atnE-WAVNESVlLLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE FOUR (First Section) Dewey Hyatts Entertain On 25th Anniversary l Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Hyatt were busts to friends at their residence In Hazel wood on Friday afternoon and agaiti Friday evening in ob servance of their twenty-fifth v.tii- ding anniversary. They were assisted in receiving by their daughter, Miss Catherine Hyatt, and their sons. J. I. Hy att, home lor cie Christmas vaca tion from the Julliard School of Music, and Aaron Hyatt, student at the McPhail School of Music in Minneapolis. The Christmas motif was used in all arrangements. In the living rooms evergreens, red roses, and white tapers were used in decora tion, while in the dining room the tea table was covered with a lace cloth and centered with an arrange ment of greenery interspersed with white tapers. Greeting the guests at the front door in the afternoon was Mrs. B. R. Hundley, with Mrs. Rufus Carsuell presiding in the dining room. Assisting in serving were Mrs. Homer Scruggs and Mrs. Joe McGee, sisters of Mrs. Hyatt, and Mrs. Fred Tate, sister-in-law, all of Newton, and Miss June Hund ley. In the evening Mrs. Hundley re eeived at the mtranrr and Mrs. H. "J3. Toy received the dining room dowr. Serving were Mrs. Clark Ed monds. Mrs. P H. Gentry, Mrs. Scruggs. Mrs. McGee. and Miss Willi Ma Cope Mr. and Mi. Hyatt are both na tives of Haywood county. Mrs Hy att is the ilonjhter ol Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tat ol Hazelwood and Mr. Hyatt is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hyatt, of Waynes- ville. Thr wir,. married on De rember 2ti. 1922. by the iate Rev J I Joyntr. p.isior of the First Baptist church of Waynesville Ben Colkitts Are Hosts Christmas Night .Mr. and Mrs Ben Colkitt held I prn house at their home in Grim- l?H Park mi last Thursday eve- Hint; A Christmas tree was featured in the decorations. A number of friends called dur - ing the evening. JIMMY REED that due to a rrrrnt lire, a local physician is occupying his Waynes ville show room temporarily. Call 338-W until further notice. James W. Kced, Jr. faditutioHal Qwuuiule. "1TL MOTO COUIfl It's here! FAMOUS ONCE-A-YEAR Wind and Weather Lotion 1 SIZE $2 size, now $1 Pmrimct as foundation b Hlpi rotocf kb from ORDER NOW1 rl.or. ,,nd m Hit laHawmg Uuy Jt tit kwtl at 1 .Cart in (hc $ ihtt Ham CHy "a cHtac 50th Anniversary Is Observed By The Haynes Mr. and Mrs. George C. Haynes, of Clyde observed their fiftieth wedding anniversary with a family reunion on Christmas Day at tho home of a daughter, Mrs. W. H, Burgin, on the Dcllwood RoacL Tile occasion also marked the twenty fifth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Burgin. '-r Around twenty-eighnmembers of the family were present fr'r Christ mas dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Haynes were mar ried in Hendersonville at, the home of the bride on November 25, 1897, Mrs. Haynes is the former Miss Nancy Patton, daughter of the late John Irvin and Susan Gordon Pat ton. Mr. Haynes is the so D of the late William J. and Rachel Penland Haynes. of Clyde. He took an active part in Haywood County politics for a number of years and served for eight years as Registor of Deeds. Following his term of office he retired to his farm near Clyde Both Mr. and Mrs. Haynes are ac tive members of the First Baptist Church, of Clyde. Among those present for lh: celebration were the following daughters and sons-in-law with their children: Mr. and Mrs. Brown Caldwell, of Greenville. S C; Mr and Mrs. Homer Owen, of Waynes ville: Mr. and Mrs. Kyie Campbell of Hazelwood: and Mr. and Mis Burgin. A son. Irvin Haynes. of Pasadena, Texas, and Mrs. Hugh Haynes. widow of another son were not able to attend. McElroys Are Entertained Christmas Night Mr. and Mrs. Paul McElroy en tertained a group of friends with open house on Christmas night. Christmas decorations were-used throughout the home. Guests included Dr. and Mrs Thomas Stringfield, Mr. and Mrs. William Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Killian Jr.. and Ben Colkitt. Jr. i Miss Charlene Rotha. who is a j teacher in the Deaf School at ;mi'- ganton, is spending the holiday.