'I The Waynesville Mountaineer SECTION f FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1948 Si. Patrick Sent alum To Heaven g P. HACKETT res pdred and fifteen V arrived in Ireland jlte-bearded Roman, jl himself to the na y their descendants world pay homage with feasting, dane pnd merrymaking, -faced Irishman and 00 greater man lived Js. So thoroughly did iholicism in the Km f from his time up to feneration. Irishmen fof blood in its de Irishman on Fifth w York and proh- 1 parading Irish in Js St. Patrick's I)iy, g almost a stranger. st in legends. The l of Patrick s power, hncerns we snaites were driven from the date of his arrival ye early spring of 432 jfcw facts about Pat ch stand unquestion birth never was de te satisfaction of Irish at he was a Roman is He himself identified id mother in his "Con fession". The saint was christened Suc eat clever in war a name by which he was known until he be came a bishop. When he obtained his commission to evangelize Ire land, Pope Celestine I, renamed Succat, sending him from Rome as Patricius, a noble name of the time. There probably is no race toda as proud as the Irish of dfsient from so-called royalty. Old Erin, it would appear from some accounts, spawned kings as easily as a salmon laying eggs at the headwat ers of the Columbia Kiver. Erin was near the height of ii pagan civilization when Patrick ar rived. He made his way up the Boyne River to Taia. seat of t In elected high chief of Ireland a man named Leaiy. Evidnce that l.e:n was not "king" of all Ireland rests in the fact that when he died he was buried standing up. as was the custom, facing his enemies in Lienster. Patrick was not the lirst Catho lic missionary to visit Ireland. His predecessors were numerous. Like most missionaries of the fourth and lifth centuries who went into wild country their work usually ended in death Footprints and Blood Give Thief Away NEW YORK (UP i Detective William A. Jacobs, investigating the burglary of a drug store, found a broken window. Leading away from it in the snow was a trail of footprints. There were crimson dots in the snow, too. When the footprints ran out the detective had no trouble in following the bloodstains to a door, up a stairs and to a bedroom where he found Edward Williams, 55, treating a lacerated hand. violent and swift. Still, there were some converts in Erin, hut so few in number that Patrick cuuld not hope lor much help lrom them. Unlike the mis sionaries belore him. Patrick de cided to approach the leaders of I tie island Inst and then work his wa down He tailed to convert l.earv. (nit he gained from the high chief permission to preach through the land l.earx s wile and two daughters were baptized along with certain counselors at Tara. lor the next 2H i-ars. Patrick toured the iskn.d and at the time of Ills death he had established 700 churches, ordained 3.000 priests and consecrated 3H0 bishops. Even with that phenomenal achievement, Patrick died in a land not com pletely converted. There still was much work left for Ireland's next most tainous saints, Bridget and C'ulumha. Columtia. also known to the Irish as ( oluiiikillc dove of the chinch came on the scene 100 years after Patrick. During his lifetime, much id' it in exile at lona, ( olumha considered him self Patrick's lieutenant. n