V. 1 22(1-230 S FlrM S LOUIS VILII k ' nm. Published V ? rJri-v-.t. -.w- r r-ui.m i r -- f' I If , I . I I r-ai&J - ft lU f-tiML ILL. 11 I 20 miles of j their ideal jnter. The Waynes ville Mountaineer Twice-a-Week Every Tuesday and Friday I'uMlud Ti,,-.., , k In I ! ( m 1 1 ! Seat t Ha wood County At Th e Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National No. 103 Twenty-Four PaKes Imtecl iVss and Assoc,;,.,-,! I',es, N,H, Park TJS Vlll 0ne-Third Of Haywood r T.oaf frnn nr. K, je Over Courl nuary Leaf Crop Gets Av Of $49.64 Per Heads HCMS eraqe Hundred. WAVNESVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY. DECEMBER 23, 1947 4-H Club Project Winners Pose With Governor II $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties ?ham Jurist On Nazi War fury List Donald Phillips of frho returned from a ince at the Nuern- Jies trials to resume 4 circuit court duties !will preside over the i of Haywood County ft which opens Mon J. jrmany Judge Phillips lal of Field Marshal creator of the Nazi jwald Pohl, and other Hitler's SS troops. 1 the January court st week by the coun ters and include three e for service the first !: woman among the ames. There has not man Juror here, since jwn in the last half jen excused on . their divorces are calen il in the docket pre ek, and 29 other civil I cases .'arc on the eek jury list includes: fensley, C. C Palmer, i Mrs. Bessie Lee . Fuller and Henry fynesville. ' township; homas Furness, Frank . Mrs. Helen Russell, Jwnship; Charles Han in Fincher, Clyde; tand Crewg Moody, rt Green and Low tall, Iron Duff; Amos he Oak; W. L. Brad I; Paul Messer, Jona I Cauley Justice and (Fines Creek; Charles ;C. S. Rollins, Pigeon; Jllbright, East Fork. nd week jury list are (Hardin, John M. Mc Frady and Frank Car- Wile township; F. W. binson and A. J. An fverdam; Sidney L. 1 John H. Smathers, frerguson, Iron Duff twkins and J. P. Ross, bert Howell, Jr., and p, Jonathan Creek; F. ines Creek; J. B. Sen- P. Kelley, Pigeon and i i-ecii. TJ7.-ILM Vr.unu-, 01 Crop Is Sold A! Sii:- !- 0Mmmmm ;il t 'IOUs;' '"! l'ui;lil 1 .i . i . ...!,. i 1 'jfjX Hum tin ..,,: .,ur-- ' ' f Mil- illVh .1 iU'i !.!.. ' sales :.:..(,. , T. :. XiT son and -.nils, ill ("Ivd :,..!! 1 -. ' Their 1 Mid jwiimls -.oUI S , , J an ;iir;a:f nl 1,7 tTi iirnnrnirmwrnn n ta wnninfflitirnrmrniTiwTrflr tfyi ( ); iii-r s;ili" i i'l'i i. 'I i" 1 mi; ' i; 1 1 liiivwi! : i 1 v." pcuiiuK ., i- S4 10 Hi a TJ ..ri aj:e C I Vi ,.i . , ( lii.n ... I iV(i imiiii,1-. j . ii- s.r-;1 in ,,i a ei a 'i- .1 .x ll.i: . e.l I: :. V. , ll.-s il!r mull 2 1 -4 I i ..usiil - l"i S4il !'! ;;i .-2 )li .I'., i;, K. It liii kin. ill .ii. il .1 ii -,1 n i- ( .--ii I on. 'i m ' i 2. 1 :;.-i i s i j 1 1 - lui STi;:', 42 ;ii ..ii :.4 .1.1 C. II Civil, nun. ' 1 vi.; IhiuiuN l. i Sl.illl.H2 ..! "ii " 2 a . afle. Ciin'i;ll (llariv (,'l;.li-. mulr ' , 1.7H0 pnnnib, tut' .WMU Saj ' JU ai,rnt!c Willie Smith, i "ii'. I I ;. ! - I . .2 .. . . ... I -fed if' i mm f sVs- I Li iiiii jiz Business Will Suspend For Two-Day Holiday CH DR. W. BOYD OWEN i Ihe newly-elected pi'esidenl ul tlie 1 1 ; i -wood County Meilu-al Sucielv. chosen last week al Ihe annual ela tion of officers. Dr. Owen has been practicing in Wavnesville sinee leaving the I-. S. Anm Medici Corps. Winter Arrives With 'Short' Day Winter is here. Yesterday, the 22nd day of De cember, was the first day of Win ter and arrived without snow, ralri," sleet, " irusty wiuds . . . in fact it was quite a pleasant day for this time of year. Prospect for a white Christmas apparent ly are dim. Monday also earned another distinction by beine the "short est" day of 1947. the day on which women talk less aeeordinK to some wit. As reported by the weather bureau the sun rose at 7:36 a.m. and set at 5:30 p.m. for nine hours. 44 minutes of daylight. T STANDING MEMBERS during 1947 in 4-H club work arc pictured above with (Ire y Cherrv during Achievement Day here December 13. From left to ritfht are 1 mut president of the countv council; Weaver Hipps. lamb project winner; Pete project winner and outstanding 4-H club boy in the county; Birdsell Gorell, ,n j..mir food conservation; the governor; Betty Joe Gorrell, poultry and. food con n winner and outstanding 4-H,girl; Ted Francis, baby beef winner; Jeanette Leop- iiiiration winner; and Lari ureene, Jr., swim.