- here with her mother. Mrs. Harry Rotha. Announced . . . MOTELS HITAUANT OFFICES EVENT! NOW IT prkf pfvt Pmx Gwofdt aoifwf chopping lootfcoa rim roifflifiow WW 4 Ww Lotnm Mk s at $1 MftM -Mate- 4 W- 4 RecSStHrlde t 'T V . 1 1 MRS. -FREQ-J'Fi above, is the former, Mjs-.JSilcia McLlure. jaughler of jjlr n. Gaither McClure. She v.'iis mSmfed in De- ember in 6'lva. Miss McClure s Married To Fred Cope Miss Wilda McClure. daughter -if Mr. and Mts, Call her McClure. if Waynesville was married to Mr. fred Cope, of Syh'a. son of Mrs. L. L. Cope and the late Mr. Cope n a ceremony which took place it noon in the Sylva Baptist church Sunday December 21. Rev. Crawford officiated. There were no attendants and jnly a few friends witnessed the ceremony. The bride wore a grey suit with )lack aecessoriv"Hiul a corsage of ed roses , The couple till icside in S !va A'hcre the bridegroom is employed Aith the Meade Corporation. Beta Sigma Phis Have Christmas Party Atfclub The member of the Beta Sigma hi soront entertained their hus bands and friends on Christmas night at a nai'U given al the Waynesville Cotintn Club. A tree and oilier Christmas deco rations were used. Punch and sandwiches wire served during the evening and dancing featured the entertain ment. j Special guols '.if: the occasion ' w:ere Dr. and Mrs Bo;, d Owen. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W Edwards. Mr land Mrs. Cliffqid Hanvil. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Massie. Mr and Mrs. Hob ert Treue, Mr. ami Mrs. Jimm Wil liams. Miss l.ou Ella Hall, and Boh 'Arial Plans lor llie parly were made by Mrs Ed Spears and Mrs. Charlie Woodward, members of the social committee. SMITH'S CUD RATE DRUG STORE s0 'J , Employees Of The Mountaineer Are Entertained W. C. Russ and Marion .T. Bridges, publishers of The Waynes ville Mountaineer, with Mrs. Russ and Mrs! "tiWdge's were' hosts to the employees of the Mountaineer with their wives and husbands at their imnua' Christmas dinner party Tuesday evening at The Lodge. They were assisted by their chil dren Miss Mareuerite Russ. Miss Shinty Bridges, and Charles Bridges. Mr, Kuss and Mr. Bridges pre sidud at opposite ends of the long tabie at whilic the guests wtre seated. Tm, table was attractively r decorated 'in the Christmas motif , with a miniature snow-man as the centerpiece and red candles and holly plaieett -at intervals. The entertainiiHfHt following the serving o 4innBr featu: ,d an ex change of" humorous gifts by all present. Congratulations were extended to Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bridges, who were observing their fifty-fourth wedding anniversary on the same day. Mr. Bridges has been associ ated with The Mountaineer for more than fifty years. Christmas gifts were then pre sented to each guest by Mr. Bridges tor The Mountaineer. In behalf of the employees Mrs. Frances Frazier presented leather hill folds to Mr. Russ and Mr. Bridges and a gift to Mr. J. T. Bridges. Expressions of appreciation were also made by the employees and guests to the hosts of the occasion. Special guests for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwyn, the latter for a number of years associate editor of The Moun- laineer. Others present included Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bridges, Mr. and Mrs Robert Winchester. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Spears. Mrs. Frances Frazier, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sloan, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. Chin lie Miller and daughter, Myr aj. Miss Jame Kluttz; Robert Mc Lean. II. W. Hogoboom and Carl Biythe. Miss Quinlan Is Hostess Of Open House Miss Betsy Lane Quinlan enter tained with an open house at Prospect Hill" last Saturday aft ernoon in honor of her sister, Miss Mary Quinlan, who has recently i returned from Heidelberg, Ger many. Vases ol red roses .were arranged throughout the residence and the ! Christmas motif was used In all appointments. Mrs. Charles E. Quinlan, mother 1 tlie hostess, received the guests m the living room and Miss Alice Wuinlan received in the library. Others assisting in receiving were ah . and Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwyn, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde H. Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Woody, Mr. and Mrs. j William Medford and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Watkins. 1 Assisting in serving were Mrs. William Hannah, Mrs. Hallett ; Ward. Miss Helen Ray, Miss Lois Harrold. Mrs. John Allen and Mrs. i Ben Sloan. Around one hundred and thirty j friends called during the hours : from 4:30 to 7 o'clock. Special j guests for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. John Woltz, of Mount Airy. if - j The Elwoods 'Are Hosts At ! Buffet Supper Miss Mary Lu Elwood and her orother, Jim Elwood, were hosts of a buffet supper at their home in tCast Waynesville Sunday night. They were assisted in receiving ' .heir guests by their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Elwood. and Miss Amelia McFayden. A tree, lighted red tapers, and I evergreens were used in docora- 'ion of the living rooms. In the din ing room the table was centered j with a lake scene on which weie ice skating figures. Red tapers in silver holders flanked the scene, i The guest list included Mr. and j Mrs. Robert Goldsworthy. Miss 'Mary Schusler. Miss Polly D'yer, M i s.s Betsy Slier. Miss Dorothy ; Kicheson, Miss Betty Bradley, Miss Marguerite Way. Bill Millar.' Bob iby Colkitt,. Bill Miller, Jimmy Mringheld. Charles Way, Bob Lee, Bill Hannah, Toots Hannah, and Bobby Breece. j j Joint Hostesses I Have Dance At Masonic Temple Miss Bette Hannah and Miss Bar bara Anne Boyd were hostesses of a dance for members of the young er set last night at the Masonic Temple. They were assisted in re ceiving by their mothers, Mrs. Willjam, Hannah, and Mr, Grady Byd- t ?- i Christmai greens and red can dles were used in decoration and punch and cookies were served throughout the evening from an at tractively appointed table. Invitations were - extended to around eighty suesta, . Miss Mary MiliiBilfil . .u 5 "Ss Sf " SS MISS ELMORE'S engagement to Y. F. Burgess, of Waynes ville, has been announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Elmore, of Franklin. Recent Bride MRS. SAM BEST is the former Miss Betty Jo Kinsland, daughter jf Jarvis Kinsland, of Clyde. Her narriage took place on December 13 in Clayton, Ga. Betty Kinsland Is Bride Of Sam Best Announcement has been, made jf the marriage of Miss Betty Jo Kinsland, daughter of Jarvis Kins land, of Clyde, to Sam Best, son af Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Best, also of 21yde. The wedding took place in Clayton, Ga., on December 13. The bride received her education in the Crabtree-Iron Duff High School. Mr. Best is a member of the senior class of the Crabtree-Iron Duff School. The couple will reside in Clyde. McCrackens Are Hosts Of Dinner Party Dr. and Mrs. J. II. McCnirkri, vere hosts of a dinner parly Sun iay night at their home on Main Street. Christmas decorations were used ana me dining table was centered with