in triRuiiiK legend has come down concerniii!; (tilumkillc and the last day of the world: In a dream, Columkille was transported to the last day of the world, Accoinpan nig Patrick lrom heaven. Columkille watched in awe as the bodies of men were resur rected from their graves and united with their souls. Winn all had been accomplished. Patrick, in a great I voice, called on all the Irish to as semble in one place. Calling Columkille. then. Patrick sent his lieutenant to heaven with instructions to have St. Peter pre pare a suitable welcome for the Irish. "St. Peter saw no objection to such a reception." said Colum kille, "hut he enjoined, nig to re turn to Patrick with'an order that only the uood Irish could enter the others to go below." Patrick was taken aback. With great anscr. he told Columkille to return to the gates and inform Peter that heaven would get all the Irish or none at all. When asked what happened next, Columkille said his dream ended at that point. I I More people drive . . . I More people want ! (SEIHWlSOILEf S Ihcin any olher make oi car jreors and truer f today with the advent flver, wnarfer, finer Chevrolet for fftcial registration figures prove peope drive Chevrolets and dependent surveys prove that p' want Chevrolets than any 4e of carl The reason, of course, tfoue. And now Chevrolet value oil the more outstanding by the f 'yling, brilliant new colors, more luxuriously appointed Which have been added to all t the other advantages of Chevrolet's famous BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST. See the new 1948 Chevrolet, and you'll know why more people drive Chevrolets than any other make! 1 You'll admirt the tasteful new styling, the nw color har monies, the new and richer uphol stery and appoint ments which add so much to the en viable Big-Car beauty of Chevro let's Body by Fisher. hn' othw car In H ii-Car comfort of 1948 diract rawU of ft Mo" Gliding Rid. 'Til QicvreUI't world1! champion Volvo-in-Hod angitM giw on unequalltd com bination of performance, endurance, de pendability and economy. The record demand for new Chevrolets prompts ut to suggest that you keep your present car in good running condition. See us for service today CHEVROLETIS FIRST! OTTKIMS CHEVROLET CO. 75 Main Street WHCC Radio Programs STUDIOS OVER PARK THEATRE 1400 ON YOUR DIAL FRIDAY, MARCH 12 6:30 Siffn On 6:80 Down on the Farm 7:00 Town Cri b 00 Front I'agf Edition t-: 1 5 .song Stylivt 8: 80 Hv in N8 of All Ages : Meet the Band y:00 To the Ladies y .HU Morning JJevotlons U:4j Haywood Calendar ot Events tf:."0 Joe Sodja Trio I U.WI Canton High School Band I remote ) 10. U0 Latin Amer. HhUuu 10:10 I'ipen of Meludy 10:3U Sacred Heart Progruui 10:j Lmil Cote Glee Club 11:00 lhuble Feature I I :30 Lenny Herman Quintet 1 1 . i. ilttrtul Air 12:00 World New Roundup 12:l.i Farm Forum lrogriiu 1:1:30 Carolina Mtn. lioy 12:1 j Hecorded Hhvthm 1 (Mi News in Brief 1 00 Melody Lane 1 ;i0 Hayines Off Itecord 1 Kiglit) -Light hejs Z :00 I tine Out 2; 00 'Hie Sushis! icates 2.10 Vocal Varieties 2 ;io Foster Fashions 2 40 The Four Knights ;i :UO Names in the News 3:00 Sweet Corn ;i : 1 0 Salon Serena Je S:ao Truth Men Lite By 3:40 Concert Hour 4:0U Anything (ioes 0 : OO In Muvieland 0:10 W. T, C. 1'rogmm 0:30 t'terans' Heporter 0:40 Hitlerw of Purple Sage