- jjiujo-i ( A Mountaineer photo by Ingram's Studio. Christmas Tree Programs Begin Sunday In Rural Areas By Salvation Army nU ler Sii.'U. iind II pint 11(1 Ii joy Annual Employees nas Party nts headed the guest PProximately 600 per ijoyed Dayton Rubber nual Christmas par I of their employees, fevening at the Arm pnta's load of gifts ?ugh to supply pres the children. was entertained bv We High mixed chor- and his Music the amusing antics of pained by E. E. Press ptte. ler was master of cer the celebration. Greet I employees from the W management tere i James G. McKinley. or William Medford speaker. Past Masters Club To Hold Ladies' Night On Dec. 29 Ladies' night and Champion night will be marked bv the I'nsl Masters club of Haywood county Monday nifiht. Dec. 20. at Cham pion YMCA. Past masters, officers and their wives from I'iKeon Hiver. Sonoma. Clyde and Wavnesville Masonic lodges are invited to at tend. Rev. L. E. Mabry. pastor ot the First Methodist church. Canton, will deliver the invocation. A tech nicolor motion picture. "Paper Comes to Life," will be shown, with remarks by a narrator. II. A Weld er, general manager of the Canton division, Champion Paper ana Fihro mmnanv and a member of .1. In -.! inill M up; -,-lsli I , ri STU.'i IIH 1 Ii .1 . I , rnll'e -. HI 17 (Hi ;,l rim pimi:.' a er.me. John I) 1 7"i4 poun a iTa'-ie Hay Hest Clyde. TL'fi 4H 41 iivrr.it; .!. I. K.i 1.4i!2 pom aviraitr W I' lii pounds lor C. C 1 i20 pituniN ciaci' M.H k Ii 742 pound -craye. llnyli Ho 274 puiiiw avera:;e. W P ll.nii- . Clyde. 1 214 pi. in al 24 av. i ..;;e W. I. li.i'dsJiaw fiTfi pound-. 1 or average lollll II Hiilhbol.e. Clyde. 1 i',24 pound-, l.u 54Hf! iH.'UCi' .lot- li;il bliiinr at.il D land. ii. in. I CI. rie. 1 at S957 a.'i a' Xiy.t awl A ( ', W.ilki r route 1 pound, for Sit2R 42 at ai;e W C Annual Christmas Tree;Pr6grrrrWill Ee Held Today : ,,. annual Communily Christ -i .., . ..iLjra ni sponsored by the .ii - Club fur children in the it will take place this aft- , i ; : .1 2 o'clock in the Court I he public is invited. i : p'ocrair, will include a i,,i : ili-v.il luii.-il by Hev. H. L. , in : ).isior of the Methodist , i .in ;-i .ii. I a Christmas story. Chri-lmiis," hy Iloark ild bv Mrs. William line it .") ' mil fruits and i i t old' Sli.V d I c 2li , (.ill i I tn r- ... ill Ii.- distributed to the ii-' h i n inu I In- prourain. . null, i of civic oriiani.at ions ! i -i !, , iduiiN are co-operating ):. I 'i. Woman's Club for the !:, I. Si!42 t;c 1,22 Hi I C null S7li' I I- vi ; M. ( 'lackcn. ionic 1 C Pigeon River lodge, will deliver the j 1.882 pounds for $1,034.: principal address. The annual election ot officers for 1948 will be held at the meet ing. The club meets at Canton once each year, and tins is customarily ladies" night. Since there are so many Champion employees in the club, this meeting has also been named as Champion niht. The dinner will be served by the ladies of the First Methodist church. Tickets are available from C. B. Hosaflook. Wavnesville: Sid ney Haynes. Clyde. Bert fugle. Bethel; and Joe Powell. Canton. a vera eo Edgar Mi f4fi pounds erage Kirov, route 1. lor Siinr, flu ;it Kill Mlllel. v rimciMlv of c the holiday- t Cly de II Hay . h h- i ;.nd V i N.ible (iarrcll is in charge . ii-. . and Mrs C. K. Kirkpal . ,n c. large of Ihe program. Tex Listers For Haywood Named By Commissioners hip :tx listers were ap-;i.-i Monday, December 15 by . ! . v.. .d county board of com- , a , . i -. as follows: I ii Moody. Cecil: Clin Bur- iil :i or- i . ''. :.! Fork: Vaughn Myers, ! ,mi dam farter Osborne, Clyde; J s; v,.,L Wavnesville; J. r.. rer- :, iv. Hill: Medford Leather-1 a Jonathan Creek; Oddie Fish, i , 1 1 , .