1 PAGE Fit? PAY, MARCH 9, 1948 THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER 'in the Hazelwood- ,ut Week Observed ts Here Lxth anniversary of L America is being fghout the nation Lt Week which be- he morning service Irian church in uni l continue to jvear throughout the 0d-aynesvilie Girl is also making a v,; n'wk to secure io for giris in this (present only three are actively organ ?bave been inacle tor jl troops in .he Uaz iThere is still pri.-s.s-derslnp in the Cen y School, where (ill Jessed a desire t j le and in the East Ihool. ho will devote a few fe this work is asked Carl Katclitte, lead fci for the council. NEYS k liuiiniiir, ittliing, cloudy kains ? Do n luue colli j rt M-.F-Tli.X, I util'it ronliiiii a modeil. 1 ,y tijxTi.ilists in kulncy b' tn jliiifuL iii.ikt's yui tkbuli. .i!f I'" ti i iii i n in Hlns ii'l -i a niiuinkr tu tie is "l "ul ,lniK l ',r!. Drug Muiu or uur Home- Miss Pennington Is Bride Of Carroll Garren Miss Frances Pennington, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Penning ton of Somerset, Ky., was married Saturday, February 28, to Carroll F. Garren, son of Charlie Garren and tne late mis. Mabel Oarren or Canton. The wedding took place at the home oi Mrs. W. W. Moore, sister of the bride, with the Rev. C. H. Green, pastor of the West Canton Baptist churcn, performing tne double ring ceremony. Only members of the immediate families were present. The bride wore a pink gabardine suit with brown accessories, and her corsage was of white rosebuds. Mr. and Mrs. Garren are making their home in Canton. PERSONALS Mrs. W. Curtis Russ and daugh ter, Marguerite, accompanied Mr. liuss to Italeigh Friday, where the latter attended a meeting of the State Education Commission, of which he is a member. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Corpening spent last week-end in Raleigh. Joe Cline has returned to his home alter spending the week end in Kaleigh. Mrs. Troy Wyche was called to Pensacola, Fla., Saturday on ac count of the death of her son-in law, Sgt. William A. Byrnes, Jr. 2 jllEATRE OF TOMORROW" TODAY 'Theatre of Comfort and Courtesy" D Tuesday and Wednesday ,000 HORSEMEN Cartoon and News Thursday Only Y WITHOUT MEN With- LINDA DARNELL f A u urn w- V X" t ur IY LINE NEIGHBORS ave problems, too! p mil hriof T It i r - - , . . - UA44Ar .nnjlrt fnr UHII fl n ci VSfiT party line neighbors. wlhprtt a rhanee Y A "Time Out" between calls gives others 0 chance to use the line. e lino in pmprgenciea When another party on the line has an -I emergency, please release the line quieMy. 3 up tjentty When the line is busy, please "Hong Up Gently." BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY A CANINE SUPER-PRODUCTION IN HOLLYWOOD hi if i x V rl l ; - - - - i ' . 4 1 - --v ' f ' TRYING TO Kt& SEVEN PUPPIES from squirming out of her arms while their picture Is being taken is no simple task fot Ella Ra.'ncs, stage and screeD actress Her pet, "Bunny." (left) gave birth to the cute Utter In a Hollywood kennel The pappy, "Jimmy- (right) Is owned by Louella Parsons, famed motion picture col umnist Six of the U-tai brood are female and three are male, (International Soundphoto) Miss Corbin Is Honored At Luncheon Mrs. Henry Foy, Miss Kffie Mor row and Miss Alta Ponder were joint hostesses on Saturday at the Slcyland tea room, honoring Miss Margaret Corbin, whose marriage to Sam Cartner will take place on March 27, at the Presbyterian church here. An arrangement of early spring flowers centered the luncheon ta ble and place cards were in the bridal motif. The hostesses pre sented a gift of silver to Miss Cor bin. Guests were Miss Corbin, Mrs. L. M. Richeson, Miss Born ice Har rell. Miss Dorothy Martin, Mrs. Sebe Bryson, Mrs. L. J. Cannon, Miss Mary Louise Cannon, of Can ton; Miss Sue Willard Lindsley and Mrs. Howard Clapp. Will Your Screens Last This Season? I)ji't look . . . just call 215 . . . The PROTEX WEATHERSTRIP AND SCREEN CO. representative will be glad t check your screens for you, If new screens are needed, the PKOTEX WEATHERSTRIP AND SCREEN CO. handle the famous WATSON ALL METAL SCREEN, a screen that will last a lifetime. So call 215 for an estim ate without obligation. Springtime is house cleaning time. . . . Let PROTEX WEATHER STRIP