jib employees a rcuu "It its P:. . . .. , . r. . - -"!.ion rtan nas continuea to oe unc St' It is nart U.:.,zi tTmnlnWA i an that also cnvr Eirlmpss. accident, dis- tod dth payments. h -'ges, together with good wages, ateaay "i vacation, .nj n'fti na v nrovide wcurity for Telephone folks throughout 'S years -r. ,,r . i oner retirement. 1,11, , -u, iuu, Decause uy coniuui.5 . . o ciepnone worKers, tne teaun ""amor. ... : . . . . . economical telephone service ior you. ""Milt. .Mv iMorperotarf Ministerial Association Will Meet On Monday The Haywood County Ministerial Association will meet Monday at 12:30 at Long's Chapel Metho dist cnurcn. Kake .lunaluska, it is announced by Rev. Cecil Heckard pastor of the host church. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. L. G. Elliott, Pastor Sunday School at 9:4I". Ben Phil lips, as general superintendent. with other departmental leaders. welcome into the new departments, those who received certificates of promotion last Sunday. There were 234 present. The general lesson title for this Sunday is: "The Bet ter Revelation". Morning Worship at 11:00 o'clock. The pastor will bring a morning message on the topic: "Prove Me Now". Training Union meets at 6:30. Director P. 11. Gentry urges full attendance for this important meeting. Evening Service at 7:30. Instal lation of Training Union officers under direction of P. 11. Gentry, re tiring director, and R. E. Fore, the in-coniing director. Junior and Intermediate It. A.'s meet Monday at the church, at 3:30. Deacons meet Monday evening at 7:30, in the church office. Circles of the Woman's Mission ary Society meet Tuesday as other wise printed in this paper. Midweek worship and choir re hearsal on Wednesday, at 7:30 o'clock. The Better Revelation HIGHLIGHTS ON THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Waynesville Paul W. Townsend, Pastor Church School opens at 10:00 o'clock. Classes begin at 10:15 M. H. Bowles, Superintendent. Sunday Morning Worship at 11:00. At this time we are observ ing Loyalty Sunday, and every member and friend of the church is urged to be present. There will be music by the Senior Choir un der the direction of Mrs. Fred rVfar tin, Mrs. W. L. Matney, Organist, and a solo by Bronson Matney, Jr. The sermon will be given by the pastor. Sunday Evening Service at 7:30 will be a Union Service at the Methodist Church, with music by the Young People's Choir and the sermon bv the Rev. Malcolm Wil liamson. Both Presbyterian and Methodist congregations will par ticipate in this service. The Methodist Youth Fellowship, with Donald Rhea as President, will meet in the Boyd Memorial Youth Chapel at 6:30. ' By NEWMAN CAMPBELL (The International Uniform Lesson on the above topic for October 5 Is Hebrews 1-2; 8:6-13; Matthew 3:16-17; John 14:5-11, the Memory Verse being Psalm 122 :1. "I was glad when they said unto me. Let us go unto the house of Jehovah.") TODAY WE start a new series of lessons taken from the letters of early church leaders. The one for today commences with two chapters from the Epistle of Paul to the Hebrews, concerning the revelation of God regarding H! Son, Jesus. It begins: "God, who at sundry times and In divers manners spake An time past unto the fathers lay the prophets, "Hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son, whom He hath appointed heir to all things, by whom also be made the worlds; "Who being th brightness of His glory, and the express Image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high." All through the Old Testament narratives God spoke through the prophets, who, in turn, translated His words to the Hebrew people. In the New Testament He speaks through Jesus, His Son and rep resentative on earth. Jesus brought God very near to us He called Him "Our Father," as well as "My Father," assuring us that we could take our prob lems directly to Him and He would hear and help us. God's Words Concerning Jesus As to the revelation concerning Jesus, Paul tells us: "For unto which of the angels said He at any time. Thou art My Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall bs to Me a Son? . . . "Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, bath anointed Thee with the oil of gladness above Thy fellows." These passages we should keep In our hearts. Paul writes: "Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip." There is no need to comment on this verse. Heedless little children who "forget" what Fattier and Mother tell them, or what their day or Sunday School teachers say, are matched by we older ones who forget too, and must remind ourselves again and again about our moral and spiritual lives Now we come to the New Covenant which Paul sets forth la Ui 8th chapter of his epistle Distributed by King Features Syndicate, to the Hebrews. "But now hath He obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also He Is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises. "For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second. "For finding fault with them,! He salth, Behold, the days come,' saith the Lord, when I will maks a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. "Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when 1 took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in My covenant, and I re-' garded them not, salth the Lord.' "For this is the covenant that 1 will make with the house 6f Israel after these days, saith the Lord; I will put My laws into their, minds, and wrtts them . In their , hearts and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to Me a people: All Shall Know Him "And they shall not teach every' man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know Me, from the least to the greatest. "For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their Iniquities will I remem ber no more." The old covenant may be found in the 30th chapter of Jeremiah. The people broke that pact and ware punished. Now, through Jesus we have this New Cove nant, "the new, the better, the everlasting Covenant." When Jesus was baptized in the' river Jordan, you remember, by John the Baptist, John said, "I have need to be baptized of Thee, and come8t Thou to me?" Paul baptized Him, and as He came from the water the heavens opened and a voice from heaven said, "This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." Our last reference, John 14.5-' 11, tells us of Jesus' efforts to explain His coming death and resurrection to His apostles. He had told them that He was going to leave them but Would prepare a place for them. "And whither I g y. know, and the way ye know." They did not know, Thomas told Him, and Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me. If ye had known Me, ye should have known My Father also . . . Bellevest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? the words that I spesk unto you I speak not of Myself: but the Father that dwelleth in Me, He doeth the works." Inc. ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Schedule of Masses Waynesville Every Sunday 11:00 A.M. Bryson City Every Sunday 8.00 A.M. Canton 5th Sunday 8:00 A.M. Cherokee 3rd Sunday . 8:00 A.M. Cullowhee 2fid Sunday 8:00 A.M. Fontana Dam Every Sunday 11:00 A.M. Franklin Every Sunday 8:00 A.M. Highlands Every Sunday 11:00 A.M. Murphy 1st Sunday 8:00 A.M. Sylva 4th Sunday 8:00 A.M. Under Their Noses AUBURN, Ind. (UPI A thief pried open a roll-top desk in the firemen's room in the city hall here and took $4 in cash and $2 In stamps. The firemen's room I djrsatly iWjfiine Me police -station. Library Notes Or MARGARET JOHNSTON County Librarian NEW BOOKS YOU MISS SHOULDN'T -666G Frontiers on the Daniels- Potomac. Liebman Peace of Mind. Williams L i 1 1 1 e Treasury of Modern Poetry. Betz Your Manners Are Show ing. Kolodin New Guide to Re corded Music. Mytinger New Guinea Head Hunt. Whiting Photography Is,,a, guage. ;Mam' f-. Fairchild World Grows Round My Door. Jaeger Easy Crafts. Lpcomte du Nouey Human Des tiny. Sawyer Way of the Storyteller. Arnall Shore Dimly Seen. Shoemaker How You Can Help Other People. Zaidenberg Sketching Is Easy. Pray Taxidermy. Hausman American Wild Flow ers. Edman Philosopher's Quest. Keith Three Came Home. Pyle Home Country. Odum Way of the South. Biddle Flower Arrangement foi Everyone. Green Car Owner's Handbook, Feller Strike Out Story. Gardner Book of Original Plays and How to Give Them. Rockow Creative Home Deco rating. Harre Treasures of the King dom. Taylor Rounds and Rounds. Lamont My Boyhood In a Par sonage. Mason Cabins, Cottages and Summer Homes. Armstrong Prayer Poems. Eljis- How to Gain Pleasure slid Profit from fitamp-OoHecting. EVERYDAY COUNSELOR REV. By HERBERT SPAUC.II, D. I). Courtesy being one of the most admirable human traits, 1 have wondered why more emphasis has not been placed upon it by our schools. Accord ing to the Marion Star IS. C.i, the stale of South Carolina is launching a vig orous program of courtesy amongst employees a n d customers to dc- t e r in I n e what courtesy prob lems are most common and what can he done lo correct them. Films and posters will lie used to call to the attention ol the public and clerks the lad that courtesy is contageous and does pay divi dends." That training will be initiated in the form of a "Courtesy Promotion Week". After this, classes will be conducted in both high schools and business firms to train youths and adults to be more courteous, there by rendering more effective service in the field of distribution. This is part of the program of work in Dis tributive Education being con ducted in South Carolina. This is an interesting angle to the program of Distributive Edu cation, which is becoming a part of our school systems I hroughoiil Hie country. It brings the schools closer lo business and industry which will employ our high school graduates. We Americans are an impetuous and somewhat intemperate people. We drive things through to a con clusion, and often at the expense of the feelings of others. There is a school of modern psychology, of which Dale Carnegie is an out standing exponent, which teaches that appreciation and encourage ment accomplish far better results in getting tlie 1 1 h is I mil ol people, than force and pressuie. They tell us repeatedly that courtesy, consid eration and appreciat inn pay big dividends. Those of us who have tried this program know that it works. II is fine thai courtesy programs are being launched in our schools. Every encouragement should be given lo them. But it they're to be truly ell'ective, such a program must originate in the home. Much good leaching in the school can be totally counteracted by had ex ample and practice at home. That puts the problem squarely in the lap of us parents Thai's where it ought to be. Too many marriages are going : f & 1 I i m 'J J Jm ii. : The Baptism of Christ. "I wei glad when they aid unto me, 1st us go unto the house 0 Jehovah. "-Pialm 122:1. on the rocks toda due primarily to (he lack of courtesy and appre ciation between liuslxuid and wife. A marriage which started out beau tifully and serenely, all too quickly becomes a iloineslie battleground. If there are children, they are in evitably drawn into the disorder and confusion. II parenls aren'l courteous to one another, they probably aren'l courteous to the children. Naturally Hie children then follow their example. The most closely knit unit in the land should be the home. Parents an dchildren should certainly stand together remembering the old say ing, "Blood is thicker than water." A home bound together by love, courtesy and appreciation will stand up under any set of circum stances. Yes, courtesy commences at home, and no better rule for it has been devised than the Golden Rule. lit TRY US FOR BETTER SER17CS We've spenl Ikiihht years servicing our customers w ith speedy delivei ies of spot less wash. We've kept in step with the latest methods. CALL 205 Waynesville Laundry ( Incorporated ) J. . k I I.I.I AN, Owner WE CALL AND DELIVER Phone 2().p Boyd Avenue See Power" Your International Industrial Distributor When You Need .... CONSTRUCTION, INDUSTRIAL, LOGGING AND MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT Sales Service Parts Supplies International Crawler Tractor Bucyrus-Erle Bullgrader There's an Office or Field Representative of North Carolina Equipment Company near you, whether you live in Manieo or Murphy. Let us give you complete information on your equipment requirements, and if it's a repair or rebuilding job, our factory trained service personnel is one of the best in the South. North Carolina Equipment Co: 1 h Phone 8838 3101 HUIsboro Street RALEIGH ' i WILMINGTON S Miles West Routes 74 and 78 Phone 2-2173 CHARLOTTE 2 Miles South Rente 2 Phone 4-4661 ASIIEVILLE Sweeten Creek Road Phone 789 . ' ; ... y .,1.,1-i'f