ti.tio World Npwn Houndup 0:10 Jamison Quartet ti:;o spotlight on .Starts 11: 40 W ;i nesille High School IS'ogrin 7 . nit ( ';trolina New s 7:00 Chamber of Com merce Program 7.10 Kiddies Bedtime Story 7 : 'M Springtla le School h:00 In Your NeighUuhood ,s :O0 Longhair Nightmare f : I 0 ;irl Scout Program. m;u tiuent Star h:40 Blue Barron Presents ; :Ui) Para tie of Musical Fuvoritea Hi :.'') Tomorrow's I lead lines 1 1 :00 Sfgn Cff i.itt ur IL.il SATURDAY, MARCH 1 0 30 Sign On b:S0 Down on the Faun 7 .00 Tow n I'ru-r :UW Front P.g- KdJlion h: 1 0 Song St h-t h:30 llyinii!. uf All A,;. b:40 Meet the Baud 0:00 To the Ludifit H:30 Mornin On oi i.na y : 4 0 An Ijiii- Tr lo 10 00 Childifii't! ' Hour 10:30 Piou.lU 1 1 . (HI lluuhlr Ff.ltuii' I 1 :3 Itlothm Boodh-is II :40 Myltial Alls 12:00 World New? li.nihl It A 0 Kit mi J-'tpj inn 12.30 Cjii-oIiim Mln B.- 1 I .40 liecoided Hln thin 1 .00 Ni:h lii Bud 1 II..-- Siilniil.t Dai,. P., 1 4 0 llapi'.v l!ici M. 1 .on- Lime Out 2 .ii., (i( the t. ..id 2..UI -Clunhr B.uii.t (ii 2.4.. Il.ip. lUlnhh'i ;i no --Naini-s in i lir i v 3:d0 SvMTt don 3 .10 SdhMI Si i -ii. i l 3 30 Cnim-it II. mi 4 00 New.-, tin. -is 4 .0..--liilll.ill 11" 0:00 C.n.il- ..I lo-i 0 . 3H Tmiumi I'm k- i 1 ii ,;(m Wot Id N's liulllr (. 1., Cpstaiis I im . (.Sit Mush Foi Dihini; - ,H(I W lU't .l.llll. .lr i iju Hit I'.molr 1 ll :uii O.i i it i. I iiih 1 II - Tuiii.ti low ';s .-, .s. Tonight I I no sijiii t tf SUNDAY. MARCH 14 MONDAY, MARCH 15 ,o -igi, i-n .,m---D..i1 ..t, iht- h .irii .Ml uV Ii t I H I h; Ki..iii l'.u. h.hm.u t si Maryland City Still Pays Off Its Civil War Ransom .1.. ii. ii i)i.i Ir.iu nl. ii . I !..i. I ll II -hi II .llh I ill Ihiiin i.l Vil .-s Mvil tit. 1. nil -l.i llir 1 ... . !i. - .In M.'tmiiK llr. .ill. his I., Ii....v......l I i..M I . nm.il ..I I ,..! .1. - .ll..' ,lj.l I I 1-1 Ii.' Ml. I M.'i B N .. . I.. ..I 1I..U...1 I . ri.. s , M 1 1 ... 1.-. Ii. ,ii r., m.. t I 11.11 I .1, I.'. ,- I In .Ml I ,..... I ,M ... I ...I , H. ii. ljii.nl i . M..H i..: . - I H. , i s. . i:..iu.iju. ! i . i ., , i ..i,ni, i'i.-kiiiiii : ... t ii. ...ii.. Mil. II.- i i;, . in. Mln.. .... 11. Illl.-I i . M, I...I, I .,, ... i i. ..i.j i hi i, i 'i ,.a i . i.ini.i, i mill hf.i- 1 1 u.il I h n. j.IusI i, ,,i,. I . ii In - ,., l-..si.-i l.,l,i,,.,a I . I I" I Ki,il,l- ,1 I .on l-'li KDKHH K i -I I tins c-1 1 sii, Ii.., , ii'i. pas oil 1 In ii v. ..I ci nl W;,r. tlKil 1- The ill 1)1 u .ii .: All) ha r lai.i i. ;.. vN'hifh i.u . h u ;i . j one 1 1 in:; in 1 1 . n u ooiiks nl tii.- i. i , ,n . i i K I i -iiiil. -s i urt i-; i .; , Di' halami'ii ' Fl'fi.ll-1 11 In li.i 1.. . . 1 ' 1H()4 Id m i- lli. i .. . ; Din hi-il l) ( iii ii , ,1, : .. . , ,, ni!IIK' . .1 - ll'. i. ili .. ii I ' Juhiii A. hai '. ,,i ,' I. , low I iii.in 1 1 1 ,,i ) '- 1 1 ii - i . MM' ll.,lli,s 'i., i,, and till' , H ,ri i , il 1 " i Tlu v i' lii i n i'.. iii' altliou'Ji i .u 1 1 ii i M'liii'il h .a-i li.i,. in ,,i j Willi,, it 1 1 ut I ii:. ii ! Ikuc I III' li'lir: .11 . , sunn' l isiiiimIji I in , , : ., mi making .t ii.i h IhiiuIv Oi ' i i i i i i 1 1 . i In' a. mi .I ; debt remaining was included. liuw much il was no one knows iiou C its lvgislcr A. A. Mico- ' ' - I" lii'inus (jiH-s-M-s bi-tv.'i-en $40,000 andf i i.i ( nil tihti oiH). lit- also estimates (he city lias pa.il SSOO.O'JO in interest i.' . ii nut Miio.ooo mure Hum the original ,.. , ,i..u ll .,. ,,, At an mil', the whole 1917 is- , Mil- w nl I.