AND SCREEN CO. com pletely weather protect your house before you start your Spring house cleaning, duties. They handle an all metal weatherstripping that will not rust or corrode. For a com plete' job installed and inspected by skilled mechanics call the PRO TEX WEATHERSTRIP AND SCREEN CO. For screen and weather protection needs contact PROTEX WEATHERSTRIP AND SCREEN CO., 143 College Street, Asheville, N. C. Ben Mayficld will be happy to discuss these problems with you. Thomasine Watts Becomes Bride Of Clyde Miller Miss Thomasine Watts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aulton 1). Watts of Canton, was married to Clyde Miller, son of Mrs. Let ha Bell Mil ler of Canton, on February 29 at Clayton, Go. The bride wore a blue gray suit with black and white accessories. Her corsage was of red roses. Miss Hazel Miller, sister of the bride groom. Miss Hetty I'oe, Sonny I'res sely, and Bill Hhinchcart, all or Canton, accompanied the couple to Clayton. An informal reception was held at the home of the brides parents. Attending the reception were mem bers of the family and a few close friends. Miss .lane Wyche, who is a stu dent at Woman's College, Greens boro, is here to attend funeral ser vices for her brother-in-law, Sgt. William A. Byrnes, Jr. STRAWBERRY PLANTS Home gardeners who are inter ested in getting .strawberry plants this year are advised to get in touch with the county agent by March Ki to take advantage of a special opportunity. C. P. & L. Co. Adds 57 Miles Rural Line Company Now Serves 2,260 Rural Homes In Haywood County Carolina Power & Light Com pany's postwar rural line-building program has brought 57 miles of new rural lines to Haywood Coun ty, furnishing electricity to 610 rural homes for the first time. CP&L now has more than 165 miles of rural lines In operation in Haywood County alone, serving 2, 260 rural homes. 1947 saw com pleted 45 miles of these lines, add ing 468 farm homes to the list. The rural line-building program has been one of Carolina Power & 'Light Company's major undertak ings. Since the war, CP&L has built 4,288 miles of line to serve 28.000 farm homes throughout its system, 2,850 miles of these lines being completed during 1947 to bring electric service to 17.000 customers. The Company now has nearly 11,000 miles of rural lines in oper ation throughout its territory, serv ing almost 70.000 farm homes. Still another 500 miles of rural lines have been completed except for installation of transformers. These lines will serve an additional 2,- 600 customers as soon as trans- SINGING CONVENTION The Haywood County Singing r-onvention will be held Sunday af ternoon, at 1:30 p.m., at the court house, it is announced by Tom Queen. The public is invited. formers, which have been on order for some time, are delivered and can be installed. P0V2PLES DON'T SQUEEZE THCMI IfMttad Mi U.UUX and m how mioly llt It bidet ugly pimpte it lns tbtiu ""J"' lint trial. Not a freaay ar that lfPj thri on, but a aoothiix abdicated liqldd that relieve itching drive redneaa oat. AU for KLEEHEX at all druaguu. j0 Oouba your tnonajr bmck If it IttU. Smith's Cut Rata -jDn siore 'i t r ; r we a CHESTERFIELD STARTIU6 MASH Available in Dress Print Bags at Your Chesterfield Feed Store EARLE-CHESTERFIELD MILL CO. Asheville North Carolina PYROTEX WEATHERSTRIP AND SCREEN CO. Asheville, N. C. 143 College St. Asheville Livestock Market Very Active Livestock receipts were moder ate, totaling, .approximately 625 head, at the Asheville auction sale last week. The market was very active. Good beef type rows ranged from 16.00-18.75, medium 14.00 16.00, canners and cullers from 12.00-14.00. Heifers showed a gain ovw the previous sale, with good stockers clearing from 18.00-22 50, and fair to medium types 1:175 17.00. Offerings of calves were fairly heavy, with good fat vealers selling as high as 29 80, medium types 20.00-2500. culls and dairy stock 14.00-20.00. Very lew steers offered with me dium to good stockers ranging from 20.00-24.00 and fair to medium at 16.00-19.00. Good butcher hulls steady at 20.00-22.50 and fair to medium types from 17.00-2000. Approximately 50 head of sheep were offered with most old ewes ranging from 11.00 down and me dium lambs clearing around 18.00. In television, each