an arrangement of evergreens flanked by lighted red tapers. The guest list included Mr. .?nd Mrs. C. C. White. Mr. and Joe Tate, Mr. and Mrs. A. II l)u- Breuil, Mr. and Mrs. R I, (Yin Mrs William Ira Lee, Miss l.oi Harrold, Mrs. William Hannah, and Col. Harry Crawford Kimballs Have Open House hristmas Day Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Kimball and Miss Lou Elva Eller entertained with open house at the Waynesville Country Club on Christmas after noon. A tree and other Christmas dec orations were used throughout the rooms where guests were assem bled. The hosts were assisted in receiving by Mrs. Kimball's moth er, Mrs. Edith C. Eller, of Braden ton, Fla. Around fifty guests called during the hours from 4 to 6 o'clock. . Open House Is Held Christmas Day Mr .and Mrs. Paul Davis and Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Davis entertained with open house at the residence of the former on Christmas Day. A tree and other Christmas decorations were used. Around thirty-five guests called between the hours from four to six o'clock. H. Elmore " . f, .v. I Engagement Of Miss Elmore Is Announced Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Elmore, of Franklin, have announced the en gagement of their daughter. Miss Mary Helene Elmore, to Y. F. Bur gess, of Waynesville. Miss Elmore is a member of the faculty of the Waynesville high school. She is a graduate of Sue Ross Stale Teachers College, Al pine, Tex., and attended Western Carolina Teachers College at Cul lowhee and Daniel Boone College in Brownwood, Tex. She also stu died for a master's degree in the graduate school of the University j of North Carolina. Mr. Burgess is an instructor ini the vocational school here. He is j a native of Rutherfordton and at-j fended college in California. He is a graduate of the Coyne Electrical School of Chicago, 111., and fol lowing graduation taught in the same school. He directed courses of instruction for the British Navy during World War II. Mr. and Mrs. Ervirt Philman have returned to their home in Winston-Salem after spending the week end here as guests of Mrs. Horace Ferguson. To the LU UAJLL BAB Babies born in this county in Dixie-Home Stores Welcomes your new 1MJ f and will present a case of LIBBY'S StraindW rooa to the first Just send the baby's name, sex, weight and the time of b r! I The three babies selected will be presented with a j Food with the compliments of the DIXIE Uu::::;:::;:::jr.:::m:::::::n:una:t are FRUITS SOUPS Miss Osborne Is Hostess Of Buffet Miss Mary Osborne wa, ,., of a buffet supper Saturla at her home on Love !.,,, was assisted in entertainn, i mother, Mrs Robert Oshui hl her grandmother, Mrs. j . Mi Christmas decorations ,ei, throughout the residence ai , dining table held a cent. i p,, , , silvered evergreens and t l m', , ornaments. Following the guests dancing. the serving ol do enjoyed gaiar-, Those present for the . , Miss Vivian Watkins. m,v. ,', Morris. Miss Mildred M, ,',,.'.' Miss Catherine Hvalt. Mis-, h, , Hannah. Miss Peggy Nolan,! Dolt' Keinast, Ted Huntley .ni Shaw, Jimmy Gallowav ivni d vis, Walter Taliaferro and n ,i, Ward. i WayiH-svill,. .Mlllln, MATINEi: SATURDAY -, NIGHT SHOWS,,,;:",,;,;- i, Children Tiidcr !: v, ,.. , . Is Monday-Tiie.sdn.v. I) "Thunder In The Valley Marrin LON McALLISTKK and J' (, Wi'dnesday. I)t((- Swing The Western Wa Stan iiii: JACK LKONAKI) l KV DM, Thursdnv, I "Western Union" Siiirnny KOHEKT Y()UN(; ;m( K.WDOI ' StliTT Friday, JaiutfW Untamed Fury" Si ( a r p i n i " "AflKEL fcOMJ.M) and r.AYUlh' ri'mON ONE CAS first three , f IT im-l three babies born m i HOMt STRAINED and r VSGITAIIES ,lES . Ml AT COM -"''Men ""id me QJ 'nti ; U 'MV.I Ulil, 'U'lll ,1... f 2'l-'!n N (i.IKmJ im.n ,; 24 JARS raine Y FOOL 5 Baby TORES, .f'J2S3S .....,,---t:....