- Daitl oil' in J951 when i! (V,l War will end for Kred-E.r - u k .1 i i r i I ; r - v : -: ' k MM In'! ti : j I Oi It SI-ITS OF TWINS f ' t ' )xl. T. Mass LI'i - Mrs. Jo-,. -I'll A I .ope 2li. Ii,i hail four- t i- ,). i".m- in Hi.' last live years 1 1 soiiti: - r ..111 e.'i 'r, : i en that I will ::, j ,'. J nl! : e in 1 lie I elT.UsoU 'I . J li ii i iiu i ii; m i .... He -Mill , aim Hi Car- . i.l.n.i. lui ll. i iii'.K'liie ut law. oil ' j V ! . 1 1 : 1 1 I i. i !)!.. M i r 1 1 1 1 1 I con- f k I ll I'll, i ,;U I'd h i.iaheit s maclc it lie; fs.-..,i lui n;e tu close la ollice mi Aiiyn-l JU 11(47 Anei loiilino-: i.l.- i i S,i, Hi i, -I I.., I'm i... i .u. ii . I Ii li.i.ii.n, I lls II It., III,.) I . ,.l I. .III. ,11- .Hull I'M l- K.. lit I. li I -I'll I ll . I ',. II .Mi ll,. I ir.ei:t ii. ii,,siiial- and al home, al-1 r, tel nal el;. . and after liiilnWlilK pre- ;;, v.. is Id s, , , i I . , i 1 1 ...,!.,,, nl i,,r ll,,. I.,,! li-.-p. ' he repaiil IIiioiivIi si.ikini; Imul llloll,lv j itll, llow ,,,akmM sucll t Mies. I Ins nq.l.l.il Hie tll l-J im,.,,,l n,,i n.al emid ll im.i' r .... i't aMilt amiu.i ll a i . 1 1 ; aiuoiinl ul hi ahli lli.,l I tail ri'simie my av ,', i -ii n. ...i I," I,.1I,I,,H ...H-S ,,! I,. M . . 1 , 1.1 1 1, 1 'I l anil lo ,,., the l....i-s al Inline ,-.,,. ,llh'i M,,i i i. 13 I,..,. nialmily dales , .llt)V ,,.,! , mv '.!,'m s'- !'"'!(',',r'lu" :l h " 1 ' " 1 ' H ' : lo ellls l,l ll.'l pest a p I U I 'C 1 .1 1 I Oil Of , I J...,'.is..,, H.,,i,-'i" ' '' ; liold on Iii tin- i .1; i.u.i k -.1 ii...,ie . I i r. i r p..'. 1 1 1 ii.i ,e tin ii io4 ii i :,i(kne:, ' i., -.i;itl.i ..i. , s land Milseiu i.l i in -i! ill l..n.k. al..! ..: -eii-e luiiii m. iili.ee. Up to 1 '"' """"K I serial IioikI . win. ii w..;. n.n.e airl 1111 iinlin March 1 i I '.111! . ', f .11. 1 ill. .III..I .' s . ,, , ii i, i ..t i . in. I. hi .,- '1 lie e e i year. .Hill re..:ie nu'iiiiie l.i leluue, toi ' '''"""'I , I Tin ii in l:i!7 li,.' i:, I:, ,t Im- dim;- at m home near lielhel ,' 1 , I, I.l, Ills ll,-, 1 1 1 1 1 , ' s.1,,1 , 1 , ... :. ... H,lli,.i: ii.,iu,.iu. ;aneial Ihi.im', le.iiun . li la npid m Iiooi, . I;- '" v"" ''a lot ol lis ,. . Io.uHiii .iiu! i.i- H. E. Senlelle '," '"1" ImSI'.""""1 U-IuiLmI llieni Hi a n. l.altli ol Attoi in y at l.au. s, j - " H I I'-. i. honds. A noilion ol (id War IMll Mi h 5!)-l ' If 1 Inland Sailor Plans Ocean Voyage As Start On His College Education JACKSON, Mich. lUP) An ocean-going vessel is sitting hun dreds of miles from navigable wa ter liere, but it's all part of Theo dore Conovers plan to go to col lege. The young ex-sailoi" plans to sail his converted whale boat down the Ohio River to the Mississippi, thence via the Gulf of Mexico to Tampa, Fla.. and his goal, the Uni versity of Tampa. A year ago the bogey of expenses thwarted Conover's idea of attend ing the southern college. There was the problem of transportation as well as housing. So Conover got a 28-foot ex Navy whale boat at an auction for $130. Since then he has converted it into a slcek-power-driven cabin craft. Intereslea iu i.opeople pitched in to help the disabled veteran in his task. The city water superin tendent, D. J. Stellingworth, con tributed a discarded impellor wheel from one of the city's deep well water pumps for a propeller. Conover built a 14-foot cabin containing seats, bunk, table, closet and kitchenette. He installed a nev. ' marine engine and a :i4-lool masl for sail power. Tidily -seven feel1 of railroad rail provides a lieaw I keel. Conover said that en arrival in Tampa he will anchor Iii.