individual picture is drawn by light in about Phone 215 'oBe-thirt ieth of a second. PARK THEATER Waynesville, North Carolina MATINEE SATURDAY 2 and 3:30 SUNDAY 2 and 1P.M. NIGHT SHOWS 7 and 9 Daily SUNDAY 8:30 Only ADMISSION PRICES: Children Under 12 Years 12c Including Federal Tax Adults. All Seats 35c Including Federal Tax It Tuesday, March 9 Gone With The Wind CLARK GABLE and VIVIAN LEIGH Wednesday, March 10 Fear In The Night Starring PAUL KELLEY and KAY SCOTT II Thursday, March 11 The Guilt Of Janet Ames Starring ROSALIND RUSSELL and MELVYN DOUGLAS ii Friday, March 12 The Return of Rin Tin Tin (In Technicolor) Starring DONALD WOODS and BOBBY LAKE ii JEFFERSON STANDARD serves Policyholders from the Carolinas to California.. the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. tr1 I ' V IN 1947 Jefferson Standard served a greater number of policyholders than ever before and made substantial gains volume of new business and financial strength. ThiS achievement is high tribute to the loyal group of field representa tives whose skilled services made this record-possible. Through their efforts the comforting protection of life insurance was brought to additional thousands of families during the year. Today's high income taxes and low returns on investments have intensified the problem of estate creation in.rj conservation, thus causing the American people to value more than ever the security and personal satisfaction whii.b life insurance affords. In 1947 FOUR OUT OF FIVE families enjoyed the protection of life insurance. Jefferiuij Standard provides more than $745 million of this protection. HIGHEST RATE OF INTEREST EARNED 1947 marks the eleventh consecutive year thit Jefferson Standard has led all major life insurance companies in rate of interest earned on invested assets. HIGHEST RATE OF INTEREST PAID On funds left in trust extra income to policy holders and beneficiaries. INSURANCE IN FORCE Now $747,501,522 which represents an increase of over $75,000,000 for the year. STRONG FINANCIAL POSITION Assets increased more than $20,000,000 in 1947 and now total $199,857,286. Surplus, Capital and Contingency Reserves total $23,500,000. a new high mark in additional funds for policyholders' protection. BENEFITS PAID Payments to policyholders and beneficiaries aggre Kated $8,664,444 in 1947, bringing, total paymenti since organization In 1907 to more than $167,700,000. NEW POLICY PLANS At the close of 1947 efferson Standard made sev eral new policy plans available to the public, in cluding a wide range of policies for children. SALES HIGHEST IN HISTORY Sales of new life insurance in 1947 reached a total of $118,272,288, a new company record. 4 hi Annaai Statement DECEMBER 3 1,1 947 ASSETS Cosh $ 4,879,606 United States Government Bends All Other Bends Stacks Listed i;'riirtfip.- nrr rarrind at ninrkrf, rust, nr mil Trier, whichever is lowest. First Mortgage loans . Real Estate . . . . . Loans to Our Policyholders . . Srrtirrd hv ti" c.arfh values of policies. Investment Income in Course of Collection Premiums in Course ot Collection .... All Other Assets ... 36,068,470 26,012,199 17,152,765 86,621,832 9,544,105 12,804,544 1,293,967 3,842,967 LIABILITIES Policy Reserve ... $149,tio.iiV A fund which with future premiums and intercut earninKS provide for the payment nf rmlicy nhliirn tinns as they fall due. Reserve for Policy Claims ..... Claims on which completer! prrKtfs have not been re ceived. Reserve for Taxes . Premiums and Interest Paid in Advance . . Policy Proceeds Left with Company ... Dividends for Policyholders . . . Reserve for All Other Liabilities .... Oji.Oei 552,321 4,694,579 16,426,357 2,117,257 Total Assets 1,636,831 $199,857,286 liabilities . . . Contingency Reserve '$ 1,S00,000 Capital 10,000,000 Surplus Un aligned 12,000,000 Total Surplus Funds for Additional Protection of Policyholders . 2.009, ISO $176,357,286 23,500,000 Total $199,857,286 :m i - A IB t m m m m m wr m " - l. . v. S. E. CONNATSER Phone 703 (District Manager) Waynesville. N. C. Main Street JEFFERSON STANDARD LIFE JNSURANCIt COMPANY CM - J : X FOUNDED 1907 ' RALPH C. PRCr, PrHdnt , . . ho Mi 'officii, grcensborCnorth cArouha a x t1 Incorporated

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