-k: farl Rogers. Fines "rnrlM..! the i ''k: Prank Medford. frabtree; , , i i; I : .' k ftr.idshaw. Iron Duff; Mack i r Mi ( .i,:v i'! Big frock; and Gay Bur- ;. ia Tit'eon: Gifts and Christmas happi ness wili. be taken to nine ru l joonjmunitles by the Salva tion Arrfly workers of Maple Springs Citadel on Max Patch mountain. Twelve hundred persons of all ages have their names on specially selected gift pack ages which will be given al the Christmas trees held ovt the mountain parish, an nounces Maj. Cecil Brown. At i-ach gathering there will be a program of carols and hymns, and plays given by the girls of the Citadel. Candy, fruit and nuts will be distrib uted in addition to the presents at the seasonal celebrations. Major Brown states that the Christ mas tree programs will begin the Sunday before and continue until the Sunday after Christmas al the communities in this order: Millers Gap. Lit tl(! Creek, Maple Springs, Fines Creek. Shelton Laurel, White Oak, Bonnie Hill. Cold Springs and Big Bend This annual program is car ried out through contributions to the kettles which are set up in Wayncsville and Canton. """" i J. B. Bradshaw Rites Held After (Death Saturday Funeral services were held Sun i day afternoon at the Antioch Bap i list church for J. B. Bradshaw, 73, j well-known faiiner of Waynesville. ; route ,1ho died (i6atiit.r'ay morn I irt. !, !i 'hostpirnf 'HriiUiwIng h brief j Illness. I Mrs. C. O. Newell, the Rev. For j rest Ferguson and the Rev. f . L. ' Allen officiated and interment was ! in the Iron Duff cemetery. Active pallbearers were Hie iol j lowing grandsons: Bob and Pink Francis, Jim Davis, Bill Bradshaw. j Gay Bradshaw and Craig Brad shaw. Honorary pallbearers were Gro ver Clark, J. I... Walker. Wilson 1 Kirkpatrick. 11. S. Ward, Bob i Welch, .1. H. Woody. J. R. Hipps, f harlie Francis. Clarence Dotson, and Leonard Dotson. Survivors include three daugh ters. Mrs. Grady Davis of Waynos j ville, R. F. D. No. 2, Mrs. Henry Francis of Wayncsville and Mrs. Clinton McKlroy of Clyde, R. F. I). No. 1; two sons, Frank of Wayncs ville, R. F. D. No. 2, and Grover 'of Pasadena, Tex.; two brothers, Sam of Puntagorda, Fla., and Will of Haywood county; and five sis ters, Mrs. Ida McGec of Washing ton. D. C Mrs. Charles McCrack end of Maryland, Mrs. Burl Wal ker of Baltimore. Mrs. Dosha Grant of Knoxville. and Mrs. Jim McCracken of Franklin. Arrangements were under the direction of Crawford funeral homo. Christmas Edition Is Only Mountaineer Published This Week Ibis is the annual ( In Istin.is edition of The Wayncuville Mounta'mer, and the only issue of the piper to be published this work. Staff members will have Thursday and Friday as holidays and resume work Saturday on next Tuesday's edition, when the New Year will bo welcomed and events of 1947 reviewed. Throughout the pages of the Christmas edition are seasonal greetings from business houses and Industries of Haywood coun ty, expressing their good will to one and all. One Man Injured In Auto Accident On Balsam Road One peioon was injured Friday morning in an automobile collision on Balsam lord, tl'.e first of a series of accidents during the past week end. Louis Shulor, 40-ycar-old L'na gusta employee, received a deep laceration on his head while riding in a car with Fred Conard on th: way to work. His condition was re ported as good on Saturday muvi) ing at the Hayw'ood Co'imly' Hospi tal. Sunday afternoon a pickup truck being driven by Bill Moore of Mag gie, traveling from Wayncsville on the Dellv.ood road, collided wilh a 1947 Frazer operated by Mr. Hope of Los Angeles, Cal.. al the inter section of highways 19 and 234. Moore was given a fine for fail ure to obey a stop sitf ii al the road junction, and paid for repairs to the Frazer, according to the inves tigating patrolman, O. R. Roberts A police ticket charging drunk en driving was given Douglas Stokes by Wayncsville police alter Stokes drove his car into a parked auto on Main Street, near tlie Hotel Gordon, Sunday night. At about the same time Role Kaufman was cited for reckless driving after the car be was driv ing hit two oilier vehicles. one parked on Church si