-. nail near the college and sel up house keeping in st It-. viilli tin- gentle waves to rock him to sleep. I , eut.ljka pUiiis bei-uiia-lJui. horizons. Secure in Ids locker are complete charts of ( aiihljean anil South American waters All. i c.tl lege he envisions leisurely trip. Pi far-off places. Iropicl in;, In ,, in -lure lours. Hut in more sober i. lumen! . i'.ui over conliiies Dial he h.e pel mie worry abnul his hn.ii Mi hope., n will Ileal. l)IKi: I ACTIO.V KI.KHAI.T. led I ! c. I H: ,. ton believes in pn.nipl aelion. When a molnipl dum mln H. front porch ol he, I, nine. I;,i!i,m got a chain lo anchor I lie car In the house wh lie lie and 1 lie diner' discussed sett lenient ol d,iin,.; .c I. Mill s !,, ., I',,. i '."'.:' "I Vllls,, ,, I l.u.. iil.s Pfc Leatherwood Chosen For Communications t'l'.AHl. IIAKHOH. T . , iy mail i- .Marine Private First Class Paul li. l.calliervvood, 1H, son of Mr and Mrs. M A Leatherwood, Clyde, was recently selected lo at tend a radio operalors' course at Foil Shatter, an Army post near here. L'pon .-successful cninpletion of !he conniiunication school, Leather wrtrtt "Tfhtt Mx-ftdlff Wa"flrtc mem bers ,il Ids class will return In their respective st et ions for duly vi i Hi the Fleel Marin Force, Pacific. Piivale l.eal hcrwond is a mem ber ol Force Signal Company al Camp Ca'lin. headquarters of the I'leel Marine Force. Pacific He en !isi il in Hie Marine Corps in Au Hud. 1!47. and arrived in Hawaii Hie billowing December. "i'UKATlt !! OF TOMOIIROW" TODAY li I "Tlientre of Comfort and Courtesy" ' "Tlientre of Comfort and Courtesy" h!;iv and S;ilui-i!nv i n ki;.i f in i;on si i.; i.i: Thunder Tovn Strange Journey Sunday anil Monday i ki;di;k!( mmu m -i ii aici.i. s !..r(iino. in LE3 MISERABLES ; STOP IN-SEE T U E ME x-jumttaxmita PARK THEATE Waynesville, North Carolina MATINEE SATURDAY 2 and 3:30 SI'NIIA V 2 and 4 1- ,U NIGHT SHOWS 7 and 9 Daily SLMMY 8:30 Only ' ADMISSION PRICKS: Children Under 12 Years 12c Including Fidrrnl Tax Adults. All Scats 35c Including Federal l ax Mm HOME FREEZERS Friday, March 12 The Return of Rin Tin Tin (In Technicolor) Starring DONALD WOODS and BOBBY LAKE Saturday, March III "Law Of The Canyon" Starring CHARLES STAKRETT and SMILEY B LUNETTE Late Show Dig lown Starring PHILLIP REED and HILLARY BROOKE Sunday, March 1 4 "The Unsuspected" Starring JOAN CAULFIELD and CLAUDE RAINS Monday, Tuesday, March 15-16 , "Daisy Kenyon" Starring JOAN CRAWFORD and DANA ANDREWS i', e i Modl BT0 10 cubic feel ' L" J ' larger Ccpacityl Lower Cost I Three great new models from wjiich to choose PRICED AS LOW AS $259.95 FOR MODEL A5 Model A5 4 t cubic feel 1 W Features aa ore! No other home freezer has - j r mnnvl On u rloonrrp7e has them all I i U9 111 M 1 ' J V.l.J - O-f--. STOP IN! SEE THEM TODAY AT Junaluska Supply Co. Hi Phone 88 Lake Junaluska : a p Narrow Outside Margin

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