root and the other parked on Main street. Prosperity Hits Oklahoma & NO FLIES ON MAIN STRF.F.T LEBANON, Ind. APi When spider webs appeared on parking meters, city officials protested traf fic hadn't been that dull. Exploring with screwdrivers, they found spiders had crawled into the coin slots to escape cold weather, jam ming the mechanism. ' ADA, Okla 'LPi -Alter search ing through all his pockets, a cus tomer had to ask a friend to lend him a nickel to buy a copy of the j Ada Evening News. Employes of I the newspaper said the man wasn't broke. They couldn't change his $1,000 bill. Christmas Holiday Pe riods Are Announced By Industries, Public ' Offices A quiet and peaceful Christmas will be observed throughout Hy- ' wood county, and workers in in dustries, offices and shops have ahead of them holidays in which to relax and celebrate the birth of Christ with relatives and friends. Churches throughout thecounty held their annual CttrTsTmas pro grams on Sunday. Several relig ious services for Christmas Eve have been announced.. At the First Baptist church a service will be held at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday at which the techni color movie of the "Christmas Story" will be shown. Holy Communion will be ob- served at 11:30 p.m. Wednesday at ji Grace Episcopal church, and St. t j John's Catholic church will con, duct the traditional midnight mass. -j - Stores i-.:.'.'; " a'vr ; Shoppers will have until 6:00 p. m. on Wednesday. Christmas ! Eve to complete their purchases and should provide themselves'-, j; with enough food to last the --. ; , f next two days when all stores y will be closed. Z1 ' tV-.av , The schedule . announced by David Felmet, president of the . - Merchants AssichHto. specWeiroy; that stores will be closed atf dai on December 25 and 26, reopen for the regular hours on Satur i day, December 27. The usual i Wednesday afternoon closing will be resumed December 31, ! and stores will be open all ot New Years Day. Courthouse ; Offices in the courthouse will close after their regular hours on : Wednesday until Monday morning, according to George A. Brown. Jr., county manager. I Banks i The First National bank of Way- nesville and First State bank of j llaelwood will observe Thursday j i and Friday as holidays, it is an nounced by Jonathan Woody, presi dent. Industries A. C. Lawrence Leather company employees will have Cluistrhas Day and New Year's Day as holi days. Dayton Rubber company will close at 3 p. m. on Wednesday until 1 1 o. m. Sunday. Unagusta Manufacturing corpor ; alion employees are to have Wed nesday, Thursday, Friday and Sat (Continued on Page Two) Baptist Church Given Pulpit Set By Garretts In Honor Of Aliens 2 SHOPPING DAYS TO CHRISTMAS Bob Milner is here from the Uni versity of South Carolina to spend the holidays. Weather B United Press) Dec. 23. Mostly Nttle change in tem bably light showers. vynesviHe tempera 'ed by the staff of the irm): Rain Max. .Mln. fall . 47 19 37 18 61 18 - - 50; - 21 Rotarians Swap Toys At Annual Christmas Party Rotarians had their annual Christmas party last week when every member brought a toy for some other member. After all mem bers had displayed their presents, the toys were gathered and given the Woman's Club for distribution at the annual community Christ mas tree. The club will meet Friday at one o'clock, and Dr. Frank S. Love will be the speaker, bringing a special message in keeping with the season. This is a special request program. By I R ANfKS (.11 HI K I FK7!U! i Ever mi-c-- !a-l 1 Iiur-ii.f. na.r'.- ins there h.'i - beer, a pa-ii2e ii a. j the Bible runrini ' hwutfh ' ' mind: -For a much as ' j done i! unto the leasi of th. - i ' also have ye done it unto Me The editor came to my de-k :...' ! morning and said he thought H ! would be a story in it it I wo-al accompany one nf ihe mern.i. : - the Lions club when iney mm. ue 100 chosen children M be outfi'Va There was not only a story bu! a sermon as well. And a something that went deeper than words could ever reach You just can t see children get so thrilled and ex cited and happy and not have it do something to you. 1 was fortunate to he taken u:; rfr the wine of Patrolman O Ii Robert- leader in the I ion; : ; . :V we started . . . four ' i - and mc. The first :j; ! ,v a.lnp of exciTement came .(-,: all git into that smoolh i. !-,!. car of the Patrol Service ,!..; -' ,: ('.! on our happy purchas-Bclk-Hudson's was our I,- :i at a ,n and there we sepa-.-, . i Patrolman Roberts tak- ; , .,.. boy and me the three 1 1 '. - r was Carrie Mae. 10. a bun i'i ,,: iiK-lorized energy. I feel He writer who penned the an a June Is Busting Out AJ1 i, i must have seen Carrie Mae i. a! had her in mind She handed ne h.-r list and the catch-as-catch- ii began. Carrie Mae was deeply u:p -I'.- iative of what was being giv- :i ! i r but Carrie Mae was exper eiHing her first glimpse of an arthiy heaven and she was hav ni the timr of her lifp. I finally got her list and Carrie Mae together and we started. She wanted a sweater and her selection was an angelic shell pink one. Shell pink? Practical? Heck no! But life needs a few impractical things in it to keep the lights burn ing on the eternal Christmas tree, farrie Mae got the pink sweater . . . and from then on Carrie Mae's selections were all mine. Carrie Mae had discovered a clothes model with wire hair and her en chantment was something out of this world. With the pink sweater went a very pretty dress carrying a delicate pink stripe amidst its other decorations; underwear, a delicate pink slip, woolen gloves of a sensible color, galoshes (which she kept right on), socks and a Jennie Lee wanted a coat . . . and we tried on several before we found one that mot all require ments ... as to length, color and fit. For Jennie Lee. although only 11 was quite a young lady and such a young lady. One of the coats wC tried on Jennie Lee was the most beautiful shade of red and I thought it might go well with her big blue eyes . . . until I saw An nie Jean's deep brown eyes ador ing that red coat. Then that coat wasn't going to be worn by any one but Annie Jean when it came her turn. With Jennie Lee's coat went a dress that had the same accommo dating stripe to match the coat. Underwear, a slip, head scarf that matched in tones, galoshes and woolen head scarf. That woolen socks completed her list ana as head scarf had been impressed ' she had been such an assisting per npon me from thp verv beginning ' 'Continued on Page Two) During Ihe "White Christmas", service al the First Baptist church l here Sunday morning, an an nouncement was made that Mr. and Mrs. Noble W. Garrett had made a pledge to give a 7-piece set ol pulpit furniture for the new church building. Tlie announcement came as the service was dedicated to the giv ing of gifts to the church building. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Garrett approached j church officials some lime ago and made the offer, saying they wanted to have a part in the new build ing, because of their "apprecia tion of the congregation, the pas- j tor. and in recognition of the loya! i services to the church of Prof, and Mrs. W. C. Allen." j Provisions hav been made to I have a plaque made dedicating the ' furniture in honor of Prof, and ; Mrs. Allen. When the announcement was made by W. Curtis Russ, chairman of the building fund committee, Professor Allen rose and expressed his gratitude for the recognition shown he and Mrs. Allen. The con gregation then stood in honor of the two honorees and the donors of the gift to the new building. This is the second liberal gift made towards the new building during the past few weeks by friends outside the congregation. Several weeks ago Mrs Miriam Moore, and daughter, Mrs. Page, gave $5,000 for a new pipe organ. Rev. L. G. Elliott, pastor of tha church said. "In behalf of the con gregation. I wish to express our appreciation to these friends of (Continued on Page Two) Highway Record For 1947 (To Date) In Haywood Injured ---51 11 Killed 8 (This information Com piled From Records of State Highway Patrcl) :Si f: it i V r 'i if